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200 Cards in this Set

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<b>acquire</b><br><br><small>He acquired a large fortune when his father died.</small>
<b>získat, osvojit si, nabýt</b>
<b>acquisition</b><br><br><small>He loved shopping so much he decided to work in the acquisition and mergers department.</small>
<b>akvizice, získání, nabytí, přínos</b>
<b>activity</b><br><br><small>The company's business activities were being investigated by the tax department.</small>
<b>aktivita, činnost</b>
<b>advantage</b><br><br><small>The advantage a giraffe has over a horse is clear to see up a tall tree.</small>
<b>advantageous</b><br><br><small>It could be mutually advantageous for us to work together.</small>
<b>výhodný, příznivý</b>
<b>advertisement</b><br><br><small>The advertisement for whiskey showed a big glass by the fire.</small>
<b>inzerát, reklama</b>
<b>advertising campaign</b><br><br><small>An advertising campaign may use billboards, television, radio or brochures and fliers.</small>
<b>reklamní kampaň</b>
<b>affiliated</b><br><br><small>Mary never affiliated herself to any political parties.</small>
<b>přičleněný, afiliovaný</b>
<b>after-sales service</b><br><br><small>Brian wasn't very impressed with the company's after sales service, so he changed supplier.</small>
<b>poprodejní servis</b>
<b>amalgamation</b><br><br><small>The amalgamation would mean job losses for everyone.</small>
<b>fúze, splynutí</b>
<b>ambience</b><br><br><small>It's important to create a positive ambience in the meeting room.</small>
<b>prostředí, okolí</b>
<b>assume a position</b><br><br><small>Bob assumed an aggressive position in the meeting, until his boss told him to get down off the table.</small>
<b>ujmout se pozice</b>
<b>bargaining power</b><br><br><small>Carrying a gun gave James all the bargaining power he needed.</small>
<b>síla vyjednávat výhodné podmínky</b>
<b>benchmark</b><br><br><small>Microsoft has set the benchmark for most software programs.</small>
<b>měřítko; standard, vůči kterému lze poměřovat</b>
<b>boost</b><br><br><small>The marketing campaign boosted sales by 25%.</small>
<b>podpořit, oživit co, podnítit, výrazně marketingově podpořit</b>
<b>bottom line</b><br><br><small>The bottom line is, if you don't pay us the money, well go bankrupt.</small>
<b>základní linie; faktor, který nelze obejít a musí se s ním počítat; nejnižší přijatelná cenová hladina</b>
<b>brand</b><br><br><small>A brand is a well-known product name: Levis and Skoda are two examples.</small>
<b>ochranná známka, obchodní značka</b>
<b>brand awareness</b><br><br><small>Brand Awareness is an important marketing activity which helps companies be known.</small>
<b>znalost obchodní značky; povědomí o obchodní značce</b>
<b>brand dilution</b><br><br><small>If Rolls Royce were to sell caravans, they would dilute their brand.</small>
<b>oslabení nebo znevážení značky; doslova "rozředění"</b>
<b>brand equity</b><br><br><small>Brand equity is the intangible value of a brand's name.</small>
<b>hodnota značky (neviditelná hodnota značky, jako je Coca-cola, IBM, Skoda, Anglictina.com, Budvar...)</b>
<b>brand image</b><br><br><small>The brand image of Rolls Royce is posher than posh.</small>
<b>image značky (jinou image má Velkopopovický kozel a jinou image má Rolls Royce...)</b>
<b>brand loyalty</b><br><br><small>The aim of an advertising campaign is to build up brand loyalty.</small>
<b>loajalita vůči značce, věrnost značce</b>
<b>brand positioning</b><br><br><small>A brands position on the market can determine its success.</small>
<b>pozice značky na trhu</b>
<b>brand stretching</b><br><br><small>If BMW launched a range of roller-skates, it would be brand stretching.</small>
<b>rozšíření značky, rozpínání (začnete u spodního prádla a skončíte u klobouků)</b>
<b>branding</b><br><br><small>Cowboys branded their cows and now directors brand their products.</small>
<b>značkování, cejchování, vyražení značky nebo cejchu</b>
<b>break-even point</b><br><br><small>The break even point is one million sales!</small>
<b>bod přechodu ze ztráty do zisku, vyrovnání nákladů a výnosů</b>
<b>business advisor</b><br><br><small>Nearly all large banks have specialist business advisors.</small>
<b>obchodní poradce</b>
<b>business card</b><br><br><small>Bob wished people wouldn't laugh when he gave them his taxidermist business card.</small>
<b>vizitka, navštívenka</b>
<b>business chain</b><br><br><small>McDonald's is the most famous business chain in the world.</small>
<b>obchodní řetězec</b>
<b>business goal</b><br><br><small>Our business goal is simple; to be the best.</small>
<b>obchodní cíl</b>
<b>business results</b><br><br><small>The markets were worried about the poor business results.</small>
<b>obchodní (prodejní) výsledky</b>
<b>business strategy</b><br><br><small>Our business strategy was so good, we published it and sold it for millions!</small>
<b>podniková (obchodní) strategie</b>
<b>business to business (B2B)</b><br><br><small>There are thousands of B2B magazines on the market.</small>
<b>byznys, který probíhá mezi firmami. Zkratka B2B se užívá i v češtině.</b>
<b>business to customer (B2C)</b><br><br><small>Amazon.com is the most famous of B2C websites.</small>
<b>byznys zaměřený na koncové spotřebitele</b>
<b>buying power</b><br><br><small>Buying power has dramatically increased in the Czech Republic in the last 10 years.</small>
<b>kupní síla</b>
<b>calculation</b><br><br><small>According to Brian's calculations, he should have been rich a long time ago.</small>
<b>kalkulace, výpočet</b>
<b>cash cow</b><br><br><small>They milked their cash cow for as much as they could get.</small>
<b>doslova "kráva na hotovost", analogie k "milk cow", neboli k dojné krávě. Často bývají takovou "krávou" státní instituce...</b>
<b>clinch a deal</b><br><br><small>The quality of their services clinched the deal for them.</small>
<b>definitivně potvrdit uzavřený obchod, poslední "zaklapnutí"</b>
<b>close a deal</b><br><br><small>Most deals are closed when the price is agreed.</small>
<b>dohodnout se, uzavřít dohodu</b>
<b>commercial</b><br><br><small>1. The commercial section often takes priority over the private sector. 2. Some TV commercials are very funny.</small>
<b>1. komerční 2. televizní reklama</b>
<b>competing offers</b><br><br><small>There were six different competing offers for the contract to build the new cemetery.</small>
<b>konkurenční nabídky</b>
<b>competing products</b><br><br><small>Pepsi and Coca Cola are competing products.</small>
<b>produkty, které si konkurují</b>
<b>competitive advantage</b><br><br><small>Quality or price are the normal things which give a product a competitive advantage.</small>
<b>konkurenční výhoda (nějaká vlastnost produktu, zpravidla nízká cena nebo vysoká kvalita, která vytváří výhodu oproti konkurenci)</b>
<b>competitive price</b><br><br><small>A competitive price doesn't always ensure a products success.</small>
<b>konkurenční cena (zpravidla se jedná o velmi nízké ceny ve srovnání s konkurencí)</b>
<b>competitiveness</b><br><br><small>The competitiveness of the undertakers frightened Barbara to death.</small>
<b>konkurence, rivalita, soutěživost</b>
<b>competitor</b><br><br><small>The two dentists in the town had been competitors all their lives..</small>
<b>component</b><br><br><small>Refinancing is a key component of our financial business plan.</small>
<b>složka, součástka</b>
<b>conflict of interests</b><br><br><small>The lawyer had a conflict of interests when her two clients sued each other.</small>
<b>střet zájmů</b>
<b>consumer spending</b><br><br><small>Consumer spending rose 5% last month.</small>
<b>spotřebitelské výdaje; útraty zákazníků</b>
<b>consumer trends</b><br><br><small>Amusing ring tones are the latest annoying consumer trend.</small>
<b>spotřebitelské trendy</b>
<b>consumption</b><br><br><small>World oil consumption has risen dramatically during the last ten years.</small>
<b>controlling shares</b><br><br><small>The other employees stopped laughing at Brian when he bought 51% of the controlling shares.</small>
<b>kontrolní akcie (rozhodující balík akcií)</b>
<b>cooperative</b><br><br><small>The farmers formed a cooperative in order to sell their products.</small>
<b>copyright</b><br><br><small>When Bob copyrighted water he thought he would be rich.</small>
<b>copyright, autorská práva</b>
<b>core brand</b><br><br><small>Jeans are the core brand of Levis.</small>
<b>klíčový produkt</b>
<b>core business</b><br><br><small>Teaching English is our core business.</small>
<b>klíčová výroba; hlavní zaměření firmy</b>
<b>corporate culture</b><br><br><small>The corporate culture of Anglictina.com is style with thought.</small>
<b>firemní kultura</b>
<b>corporate hospitality</b><br><br><small>Mary's headache reminded her how good the corporate hospitality had been last night.</small>
<b>firemní pohostinnost (zaměřená na potenciální nebo stávající klienty - večírky, lístky do divadla apod)</b>
<b>customer concerns</b><br><br><small>Customer concerns about dolphins have caused the sale of Tuna to drop by 50%.</small>
<b>obavy zákazníků</b>
<b>customer focus</b><br><br><small>Customer focus has always been our highest priority.</small>
<b>zaměřeni na zákazníka</b>
<b>customer loyalty</b><br><br><small>Good products at honest prices build customer loyalty.</small>
<b>zákaznická věrnost</b>
<b>customer satisfaction</b><br><br><small>Customer satisfaction brings brand loyalty.</small>
<b>spokojenost zákazníka, uspokojení zákazníka</b>
<b>customer services</b><br><br><small>Their customer services promises were woefully inadequate</small>
<b>služby zákazníkům</b>
<b>cut-throat competition</b><br><br><small>There was cut-throat competition to see who could be the best pirate.</small>
<b>dravá konkurence</b>
<b>deal</b><br><br><small>James knew a good deal when he saw one.</small>
<b>jednat; smlouva, kontrakt</b>
<b>design fault</b><br><br><small>The square wheel had some major design faults.</small>
<b>vada designu</b>
<b>develop</b><br><br><small>We develop ideas into products.</small>
<b>rozvinout, vyvinout; vývoj</b>
<b>disadvantage</b><br><br><small>The only disadvantage with Mary's plan was that it wouldn't work.</small>
<b>distribution</b><br><br><small>Distribution is simply getting things from A to B.</small>
<b>distribution channels</b><br><br><small>The Internet is the latest type of distribution channel.</small>
<b>distribuční kanály</b>
<b>diversification</b><br><br><small>Sometimes diversification can be the only means of survival.</small>
<b>rozruzneni, diverzifikace</b>
<b>draw up</b><br><br><small>They need to draw up a plan to counter the effects of the recession.</small>
<b>vypracovat, zpracovat, připravit</b>
<b>drawback</b><br><br><small>The only drawback to the idea was the potential loss of money.</small>
<b>nevýhoda, nezdar</b>
<b>dumping price</b><br><br><small>Paper at dumping price floods the domestic market.</small>
<b>dumpingová cena</b>
<b>economic downturn</b><br><br><small>The company was suffering from the national economic downturn</small>
<b>ekonomický propad</b>
<b>e-money</b><br><br><small>You can't use e-money to buy toilet roll in the local shops.</small>
<b>elektronické peníze</b>
<b>enterprise</b><br><br><small>The company embarked on a new business enterprise.</small>
<b>entrepreneur</b><br><br><small>The country was in need of young entrepreneurs to provide a boost to the economy.</small>
<b>podnikatel (pozor, podnikatel není "undertaker!!!")</b>
<b>environment</b><br><br><small>The insurance sales business environment was fast and mean.</small>
<b>expertise</b><br><br><small>His only expertise lay in cooking.</small>
<b>exposure</b><br><br><small>David Beckham has had a lot of exposure in the papers recently.</small>
<b>publicita, vystavení se něčemu</b>
<b>formula</b><br><br><small>Mary knew 'more sales equals more money' was a winning formula.</small>
<b>plán, program, vzorec</b>
<b>founder</b><br><br><small>The founder of our company's motto was, 'who will be first, will be last.'.</small>
<b>franchise</b><br><br><small>Kentucky Fried Chicken is run on a franchise basis.</small>
<b>licence, koncese, franšíza</b>
<b>globalisation</b><br><br><small>Globalisation has united the world in opposition.</small>
<b>household names</b><br><br><small>Big brand names like Adidas, Gillette and Microsoft are household names because everyone knows them.</small>
<b>značky, které zná každé malé dítě</b>
<b>impact</b><br><br><small>Bob's skills at parking had a huge impact on the office.</small>
<b>dopad, vliv</b>
<b>industry segment</b><br><br><small>Housing was the only industry segment not affected by the recession.</small>
<b>průmyslové odvětví</b>
<b>initiative</b><br><br><small>He was sacked for showing no initiative.</small>
<b>invention</b><br><br><small>Necessity is the mother of invention.</small>
<b>vynález, invence</b>
<b>innovative</b><br><br><small>The millionaire exile was looking for an innovative tax accountant.</small>
<b>intellectual property</b><br><br><small>Unbelievably, most web sites are someone's intellectual property.</small>
<b>duševní vlastnictví</b>
<b>joint venture</b><br><br><small>The two business partners raised the capital to go into a joint business venture.</small>
<b>společný podnik, podnik se zahraničním kapitálem</b>
<b>judgement</b><br><br><small>Brian used his business judgement and decided to buy the bigger beer.</small>
<b>posudek, úsudek, názor</b>
<b>know-how</b><br><br><small>They had the know-how to make money from the venture.</small>
<b>labour</b><br><br><small>Hard labour is both a punishment and a blessing.</small>
<b>práce (slovo pochází z latiny, jinak je to ekvivalentní výraz ke starogermánskému work)</b>
<b>labour cost</b><br><br><small>Labour costs are lower in Asia than in Europe.</small>
<b>náklady na pracovní sílu, mzdové náklady</b>
<b>labour intensive</b><br><br><small>Coffee growing is still a very labour intensive industry in South America.</small>
<b>náročný z hlediska vynaložené práce</b>
<b>large-scale</b><br><br><small>Henry Ford was one of the first exponents of large-scale production.</small>
<b>rozsáhlý, široce založený</b>
<b>light industries</b><br><br><small>Electronics are considered a light industry, especially the lamp section.</small>
<b>lehký průmysl</b>
<b>loss making</b><br><br><small>The company was liquidated as a loss making concern.</small>
<b>loyalty</b><br><br><small>Her loyalty was never questioned by any of her five lovers.</small>
<b>loajalita, věrnost</b>
<b>make a sale</b><br><br><small>Remember, make a sale, get paid, don't make a sale, don't get paid.</small>
<b>manufacturer</b><br><br><small>Car makers are manufacturers but not all manufacturers are car makers.</small>
<b>manufacturing industry</b><br><br><small>The manufacturing industry is the engine of all economies.</small>
<b>zpracovatelský průmysl</b>
<b>market penetration</b><br><br><small>They pushed forward their marketing campaign at high speed in order to increase their market penetration.</small>
<b>proniknutí na trh</b>
<b>market player</b><br><br><small>IBM is a big market player in the IT world.</small>
<b>hráč na trhu</b>
<b>market share</b><br><br><small>We have increased our market share by 10%.</small>
<b>podíl na trhu</b>
<b>marketability</b><br><br><small>The low marketability of sand in Saudi Arabia was beginning to frustrate Brian.</small>
<b>prodejnost, schopnost umístit produkt na trhu</b>
<b>marketing</b><br><br><small>Marketing can raise both sales and awareness.</small>
<b>marketing mix</b><br><br><small>Bob wondered if he had the marketing mix right with 250 television advertisements and 2 newspaper ads.</small>
<b>marketingový mix (kombinace médií, ve kterých realizujete reklamu)</b>
<b>mark-up</b><br><br><small>The shop marked-up the prices by 30% to make their profit.</small>
<b>zvýšit cenu, navýšit cenu, přidat marži</b>
<b>mass marketing</b><br><br><small>Spam is an unwelcome new form of mass marketing.</small>
<b>masový marketing</b>
<b>mass produce</b><br><br><small>China is the world leader at mass producing goods for the market.</small>
<b>masová výroba</b>
<b>mature industry</b><br><br><small>Steel is already considered a mature industry.</small>
<b>zavedený průmysl (tradiční, ani rostoucí, ani klesající)</b>
<b>meeting</b><br><br><small>Meetings are best kept short and sweet.</small>
<b>porada, schůze</b>
<b>merchandising</b><br><br><small>Football clubs now make more money from merchandising than they do selling tickets.</small>
<b>byznys založený na prodeji zboží odvozených od fotbalových klubů, úspěšných filmů apod (trička, suvenýry, kalendáře).</b>
<b>merchant</b><br><br><small>Merchants often have poor reputations in society.</small>
<b>obchodník, kupec</b>
<b>merge</b><br><br><small>The bank intended to merge with their closest rival.</small>
<b>sloučit se, splynout, spojit se</b>
<b>mission statement</b><br><br><small>NASA has more mission statements than most normal companies.</small>
<b>poslání (zpravidla se jedná o jednoduché souvětí, ve kterém jsou specifikovány obchodní záměry firmy nebo společnosti)</b>
<b>mutual agreement</b><br><br><small>They decided to end the negotiations by mutual agreement.</small>
<b>oboustranná dohoda, vzájemná shoda</b>
<b>niche market</b><br><br><small>Ecological tourism for the rich is a niche market for specialist travel agencies.</small>
<b>specializovaný, zpravidla úzce zaměřený segment trhu</b>
<b>non-core business</b><br><br><small>Adventure holidays are a non-core business for Marlboro (the cigarette maker).</small>
<b>vedlejší obchodní aktivita</b>
<b>occupation</b><br><br><small>During the occupation, James decided to change his occupation to a freedom fighter.</small>
<b>povolání, zaměstnání; okupace</b>
<b>organisation</b><br><br><small>The organisation in large organisations tends to be more organised than in little organisations.</small>
<b>outlets</b><br><br><small>The publisher had 120 retail outlets nationwide.</small>
<b>maloobchodní síť</b>
<b>packaging</b><br><br><small>The packaging can sell the product as much as the price.</small>
<b>balení (obaly zboží)</b>
<b>parent company</b><br><br><small>The bank's parent company had a different customer service policy</small>
<b>mateřská společnost</b>
<b>partner</b><br><br><small>Bob's business partner had a smaller investment in the company</small>
<b>prestige</b><br><br><small>Mary hoped her high heels would raise her prestige in the meeting.</small>
<b>prestiž, renomé</b>
<b>price cut</b><br><br><small>Price cuts can sometimes harm a brand's image.</small>
<b>snížení ceny</b>
<b>price fixing</b><br><br><small>The five largest banks in Britain have been accused of price fixing.</small>
<b>kartelová dohoda</b>
<b>price war</b><br><br><small>Consumers love price wars, producers don't.</small>
<b>cenová válka</b>
<b>pricing</b><br><br><small>Pricing is the art of knowing how much people are willing to spend.</small>
<b>cenotvorba, určení ceny produktu</b>
<b>privatisation</b><br><br><small>Some people think Margaret Thatcher loved privatisation more than her husband.</small>
<b>product</b><br><br><small>Good products always sell.</small>
<b>product development</b><br><br><small>Sarah was responsible for the company's product development</small>
<b>vývoj výrobku</b>
<b>product launch</b><br><br><small>Products are normally launched with a huge marketing campaign.</small>
<b>uvedení produktu na trh</b>
<b>product life-cycle</b><br><br><small>How long a product will keep selling for is called its life-cycle.</small>
<b>životnost výrobku (z hlediska morálního zastarání a schopnosti udržet se na trhu, např. bez změny designu)</b>
<b>product line</b><br><br><small>The McSoup is just another item in the McDonalds product line.</small>
<b>produktová řada</b>
<b>product portfolio</b><br><br><small>McBride was so impressed with Donald and Sons Product portfolio that he bought the whole company.</small>
<b>produktové portfolio, výrobní škála</b>
<b>product range</b><br><br><small>Supermarkets now have hundreds of items in their product range.</small>
<b>okruh výrobků</b>
<b>production</b><br><br><small>High-production produces products productively.</small>
<b>production line</b><br><br><small>Life sometimes feels like one huge production line.</small>
<b>výrobní linka (tovární výrobní linka)</b>
<b>professional</b><br><br><small>James was a professional, even in his sleep.</small>
<b>profesionální, odborný</b>
<b>project management</b><br><br><small>You need great organisational skills to succeed in project management.</small>
<b>řízení projektu</b>
<b>promotion</b><br><br><small>Some drinks have a special promotion where if you buy one you get one free.</small>
<b>propagace, podpora, reklama</b>
<b>proposal</b><br><br><small>Mary carefully listened to Brian's proposal before running away laughing.</small>
<b>pros and cons</b><br><br><small>Bob considered the pros and cons of kissing the crocodile before deciding against it.</small>
<b>pro a proti; klady a zápory</b>
<b>prospectus</b><br><br><small>The start-up company sent out a prospectus to all prospective investors.</small>
<b>prospekt, brožura</b>
<b>public relations</b><br><br><small>Tony Blair has turned the art of public relations into spin.</small>
<b>public relations (podobně jako marketing je to terminus technicus nepřekládaný češtiny)</b>
<b>public services sector</b><br><br><small>People in the public services sector are normally quite low paid.</small>
<b>sektor veřejných služeb</b>
<b>publicity</b><br><br><small>The film was given massive publicity before its release.</small>
<b>quality control</b><br><br><small>Quality control ensures the standard of the product.</small>
<b>kontrola kvality</b>
<b>quality management</b><br><br><small>Quality management ensures the quality of the quality control.</small>
<b>řízení kvality</b>
<b>rank</b><br><br><small>Anglictina.com is ranked the number 1 online school in the Czech Republic.</small>
<b>postavení, pozice, místo, řada; zařadit, umístit, udělit místo</b>
<b>reputation</b><br><br><small>The company's reputation was based on quality and trust.</small>
<b>reputace, pověst</b>
<b>research and development</b><br><br><small>A great deal of research and development was needed before a decision was taken.</small>
<b>výzkum a vývoj</b>
<b>retail market</b><br><br><small>The retail market is very sensitive to inflation.</small>
<b>retailový trh (trh zaměřený na koncové spotřebitele)</b>
<b>retailer</b><br><br><small>The clothing shop was the leading women's retailer in the country.</small>
<b>rivals</b><br><br><small>The recent figures showed that they were still way ahead of their closest rivals.</small>
<b>royalties</b><br><br><small>Most authors get paid royalties for their work.</small>
<b>licenční poplatek, autorský honorář</b>
<b>sales figures</b><br><br><small>The sales figures for the year had not yet been released.</small>
<b>prodejní hodnoty (vyčíslený objem prodeje)</b>
<b>sales forecast</b><br><br><small>The sales forecast for next year looked extremely positive.</small>
<b>předpověď prodeje</b>
<b>sales force</b><br><br><small>The company needed to cut back its sales force because of cash flow problems.</small>
<b>pracovní síla</b>
<b>service</b><br><br><small>The service was so fast in the bar that the drinks waited for the customers.</small>
<b>service level</b><br><br><small>Service levels in the company were so poor that people complained.</small>
<b>úroveň služeb, úroveň obsluhy</b>
<b>simplicity</b><br><br><small>Simplicity is to beauty as water is to fish.</small>
<b>sole</b><br><br><small>They seem to want to be the sole vendor for their product.</small>
<b>jediný, výhradní, jedinečný (vzpomeňme na slovo "sólo")</b>
<b>specialise</b><br><br><small>Mary felt pleased for deciding to specialise more in life as she ordered her 6th whiskey.</small>
<b>zaměřit se, specializovat se</b>
<b>standards</b><br><br><small>Compromising standards is a way to ruin.</small>
<b>streamline</b><br><br><small>When Lucy was the last one left, she had to admit she may have been too keen on streamlining the company.</small>
<b>zeštíhlovat, zefektivnit</b>
<b>subscriber</b><br><br><small>The magazine had 35,000 free subscribers, two of whom read it.</small>
<b>předplatitel, abonent</b>
<b>subsidiary</b><br><br><small>Travel insurance was a small subsidiary of Fisher Travel agents.</small>
<b>dceřinná společnost</b>
<b>subsidy</b><br><br><small>Farmers are famous for being able to fill in forms for subsidies.</small>
<b>subvence, dotace</b>
<b>substantial</b><br><br><small>A substantial part of Bob's salary was spent on beer.</small>
<b>značný, podstatný</b>
<b>success</b><br><br><small>A successful man never rides a bike to work.</small>
<b>suitable</b><br><br><small>Brian felt his Mickey Mouse hat was suitable attire for the meeting about his performance bonus.</small>
<b>supplier</b><br><br><small>Manufacturers always try to find the cheapest supplier.</small>
<b>supply and demand</b><br><br><small>All capitalism is based on supply and demand.</small>
<b>poptávka a nabídka (česky to říkáme častěji v obráceném pořadí)</b>
<b>SWOT analysis</b><br><br><small>We should analyse our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.</small>
<b>analýza SWOT</b>
<b>syndicate</b><br><br><small>Italian families are very enthusiastic proponents of syndicates.</small>
<b>synergy</b><br><br><small>The synergy between the two companies created amazing results.</small>
<b>synergie, spojení sil</b>
<b>tender</b><br><br><small>The building of the new bridge was put out to tender.</small>
<b>tender, výběrové řízení</b>
<b>the four Ps</b><br><br><small>The four 'Ps' are pricing, packaging, position and product.</small>
<b>tzv. "4 pé"</b>
<b>transparency</b><br><br><small>Recent accounting scandals have made transparency a priority.</small>
<b>transparence, průhlednost, otevřenost</b>
<b>tycoon</b><br><br><small>My father was a tycoon who made money rebuilding houses after typhoons.</small>
<b>magnát (velmi bohatý obchodník nebo továrník)</b>
<b>undercut</b><br><br><small>The scythe seller (prodejce kos) tried to undercut his competitors.</small>
<b>prodávat za nižší cenu</b>
<b>undertaking</b><br><br><small>The death of the fattest man in the world was a huge undertaking for the undertakers.</small>
<b>unique</b><br><br><small>Business gurus think it's a product's uniqueness which makes it a success.</small>
<b>unikátní, jediný svého druhu</b>
<b>universal</b><br><br><small>Universal retail businesses try to sell everything to everyone.</small>
<b>unlimited</b><br><br><small>Our potential for success is unlimited, as is our potential for loss.</small>
<b>unprecedented</b><br><br><small>The buying of Microsoft by an Indian company was unprecedented in business.</small>
<b>nevídaný, bezpříkladný, bezprecedentní</b>
<b>valuable</b><br><br><small>The shares of the company were so valuable, they were traded only in secret.</small>
<b>vendor</b><br><br><small>The Rolex watch Bob bought from the street vendor was only right twice a day.</small>
<b>venture</b><br><br><small>Nothing ventured, nothing gained (risk je zisk i velka ztrata).</small>
<b>podnik (riskantní,) podnikat riskantně</b>
<b>viable</b><br><br><small>Only businesses which are viable last more than the first two years.</small>
<b>wholesale</b><br><br><small>Items are normally discounted when bought at wholesale.</small>
<b>velkoobchodní prodej</b>
<b>wholesale market</b><br><br><small>The wholesale market works with great quantities of products.</small>
<b>velkoobchodní trh</b>
<b>win-win situation</b><br><br><small>Funding both presidential candidates ensured a win-win situation for Microsoft.</small>
<b>situace, kdy obě strany získají</b>