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84 Cards in this Set

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Instrumental accompaniments that consisted of a single sustained pitch, often used in folk music

Musica (Scholica) Enchiriadis

9thC treatise which tells how to improvise a second voice part to accompany a chant in parallel motion.


Early Polyphony that reflected a mixture of parallel and oblique motion between 2 voices.

What interval did they avoid in the Middle ages. What was it called?

Tritone, Diaolus de musica

4 Kinds of motion between successive consonant intervals:

Parallel, Similar (Direct), Contrary, Oblique

The words of the Original chant voice were set syllabically, there could be many notes in the added voice sung against each pitch in the original chant. (3 names for it)

Floird, Purum, st. martial

Chant voice and was held out a long time (Droning)


where the words of the chant were set melismatically, there were no moving together mostly note against note in a style caaaaalled?


The idea of adding a whole new voice above or below the original chant was an extension of the creative process and was called what?


in the late 12thC and early 13thC at the school of Notre Dame, composers developed a system of 6 what?

6 Rhythmic Modes


one of the 2 most important composers of Notre Dame and produced a collection of 2 voiced settings of the graduals and alleluias for the whole church year

The book collection of 2 voiced settings of the graduals and alleluias for the whole church year

Magnus Liber Organi


Made new versions of his predecessor's works now using as many as 3 or 4 voices. (one of the Norte Dame composers)

Some polyphonic works sung outside of church


Conductus texts were set ___________ and all the voices had the same ___________

Syllabically, Rhythm

1250 a new genre of sacred polyphoinic music arose from the French word for "word"


at around 1250 there are how many voice parts?

3 voice parts

In french motets there are how many languages and texts?

2 different languages and 3 different texts

the chant in the lower voice of a motet

Cantus Firmus

the only thing that is the same between the voices of an early motet is????

the range

in late 13thC motets when the 3 voices also moved at 3 different speeds, with the fastest (triplum) on top and the slowest (tenor) on bottom, this type of multi-texted sacred composition was called what?

Franconian motet

Examples of even more extreme rhythmic diversity between the 3 voices were written by a contemporary composer who was known by a French and Latin name.

French: Pierre de la Croix
Latin: Petrus de Cruce

the earliest surviving 6 part composition from western Europe

Sumer is Irumen in

the voices in Sumer in Irumen in form many imperfect consonances like????

3rds and 6ths

the bottom 2 voices start singing at the same time but constantly trade parts. (What form)

Rondellus Form

Composers of the early 14thC in France termed their musical style _________

Ars Nova

the 14thC called 13thC music _______

Ars Antiqua

Many of the new developments of the 14thC involved the basic musical element of what?


triple and what other rhythm was now aloud?


Besides the double long, long, breve, and semi-breve the new shorter one was called what?


The ancestors of modern time signatures

Mensuration signs

One leading French Composer who made the Ars Nova treatise and named the 14thC style.

Phillipe de vitri

Isorythmic Motet

where the tenor was notated in a series of repeated rhythmic patterns.


Each statement of the repeated rhythmic pattern, which tended to be long and complex


the repeated melodic pattern of a tenor


2 voices exchanging notes and rests to create a hiccup effect

the best French composer of the 14thC

Guillaume di Machte

one of the first unified Mass ordinaries, had five movements and was intended to be sung at the Cathedral in the city of Riems

Masse de Norte Dame

Renaissance had how many voices?

4 Voices







some late 14thC French composers wrote secular songs with extremely complex rhythms. This style is called??

Ars Subtilar.

this composer used Symbolic notation, for example, forming their staves into a heart shape for a love song

Beaude Cordier

In Italy the 14thC was called what?


3 Main types of Italian secular song

Madrigal (same letter design as French Ballete)
the Ballate (same letter desgn as French Virelai)
The Caccia (like the French Chance and the English Catch *about the hunt*)

The best Italian Composer of the 14thC and was known for his 140 ballata

Francesco Landini

a cadence: the top voice moved from the scale degree 7 down to 6 before moving to 8.

Landini Cadence

14thC loud instruments in France like the cornet and trumpets were


Soft French instruments like the flute and harp were


Accidentals (besides Bflat) appear in written music, and notes outside the Guidonian hand that were not notated were sometimes sung in order to avoid the tritone.

Musica ficta


received knowledge from the past


acceptance of facts based on human perseption of the world and the universe

Two places where musicians and composers commonly found jobs during the Renaissance

Churches and Courts

a person who wrote a counterpoint treatise in 1477. He stated there will be no parallel 5ths and 8ths and anything written before 1430 was crap


only three types of dissonance was allowed during the Renaissance

Passing tone, suspensions, and neighbor tone

Pythagorean tuning

ancient Greek tuning

Just intonation

acceptance of 3rds and 6ths as imperfect consonances


the most common tuning for keyboard instruments

Equal temperament

all keys sound equally in tune even though the octave is the only one that is perfectly tuned

proper accentuation and/or of the text


The swiss theorist who wrote Dodecachordan

Heinrich Glarean

1450 was the invention of the printing press by???


the first book printed in the press was aaaaaa


in 1501 Petrucci brought out the first printed music called?

Harmonices musices odrecaton

triple impression

staff lines, texts, and notes were each printed separately

1528 Pearre Attaingnant in Paris made the __________ Impression

single impression

English influence during the 15thC

Contenance anglioise

During the 100 years war England was allied with the court of


some traist passed from English to continental composers were a preference for?

parallel 3rds and 6ths intervals, regular phrase lengths, and syllabic text setting rather than melismatic

Common English method of improvising parallel 3rds and 6ths, where only the middle voice was written out


Faburden inspired a similar French technique, where the 2 outer voices were written out and the middle voice improvised.


The most important English composer of the early 15thC

John Dustable

One of Dunstable's beest known works was the freely composed motet called ________

Quam Pulchra Es

One important composer in the Court of Burgundy was

Gilles de Binchois

Gilles de Binchois was like a contemporary (person)

Guillaume DuFay

Binchois wrote isorhythmic motets like _______

Hype no Sarum Flores

the first cyclic mass based on a secular song, namely a chanson called

Missa se la face ay pate

A secular song used as the basis for many masses by many different composers during the renaissance

Missa l'home arme

The cyclic polyphonic mass

the first large-scale muti-movement genre in the history of western music.


in each movement opened with the same melodic motive

Cantus Firmus

if the same chant or secular song appeared in the tenor voice of all 5 movements

the Burgundy cadence sounds like the cadence we use today

Authentic Cadence

Contalaina or Treble Dominated

The 3 part secular French vocal compositions particularly of the 15thC where the top voice reflected the most melodic interest are referred to today as exhibiting either _________ or __________