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22 Cards in this Set

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Esterase; nitrites
A dipstick test in a case of *bacterial cystitis* will test positive for leukocyte ____________ and _________ produced by bacteria.
The gold standard for a cystitis diagnosis is with __________ which should exhibit more than 100,000 colony forming units.
Saprophyticus; E. coli
Staphylococcus _________ has an increased incidence in young, sexually active women, however __.__________ is still a more prevalent cause of UTIs in this population.
Urethritis; Chlamydia trachomatis; Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Sterile pyuria with a negative urine culture suggests _______ due to _______ ________ or _________ _________.
Pyelonephritis; WBC
_____________ is infection of the kidney. It presents with fever, flank pain, ____ casts and leukocytosis.
E. Coli; enterococcus faecalis; Klebsiella
The most common pathogens for pyelonephritis are ___ _________, __________ ________ and ___________ species.
Fibrosis; atrophy; vesicoureteral reflux
Chronic pyelonephritis is characterized by interstitial ________ and ________ of the tubules due to multiple bouts of acute pyelonephritis. Scarring at the upper and lower poles is characteristic of ___________ _______.
Eosinophilic; thyroid
65. Histologically, chronic pyelonephritis is characterized by ________ic tubules containing eosinophilic proteinaceous material resembling _______ follicles.
____________ presents with colicky pain with hematuria and unilateral flank tenderness.
Calcium oxalate; Crohn's
________ _________ are the most common type of kidney stone in adults. The most common cause is idiopathic hypercalciuria. Still, hypercalcemia and its related causes, as well as ________ disease must be ruled out.
Treatment for calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis is with __________ (a calcium sparing diuretic).
Urease; alkaline
Ammonium magnesium phosphate is the second most common type of nephrolithiasis. The most common cause is infection with _____-positive organisms such as Proteus or Klebsiella which can hydrolyze urea to ammonia. This leads to _________ urine which can cause formation of a stone.
Staghorn; UTIs; surgical
64. Ammonium magnesium phosphate nephrolithiasis (Struvite) classically results in _________ calculi in renal calyces. These act as a nidus for _______. Treatment involves _________al removal and eradication of the pathogen.
Radiolucent; volume; acidic
The third most common stone is uric acid. It is radio__________. Risk factors include hot, arid climates; low urine _____ and ________ pH.
Alkalinization; allopurinol
Treatment of uric acid stone involves hydration and ____________ of the urine with potassium bicarbonate. ________ is also administered in patients with gout.
Cysteine; Staghorn
_____ is a rare cause of nephrolithiasis. It is most commonly seen in children. It is caused by a genetic defect of the tubules that result in a decreased reabsorption of this *amino acid.* It may result in ________ calculi.
Nitrogenous; platelet; encepholapthy
Uremia consists of increased ________ waste products in the blood (azotemia) which results in nausea, anorexia, pericarditis, _______ dysfunction, ______ with asterixis and deposition of urea crystals in the skin.
Hypertension; increased
In ERSD _________ develops due to salt and water retention. Because there is an inability to get rid of organic acid, this causes an _______ anion gap with metabolic acidosis.
Erythropoietin; peritubular interstitial
In ESRD there is anemia due to decreased ______ production by renal ___________ _________ cells.
Hypocalcemia; hyperphosphatemia
Patients with ESRD have _____ due to decreased 1-alpha hydroxylation of vitamin D and hyper____________.
Hyperparathyroidism; osteomalacia; osteoporosis
In ESRD renal osteodystrophy occurs due to secondary _______________________; __________ (because osteoid can't be mineralized w/o vitamin D) and _______ (Calcium is leached from the bones).
Cysts; renal cell
Treatment for ESRD involves dialysis or renal transplant. However _____ often develop during dialysis and there is an increased risk for _______ _______ carcinoma.