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57 Cards in this Set

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1. What is the mental health continuum
2. What is mental health? Mental illness?
What does the ANA state about the focus of psychiatric nurses?
What are th differences between the basic psychiatric nurse clinician and the advanced practice nurse
Review the history of mental illness; what advances took place in the 20th century
What is a theory? A conceptual framework, a concept?
Describe Freud's framework
Describe Piaget's framework, Maslow's Ericksons
Who is Hildegarde Peplau
What is the DSM-IV TR
What is ICD-9/CM
What is the NAND taxonomay of Nursing Diagnosis
What is NIC and NOC
What are the advantages of computerization of health records.
What is physical space between people how does this effect boundaries
Review all therapeutic communication techniques
Define the nursing process
What are common defense mechanisms how are they used?
What is teh difference between transference and coutner-transference?
What are the steps in the nursing process
What is outcome identification
What is the Johari window how does it relate to you as a person and a nurse?
Define and give descriptions of each phase of the nurse client relathionship
Define culture, what is the effects of culture on therapeutic management in psychiatric-mental health care
What is cultura blindness
What communication barriers must be overcome when the client and nurse do not speak the same language?
What is a controlled trial? A blinded trial? Double blinded trial?
What is Interrater Reliability.
What is an epidemiological study.
What is the Tip of the Iceberg Phenomenon?
What is epidemiology? Epidemic? Endemic?
What are neurotransmitters-What effects do they have in mental illness
Review basic brain anatomy know functions of Thalamus limbic system, hypothalamus, Cortex, cerebellum.
What functions does the brain regulate.
What are differences diagnostically between an MRI and a CT scan.
What does a PET scan measure?
How do antipsychotic medications produce desired effects?
What are the movement disorders? Dystonia, Akathisia, Oculogyric Crisis? Tardive Dyskinesia.
What is the older terminology of antipsychotic medications.
What is a therapeutic window.
What is half life
Where do most psychiatric drugs act.
Know positive and negative symptoms and how they respond to 1st and 2nd generation antipsychotic medications.
What does it mean-High potency low potency
Know neurotransmitters-What disorder is connected with excess or deficient neurotrasmitters
Know absorption times i.e. pills
Know the differences between long acting and short acting prepartions of antipsychotic medicaitons
Know major classifications of drugs: for example Mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, stimulants
Know downside of taking TCA's
Why is Clozaril a dangerous drug to take.
What is Lithium, How is it used. What are the side effects? What cautions must you take with this drug?
What is Serotinin Syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome
What do you need to watch out for with MAO'S
What problematic interactions with drugs can interfere with antipsychotic medication.
What are the signs and symptoms of Angranulocytosis.
What are SSRI's. What are side effects of these drugs, what do they treat?
What are MAOI'S, what cautions must you take with theses drugs.