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46 Cards in this Set

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Which vessels drain into rhe right atrium?

SVC, IVC, Coronary sinus

What is the infundibulum?

The section of the right ventricle leading to the pulmonary trunk

What does the infundibulum arise from?

Conus arteriosus

What are trabeculae carnae?

"fleshy beams" that form the Muscular part of the interventricular septum

Draw a diagram of the pulmonary valve

What are the 3 leaflets of the pulmonary valve?

Left anterior

Right anterior


Draw a diagram of the aortic valve. Label the valves with both clinical and anatomic terms

What are the anatomical names for the 3 leaflets of the aortic valve?


Left posterior

Right posterior

What are the clinical names for the 3 leaflets of the aortic valve?




Draw a diagram of the right coronary artery

Give the branches of the right coronary artery as they bifurcate from the main branch

SA artery

Right conus artery

Anterior ventricular arteries

Right marginal artery

In right dominant hearts (90%), there is also a Posterior interventricular artery (Posterior descending artery)

What structures are supplied by the right coronary artery?

Right atrium and ventricle

SA node

AV node

Interatrial septum

Draw a diagram of the left coronary artery

Give the arteries that branch from the LCA, in the order that they bifurcate from the main branch

Left circumflex artery => left marginal artery

Left conus artery

Diagonal branch of anterior interventricular artery

As it descends, the main branch is called the anterior interventricular artery

In left dominant hearts (10%),the circumflex artery may continue and form the Posterior Interventricular artery

What does the left coronary artery usually supply?

Left atrium and ventricle

Anterior AV septum

AV bundle

Right and left bundles

What is the coronary sulcus?

A groove running between the atra and ventricles, through which coronary vessels flow

How is the Mediastinum divided?

Into superior, anterior, middle and Posterior sections

What divides the superior and inferior mediastina?

The sternal plane, an imaginary line between the sternal angle and the T4/5 intervertebral disc

What separates the middle mediastinum from the other two inferior mediastina?

Fibrous pericardium

What are the main contents of the superior mediastinum?

Arch of aorta, brachiocephalic trunk, common carotid and subclavian arteries, brachiocephalic veins, SVC, trachea, oesophagus, thoracic duct, phrenic and vagus nerves. In children and teens, part of the thymus is also present

What demarcates the anterior Mediastinum?

The sternum, sternal plane, pericardial sac and diaphragm

What are the contents of the anterior Mediastinum?

Internal thoracic vessels, fat + connective tissue, lymph nodes and thymus gland if present

What is the 'sail sign'?

Present on chest x rays in infants, shows the presence of the thymus gland

What is clinically important about the internal thoracic arteries?

They can be rerouted into the myocardium in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)

What are the main contents of the middle mediastinum?

Heart, pericardium, origins of great vessels, phrenic nerves, lymph nodes

What is the Ligamentum arteriosum?

Connective tissue between aorta and pulmonary trunk, used to be the ductus arteriosus in foetuses which allowed blood to bypass the pulmonary circuit

What are the main contents of the Posterior mediastinum?

Oesophagus +plexus, descending aorta, thoracic duct, sympathetic chain and azygous venous system

How is muscle in the oesophagus distributed?

Upper third is striated muscle

Lower third is smooth muscle

Upon entry into the diaphragm, is the aorta Posterior or anterior to the oesophagus?


Where is the oesophagus in relation to the left atrium?

Immediately posterior

Which of the vagal nerves travel along the anterior oesophagus, and which on the Posterior?

Left on anterior, right on posterior

What is the significance of the spatial relationship between oesophagus and left atrium?

It allows transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) to image the heart

At what spinal level is the suprasternal notch?


At what spinal level is the sternal angle?


At what spinal level is the xiphoid process?


What is significant about the sternal angle in terms of ribs?

It is the point of articulation of the 2nd rib, so the rest can be counted from this point

Which spinal level does the bifurcation of the trachea occur?


Which structures form behind the sternoclavicular joints?

Brachiocephalic veins

Which structure passes behind the manubrium?

Left brachiocephalic vein

Which is more anterior: the great veins or the aorta/primary arteries?


Draw a diagram showing how to find the four corners of the heart

- Upper right - 3rd right costal cartilage, 1cm lateral to sternum

- Lower right - 6th right costal cartilage, 1cm lateral to sternum

- Upper left - 2nd left intercostal space, 1cm lateral to sternum

- Lower left (apex) - 5th left intercostal space, close to mid clavicular line

Where would you place a stethoscope to hear the action of the aortic valve?

Medial 2nd right intercostal space

Where would you place a stethoscope to listen to the tricuspid valve?

Medial 5th left intercostal space

Where would you place a stethoscope to listen to the pulmonary valve?

Medial 2nd left intercostal space

Where would you place a stethoscope to listen to the mitral valve?

5th left intercostal space, by the mid clavicular line

Draw a diagram showing where to listen to the 4 valves

Aortic - 2nd right ICS

Tri - 5th left ICS

Pul - 2nd left ICS

Mit - 5th left ICS, by midclavicular line