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61 Cards in this Set

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Define Organizational Culture

a system of shared beliefs that guide the behavior of organization members

How can organizational culture be described?

Influences how people interact at work, passed on through socialization among employees

Why is organizational culture important

It defines what is important to the company and provides direction toward the "right" way of doing things

3 main levels of culture

Workplace artifacts


Core Assumptions

Define workplace artifact

Physical objects





Define Values


- good vs bad, right vs wrong

-Terminal (end result)

-Instrumental (means to the end result)

Define Core Assumptions

Less visible and unsaid rules

4 Functions of Org Culture

1. Sense making

2. Organizational Identity

3. Collective Commitment

4. Social System Stability

Competing Values Framework

Range of cultures based on flexibility and if benefits are internal or external

4 Types of culture in CVF

1. Clan (do things together)

2. Adhocracy (Do things first)

3. Hierarchy (Do things right)

4. Market (Do things fast)

Clan Culture

-employee oriented


-goal is happiness

Adhocracy Culture

-risk taking


-goal is innovation

Market Culture

-results oriented

-bottomline mentality

-goal is making money

Hierarchy Culture


-goal is continuing what works

Personality types matched with 4 cultures

Clan - agreeableness

Adhocracy - Openness

Market - Extraversion

Hierarchy - Conscientiousness

Define Org Socialization

Current members teach new members about org and how to fit in

Stages of Org. socialization



Change and Acquisition

Define Anticipatory socialization

Before joining org


-gather information and prepare

-Internet and employee Q&A

Define Encounter socialization

New Hire

-Learn the tasks and roles expected, org fit

-Employee orientation/training

Define Change and Acquisition socialization


-Learn and master their role and knowledge

-Resolve any conflicts

How do you change org. culture? (4)

1. Change values and assumptions

2. Change leadership

3. Change employee relations

4. Change employees/hiring practices

**Attraction, Selection, Attrition**

Define Org. Acculturation

process of psychological changes employees experience when in contact with another culture

4 Strategies of Acculturation

1. Assimilation (out with the old, in with new)

2. Deculturation (reject both old and new)

3. Integration (keep old and add new)

4. Separation (reject new and keep old)

Define Org Structure

Formal system of tasks that coordinate and motivate employees

Define Org Design

process of making choices on how to arrange tasks and job relationships

5 Common elements of Org. Structure

1. Common purpose

2. Coordinates effort

3. Division of labor

4. Hierarchy of authority

-centralized (high level decisions)

-decentralized (all employees decide)

5. Span of control

5 types of org. structure

1. Simple

2. Functional

3. Divisional

4. Matrix

5. Team-based

Define simple structure

Centralized authority

single leader

few rules

small businesses

Define functional structure

Similar occupations together

Define Divisional structure

Different skills grouped by region/product

Define Matrix structure

Combo of functional and divisional

Define Team-based structure

Improve relations and solve problems, but quickly dissolve

Pros/Cons: Functional

Pros: communication, skill improvement, motivation, control

Cons: limited growth, limited ideas, issues coordinating with outsiders

Pros/Cons: Divisional

Pros: (as size increases) coordination, communication, autonomy

Cons: high cost, duplicated functions, miscommunication across divisions, compete for resources

Pros/Cons: Matrix

Pros: max coordination and comm, fast product ideas, high cooperation, creativity

Cons: Role conflict, ambiguity, stress, unclear contribution to the team

4 factors affecting structure

1. Environment

2. Culture

3. Technology

4. Strategy

Organic structure vs Mechanistic structure

Organic: decentralized, complex movement

Mechanic: centralized, formal and controlling

4 competitive strategies

1. Cost leadership

2. Differentiation

3. Cost focus

4. Focused differentiation

Describe cost leadership strategy

low price, wide market

Describe differentiation

unique products, wide market

Describe Cost focus

low price, niche market

Describe focused differentiation

unique product, niche market

Define Org. Change

ongoing movement away from the present state and toward a state of increased effectiveness

External forces of change (4)

1. Competition

2. Economic/Political/Global

3. Demographic and social

4. Technological

Internal forces of change (4)

1. Low productivity

2. Low job satisfaction

3. Conflicts

4. Strikes

Lewin's Force-field Theory

Forces push, but people resist

If force and resistance are matched, no change occurs

Stages of Lewin's Force-Field

Unfreezing (Benchmark)

Changing (Add new info)

Refreezing (Ingrate new and reinforce)

Evolutionary change vs Revolutionary change

Evolutionary (gradual, narrow focus)

Revolutionary (rapid, dramatic, broad)

Types of Evolutionary change

Socio-technical systems theory (change roles)

Total quality management

Types of Revolutionary change

Reengineering (change business processes)

Restructuring (change culture/departments)


2 agents of change

External and Internal change agents

Bottom up and top down

Bottom up: implemented by employees

Top down: CEO, radical reengineer

Define systems approach of change

any change, big or small, affects the whole org

Target elements of change (4)

1. org arrangements

2. people (skills, motivations)

3. methods (technology, workflow)

4. Social factors (leadership, communication)

Define change resistance

emotional or behavioral response to real or imagined change

Why do people resist change? (8)

Predisposition to change

Fear of unknown

Fear of failure

Loss of status/security

Peer pressure

Disruption of social relations

Change of skill requirements

Past successes

Change resistance and personality factors

Positive change:

-high self esteem

-internal locus

-low neuroticism

-high openness

Kotter's suggestions for org change

1. sense of urgency

2. establish coalition

3. develop vision/strategy

4. empower employees

5. generate short-term wins

6. make change stick

Define Org development

techniques managers use to increase adaptability of the organization

Steps of org development (4)





6 emotional stages of change





