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48 Cards in this Set

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electrocardiograms are....

recordings of electrical impulses of the heart

determinations by ECGs include

- heart rate and rhythm

- evidence of new or past heart attack

- thickened chambers of the heart

the adult heart is about the size of...

a fist

diastole and systole refer to the ___

rhythm of the heart

cardiac cycles depend upon

electrical impulses

ability of the heart to generate and transmit its own electrical impulse is called ___


during an ECG, electrical impulses are recorded on

graph paper

types of waves observed during an ECG:

- P wave

- QRS complex

- T wave

routine ECGs are usually recorded in the morning because...

the patient is well rested

often stat ECGs are obtained in...

emergency situations

functions of the ECG machine include...

- input

- signal processing

- output display

solid state circuitry within the electrocardiograph ___

amplifies and converts the impulses

what type of machine requires a standardization test before each use?


attachment to the patient's body for an ECG reading are called....


reusable electrodes require special conduction...


part of ECG consult information

- name, ID number

- physician name

- cardiac medications

things that deter electrical conduction during an ECG:

- hairy skin

- sweaty skin

- tremors

if a patient has very large breasts, prior to an ECG the PCT should....

lift the breast and place the electrode

things that can cause tremors in patients:

- medications

- Parkinson's disease

- elevated temperature

if a patient requiring an ECG has a bandage or injury preventing proper lead placement...

- make a note on the consult

- make a note on the tracing

- place the leads as accurately as possible

two general locations of leads for ECG are...

- head and neck

- back and stomach

- hands and feet

usual locations for a lead...

- intercostal spaces

when determining the location for the 6 chest leads...

clavicle does not count as the first rib

ECG lead cables should...

lie flat against the body

standard ECG machine...

Burdick 550

True or False: Patient preparation and lead placement remains the same regardless of the type of electro-cardiograph.


analog electrocardiograph uses a(n)

hot stylus

immediately after removing the ECG tracing, the PCT should...

indicate the patient's name, date, and time

ECG reading sent by modem requires a...

phone line

improper skin preparation for the ECG increases....

skin impedance

if the baseline begins to wander, the following may explain why...

mixing reusable electrodes with disposable

AC noise or 60-cycle interference during an ECG is caused by...

electrical activity

motion artifact is also knows as....

somatic tremor

solutions for low amplitude

- loose connections

- improper application of leads

- proper gain setting

indications to notify an RN

- heart rate less than 60

- heart rate greater than 110

- chest pain

children are less anxious during an ECG when given ____

specific information

when performing an ECG on a child, you might call the electrodes...


when doing pediatric ECGs you must do how many ECGs with children 10 and younger?


if a patient's chest is very small, you can...

trim the electrodes

reasons for venipuncture

- confirm a diagnosis

- monitor a patient's condition

- guide treatment decisions

what is the usual sized needle to use for adult venipuncture?

19-21 gauge

reasons for lab rejection of a blood specimen

- wrong tube

- incorrect mixing

- contamination

patients can't stand up during a blood draw because...

they may become faint and fall

prior to a blood draw, place the needed equipment within your ________

peripheral vision

sites for drawing blood include...

- arm

- hand

- chest

techniques to find access to veins...

- massage the arm downward

- lower the extremity to the level of the heart

- apply a warm washcloth

usual types of sample preservation...

- cold

- warm

- room temperature

how many venipuncture attempts are allowed?