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134 Cards in this Set

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Self concept

Our understand of outselves
First develops in infancy -- makes distinction between own body and everything else

Self esteem

how we feel about who we are; evaluative component of the self

Social identity

how we present ourselves to other

What is the mirror (rouge) test

Place a red dot on the kids/animals face
shows that before a certain age, kids realize who they see in the mirror is not themselves

two step process of self-esteem

contingencies of self-worth and global self-esteem

contingencies of self-worth

areas people use to evaluate themselves

Global self-esteem

evaluation of themselves based on how they do in these domains

sources of contingencies of self worth

areas in which people excel
influences of parents or peers
influences of culture

when we are ___ motivated, we act on the basis of our own desire and choices and tend to behave in ways that we find satisfying


in the topographic model, thoughts that are just outside our awareness but are easily accessible are contained in the:


what is Freud's topographical model of pscyh

Conscious- part of the mind that holds what we are aware of

Unconscious- part of the mind that is not accessible to awareness

Preconscious- outside of awareness but can easily be brought to light

A women who has a secret stash of candy in her office at work constantly criticizes everyone else about their calorie and fat intake and is always passing around the newest fad diet book to all her coworkers.... which of Freud's defense mechanism best describes this situation

reaction formation

Reaction formation

turning unacceptable impulses into their opposite

What are defense mechanisms


Reaction formation








Which part of our mind administers pain such as guilt and shame


The term Thanatos refers to

Death instincts

Jill really wants to do well on her psychology exam the next day but fears she will not. Therefore, the night before the exam she goes out drinking with friends instead of studying...she may be engaging in


what is self-handicapping

people create obstacles and excuses for themselves so that if they do poorly on a task, they can avoid blaming themselves

Self-reported handicapping

prepare excuses

Behavioral self-handicapping

creates obstacles

A personality style that develops when excessive amounts of sensual energy are devoted to issues of control during the second year of life is:

anal personality style

Anal stage

18months - 3 years

pleasure is derived from controlling bladder and bowel movements

Anal fixation

conflict with parents about compliance and defiance

What does it mean to be anal expulsive or retenetive

-messy, cruel, destructive, hostile -- child is rebelling against the parents who are over-controlling

-rigid, obsessive, orderly -- child develops a sense of OCD

Jungian theory suggest that a women who is seeking her "prince charming" is looking for her



prototype of the male as held in the mind of female; women's inner masculinity

What are archetypes

-Images of how people think about the world




saying "whatever comes to mind," not flittering or thinking before speaking

Free association

What are the approaches to measuring the unconscious?

Free association

Projective test

Dream analysis

For Freud the most important thing about a dream was its:

latent content

Latent content

-Unconscious thoughts, feelings, and wishes behind the manifest content

-part of the dream analysis

A position that allows you to continually learn new things is fulfilling your need for ?


A neo-freudian theory that focuses on the cognitive and emotional processes involved in intimate relationships is know as what theory

object relations

A male child's love for his mother and wish for his fathers death during the phallic stage is know as:

oedipus complex

Research regarding affective forecasting indicates that

people aren't good at estimating how future events will impact themselves or others ``

Kayla is unconsciously still in love with her ex-boyfriend. She accidentally says his name at an inopportune moment with her current boyfriend. this is known as:

Freudian slip

Freudian slip

people have a slip of the tongue; saying something they dont mean to say because they are unconsciously thinking about it

In which stage is there a dramatic decline in sexual interest and activities


Latency stage

ages 6 - 11

repress sexual impulses

continue to identify with same-sex parents

learn to channel sexual and aggressive drives into socially acceptable activities

Humanistic psychology is based on the assumption that:

everyone has the potential for growth and development

Paul does not seem to notice how other people are behaving at his fiance's family dinner party and acts the same way as he would when hanging out with the guys...paul probably is a ___ self-monitor



the monitoring by people of their behavior in response to tother's expectancies

Karen has a self-serving bias. What might she say about her test performance?

"i failed my test because the teacher didn't give us enough time to study"

Self-serving bias

Tendency to attribute positive outcomes to internal causes but negative outcomes to external causes

According to Roger, after years of having conditions of worth applied to us by others, we:

start to apply them to ourselves

What are the outcomes of conditional positive regard?

leads to conditional self-regard

apply our worth to self

can interfere with self-actualization

working for a boss who "micromanages" you can lead to feelings of

low autonomy

As defined by Csikzentmihalyi flow is an experience marked by:

complete absorption

Moral anxiety is

the internal punishment (guilt) experienced when the dictates of one's superego are violated

Fear people have when they violate their moral standards

moral anxiety

According to Carl Jung, the ___ archetype is the personification of the "dark side" of the ego



Archetype of evil

Susan is the only person in her workgroup who hasn't graduated from college; yet she anticipates that within the next couple of months she will receive a promotion. She feels as though her hard work on a recent project will pay off. Susan anticipates a reward for success. A person with what type of orientation focuses on reward?


What was Rogers' approach to personality

maturation only occurs when people can gain self-understanding in a supportive psychosocial environment

What is a fully-functioning person

person who is self-actualizing

What is unconditional positive regard

Affection given without special conditions

Social Self

self you present to the world

True self

who you really are

Material self

basically everything you own/about you

body possessions and stuff

spiritual self

more of the unseen part of who we are, like who are we in our core

internally contingencies

lower proneness to depression and anxiety

more internal contingencies of self-worth

better self-esteem

more external contingencies of self-worth

Lower self-esteem

how does self-esteem predict reaction to criticism and failure feedback?

Low self-esteem people are more likely to perform poorly and give up more after failure feedback than high esteem people

What is compartmentalizing

High self- esteem people focus on other areas of life in which things are going well

high self-complexity

better coping

Low self-complexity

Worse coping

What is defensive pessimism

when facing a challenge, people expect to do poorly


the conviction that one can successfully execute the behavior required to produce the outcome


Ability to restrain impulses and keep focused on long-term goals

What are possible selves

-Ideas people have about who they might become, hope to become or fear they might become

-Behavior that stem from possible selves --> intense feeling and emotion

what is ought selves

peoples understanding of what others what them to be

ideal selves

what people want to be

Impact bias

overestimating the enduring impact of emotion causing events

What is hysteria

unconscious conflict appear as sever mental dissociation or as physical symptoms

Who was Anna O.?

Patient of Joseph Breuer, Freud's mentor

What is the meaning of the term "psychodynamic"?

Personality is a set of processes that are always in motion

Freud's structural model of psyche




What is Id

inherited, instinctive, primitive aspect of personality

What is primary process

forming unconscious mental image of object or behavior that would satisfy need

What is the ego?

Reality principles; concerned with outside world; Goal: delay the discharge of id's tension

what is secondary process

matching unconscious image of tension-reducing object to real objevt

What is reality testing

Mentally testing plans to satisfy needs

What is the superego

In charge of morality and the conscious; what is moral to do

what is introjection

incorporating the values of the parents and society

What is the ego ideals?

Rules for good behavior's standard of excellence

What is the conscience

Rules about what behaviors parents disapprove of

What is ego strength

Ego's ability to be effective despite conflict between id and superego

what is psychological determinism

- all thought, emotions and behaviors have causes; everything we do has a meaning

- anything we decide on is rooted from our unconscious desires

What is Eros

Life or sexual instincts

What is libido

energy of these life instincts

what causes aggression

results from suppression of death drive

What is catharsis

release of emotional tension

catharsis is usually wrong; when you release aggression, it tends to increase the aggression rather than descrease

What is anxiety

warning signals to ego of impending bad events

Reality anxiety

results form danger in the world

Neurotic anxiety

Unconscious fear that id impulse will become out of control


Person refuses to acknowledge external realities or emotion


Person reverts to a previous phase of development


Associate own unacceptable qualities to someone else


Keeping unacceptable impulsive and information out of consciousness


Shifting impulse from one target to another


Transforming unacceptable impulse into acceptable form.... ex sexually frustrated, take it out by doing karate


Finding rational explanation or excuse for behavior


Thinking about threats in detached, analytical way


Occurs when conflict that occurs within a stage isn't resolved well; energy is stuck in one stage

Oral stage

-Birth - 18 months

-Explore the world through the mouth

Oral fixation

an over desire that an infant must have or put something in their mouth; a condition requiring stimulation of the mouth

Phallic stage

ages 3 - 5

What is castration anxiety

boys fear that the father will castrate them

what is identification

with the father; develop feeling of similarity and connectedness

What is the electra complex (girls)

identification with mothers

develop morality and start becoming more feminism like their mother

What is penis envy

distinguish that boys have penis' and girls dont

Phallic Fixation

did not develop identification with the parent

men -- obsession with asserting masculinity

women -- relating to men with flirtation but denial of sexuality

Genital stage

Ages 12+

conscious sexuality; become capable of relating to other on mature level

Projective test

-Rorschach inkblot test -- individual views a set of inkblots and tells what each inkblots resembles

-Thematic Apperception Test -- individuals asked to make up a story about each of a series of ambiguous drawing

Manifest content

The actual images in the dream

What are the challenges to psychoanalytic theory

-Core concepts are ambiguous

-Unfalsifiable ideas

-Not clear how much of theory is metaphorical and how much is literal

-Theory development relied on case studies

-Gender bias

What are the major contributions of psychoanalytic theory

-First major theory of personality

-Asked important question

-Influential in psychology and in "pop-culture"

What is Jung's collective unconscious?

All people share inborn unconscious memories and ideas because of the history of human species


Prototype of the female as held in the mind of the male; man's inner femininity

What is a persona

social mask people wear in public

What is Adler's inferiority complex

Motivation to achieve equality with or superiority to others; developed in childhood

What is compensation?

For feeling of weakness in childhood

What is masculine protest

Males develop motivation to establish dominance, power, and masculinity

What is Horney's womb envy

Men's Envy of women's ability to bear and nurse children

What is a neurosis

Feelings of inadequacy and insecurity

What is the source of neuroses

Disturbed interpersonal relationships in childhood

moving towards people

emphasizing helpness

Moving against people

externalization -- aggression and hostility

Moving away from people


What are deficiency

Results from lack of some needed object

What is growth motives

include gibing love unselfishly and developing potential

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs

physiological, safety and security, lone and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization

What is self-actualization

identifying our true self and reaching our full potential