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50 Cards in this Set

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medical ethics and medical etiquette are

ghost surgery is a
situation where the patient has consented to surgery by one physician, but without the patient's knowledge or approval, another surgeon performs the surgery


a practical role guiding behavior or technique

public domain

info that belongs o the community at large and may be appropriated by anyone
moral ethics concerns...
issues of right and wrong, human character and behavior
Hippocratic Oath
most commonly known code of ethics for medical profession written in 400 BC

first American Medical Association code of ethics was written in...


latest revision of American Medical Association code of ethics took place in...


principles in the AMA code of ethics are not laws but...


violations of the tenets of an association or society may result in

censure, expulsion, or suspension

if a physician is involved in BLANK activity, the medical society is obligated to report it


True or False: A physician is not prohibited from performing a lawful abortion according to good medical practice.


Law requires that a physician report...

child abuse

In cases where a physician must make moral decisions, such as who shall receive an organ donor transplant, highest priority is give to the...

patient who will derive most long term benefit

In artificial insemination situations...

written permission of the mother and her husband must be secured

a physician does not participate in...

capital punishment

What is required when human subjects are used to treat new drugs?

voluntary written consent

Which of the following is a dilemma that may face a physician?

balancing the cost of treatment against the advantage of the treatment

Genetic counseling and organ transplant decisions require consideration of...

quality of life for the patient

In a case involving a transplant of a single, vital organ, the death of the donor must be determined by...

a physician other than the recipient's physician

In cases where the future is determined for a deformed child or an elderly person of advanced age, the physician's primary concern is...

what is best for the patient

A possible problem that may arise in cases of surrogate mothers is...

the mother may not want to give up the child, mother may decide to have an abortion, or child may have problems and neither mother wants it

A BLANK is a document that states the wishes of a person in the event of a terminal illness

living will

A physician is committed to BLANK life and relieving suffering


A physician cannot aid and BLANK a person practicing medicine without a license


If a PCT suspects that there is something wrong in the physician's orders, he or she must....

report the suspicion to the physician

a sports physician's judgment is governed only by

medical considerations

advertising by physicians may not be...


True or False: The PCT is authorized to release news to the public.


if a physician accepts payment for the referral of a patient to another physician, this is called...

fee splitting

after one insurance form is submitted, the physician may charge for...

multiple or complex forms

Is it appropriate for physicians to charge interest in situation of late payments?


a physician's notes concerning a patient are considered his or her ....

personal property

a physician who dispenses narcotic drugs to a patient is required to...

keep a record

True or False: Physicians are legally responsible for the acts of their employees


the willful use of force against another pseron is called....



defamatory words that are printed


defamatory words that are spoken

the person who brings an action in lawsuit is the...


statute of limitations refers to the length of time during which....

a matter may be brought to legal attention

categories of professional liability claims:

malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance

True or False: A physician cannot be held responsible for an unsuccessful result in a medical case.


Types of damage recognized by law:

nominal, punitive or exemplary, or compensatory

when a medical practice is sold...

each patient must be notified & records may be sent to another physician at the request of the patient

a physician can charge a patient for a missed appointment if...

the patient was fully advised in advance of the policy

a physician may own and operate a pharmacy if...

such ownership does not result in exploitation of the patients

True or False: A physician may have a financial interest in health care facility.


a patient can sign an informed consent only if he or she is...

able to make an intelligent choice

True or False: Never discuss patient's care with another patient.


What laws allow physicians and PCTs to render aid at the scene of an accident without fear of lawsuits?

Good Samaritan Laws