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10 Cards in this Set

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What is the superior border of the mediastinum?

Superior thoracic aperture

True or False: Manubrium and sternum makes up the anrerior border of the mediastinum

False, only the Sternum. Bit confusing because of anterior border of superior mediastinum!

What are the contents of the superior mediastinum?

Thymus gland

Veins(brachiocephalic and SVC)

Arteries(arch of aorta and pulmonary trunk and thier branches)

Trachea(vagus nerve)


Nerves(cardia plexus and left laryngeal nerve)

Thoracic duct and lymphatics

What is the anterior and posterior boundaries of the superior mediastinum?

Ant: Manubrium

Post: T1-T4 vertebrae

Provide the all the boundaries of the biggest subdivision of the inferior mediastinum.

Pericardium and heart

Great vessels(ascending aorta, SVC, pulmonary trunk)

Cardiac plexus

Phrenic nerve and pericardiophrenic vessels

Except the diaphragm and Pericardium what else is innervated by the phrenic nerves.


What is the difference between visceral layer and epicardium

Visceral layer is of the Pericardium and it gives rise to the epicardium of the heart wall

True/False: The pericardium is innervated by the laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerve and musculophrenic nerve.

False: Phrenic nerve, Vagus nerve, Sympathetic trunks.

Assess the position of the heart in the following characteristics: Mediastinum, ribs, left or right side.

Middle Mediastinum

2nd to 6th costal cartilage

2/3 lies to the left

1/3 lies to the right

What's the difference between atrium and auricle?

I don't know🤣