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revoke; annul


[ transitive]
if a government repeals a law, it officially ends that law

لغو کردن، احضار کردن، احضار، باز گردانی، الغا ،لغو، فسخ

drive away; disgust; (ex.) repel the attack/ moisture; (ex.) repelled by the dirty room; (cf.) repulsion


1. [transitive] if something repels you, it is so unpleasant that you do not want to be near it, or it makes you feel ill [↪ repulsive]:
** The smell repelled him.

2. to make someone who is attacking you go away, by fighting them:
** The army was ready to repel an attack.

3. [transitive] to keep something or someone away from you:
** a lotion that repels mosquitoes

4. if two things repel each other, they push each other away with an electrical force [≠ attract]:
** Two positive charges repel each other.

دفع کردن دفع کردن، رد کردن، نپذیرفتن، جلوگیری کردن از،بیزار کردن، مقابله کردن

driving away; disgusting; offensive; repulsive; unattractive; (n.)


very unpleasant [↪ repulsive]:
** She found him physically repellent.
repellent to:
** The sight of blood is repellent to some people.

زننده، مانع، دافع، راننده، بیزار کننده

rebound; reaction; reverberation; (ex.) serious repercussion


[ countable usually plural]
the effects of an action or event, especially bad effects that continue for some time [↪ consequence]
repercussion for:
** The collapse of the company had repercussions for the whole industry.
repercussion on:
** There were serious repercussions on his career.
repercussion of:
** the repercussions of the crisis
political/social/economic etc repercussions:

(Noun) بازگردانی، پس زنی، انعکاس، برگشت، دفع، عکس العمل،واکنش، (پزشکی)دفع یا پیشگیری

list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to present; (cf.) repertory


[ countable usually singular]
1. all the plays, pieces of music etc that a performer or group knows and can perform
in somebody's repertoire:
** The group include some techno in their repertoire.
repertoire of:
** a wide repertoire of songs

2. the total number of things that someone or something is able to do:
** the behavioral repertoire of infants

(Noun) فهرست نمایش های اماده برای نمایش دادن

fret; complain; be annoyed; (ex.) repine over the undone work

ناراضی بودن، شکایت کردن، شکوه

fill up again


[ transitive]
[formal] to put new supplies into something, or to fill something again:
** More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks.

(Verb - transitive) دوباره پر کردن، ذخیره تازه دادن، باز پر کردن

fully filled; filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed; abundantly supplied; (ex.) report replete with errors


[ not before noun]
1. [formal] full of something
replete with:
** Literature is replete with tales of power.

2. very full of food or drink

(Adjective) کاملا پر، لبریز، چاق، تکمیل، انباشته



[ countable]
an exact copy of something, especially a building, a gun, or a work of art
replica of:
** an exact replica of the Taj Mahal
** replica guns

(Noun) نسخه‌ی بدل، کپی، المثنی


** - she is a replica of her mother
** - عینهو مادرش است/ درست عین مادرش است/ با مادرش مو نمی‌زند
(Noun) مدل

reproduce; duplicate


1. [formal] if you replicate someone's work, a scientific study etc, you do it again, or try to get the same result again:
** There is a need for further research to replicate these findings.

2. [technical] if a virus or a molecule replicates, or if it replicates itself, it divides and produces exact copies of itself:
** the ability of DNA to replicate itself

(Verb - transitive) (رسمی) نسخه‌ی ثانی ... بودن، عین ... بودن، بدیل ... بودن
(Verb - transitive) کپی کردن، عینا بازسازی کردن، همانند ... را ساختن
(Verb - transitive) (زیست‌شناسی) همتاسازی کردن، تکثیر کردن

resting; state of being at rest; calmness; (v.) lie at rest; relax; put or place; (ex.) repose our hopes in a single man


[ uncountable]
[formal][literary] a state of calm or comfortable rest
in repose:
** His face looked less hard in repose.

گذاردن، ارمیدن، دراز کشیدن، غنودن، سامان، اسودگی،استراحت



[ countable]
1. a place or container in which large quantities of something are stored [= store]
repository of/for:
** a fire-proof repository for government papers

2. a person or book that has a lot of information
repository of/for:
** Bob is a repository of football statistics.

(Noun) انبار، مخزن، صندوق تابوت، ظرف، رازدار

deserving blame; blameworthy; (v.) reprehend: blame


reprehensible behaviour is very bad and deserves criticism:
** I find their behaviour morally reprehensible.

(Adjective) سزاوار سرزنش، سرزنش کردنی

(of a style of art) showing things as they actually appear in real life


a representational painting or style of art shows things as they actually appear in real life [= figurative]

(Adjective) وابسته به نمایندگی یا وکالت
(Adjective) (هنر) تجسمی، تناور، تنایشی، تن بخش (مانند تئاتر و باله)

hold back (the natural expression of); restrain; crush; oppress; (ex.) repressed child; (ex.) repress a laugh/rebellion


[ transitive]
1. to stop yourself from doing something you want to do:
** Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.
** I repressed a smile.

2. if someone represses upsetting feelings, memories etc, they do not allow themselves to express or think about them:
** He had long ago repressed the painful memories of his childhood.

3. to control a group of people by force [↪ suppress, oppress]:
** The police were widely criticized for their role in repressing the protest movement.

(Verb - transitive) باز فشردن، باز کوفتن، فرونشاندن، سرکوب کردن، درخود کوفتن

postponement or cancelation of a punishment; temporary stay; (v.) postpone or cancel the punishment of


[ countable]
1. a delay before something bad happens or continues to happen [↪ respite]
reprieve from:
** Shoppers will get a temporary reprieve from the new sales tax.

2. an official order stopping the killing of a prisoner as a punishment
give/grant somebody a reprieve:
** The US Supreme Court voted against granting Smith a reprieve (=against giving him one).

مجازات کسی را بتعویق انداختن، رخصت

reprove severely; rebuke; (n.)


[ transitive]
to tell someone officially that something they have done is very wrong [↪ scold, tell off]
reprimand somebody for (doing) something:
** The military court reprimanded him for failing to do his duty.

سرزنش کردن، سرزنش و توبیخ رسمی، مجازات



[ uncountable and countable]
something violent or harmful which you do to punish someone for something bad they have done to you [↪ revenge, retaliation]:
** They didn't tell the police for fear of reprisal.
reprisal against:
** There were reprisals against unarmed civilians.
in reprisal (for something):
** Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.

(Noun) جبران، تلافی، انتقام، تلافی کردن

musical repetition; repeating of a piece of music; repeat performance; recurrent action; (ex.) reprise in the finale; (ex.) constant reprises


[ countable]
when all or part of something, especially a piece of music, is repeated

وهله، نوبت، خسارت، خرج، تلافی کردن

blame (not angrily but sadly); express disapproval or disappointment; (n.) (adj.) reproachful


1. [uncountable] criticism, blame, or disapproval:
** 'You don't need me,' she said quietly, without reproach.

2. [countable] a remark that expresses criticism, blame, or disapproval:
** He argued that the reproaches were unfair.

3. above/beyond reproach: impossible to criticize [= perfect]:
** His behaviour throughout this affair has been beyond reproach.

4. a reproach to somebody/something: something that should make a person, society etc feel bad or ashamed:
** These derelict houses are a reproach to the city.

سرزنش، عیب جویی، توبیخ، رسوایی، ننگ، عیب جویی کردن از، خوار کردن

morally disapproved person; person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency; (cf.) disapproved by god ?


[ countable]
[formal] someone who behaves in an immoral way - often used humorously

مردود، فاسد، بد اخلاق، هرزه، محرومیت

severe disapproval; (cf.) approbation

(Noun) مردودیت، هرزگی، فساد اخلاق، تباهی

censure; rebuke; (n.) reproof


[ transitive]
[formal] to criticize someone for something that they have done [= tell off]
reprove somebody for (doing) something:
** Employees were reproved for smoking in the building's restrooms.

(Verb - transitive) سرزنش کردن، نکوهش کردن، ملامت کردن

disown; disavow; deny


[ transitive]
1. to refuse to accept or continue with something [= reject]:
** He repudiated all offers of friendship.

2. to state or show that something is not true or correct:
** The book repudiates the racist stereotypes about black women.

(Verb - transitive) رد کردن، انکار کردن، منکر شدن

disgust; strong dislike; loathing; (adj.) repugnant: arousing disgust; repulsive


[ uncountable]
[formal] a strong feeling of dislike for something [= disgust]

(Noun) مغایرت، ناسازگاری، تناقض، مخالفت

reject with rudeness or coldness (an offer or friendship); drive back (an enemy attack); (cf.) repulse = cause repulsion


[ transitive]
1. if something or someone repulses you, you think that they are extremely unpleasant [= disgust]:
** The very thought of his cold clammy hands repulsed me.

2. to fight someone and successfully stop their attack on you:
** Government troops repulsed an attack by rebel forces.

3. to refuse an offer of friendship or help in a way that is rude

دفع، رد، پس زنی، دفع کردن، راندن

distaste; disgust; act of driving back; (adj.) repulsive: causing disgust; tending to drive away; (v.) repel (not ‘repulse’)


1. [singular,uncountable] a feeling that you want to avoid something or move away from it, because it is extremely unpleasant [= revulsion]:
** I felt a mixture of amazement and repulsion.

2. the electric or magnetic force by which one object pushes another one away from it

(Noun) دفع، عدم پذیرش، عقب زنی، تنقر، دشمنی

respectable; having a good reputation


respected for being honest or for doing good work [= reliable; ≠ disreputable]
reputable firm/company:
** If you have a burglar alarm fitted, make sure it is done by a reputable company.

(Adjective) قابل شهرت، مشهور، قابل اطمینان

supposed; (ex.) reputed father of the child; (v.) repute: consider; (n.) repute: reputation; esteem


according to what some people say, but not definitely
be reputed to be/do something:
** She is reputed to be extremely wealthy.
** the reputed leader of the Crips gang
** The painting was sold for a reputed $3 million.


mass for the dead; dirge


[ countable]
1. a Christian ceremony in which prayers are said for someone who has died

2. a piece of music written for a requiem

(Noun) نماز وحشت، نماز میت، فاتحه

necessary requirement; something required; adj: required; necessary


[ only before noun]
needed for a particular purpose [= necessary, required]:
** He lacks the requisite qualifications.

بایسته، شرط لازم، لازمه، احتیاج، چیز ضروری

formal demand or request; (ex.) requisition for more computing equipment; (v.)


[ transitive]
if someone in authority, especially the army, requisitions a building, vehicle, or food, they officially demand to have it during an emergency such as a war [= commandeer]:
** The building was requisitioned as a military hospital for the duration of the war.

درخواست، تقاضا، سخره، چیز مورد تقاضا، بازگرفتن،مصادره کردن، درخواست رسمی کردن

make return for; repay; reciprocate; revenge; (n.) requital


[ transitive]
[formal] to give or do something in return for something done or given to you

(Verb - transitive) سزا دادن، پاداش دادن، تاوان دادن، جبران کردن

repeal; annul; cancel (a law, decision, or agreement)


[ transitive]
to officially end a law, or change a decision or agreement

(Verb - transitive) باطل ساختن، لغو کردن، فسخ کردن

indignation; bitterness; displeasure; (v.) resent: feel anger about


[ uncountable]
a feeling of anger because something has happened that you think is unfair [= bitterness]
resentment at/against/of etc:
** She was filled with deep resentment at being passed over for promotion.
feel/harbour/bear resentment:
** He felt considerable resentment towards Sheila for making him work late.

(Noun) رنجش، خشم، غیض

self-control; self-restraint; formal but distant manner; reticence; (ex.) without reserve: freely and openly; (adj.) reserved: shy and uncommunicative


[ transitive]
1. to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc to be kept for you to use at a particular time in the future [↪ book]
reserve something for somebody/something:
** I'd like to reserve a table for two.
** Do you have to reserve tickets in advance?

2. to keep something so that it can be used by a particular person or for a particular purpose [= set aside]
reserve something for somebody/something:
** A separate room is reserved for smokers.
** reserved parking spaces

3. [especially written] to keep part of something for use at a later time during a process - used especially when describing how to cook something [= keep, save]:
** Reserve a little of the mixture to sprinkle over the top of the pie.

4. to use or show something only in one particular situation
reserve something for somebody/something:
** She spoke in a tone of voice she usually reserved for dealing with officials.

5. reserve the right to do something:[formal] if you reserve the right to do something, you will do it if you think it is necessary - used especially in notices or official documents:
** The management reserves the right to refuse admission.

پس نهاد، کنار گذاشتن، پس نهاد کردن، نگه داشتن،اختصاص دادن، اندوختن، اندوخته، ذخیره، احتیاط،یدکی، (درمورد انسان) تودار بودن، مدارا از پیش حفظ کردن، رزرو کردن

remaining; left over; of a residue; (n.) residue


[ only before noun]
[formal] remaining after a process, event etc is finished:
** the residual effects of drug treatment
residual income: (=the money left from what you earn after you have paid your taxes)

رسوبی، وابسته به رسوب یا باقیمانده پس مانده، ته نشین، باقیمانده

remainder; balance


1. [uncountable and countable] a substance that remains on a surface, in a container etc and cannot be removed easily, or that remains after a chemical process
residue from:
** residue from sewage treatment plants
** The flies leave a sticky residue on crops.
** Rinse off any soap residue.

2. [formal] the part of something that is left after the rest has gone or been taken away
residue of:
** The residue of the stock was sold.

(Noun) پس مانده، تفاله مانده، قسمت باقی مانده، فاضل،زیادتی، ته نشین
(Noun) مانده، باقیمانده، پس ماند، آزاد

give up (a position, right, or claim); submit (oneself) passively


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. to officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization [↪ quit]
resign from:
** She resigned from the government last week.
resign as:
** He resigned as Governor of Punjab in August.
resign your post/seat/position etc:
** Tom has since resigned his membership of the golf club.

2. resign yourself to (doing) something: to make yourself accept something that is bad but cannot be changed [↪ resigned]:
** Josh resigned himself to the long walk home.
** At sixteen, I resigned myself to the fact that I'd never be a dancer.

مستعفی شدن، کناره گرفتن، تفویض کردن، استعفا دادن از، دست کشیدن

patiently submissiveness; statement that one is quitting a job; (adj.) resigned: acquiescent


1. when you officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization, or a written statement that says you will be leaving [↪ notice]:
** The governor refused to accept Cox's resignation.
** a letter of resignation
hand in/tender your resignation: (=officially say that you want to resign)

2. [uncountable] when someone calmly accepts a situation that cannot be changed, even though it is bad:
** She gave a sigh of resignation.
with resignation:
** He accepted her decision with resignation.

(Noun) استعفا، واگذاری، کناره گیری، تفویض، تسلیم

elastic; having the power of springing back; able to recover quickly (as from misfortune)


1. able to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event [↪ tough]:
** Children are often very resilient.
** The company proved remarkably resilient during the recession.

2. strong and not easily damaged by being pulled, pressed etc:
** boots with tough resilient soles
** Any chemical treatment will leave hair less resilient than before.

(Adjective) پس جهنده،مرتجع،فنری،بحال نخستین برگردنده،بهبود پذیر

determination; resoluteness; (adj.) resolute: firm or determined in purpose


1. a formal decision or statement agreed on by a group of people, especially after a vote
pass/adopt/approve a resolution:
** The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
** a resolution calling for a ban on dumping nuclear waste
** They have failed to comply with the resolution.

2. solution: [singular,uncountable] when someone solves a problem, argument, or difficult situation
resolution of:
** a forum for the resolution of commercial disputes

3. promise: [countable] a promise to yourself to do something [↪ resolve]
resolution to do something:
** Carol made a resolution to work harder at school.
New Year's resolution: (=a resolution made on January 1st)

4. determination: [uncountable] strong belief and determination:
** Then, with sudden resolution, she stood up.

5. the power of a television, camera, microscope etc to give a clear picture
high/low resolution: (=how clear or unclear the picture is)

(Noun) تفکیک پذیری، دقت، تصمیم، رفع
(Noun) تحلیل، تجزیه، حل، نتیجه، ثبات قدم، عزم، قصد، نیت،تصمیم، تصویب

decide; settle; solve; separate; make a determined decision; (n.) resolution


[ transitive]
1. to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty [= solve; ↪ settle]
resolve a dispute/conflict/problem etc:
** The crisis was resolved by negotiations.
** Barnet was desperate for money to resolve his financial problems.

2. [formal] to make a definite decision to do something
resolve to do something:
** After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.
resolve that:
** Mary resolved that she would stop smoking.

3. to make a formal decision, especially by voting
resolve to do something:
** The Senate resolved to accept the President's proposals.

4. [technical] to separate something into its different parts:
** DNA samples were extracted and resolved.

1. to separate into parts, or to separate something:
** This mixture will resolve into two separate compounds.

رفع کردن، مقرر داشتن، تصمیم گرفتن، رای دادن

(of a sound) echoing; resounding(sounding loudly); deep and full in sound; producing resonance; ex. resonant voice; (n.) resonance


1. a resonant sound is deep, loud, and clear, and continues for a long time:
** the violin's smooth, resonant tone

2. resonant with something: filled with a particular meaning, quality, or sound:
** prints resonant with traditions of Russian folk art

3. resonant materials increase any sound produced inside them

(Adjective) طنین دار
(Adjective) تشدید شده، طنین دار

turn to for help; (ex.) resort to violence; (n.)


[ countable]
1. a place where a lot of people go for holidays
seaside/beach/ski etc resort:
** Aspen, a ski resort in Colorado
** Lagoon Reef is one of the best resort hotels.

2. last/final resort: what you will do if everything else fails
as a last resort:
** Drug treatment should only be used as a last resort.
of last resort:
** a weapon of last resort
in the last resort: British English
** Economic sanctions will be used only in the last resort.

3. first resort: what you will do first before you try other things:
** In the past, your family was the first resort when looking for a job.

4. resort to something:[formal] when you must use or depend on something because nothing better is available
without resort to something:
** We hope they will be able to resolve the situation without resort to force.

(Verb - transitive) دوباره مرتب کردن، دوباره دسته‌بندی کردن
(Verb - transitive) (رسمی) آمد و شد کردن در، سر زدن به، اغلب به جایی رفتن


** - taverns were the places to which he resorted in the evening
** - میخانه‌ها محل آمد و شد شبانه‌ی او بودند
(Noun) راه حل، چاره، وسیله

** - in the last resort
** - دست آخر، علاج آخر
** - as a last resort
** - به عنوان آخرین چاره
(Noun) توسل، توکل

** - to have resort only to God
** - فقط به خدا توکل کردن
(Verb - transitive) تفریحگاه، استراحتگاه، اقامتگاه، میعادگاه، محل پاتوق

** - a ski resort
** - پاتوق اسکی بازان، مجتمع اسکی
** - a seaside resort
** - تفریحگاه ساحلی، مجتمع ساحلی
** - a health resort
** - مجتمع تندرستی، آسایشگاه
(Verb - transitive) (در آمریکا) مهمانسرا، هتل تفریحی

(of a place) be filled with sound; (of a sound) sound loudly; sound back; echo; (ex.) hall resounded with laughter


[ intransitive]
1. if a place resounds with a sound, it is full of that sound
resound with:
** The stadium resounded with cheers.
resound to:
** By now, the whole room was resounding to the sound of the team's chants.

2. if a sound such as a musical note resounds, it continues loudly and clearly for quite a long time [↪ resonate]
resound through/around etc:
** a horn resounding through the forest

3. [formal] to be mentioned or talked about a lot:
** The war still resounds in the country's folklore.

منعکس کردن، پژواک یا انعکاس صدا

clever and imaginative (in dealing with difficult situations); (n.) resource, resourcefulness


good at finding ways of dealing with practical problems:
** a woman who is energetic and resourceful

(Adjective) کاردان، پر مایه و مبتکر

breathing; exhalation; (adj.) respiratory


[ uncountable]
the process of breathing

(Noun) تنفس، دم زنی

time for rest; interval of relief; delay in punishment; reprieve


[ singular,uncountable]
1. a short time when something bad stops happening, so that the situation is temporarily better
respite from:
** The trip was a welcome respite from the pressures of work.
** a brief respite from persecution
without respite:
** The pain went on without respite.

2. a short period of time before you have to do something that you do not like:
** We have a few days' respite before we have to pay them.

مهلت، فرجه، امان، استراحت، تمدید مدت، رخصت، فرجه دادن

brilliant; splendid in appearance; dazzling; glorious


very beautiful, bright, and impressive in appearance
resplendent in:
** She looked resplendent in a silk dress.

(Adjective) پر جلوه، درخشنده، پر تلالو

state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc.; (adj.) responsive: readily reacting; (ex.) responsive to treatment

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.

returning something (lost or stolen) to the rightful owner; reparation; indemnification; compensation for loss, damage, or injury


[ uncountable]
[formal] the act of giving back something that was lost or stolen to its owner, or of paying for damage [↪ compensation]
restitution of:
** the restitution of art treasures missing since World War II
** The offender must make restitution for the hurt that he or she has caused.

(Noun) اعاده، بازگردانی، جبران، تلافی، ارتجاع

impatiently restless (induced by external coercion or restriction); restlessly impatient; obstinately resisting control; (ex.) restive horses because of wolves; (cf.) not a general synonym for ‘restless’


dissatisfied or bored with your situation, and impatient for it to change:
** Communist leaders struggled to rule over increasingly restive populations.

(Adjective) کله شق، رام نشو، بیقرار، سرکش، چموش

moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction


1. [uncountable] calm sensible controlled behaviour, especially in a situation when it is difficult to stay calm:
** The police were praised for their restraint in handling the demonstrators.
show/exercise restraint:
** He urged the millions of protesters to exercise restraint.

2. [countable usually plural, uncountable] a rule or principle that limits what people can do
restraint on:
** Opposition politicians have called for restraints on public spending.
** The government has imposed restraints on corporate mergers.

3. [formal] physical force that is used to hold someone back, especially because they are likely to be violent:
** Sometimes police officers have to use physical restraint to control dangerous prisoners.

4. something that prevents someone from moving freely, such as a rope or aseat belt

(Noun) جلوگیری، منع، نگه داری، خودداری

taking up again; recommencement; (v.) resume: begin or take up again; take or occupy again; (ex.) kindly resume your seats.


[ singular,uncountable]
[formal] the act of starting an activity again after stopping or being interrupted
resumption of:
** Both countries are now hoping for a quick resumption of diplomatic relations.

(Noun) از سر گیری، ادامه، تجدید، شروع، باز یافت

rise again; flow to and fro; (n.) resurgence; (adj.) resurgent: (of ideas or beliefs) experiencing revival; surging again

(Verb - intransitive) (رجوع شود به: surge بعلاوهی re-) دوباره موج زدن
(Verb - intransitive) دوباره برخاستن، رستاخیز کردن، دوباره بلند شدن، بازخیزیدن



[ transitive]
to bring back an old activity, belief, idea etc that has not existed for a long time:
** The Home Office have resurrected plans to build a new prison just outside London.
** another failed attempt to resurrect his career

زنده کردن، احیا کردن، رستاخیز کردن

revive; bring back to life or consciousness; ex. resuscitate the drowned child


[ transitive]
to make someone breathe again or become conscious after they have almost died [↪ revive]:
** Doctors managed to resuscitate him.

(Verb - transitive) زنده کردن، احیا کردن، بهوش اوردن

keep; maintain possession of; employ (esp. a lawyer or advisor); (n.) retainer: servant; fee paid to retain an advisor


[ transitive]
1. to keep something or continue to have something:
** You have the right to retain possession of the goods.
** The state wants to retain control of food imports.

2. to store or keep something inside something else:
** A lot of information can be retained in your computer.
** Limestone is known to retain moisture.

3. to remember information:
** I find it very difficult to retain facts.

4. if you retain a lawyer or other specialist, you pay them to work for you now and in the future:
** He has retained a lawyer to challenge the court's decision.
** We had to pay a retaining fee (=an amount of money to keep someone working for you).

5. if a company retains workers, it continues to employ them for a long time:
** It's increasingly difficult to recruit and retain good staff.

(Verb - transitive) ابقا کردن، نگه داشتن
(Verb - transitive) نگاه داشتن، از دست ندادن، حفظ کردن

repay in kind (usually for bad treatment); (v.) retaliate


[ intransitive]
to do something bad to someone because they have done something bad to you [↪ hit back]
retaliate by doing something:
** The British government retaliated by breaking off diplomatic relations.
retaliate against:
** The army began to retaliate against the civilian population.

تلافی کردن، تاوان دادن، عین چیزی را بکسی برگرداندن

delay (in development); (adj.) retarded: (as of a child) slower in development


[ transitive]
[formal] to delay the development of something, or to make something happen more slowly than expected [= slow down]:
** Cold weather retards the growth of many plants.

(Verb - transitive) تاخیر کردن، کند ساختن، معوق کردن، بتعویق انداختن،عقب افتاده، دیر کار

holding; able to retain things (esp. facts in the mind); having a good memory


a retentive memory or mind is able to hold facts and remember them ➔ anal (2)

(Adjective) نگه دارنده، حافظ، ضبط کننده قابض

inclined to silence; uncommunicative; reserved; ex. he was reticent about the reasons; (n.) reticence


unwilling to talk about what you feel or what you know [= reserved]
reticent about:
** She's strangely reticent about her son.

(Adjective) محتاط در سخن، کم گو

following; attendants


[ countable]
a group of people who travel with someone important to help and support them
retinue of:
** He travelled with a huge retinue of servants.

(Noun) همراهان، خدم وحشم، ملتزمین، نگه داری، حفظ

shy and reserved (of a person); modest; (ex.) her retiring personality


1. someone who is retiring does not want to be with other people, especially people they do not know [= shy]:
** As a child, Elizabeth was very shy and retiring.

2. the retiring president/manager/director etc: a president etc who is soon going to leave their job

(Adjective) کناره گیر

quick sharp reply; (v.)


[ transitive]
to reply quickly, in an angry or humorous way:
** 'It's all your fault!' he retorted.

برگرداندن، پس دادن، جواب متقابل دادن، جواب متقابل، تلافی

withdraw; take back; draw back; (ex.) retract a statement/an offer/claws; (n.) retraction; (cf.) retractile


1. [transitive] if you retract something that you said or agreed, you say that you did not mean it [= withdraw]:
** He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.

2. if part of a machine or an animal's body retracts or is retracted, it moves back into the main part:
** The sea otter can retract the claws on its front feet.

منقبض کردن، تو رفتن، جمع شدن

cut down; cut down expenses; economize


[ intransitive]
if a government or organization retrenches, it spends less money [= economize]

قطع کردن، حذف کردن، کم کردن، دارای سنگر موقتی زیرزمینی کردن، از نو خندق ساختن، مستحکم کردن

deserved punishment for wrongdoing; punishment for offenses; compensation; vengeance; (cf.) pay back


[ singular,uncountable]
severe punishment for something very serious
retribution for:
** Victims are demanding retribution for the terrorist attacks.
** divine retribution (=punishment by God)

(Noun) کیفر، مجازات، تلافی، کیفری، مجازاتی، سزا

recover; put right; find and bring in; regain; (ex.) retrieve the situation


[ transitive]
1. [formal] to find something and bring it back [↪ recover]:
** She bent down to retrieve her earring.
retrieve something from something:
** It took four days to retrieve all the bodies from the crash.

2. to get back information that has been stored in the memory of a computer:
** The new version of the software automatically retrieves digital information.

3. retrieve a situation: British English to make a situation satisfactory again after there has been a serious mistake or problem:
** The general made one last desperate effort to retrieve the situation.

باز یافتن بازیافتن، دوباره بدست اوردن، پس گرفتن، جبران کردن، اصلاح یا تهذیب کردن، حصول مجدد

taking effect before its enactment (as a law) or imposition (as a tax); (of a law) having effect on the past as well as the future


a law or decision that is retroactive is effective from a particular date in the past [= retrospective]:
** a retroactive pay increase
retroactive to:
** The legislation is retroactive to 1st June.

(Adjective) معطوف به گذشته، پس کنشی
(Adjective) عطف به ماسبق

go backwards; recede; degenerate; deteriorate; adj.


1. [formal] involving a return to an earlier and worse situation [= backward]:
** The closure of the factories is seen as a retrograde step.

2. [technical] moving backwards [= backward]

برگشت دهنده، انحطاط دهنده، قفایی، تنزل کننده،قهقهرایی، بقهقرا رفتن، پس رفتن

looking back on the past; (n.) retrospection; v. retrospect


[ usually before noun]
1. related to or thinking about the past:
** a retrospective study of 110 patients

2. British English a law or decision that is retrospective is effective from a particular date in the past [= retroactive]:
** retrospective legislation
** Teachers settled for a 4.2% pay rise with retrospective effect from 1 April.

عطف کننده بماسبق

boisterous merrymaking; (v.) revel: engage boisterous festivities; enjoy greatly; (n.) boisterous festivity or celebration


[ uncountable]
wild noisy dancing, eating, drinking etc, usually to celebrate something [↪ celebration]

(Noun) عیاشی، خوشگذرانی

echo repeatedly; resound; (ex.) the thunder reverberated across the valley.


[ intransitive]
1. if a loud sound reverberates, it is heard many times as it is sent back from different surfaces [= echo]
reverberate through/around etc:
** The bang reverberated through the house.

2. if a room, building etc reverberates, it seems to shake because of a loud sound
reverberate with:
** The room reverberated with laughter.

3. if an event, action, or idea reverberates, it has a strong effect over a wide area and for a long time
reverberate through/around etc:
** The events of 9/11 will reverberate through history.

پیچیدن، طنین انداختن، ولوله انداختن

deserving reverence; (n.) priest


[ countable]
a minister of a Christian church

جناب کشیش

respectful; worshipful; (v.) revere: regard with reverence; (n.) reverence: profound respect


showing a lot of respect and admiration [≠ irreverent]:
** a hushed reverent voice


daydream; abstracted musing


[ uncountable and countable]
a state of imagining or thinking about pleasant things, that is like dreaming [↪ daydream]:
** She was startled out of her reverie by a loud crash.

(Noun) ( revery ) خیال واهی، خیال خام

relapse; backslide; turn back to; return to the former owner; (n.) reversion


1. to change back to a situation that existed in the past [= go back to]:
** The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg.
** After a few weeks, everything reverted to normal.

2. [formal] to return to an earlier subject of conversation [= go back to]:
** To revert to the question of exams, I'd like to explain further.

3. if land or a building reverts to its former owner, it becomes their property again

برگشتن، رجوع کردن، اعاده دادن، برگشت

attack with abusive language; vilify(slander)


[ transitive]
to express hatred of someone or something [= hate]:
** The President was now reviled by the same party he had helped to lead.

ناسزا گفتن، فحش دادن ناسزا

cancel; retract; (cf.) irrevocable


[ transitive]
to officially state that a law, decision, or agreement is no longer effective [↪ revocation]:
** Their work permits have been revoked.

لغو کردن، مانع شدن، الغا، فسخ، ابطال

sudden strong feeling of disgust; sudden violent change of feeling; negative reaction; (ex.) revulsion from the scenes of torture


[ uncountable]
a strong feeling of shock and very strong dislike [= disgust; ↪ revolt]:
** News of the atrocities produced a wave of anger and revulsion.

(Noun) تنفر شدید، جابجا شدن درد، ردع، انحراف درد، جابجاساختن درد، تغییر ناگهانی، عمل کشیدن

speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner; (ex.) rhapsodize over the beauty of the scenery


[ intransitive]
to talk about something in an eager, excited, and approving way [= enthuse]
rhapsodize about/over:
** I could hear Sophie rhapsodizing about her new job.

شعر حماسی سرودن

excessively enthusiastic expression of feeling; musical composition of irregular form (as if made up as one plays it)


[ countable]
1. a piece of music that is written to express emotion, and does not have a regular form:
** Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue

2. [formal] an expression of eager and excited approval:
** The performance was greeted with rhapsodies of praise.

(Noun) اشعار حماسی مخصوص نقالان و داستان گویان شعر رزمی،قطعه موسیقی ممزوج و احساساتی

art of effective communication; art of using language effectively and persuasively; style of speaking or writing; grandiloquent language; (ex.) political rhetoric; adj. rhetorical; (cf.) rhetorical question: question to which no answer is expected as “who knows it ?”


[ uncountable]
1. language that is used to persuade or influence people, especially language that sounds impressive but is not actually sincere or useful:
** The speech was dismissed by some people as merely political rhetoric.
rhetoric of:
** the rhetoric of socialism

2. the art of speaking or writing to persuade or influence people

(Noun) علم بدیع، علم معانی بیان، معانی بیان، فصاحت وبلاغت، لفاظی، خطابت، قدرت نطق و بیان، وابسته بعلم بدیع یا معانی بیان

marked by vulgar lewd humor; wanton; profane; n. ribaldry: ribald language or joke


ribald remarks or jokes are humorous, rude, and about sex:
** a ribald remark
** ribald humour

دون، هرزه، بددهن، بدزبان، ادم هرزه، فاحشه

(of buildings) likely to break or fall apart; of rickets; (cf.) rickets; (cf.) vitamin d


a rickety structure or piece of furniture is in very bad condition, and likely to break easily:
** a rickety old wooden chair
** a rickety bridge

(Adjective) (پزشکی) نرم استخوان، سست، ضعیف، لق، زهوار در رفته

pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout; ex. the gunman riddled the car with bullets; (ex.) the whole report is riddled with errors; (n.) large sieve (separating earth from stone)


[ countable]
1. a question that is deliberately very confusing and has a humorous or clever answer [↪ puzzle]:
** See if you can solve this riddle.

2. something that you do not understand and cannot explain [= puzzle, mystery]
riddle of:
** The police have been unable to solve the riddle of her disappearance.

3. talk/speak in riddles: to say things in a mysterious way that other people cannot understand:
** Stop talking in riddles and explain what's going on!

4. a wire container with holes in it that is used to separate earth from stones

سوراخ سوراخ کردن، غربال کردن، سرند، معما، چیستان،لغز، رمز، جدول معما، گیج و سردر گم کردن، تفسیریابیان کردن

amendment or clause added to a legislative bill


[ countable]
1. someone who rides a horse, bicycle etc [↪ cyclist]:
** a horse and rider

2. an extra or more detailed piece of information that is added to an official document and changes it slightly

(Noun) سوار کار، الحاقیه

(of something bad) widespread; abundant; current


1. [not before noun] if something bad or unpleasant is rife, it is very common:
** Violent crime is rife in our inner cities.

2. rife with something: full of something bad or unpleasant:
** The crowded factories are rife with disease.

3. run rife: to spread quickly in an uncontrolled way:
** No one knew exactly what he had done, but speculation ran rife.

(Adjective) شایع، پر، مملو، فراوان، عادی، زیاد، عمومی

narrow opening in a large mass; break in a friendly relation; (ex.) through a rift in the clouds; op. reconciliation


[ countable]
1. a situation in which two people or groups have had a serious disagreement and begun to dislike and not trust each other [= split]
rift between/with:
** Party officials have denied that there is any rift between ministers.
rift over:
** Today's announcement could lead to a further rift over public spending.
** He set out to heal the rifts in the party.

2. a crack or narrow opening in a large mass of rock, cloud etc

خراش، بریدگی، شکاف دهنده، چاک، دریدگی، چاک دادن،شکافتن، بریدن، برش دادن

arrangement of masts and sails; (v.) equip (a ship) with rigging; (adj.) rigging: ropes that hold up a ship’s sails


[ transitive]
1. to dishonestly arrange the result of an election or competition before it happens [= fix]:
** Some international observers have claimed the election was rigged.

2. if people rig prices or rig financial markets, they unfairly agree with each other the prices that will be charged [= fix; ↪ cartel]:
** Two of the largest oil companies have been accused of rigging prices.
** Some investors feel that the market is rigged.

3. to put ropes, sails etc on a ship:
** The ship was fully rigged and ready to sail.

to dress someone in special or unusual clothes:
** young children who are rigged out in designer clothes

to make a piece of equipment, furniture etc quickly from objects that you find around you:
** We rigged up a simple shower at the back of the cabin.

بادگل و بادبان اراستن، مجهز کردن، اماده شدن، باخدعه و فریب درست کردن، گول زدن، دگل ارایی، وضع حاضر، سر و وضع، اسباب، لوازم، لباس، جامه، تجهیزات

morally upright; just


1. righteous indignation/anger etc: strong feelings of anger when you think a situation is not morally right or fair:
** He was full of righteous indignation about the attack.

2. [formal] morally good and fair:
** a righteous God

(Adjective) نیکو کار، عادل، درست کار، صالح، پرهیزکار

legally correct; (ex.) rightful owner


[ only before noun]
[formal] according to what is correct or what should be done legally or morally:
** George sat at the head of the table, in his rightful place as their leader.
** I'll return the money to its rightful owner.
** the rightful heir to the throne

(Adjective) ذیحق، محق، مشروع، حقیقی، دارای استحقاق

hard and unbending; stiff and unyielding; fixed in behavior or views; strict; rigorous; (ex.) rigid rule


1. rigid methods, systems etc are very strict and difficult to change [≠ flexible]:
** rigid and authoritarian methods of education

2. someone who behaves in a rigid way is very unwilling to change their ideas or behaviour [≠ flexible]:
** rigid adherence to old-fashioned ideas
** She maintained rigid control over her emotional and sexual life.

3. stiff and not moving or bending [≠ flexible]:
** rigid plastic

4. used to describe someone who cannot move, especially because they are very frightened, shocked, or angry
rigid with:
** I heard a noise and woke up rigid with terror.

(Adjective) سخت، سفت و محکم، نرم نشو، جدی، جامد، صلب

severity; (ex.) rigors of the russian winter


the American spelling of rigour

(Noun) ( rigour ) سختی، سختگیری، خشونت، تندی، دقت زیاد

irritate; vex; muddy


[ transitive]
[informal] to make someone extremely angry:
** He was the calmest guy I ever knew - nothing ever riled him.
** That class gets me so riled up.

(Verb - transitive) ازردن، متغییر کردن، مغشوش کردن، هم زدن

tear or be torn quickly and violently; (ex.) the sail ripped under the force of the wind; (n.)


1. [intransitive and transitive] to tear something or be torn quickly and violently:
** Her clothes had all been ripped.
** The sails ripped under the force of the wind.
** Impatiently, Sue ripped the letter open.

2. [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to remove something quickly and violently, using your hands
rip something out/off/away/down:
** Gilly ripped out a sheet of paper from her notebook.
** The buttons had been ripped off.

3. rip something/somebody to shreds:a) [informal] to strongly criticize someone, or criticize their opinions, remarks, behaviour etc:
** I expected to have my argument ripped to shreds.

4. let rip:[informal] to speak or behave violently or emotionally:
** Fran took a slow deep breath, then let rip, yelling and shouting at him.

5. let it/her rip:[informal] to make a car, boat etc go as fast as it can:
** Put your foot on the gas and let her rip!

شکافتن، پاره کردن، دریدن، شکاف، چاک

metal pin used for fastening metal plates together; v: fasten with a rivet; engross


1. be riveted on/to/by something: if your attention is riveted on something, you are so interested or so frightened that you keep looking at it:
** All eyes were riveted on her in horror.

2. be riveted to the spot: to be so shocked or frightened that you cannot move

3. to fasten something with rivets

پرچ کردن، پر چین کردن، بامیخ پرچ محکم کردن، بهم میخ زدن، محکم کردن

holding one’s attention; absorbing; engrossing


something that is riveting is so interesting or exciting that you cannot stop watching it or listening to it [= fascinating]:
** a riveting performance
** His story makes riveting listening.

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

small stream; (cf.) rill ¡ rivulet ¡ river


[ countable]
a very small stream of water or liquid
rivulet of:
** rivulets of rain running down the window

(Noun) جویبار، جوی کوچک، نهر کوچک

strong; vigorous


1. a robust person is strong and healthy:
** a robust man of six feet four

2. a robust system, organization etc is strong and not likely to have problems:
** The formerly robust economy has begun to weaken.

3. a robust object is strong and not likely to break [= sturdy]:
** a robust metal cabinet

4. showing determination or strong opinions:
** a typically robust performance by the Prime Minister

5. robust food or flavours have a good strong taste:
** a robust cheese

(Adjective) قوی هیکل، تنومند، ستبر، هیکل دار

ornate; highly decorated; (n.) (cf.) 18th century


rococo buildings and furniture have a lot of curly decoration and were fashionable in Europe in the 18th century

سبک هنری قرن ۱۸ میلادی، عجیب و غریب، منسوخ

make liquids murky by stirring up sediment; disturb

اشفته کردن، مخلوط کردن، سرگردان شدن، دنبال همدویدن، با جیغ و داد و بازی کردن

(of land) rising and falling in long gentle slopes; happening continuously by stages; (ex.) rolling devolution of power to local governments


[ only before noun]
1. rolling hills have many long gentle slopes

2. done or happening regularly over a period of time, not all at once:
** We recommend a rolling programme of machine upgrading.


play or frolic boisterously; gambol; (n.)


[ intransitive]
1. [always + adverb/preposition]to play in a noisy way, especially by running, jumping etc
romp around/about:
** They could hear the children romping around upstairs.

2. to win a race, competition, election etc very easily
romp to a win/victory:
** The women's team romped to a 132-81 win over Ireland.
** In 1906 the Liberal Party romped back to power.
romp home: British English
** The favourite, Badawi, romped home in the first race.

[informal] to succeed in doing or finishing something quickly and easily

با جیغ وداد بازی کردن، سر وصدا

cock; adult male chicken


[ countable]
a male chicken [= cock British English]

(Noun) (امر.) خروس، جوجه خروس، ادم ستیزه جو

rosy; optimistic; (ex.) roseate views


** the roseate glow of the evening sun

(Adjective) گلگون، گلی، پر گل، بشاش، خوش بین

list (of names)


[ countable]
1. a list of the names of people on a sports team, in an organization etc
on a roster:
** The club has outstanding players on the roster.
roster of:
** The campaign has a roster of 500 volunteers.

2. a list that shows when each person in a group must do a particular job [= rota British English]
** duty roster

صورت، فهرست، وارد صورت کردن سیاهه نامه ها، سیاهه وظایف

raised platform for speech-making; pulpit


[ countable]
a small platform that you stand on when you are making a speech or conducting musicians [= podium]

(Noun) منبر، کرسی خطابه، منقار، پوزه، تاج

repetition; memorization through repetition without understanding; (ex.) learn poetry by rote


[ uncountable]
when you learn something by repeating it many times, without thinking about it carefully or without understanding it:
** In old-fashioned schools, much learning was by rote.
** the rote learning of facts

(Noun) صدای موج، عادت، کاری که از روی عادت بکنند، عادتا تکرار کردن

(of a person) fat and round


having a fat round body - used humorously [= stout]

(Adjective) گوشتالو، خپله، تپل، گلوله وار، پر اب و تاب

circular building or hall covered with a dome


[ countable]
a round building or hall, especially one with a dome

(Noun) ( rotonda ) ساختمان مدور، ساختمان گنبددار

roundness; sonorousness of speech

فربهی، چاق و تپلی بودن

lecherous man


[ countable]
a man who believes that pleasure is the most important thing in life - used to show disapproval

(Noun) ادم هرزه، فاسد

lively; inducing excitement; stirring; (v.) rouse: waken; arouse from sleep or depression; excite; stir up


[ only before noun]
a rousing song, speech etc makes people feel excited and eager to do something:
** a rousing chorus of 'Happy Birthday'

(Adjective) هیجان انگیز، شور انگیز، انگیزگر


** - rousing music
** - موسیقی شورانگیز
** - he delivered a rousing speech
** - یک نطق هیجانآمیز ایراد کرد
(Adjective) (کاسبی و غیره) پر رونق، گرفته، گرم

** - a rousing business
** - کاسبی پر رونق
(Adjective) چشمگیر، فوقالعاده، ناروال

** - a rousing success
** - موفقیت چشمگیر
(Adjective) شهوت انگیز

** - the rousing bare arms of that blonde goddess
** - بازوان عریان و شهوتانگیز آن الههی مو طلایی

put to rout; stampede; drive out; (n.) complete defeat and disorderly retreat


[ transitive]
to defeat someone completely in a battle, competition, or election

با پوزه کاویدن، جمع، گروه، بی نظمی و اغتشاش، بطوراشفته گریزاندن، کاملا شکست دادن، تار و مار کردن

fragments (esp. from a destroyed building)


[ uncountable]
broken stones or bricks from a building or wall that has been destroyed

(Noun) سنگ نتراشیده، قلوه سنگ، پاره اجر، خرده سنگ، ویران کردن

title or heading (in red print); directions for religious ceremony; protocol


[ countable]
1. [formal] a set of instructions or an explanation in a book, examination paper etc

2. a title under which particular things are mentioned or discussed:
** The names were listed under the rubric 'Contributors'.

عنوان، سرفصل، عنوانی که با حروف قرمز نوشته یا چاپ شده باشد، خط قرمز، روال

reddish; (of the face) reddish and healthy-looking


1. a ruddy face looks pink and healthy [≠ sallow]:
** a ruddy complexion
** ruddy cheeks

2. red:
** The fire cast a ruddy glow over the room.

3. [informal] used to emphasize what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed with someone or something [= bloody, damn]:
** I wish that ruddy dog would stop barking!

شنجرفی، قرمز رنگ، گلگون، گلچهره، سرخ کردن

elementary; not developed; crude; (n.) rudiment: fundamental element or principle; (ex.) rudiments of the language


1. a rudimentary knowledge or understanding of a subject is very simple and basic [≠ sophisticated]:
** Gradually, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music.
** my rudimentary German

2. rudimentary equipment, methods, systems etc are very basic and not advanced:
** subsistence farming in its most rudimentary form
** The classroom equipment is pretty rudimentary.

(Adjective) ناقص، اولیه، بدوی، ابتدایی

regret; lament; mourn; (ex.) he will rue the day; (n.) adj. rueful


[ transitive]
[literary] to wish that you had not done something [= regret]:
** She learned to rue the day she had met Henri.

پشیمان شدن، افسوس خوردن، دلسوزی کردن، پشیمانی،ناگواری، غم، غصه، ندامت

violent scoundrel; bully


[ countable]
[old-fashioned] a violent man, involved in crime:
** a gang of ruffians

(Noun) ادم بی شرف، لوطی، گردن کلفت، وحشی

make or move with a deep rolling sound (as thunder or stomach)


1. to make a series of long low sounds, especially a long distance away from you:
** We could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.

2. to move slowly along while making a series of long low sounds:
** We watched the tanks rumbling past the window.

3. [intransitive] if your stomach rumbles, it makes a noise, especially because you are hungry

4. [informal] to find out what someone is secretly intending to do:
** How did you rumble them?

5. [old-fashioned] to fight with someone

صدای ریز و سنگین دراوردن، غریدن، چیز پرسر و صدا،شکایت، چغلی، غرولند

animal that ruminates; (adj.)


[ countable]
an animal such as a cow that has several stomachs and eats grass

جانور پستاندار نشخوار کننده، (مجازا) فکور

chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically); mull over(ponder)


[ intransitive]
1. [formal] to think carefully and deeply about something
ruminate on/over:
** He sat alone, ruminating on the injustice of the world.

2. if animals such as cows ruminate, they bring food back into their mouths from their stomachs andchew it again

نشخوار کردن، اندیشه کردن، دوباره جویدن

ransack; thoroughly search


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
also rummage around/about to search for something by moving things around in a careless or hurried way
rummage in/through etc:
** Looks like someone's been rummaging around in my desk.

جستجو، تحقیق، کاوش، بازرس کشتی، اغتشاش، اشفتگی،خاکروبه، کاویدن، زیر و رو کردن، بهم زدن، خوب گشتن

(of a place) dilapidated; in a bad condition; (of a person) weak or exhausted


1. a building or area that is run-down is in very bad condition:
** a run-down inner-city area

2. someone who is run-down is tired and not healthy:
** You look a bit run-down.

(Adjective) (ساختمان و غیره) مخروبه، نیازمند به تعمیر، روبه ویرانی
(Adjective) (اتومبیل و غیره) قراضه
(Adjective) (آدم) رنجور، خسته و بی حال، کوفته، نزار

mysterious; set down in an ancient alphabet; (n.) rune: one of the letters of an alphabet used by ancient germanic peoples (cut on stone or wood); magic charm

(Adjective) رمزی، طلسمی

trick to deceive; stratagem


[ countable]
a clever trick used to deceive someone:
** Agnes tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of the house.

(Noun) حیله، نیرنک، مکر، خدعه

pertaining to country people; unsophisticated; simple; crude; uncouth; (of furniture) rough with the bark left on; (n.) rural person; rustic person


1. simple, old-fashioned, and not spoiled by modern developments, in a way that is typical of the countryside:
** The village had a certain rustic charm.

2. [only before noun] roughly made from wood:
** a rustic chair

روستایی، مربوط به دهکده، دهاتی، مسخره

banish to the country; dwell in the country

ساکن ده شدن، با اخراج تنبیه کردن

make slight sounds like silk moving or being rubbed together


1. if leaves, papers, clothes etc rustle, or if you rustle them, they make a noise as they rub against each other:
** She moved nearer, her long silk skirt rustling around her.
** He rustled the papers on his desk.

2. to steal farm animals such as cattle, horses, or sheep

to make a meal quickly:
** I'll rustle up a couple of steaks on the barbecue.

صدای برگ خشک، خش خش کردن، صدا کردن، صدا در اوردناز، صدای برگ خشک ایجادکردن

pitiless; merciless; cruel


1. so determined to get what you want that you do not care if you have to hurt other people in order to do it:
** a ruthless dictator
** They have shown a ruthless disregard for basic human rights.

2. determined and firm when making unpleasant decisions:
** He ran the company with ruthless efficiency.
** Throw away clothes you don't wear - be ruthless.

(Adjective) بیباک، ظالم

one who commits sabotage; destroyer of property; n. sabotage: destruction of property (usually carried out secretly)


[ countable]
someone who deliberately damages, destroys, or spoils someone else's property or activities, in order to prevent them from doing something:
** The lorries were wrecked by saboteurs.

(Noun) خرابکار

cloying sweet; characteristic of sugar or saccharin


too romantic in a way that seems silly and insincere:
** I hated the movie's saccharine ending.

(Adjective) (ش.) شکری، شیرین، قندی، محتوی قند

desecrating; profane; (n.) sacrilege: desecration, misuse, or theft of something sacred

(Adjective) موهن بمقدسات، مربوط به بیحرمتی به شعائر مذهبی

inviolably sacred; most sacred; inviolable


something that is sacrosanct is considered to be so important that no one is allowed to criticize or change it [= sacred]:
** Weekends are sacrosanct in our family.

(Adjective) مقدس، قدوس، منزه

inclined to cruelty; (n.) sadism: delight in cruelty


cruel and enjoying making other people suffer [↪ masochistic]:
** He took sadistic pleasure in humiliating her.
** sadistic fantasies

(Adjective) ( sadist ) سادیست، کسیکه از زجر دیگران لذت میبرد

scandinavian myth; any legend; long heroic narrative


[ countable]
1. a long and complicated series of events, or a description of this:
** The whole saga began back in May.
saga of:
** She launched into the saga of her on-off engagement.

2. a long story about events that happen over many years
saga of:
** a saga of four generations of the Coleman family

3. one of the stories written about the Vikings of Norway and Iceland

(Noun) حماسه، حماسه اسکاندویناوی

wise; perceptive; shrewd; having insight; (n.) sagacity


able to understand and judge things very well [= wise]

(Adjective) دانا، زیرک، عاقل، باهوش، بافراست، هوشمند

person celebrated for wisdom; wise person; (adj.) wise


1. a herb with grey-green leaves

2. [literary] someone, especially an old man, who is very wise

(Noun) (رسمی) (آدم) فرزانه، (آدم) با خرد، (آدم) هوشمند، (آدم) بصیر، (آدم) دانا
(Adjective) (رسمی) فرزانه، با خرد، هوشمند، دانا، بصیر، حقیقت‌بین، هوشمندانه، داهیانه
(Noun) (گیاه شناسی) مریم گلی

lascivious; lustful; (ex.) salacious monk


showing too much interest in sex:
** the media's love of salacious gossip

(Adjective) شهوتران، شهوانی، شهوت پرست، هرزه

prominent; projecting beyond a line; conspicuous; ex. salient features


the salient points or features of something are the most important or most noticeable parts of it:
** the salient points of the report

برجسته،نمایان،رو به بیرون،(بزبان شوخی)جست وخیز کننده



containing or consisting of salt:
** saline solution

محلول نمک، درجه شوری، نمک دار، نمکین، شور

(of the skin) yellowish and unhealthy-looking; sickly in color; (ex.) sallow complexion due to jaundice


sallow skin looks slightly yellow and unhealthy
sallow face/skin/complexion:
** a woman with dark hair and a sallow complexion

درخت بید، رنگ خاکستری مایل به زرد وسبز، زرد رنگ(مثل مریض)، زردرنگ کردن

healthful; conducive to health or well-being; socially desirable; (ex.) salubrious area; (cf.) health


a salubrious area or place is pleasant and clean, especially compared to other places - often used humorously:
** the less salubrious area near the docks

(Adjective) سازگار، گوارا، سالم، صحت بخش، سودمند

tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; (ex.) the punishment had a salutary effect on the boy; (cf.) health


a salutary experience is unpleasant but teaches you something
salutary experience/lesson/reminder etc:
** Losing money in this way taught young Jones a salutary lesson.

(Adjective) سالم ومغذی، سلامت بخش، سودمند، درودی

rescue (goods or property) from loss; (n.) saving; property saved


[ transitive]
1. to save something from an accident or bad situation in which other things have already been damaged, destroyed, or lost:
** Divers hope to salvage some of the ship's cargo.
salvage something from something:
** They managed to salvage only a few of their belongings from the fire.

2. to make sure that you do not lose something completely, or to make sure that something does not fail completely:
** He fought to salvage the company's reputation.

نجات مال یا جان کسی، نجارت کسی از خطر، از خطرنابودی نجات دادن، مصرف مجدداشغال وزائد هر چیز

displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness; (n.) sanctimony: hypocritical piety


behaving as if you are morally better than other people, in a way that is annoying - used to show disapproval:
** sanctimonious politicians preaching about family values

(Adjective) مقدس نما، مقدس

approve; ratify; (n.) permission; penalty intended to enforce compliance


1. sanctions: official orders or laws stopping trade, communication etc with another country, as a way of forcing its leaders to make political changes
sanctions against:
** US sanctions against Cuba
** a resolution to impose sanctions (=start using sanctions) on North Korea
** the threat of trade sanctions
** The UN security council may impose economic sanctions.
** Any talk about lifting sanctions (=ending them) is premature.

2. official permission, approval, or acceptance:
** Apparently, the aide had acted without White House sanction.

3. [formal] a form of punishment that can be used if someone disobeys a rule or law:
** the harshest possible sanction which could be imposed

فرمان، فتوای کلیسایی، سوگند، تصویب، جواز، تاییدرسمی، دارای مجوز قانونی دانستن، ضمانت اجرایی معین کردن، ضمانت اجرایی قانون تحریم

place of refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place; (ex.) the outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.


1. [countable] an area for birds or animals where they are protected and cannot be hunted [= refuge]
bird/wildlife etc sanctuary:
** The park is the largest wildlife sanctuary in the US.
sanctuary for:
** a sanctuary for tigers

2. [uncountable and countable] a peaceful place that is safe and provides protection, especially for people who are in danger [= refuge]
find/seek sanctuary:
** Fleeing refugees found sanctuary in Geneva.
sanctuary for:
** a sanctuary for battered women

3. the part of a religious building that is considered to be the most holy

4. the room in a religious building where religious services take place

5. the right that people had under Christian law, especially in the past, to be protected from police, soldiers etc by staying in a church

(Noun) جایگاه مقدس، حرم مطهر، بستگاه، مخفیگاه، پناهگاه،تحصین، حق بست نشینی

bloody; with much bloodshed


involving violence and killing

(Adjective) خونی، دموی، امیدوار

optimistic; cheerful; hopeful; of the color of blood; red


happy and hopeful about the future [= optimistic]
sanguine about:
** Other economists are more sanguine about the possibility of inflation.
** a sanguine view

خونی، دموی، سرخ، قرمز، برنگ خون

diminish; weaken; undermine the foundations of (a fortification); (ex.) the element kryptonite sapped his strength.


1. the watery substance that carries food through a plant

2. [informal] a stupid person who is easy to deceive or treat badly

شیره، شیره گیاهی، عصاره، خون، شیره کشیده از، ضعیف کردن

cutting ironic remark; scornful remarks; stinging rebuke; (adj.) sarcastic


[ uncountable]
a way of speaking or writing that involves saying the opposite of what you really mean in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed:
** 'Good of you to arrive on time,' George said, with heavy sarcasm (=very clear sarcasm).
hint/trace/edge/touch of sarcasm:
** There was just a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

(Noun) زهر خنده، طعنه، ریشخند، سرزنش، سخن طعنه آمیز

scornfully mocking; disdainful; sarcastic; cynical; ex. sardonic smile


showing that you do not have a good opinion of someone or something, and feel that you are better than them:
** He looked at her with sardonic amusement.

(Adjective) طعنه آمیز، کنایه آمیز، وابسته به زهر خنده

pertaining to tailors or tailoring; (ex.) a man of great sartorial elegance; (cf.) sartor: tailor


relating to clothes, especially the style of clothes that a man wears - used especially humorously:
** a man of great sartorial elegance

(Adjective) مربوط به خیاطی، مربوط بلباس مردانه

satisfy to the full; satisfy to excess; cloy

سیر کردن، راضی کردن، فرونشاندن

small body revolving around a larger one


[ countable]
1. a machine that has been sent into space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio, television, and other electronic communication:
** the launch of a communications and weather satellite
via/by satellite: (=using a satellite)
** This broadcast comes live via satellite from New York.

2. a natural object that moves around a planet:
** The moon is a satellite of the Earth.

3. a country, area, or organization that is controlled by or is dependent on another larger one:
** the former Soviet satellite country of Lithuania

4. a town that has developed next to a large city:
** We stayed in Aurora, a satellite suburb of Chicago.

(Noun) ماهواره
(Noun) پیرو، انگل، ماه، ماهواره، قمر مصنویی

satisfy fully (physical needs such as hunger); sate; (n.) satiety: condition of being satiated


[ transitive usually passive]
to satisfy a desire or need for something such as food or sex, especially so that you feel you have had too much

(Verb - transitive) سیر کردن، فروشناندن، اشباع شدن، اقناع شدن

form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack human vice and folly


1. [uncountable] a way of criticizing something such as a group of people or a system, in which you deliberately make them seem funny so that people will see their faults:
** the characteristic use of satire in Jonson's work
political/social satire:
** a comedy group that does political satire

2. a piece of writing, film, play etc that uses this type of criticism
satire on:
** a satire on American politics
savage/stinging/vicious/biting satire:
** a biting satire of the television industry

(Noun) طنز، هجونامه، طعنه، سخریه، هزلیات

using satire; mocking

(Adjective) ( satiric ) هزلی

soak thoroughly; imbue; impregnate; charge; fill to capacity


[ transitive]
1. [formal] to make something very wet [= soak; ≠ dry]:
** Water poured through the hole, saturating the carpet.

2. to put a lot of something into a particular place, especially so that you could not add any more
saturate something with something:
** Our culture is saturated with television and advertising.

3. saturate the market: to offer so much of a product for sale that there is more than people want to buy

4. to mix as much of a solid into a chemical mixture as possible

اشتباه کردن، سیر کردن، اغشتن اشباع کردن

morose; gloomy; (ex.) do not be misled by his saturnine countenance.


looking sad and serious, especially in a threatening way:
** his lean saturnine face

(Adjective) سنگین، شوم، افسرده، دلتنگ، سربی

half-human, half-bestial being in the court of dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton( unrestrained) and cunning; lecher; (cf.) faun; (cf.) goat: lecherous man


[ countable]
a god in ancient Greek stories, represented as half human and half goat

(Noun) (افسانه یونانی) موجود نیمه انسان ونیمه بز، ادم شهوانی، وابسته به ساتیر

stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly; (n.)


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially so that you look confident or proud [↪ stroll]
saunter along/around/in etc:
** He came sauntering down the road with his hands in his pockets.

ولگردی کردن، پرسه زدن، گردش

scholar; learned person; (cf.) savoir: know


[ countable]
1. someone who knows a lot about a subject

2. someone who has mental problems and may have lower intelligence than average, but who can do one thing very well, such as adding numbers very quickly

(Noun) دانشمند، دانا

enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality; n: taste or smell; distinctive quality

( savour ) حس ذائقه، مزه، طعم، بو، مزه کردن، فهمیدن، دوست داشتن

pleasant in taste; tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable; (ex.) savory reputation


the American spelling of savoury

(Noun) ( savoury ) خوش طعم، مطبوع طبع، مورد پسند

case for a sword blade; sheath


[ countable]
a metal or leather cover for the blade of a sword

(Noun) نیام، غلاف شمشیر، حفاظ، غلاف کردن

a great quantity; (ex.) scads of clothes


scads of something: large numbers or quantities of something:
** They got scads of calls from reporters.

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:
** scotssds

temporary platform for workers (to work at heights above the ground); bracing framework; platform for execution


[ countable]
1. a structure built next to a wall, for workers to stand on while they build, repair, or paint a building

2. a raised structure which was used in the past as a place to kill criminals by hanging them or cutting off their heads

3. a structure that can be moved up and down to help people work on high buildings [= cradle British English]

چوب بست، داربست، دار، تخته بندی، سکوب یا چهار چوب، تخته بندی کردن، سکوب زدن، بدار اویختن

climb up; ascend; remove or come off in scales; n: flake of epidermis; ascending or descending series of musical tones


1. size/level: [singular, uncountable] the size or level of something, or the amount that something is happening
scale of:
** We had underestimated the scale of the problem.
on a large/small/grand etc scale:
** There has been housing development on a massive scale since 1980.
** Most alternative technologies work best on a small scale.
** A structural survey revealed the full scale of the damage.
** I was shocked by the sheer scale (=very big scale) of the destruction.
on a global/international/world scale:
** Pollution could cause changes to weather patterns on a global scale.
** Large firms benefit from economies of scale (=ways of saving money because they are big).

2. range: [countable usually singular] a whole range of different types of people or things, from the lowest level to the highest:
** Some rural schools have 50 pupils, while at the other end of the scale are city schools with nearly 5,000 pupils.
up/down the scale:
** She gradually made her way up the social scale.
** animals which are lower down the evolutionary scale (=the range of animals that have developed gradually over a long time)

3. a machine for weighing people or objects:
** a set of kitchen scales
** some new bathroom scales (=scales that you use to weigh yourself)

4. a system of numbers that is used for measuring the amount, speed, quality etc of something
on a scale:
** The earthquakes measured 7 on the Richter scale.
** changes to the company's pay scale
** Your performance will be judged on a scale of 1 to 10.
** We use a sliding scale (=in which prices are not firmly fixed) for charges.

5. a set of marks with regular spaces between them on a tool that is used for measuring, or on the side of a mathematical drawing:
** a ruler with a metric scale

کفه ترازو، (درجمع) ترازو، وزن، (جانورشناسی) پولک یاپوسته بدن جانور، فلس، هر چیز پله پله، هرچیز مدرج،اعداد روی درجه گرماسنج وغیره، مقیاس، اندازه،معیار، درجه، میزان، مقیاس نقشه، وسیله سنجش، خط مقیاس، تناسب، نسبت، مقیاس کردن، توزین کردن مقیاس، گام، مقیاس گذاشتن، پیمودن

meager; insufficient


1. not enough:
** There is only scanty evidence of his involvement.

2. scanty clothes are small and do not cover very much of your body - used to show disapproval

(Adjective) کم، اندک قلیل، غیر کافی

someone who bears the blame for others; whipping boy; (cf.) escape + goat


[ countable]
someone who is blamed for something bad that happens, even if it is not their fault
scapegoat for:
** She believed she had been made a scapegoat for what happened.

(م.م.) بز طلیعه، کسیکه قربانی دیگران شود، کسی راقربانی دیگران کردن

hunt through discarded materials for usable items or food; search, especially for food; (n.) scavenger: one who scavenges; animal that feeds on refuse and carrion


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. if an animal scavenges, it eats anything that it can find:
** Pigs scavenged among the rubbish.
scavenge for:
** rats scavenging for food

2. if someone scavenges, they search through things that other people do not want for food or useful objects:
** There are people who live in the dump and scavenge garbage for a living.
scavenge for:
** Women were scavenging for old furniture.

تنظیف کردن، سپوری کردن، تمیز کردن، در اشغال کاوش کردن

plot outline; screenplay(script for a movie); opera libretto; outline of possible future events


[ countable]
1. a situation that could possibly happen:
** Imagine a scenario where only 20% of people have a job.
possible/likely/plausible scenario:
** Under a likely scenario, world population will double by 2050.
** a possible scenario
worst-case/nightmare scenario: (=the worst possible situation)
** The worst-case scenario was that he would have to have an operation.

2. [technical] a written description of the characters, place, and things that will happen in a film, play etc

(Noun) متن یانمایشنامه فیلم سینمایی، (درجمع) دستور نوشته ورود وخروج بازیگران نمایش، زمینه یا طرح راهنمای فیلم صامت

of a schema or scheme; relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols; (n.) schema: diagrammatic representation; outline


showing the main parts of something in a simple way:
** a schematic diagram of DNA

قیاسی، نموداری الگو وار، طرح کلی

systematic plan; plot; clever dishonest plan; orderly arrangement of elements; (ex.) health insurance scheme; (ex.) a scheme to escape taxes; (ex.) a color scheme; (ex.) a story with no scheme; (v.) contrive a scheme


[ countable]
1. British English an official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing education or training [= program American English]
** The money will be used for teacher training schemes.
** a pension scheme
scheme for:
** schemes for two new cross-city lines
scheme to do something:
** a new scheme to boost exports
pilot scheme: (=something that is done on a small scale in order to see if it is successful enough to be done on a larger scale)
** The pilot scheme proved to be a great success.

2. a clever plan, especially to do something that is bad or illegal - used in order to show disapproval:
** a get-rich-quick scheme
scheme to do something:
** a scheme to pass false cheques

3. a system that you use to organize information, ideas etc:
** a classification scheme

4. in the scheme of things: in the way things generally happen, or are organized:
** the unimportance of man in the whole scheme of things

برنامه، طرح، نقشه، ترتیب، رویه، تدبیر، تمهید،نقشه طرح کردن، توطئه چیدن

division into factions (esp. within a religious body); split


[ uncountable and countable]
the separation of a group into two groups, caused by a disagreement about its aims and beliefs, especially in the Christian church [= split]

(Noun) ( schismatism ) جدایی، شقاق، انفصال، اختلاف، ایجادجدایی، تفرقه، اختلاف و تفرقه درکلیسا

full of learning; erudite; like a scholar; (ex.) scholarly journal


1. relating to serious study of a particular subject:
** a scholarly journal

2. someone who is scholarly spends a lot of time studying, and knows a lot about a particular subject

دانشمند، فاضل، پژوهشگر، دانشمندانه

trace; minute amount; shred; least bit; (ex.) there is not a scintilla of truth; (cf.) spark


[ singular ]
a very small amount of something
scintilla of:
** There isn't a scintilla of evidence.

(Noun) جرقه، اثر

sparkle; flash; be animated; be full of life; (ex.) scintillating conversation

جرقه زدن، برق زدن، ساطع شدن، درخشیدن

detached plant shoot used in grafting; descendant


[ countable]
a young member of a famous or important family
scion of:
** a scion of an ancient Scottish family

(Noun) ( cion =) قلمه، نهال، ترکه، نو، تازه، نورسته، فرزند

laugh (at); mock; ridicule; (ex.) scoff at their threats


1. [intransitive and transitive] to laugh at a person or idea, and talk about them in a way that shows you think they are stupid [= make fun of]
scoff at:
** David scoffed at her fears.
** Officials scoffed at the idea.
** 'You, a scientist!' he scoffed.

2. [informal] to eat something very quickly:
** She scoffed the plate of biscuits.

تمسخر، طنز، طعنه، ریشخند، استهزا ، اهانت وارداوردن، تمسخر کردن

sear; (n.)


1. [intransitive and transitive] if you scorch something, or if it scorches, its surface burns slightly and changes colour:
** The walls had been blackened and scorched by fire.

2. [transitive] if strong heat or wind scorches plants, it dries and damages them:
** Direct sunlight will scorch the plant's leaves.

3. [transitive] if strong heat scorches you, it burns you:
** The hot sand scorched our feet.

4. [informal] to travel extremely fast
scorch along/down/across etc :
** He scorched out of the gate, almost crashing his new sports car.

بطور سطحی سوختن، تاول زدن، سوزاندن، بودادن،سوختگی، تاول

number of points; written form of a musical composition; reason; group of 20; notch or incision; (ex.) full/vocal score; (ex.) don’t worry on that score; (v.) mark with lines or notches; (ex.) score the paper to make it easy to fold


[ countable]
1. the number of points that each team or player has won in a game or competition:
** At half-time the score was one-all.
** What's the score?
** Is anybody keeping score (=making a record of the score)?
** The final score was Southampton two, Leeds United nil.
score of:
** a score of 3-2

2. in a test or experiment:a) the number of points a student has earned for correct answers in a test:
** The school's test scores have not improved.
score of:
** a score of 90%b) the number of points that a person or group of people gets in a scientific test or experiment
score of:
** He had an IQ score of 120.

3. a written or printed copy of a piece of music, especially for a large group of performers, or the music itself:
** a musical score
** Who wrote the score for the movie?

4. on that score:[spoken] concerning the particular thing you have just mentioned:
** As for the cost, you don't need to worry on that score.

5. know the score:[informal] to know the real facts of a situation, including any unpleasant ones:
** We are trying to attract managers who know the score.

(Noun) (در مسابقه و بازی) امتیاز، امتیازها، نتیجه


** - keep (the) score
** - (در مسابقه) حساب امتیاز را نگه داشتن
** - the final score
** - نتیجه‌ی نهایی
** - know the score
** - (محاوره) اوضاع دست (کسی) بودن، از همه چیز خبر داشتن
** - on more scores than one
** - به دلایل مختلف، به چندین و چند دلیل
** - on that/this score
** - تا آن‌جا که به این (موضوع) مربوط می‌شود، از این بابت، در این مورد
(Noun) (در امتحان و آزمایش) نمره
(Noun) بریدگی، شکاف، (بر سطح چیزی) خراش، خراشیدگی، خط
(Noun) (قدیمی، محاوره) صورت حساب، حساب
(Noun) دسته‌ی بیست‌تایی، بیست‌تایی

** - by the score
** - در یک دسته‌ی بیست‌تایی
** - he lived four score years
** - (ادبی) هشتاد سال زیست
(Noun) (در جمع) مقدار زیادی، تعداد زیادی، خیلی‌ها، خیلی
(Noun) (موسیقی) پارتیتور
(Noun) (فیلم، نمایش و غیره) موسیقی (متن)، موزیک (متن)
(Verb - intransitive) (در مسابقه و بازی) امتیاز به دست آوردن، (فوتبال و غیره) گل زدن
(Verb - intransitive) (در امتحان و آزمایش) نمره گرفتن
(Verb - intransitive) (در مسابقه و غیره) حساب امتیازات را نگه داشتن
(Verb - intransitive) به موفقیت دست یافتن، گل کردن
(Verb - intransitive) (عامیانه، در رابطه‌ی جنسی) ترتیبش را دادن، (با هم) خوابیدن، به هدف زدن
(Verb - intransitive) (عامیانه، در مورد مواد مخدر) جنس‌گیر آوردن
(Verb - transitive) (امتیاز، نمره، موفقیت) کسب کردن، به دست آوردن، (فوتبال و غیره) (گل) زدن

** - score a point/points against/off/over somebody
** - (در مسابقه و بازی) امتیاز آوردن، (فوتبال و غیره) گل زدن
** - score against somebody
** - از کسی امتیاز گرفتن، از کسی پیش افتادن
** - score over something
** - از چیزی جلو افتادن، از چیزی پیش افتادن
** - score off somebody
** - از ... امتیاز گرفتن، از میدان به در بردن
(Verb - transitive) (بازیکن) امتیاز دادن به
(Verb - transitive) خط انداختن، خراش دادن، خراشیدن، بریدن، خط خطی کردن

** - score something out/score something through
** - (نوشته) خط زدن، خط کشیدن روی
(Verb - transitive) (در آمریکا) به باد انتقاد گرفتن، مسخره کردن، دست انداختن
(Verb - transitive) (موسیقی) نوشتن، تنظیم کردن، برای ارکستر تنظیم کردن، تصنیف کردن، ساختن، (فیلم و غیره) موسیقی ساختن برای

stamp out(put an end to); thwart; hinder; (ex.) scotch the rumor


[ transitive]
to stop something happening by firmly doing something to prevent it:
** He issued an announcement to scotch rumours of his death.

ویسکی اسکاتلندی، (با حرف بزرگ) اسکاتلندی، چاک،خراش، زخم، چاک دادن، زخمی کردن، له کردن، مسدودکردن، مانع غلتیدن شدن، مردد بودن، نوار چسب اسکاچ

lash; whip (formerly used for punishment); source of severe punishment; (v.) whip; afflict


[ countable]
1. something that causes a lot of harm or suffering
scourge of:
** the scourge of unemployment
** the scourge of war

2. a whip used to punish people in the past

تازیانه، شلاق، بلا، وسیله تنبیه، غضب خداوند،گوشمالی، تازیانه زدن، تنبیه کردن

frown angrily; (n.) angry frown


[ intransitive]
to look at someone in an angry way [↪ frown]:
** Patrick scowled, but did as he was told.
scowl at:
** Mum scowled at him and refused to say anything.

ابرو درهم کشی، اخم، ترشرویی، اخم کردن

small bit or fragment; discarded waste material; fight; (ex.) a scrap of paper/cloth; (v.) break into parts for disposal; discard as worthless; fight; quarrel


1. paper/cloth: [countable] a small piece of paper, cloth etc
scrap of:
** He wrote his address on a scrap of paper.
** a rug made out of old scraps of material

2. old objects: [uncountable] materials or objects that are no longer used for the purpose they were made for, but can be used again in another way:
** The equipment was sold for scrap.
** Scrap metal (=metal from old cars, machines etc)fetched high prices after the war.

3. pieces of food that are left after you have finished eating:
** My mother fed the dog on scraps to save money.
table/kitchen scraps: American English

4. information: [countable] a small amount of information, truth etc
scrap of:
** He obtained every scrap of information available.
** There isn't a single scrap of evidence.

5. [informal] a short fight or argument:
** He's always getting into scraps with other dogs.

تکه، پاره، قراضه، عکس یا قسمتی از کتاب یا روزنامه که بریده شده، ته مانده، ماشین الات اوراق، اشغال،جنگ، نزاع، اوراق کردن قراضه، اوراق، دورانداختن



1. British English untidy or badly organized:
** scrappy notes from the meeting

2. [informal] having a determined character and always willing to compete, argue, or fight:
** a scrappy team that plays hard

(Adjective) پاره پاره، تکه تکه، ستیزه جو

leftover food

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:
** serapis

unpleasant high sharp sound; shriek; (v.)


1. [intransitive and transitive] to shout loudly in an unpleasant high voice because you are angry, afraid, or excited [= shriek, scream]:
** 'Look out!' she screeched.
** They screeched with laughter.
screech at:
** She screeched at me to take off my muddy shoes.

2. [intransitive] if a vehicle screeches, its wheels make a high unpleasant noise as it moves along or stops:
** A van screeched onto the road in front of me.
** The car screeched to a halt.

صدای بلند، جیغ، فریاد شبیه جیغ، صدای گوشخراش،فریاد کردن، جیغ کشیدن، صدای ناهنجار(مثل صدای ترمزماشین) ایجاد کردن

disorderly fight between two or more people


[ countable]
1. [informal] a fight

2. a practice game of football, basketball etc

غوغا، داد وبیداد، هنگامه، کشمکش، در تکاپو بودن،دست وپنجه نرم کردن

hesitate for ethical reasons; fret about; (ex.) she did not scruple to read his diary; (n.) uneasy feeling arising from conscience; conscience


[ countable usually plural, uncountable]
a belief about what is right and wrong that prevents you from doing bad things
scruples about doing something:
** He had no scruples about selling faulty goods to people.
** a man with no moral scruples
without scruple:
** They made thousands of families homeless without scruple.

اندک، ذره، واحد سنجش چیز جزئی، تردید، بیم، محظوراخلاقی، نهی اخلاقی، وسواس باک، تردید داشتن، دو دل بودن، وسواس داشتن

conscientious; extremely thorough; (ex.) scrupulous worker


1. very careful to be completely honest and fair [≠ unscrupulous]:
** Not all lawyers are as scrupulous as she is.
** scrupulous honesty
scrupulous in (doing) something:
** The organization will be scrupulous in maintaining the highest moral standards.

2. doing something very carefully so that nothing is left out
scrupulous about (doing) something:
** He was not very scrupulous about keeping himself clean.
** scrupulous attention to detail

(Adjective) محتاط، وسواسی، ناشی از وسواس یا دقت زیاد

examine closely and critically; (n.) scrutiny


[ transitive]
to examine someone or something very carefully:
** He scrutinized the document.
** She scrutinized his face.

(Verb - transitive) بدقت بررسی کردن
(Verb - transitive) موشکافی کردن، مورد مداقه قرار دادن

struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry; (n.) (cf.) scuffling twins ?


[ countable]
a short fight that is not very violent:
** Scuffles broke out between rival supporters during the match.
scuffle with/between:
** scuffles with police

نزاع، غوغا، کشمکش، جنجال، مشاجره، کشمکش کردن، دستبیقه شدن با

abusive; obscene; indecent; (ex.) scurrilous remark


scurrilous remarks, articles etc contain damaging and untrue statements about someone:
** a scurrilous attack on his integrity

(Adjective) ( scurrile ) فحاش، بد دهن، ناسزا گو

move hastily; hurry; move briskly


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are in a hurry
** People were scurrying off to work.

حرکت تند وسریع، حرکت از روی دست پاچگی، مسابقه کوتاه، سراسیمگی، بسرعت حرکت دادن

contemptible; despicable; (n.) disease caused by deficiency of vitamin c


[ uncountable]
a disease caused by not eating foods such as fruit and vegetables that containvitamin C

پوشیده از شوره، پست، منفور، کمبود ویتامین

sink (a ship) by cutting holes in the hull; scrap; discard; (n.) small hatch in a ship’s deck or hull


1. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are afraid and do not want to be noticed:
** A little lizard scuttled across the path.

2. [transitive] American English to ruin or end someone's plans or chance of being successful - used especially in news reports [= scupper British English]
** The incident threatens to scuttle the peace process.

3. to sink a ship by making holes in the bottom, especially in order to prevent it being used by an enemy

سطل ذغال، جا ذغالی، کج بیل، گام تند، گریز، عقب نشینی، روزنه، دریچه، سوراخ کردن، بسرعت دویدن، دررفتن

sordid; base; filthy; unwholesome; (ex.) seamy side of city life


involving unpleasant things such as crime, violence, or immorality:
** the seamy side of the World Wide Web

(Adjective) درزدار

burn the surface of; char or burn; brand; parch; cause (a plant) to wither


1. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] to burn something with a sudden powerful heat:
** The heat seared their skin.

2. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] to have a very strong sudden and unpleasant effect on you:
** Pain was searing through her.
** The image was seared into his brain.

3. to cook the outside of a piece of meat quickly at a high temperature, in order to keep its juices in:
** seared tuna steaks

علامت داغ، پژمرده، خشکیده، از کار افتاده، خسته،خشکاندن، سوزاندن، داغ کردن پژمرده کردن یا شدن

enhance the flavor of by adding a spice, etc.; inure; harden; (n.) seasoning: something used in seasoning


1. one of the main periods into which a year is divided, which each have a particular type of weather. In the west, the seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter:
** the effect on plants as the seasons change

2. a period of time in a year during which a particular activity takes place, or during which something usually happens:
** the first game of the season
the football/cricket etc season:
** the end of the football season
the racing/fishing/hunting etc season:
** The racing season starts in June.
** Some footpaths are closed during the shooting season.
out of season: (=when an activity is not allowed)
** He was caught fishing out of season.
season for:
** The season for strawberries (=when they are available to buy)usually starts in early June.
the rainy/wet/dry season: (=the time when it rains a lot or does not rain at all)
** African rivers turn to hard mud during the dry season.
the growing/planting etc season:
** The planting season is in spring, with harvest in the fall.

3. holiday: [singular, uncountable] the time of the year when most people take their holidays
high/peak season: (=the busiest part of this time)
** There are two boat trips a day, more in high season.
low/off season: (=the least busy part of this time)
** An off-season break costs £114.
out of season:
** It's quieter out of season.
holiday season: British English
/tourist season:
** We arrived at the height of the tourist season (=the busiest time).
the holiday season: American English (=Thanksgiving to New Year, including Christmas, Hanukkah etc)
the festive season: British English (=Christmas and New Year)

4. fashion: [singular] the time in each year when new styles of clothes, hair etc are produced and become fashionable:
** This season's look is fresh and natural.

5. be in/out of season: vegetables and fruit that are in season are cheap and easily available because it is the time of year when they are ready to eat. If they are out of season, they are expensive or not available:
** Vine tomatoes are in season from April to October.

فصل، فرصت، هنگام، دوران، چاشنی زدن، ادویه زدن،معتدل کردن، خودادن

occurring at the proper time or season; opportune; ex. seasonable intervention in the dispute


suitable or usual for a particular time of year [≠ unseasonable]:
** seasonable temperatures

(Adjective) مناسب فصل، بموقع، بهنگام

of a particular season; (ex.) seasonal rise in employment


[ usually before noun]
happening, expected, or needed during a particular season:
** heavy seasonal rains
seasonal workers/employment etc:
** seasonal jobs in the tourist industry

(Adjective) فصلی



1. [only before noun] used to describe someone who has a lot of experience of a particular thing
seasoned traveller/observer etc:
** Artie was by then a seasoned musician with six albums to his credit.

2. seasoned food has salt, pepper etc added to it:
** a highly seasoned piece of fish

3. seasoned wood has been prepared for use by drying

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

withdrawal; (v.) secede: withdraw formally from membership


[ uncountable and countable]
when a country or state officially stops being part of another country and becomes independent:
** a vote in favor of secession
secession from:
** Croatia's secession from Yugoslavia

(Noun) جدا روی، تجزیه طلبی، انشعاب حزبی، انفصال، انتزاع

isolation; solitude; (v.) seclude: set apart from others; isolate


[uncountable] the state of being private and away from other people:
** They enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion.
in seclusion:
** He preferred to stay at home in seclusion.
seclusion of:
** the relative seclusion of the Norfolk countryside

(Noun) جدایی، انزوا، گوشه نشینی

conceal; hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism; (cf.) secretive


[ transitive]
1. if a part of an animal or plant secretes a liquid substance, it produces it:
** The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison.

2. [formal] to hide something:
** The money had been secreted in a Swiss Bank account.

ترشح کردن، تراوش کردن، پنهان کردن

separate religious body; faction; group of people with common beliefs within a larger group


[ countable]
a group of people with their own particular set of beliefs and practices, especially within or separated from a larger religious group

(Noun) فرقه، مسلک، حزب، دسته، دسته مذهبی، مکتب فلسفی،بخش، قسمت، بریدن، قسمت کردن

of a sect; narrow-minded; parochial; (n.) member of a sect; narrow-minded person


1. sectarian violence/conflict/murder etc: violence etc that is related to the strong feelings of people who belong to different religious groups:
** people on both sides of the sectarian divide in Northern Ireland

2. supporting a particular religious group and its beliefs:
** a sectarian school

تیره ای، فرقه ای، حزبی، فرقه گرای، کوته بین

worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion; temporal


1. not connected with or controlled by a church or other religious authority:
** secular education
** our modern secular society

2. a secular priest lives among ordinary people, rather than with other priests in a monastery

وابسته بدنیا، دنیوی، غیر روحانی، عامی

composed (with no excitement); grave; (v.) administer a sedative to; (cf.) sedative


1. calm, serious, and formal:
** a sedate seaside town
** The wedding was rather a sedate occasion.

2. [formal] moving slowly and calmly:
** We continued our walk at a sedate pace.

ارام، ملایم، متین، موقر، جدی، تسکین دهنده

requiring sitting; done while sitting; not moving from one place to another; settled; (ex.) sedentary job/population


1. [formal] spending a lot of time sitting down, and not moving or exercising very much
sedentary life/job/lifestyle etc:
** health problems caused by our sedentary lifestyles

2. [technical] a sedentary group of people tend always to live in the same place:
** a sedentary people living north of the Danube

(Adjective) نشسته، غیر مهاجر، مقیم در یک جا، غیر متحرک

conduct or language inciting rebellion; rebellion; resistance to authority; insubordination; (adj.) seditious


[ uncountable]
speech, writing, or actions intended to encourage people to disobey a government:
** Trade Union leaders were charged with sedition.

اشوب، فتنه، فاسد، شورش، اغتشاش، فتنه جویی

lead away from proper conduct; entice; (adj.) seductive


[ transitive]
1. to persuade someone to have sex with you, especially in a way that is attractive and not too direct:
** The head lecturer was sacked for seducing female students.
** Are you trying to seduce me?

2. [often passive] to make someone want to do something by making it seem very attractive or interesting to them:
** I was young and seduced by New York.
seduce somebody into doing something:
** Leaders are people who can seduce other people into sharing their dream.

(Verb - transitive) اغوا کردن، گمراه کردن، از راه بدر کردن، فریفتن

diligent; assiduous; paying attention; (n.) sedulity

(Adjective) کوشا، ساعی

run-down; decrepit; disreputable; having many seeds; (ex.) seedy downtown hotel


a seedy person or place looks dirty or poor, and is often connected with illegal or immoral activities:
** a seedy nightclub
** a seedy-looking old man

(Adjective) تخمی، تخم دار، بتخم افتاده، مندرس، از کار افتاده

(of behavior) proper; appropriate


suitable for a particular situation or social occasion, according to accepted standards of behaviour [≠ unseemly]:
** It was not seemly for ladies to talk about money.

شایسته، زیبنده، خوش منظر، بطور دلپذیر

pass slowly through small openings; ooze; trickle; n. seepage


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
1. to flow slowly through small holes or spaces
seep into/through/down etc:
** Blood seeped down his leg.

2. to move or spread gradually
seep away/into/through etc:
** His tension was seeping away.

تراوش طبیعی، رسوخ، چکه، تراوش کردن، از میان سوراخهای ریز نفوذ کردن، چکه کردن

be violently disturbed; boil; (of a liquid) move about wildly as if boiling; (ex.) the nation was seething with discontent.


[ intransitive]
1. to feel an emotion, especially anger, so strongly that you are almost shaking [= fume]
seethe with:
** He was seething with anger.
** I was absolutely seething.

2. be seething (with something): if a place is seething with people, insects etc, there are a lot of them all moving quickly in different directions:
** The cellar was seething with spiders.

غلیان، جوش وخروش، تلاطم، جوشیدن، جوشاندن

net; net for catching fish

تور بزرگ ماهی گیری، با تور ماهی گرفتن

pertaining to earthquakes


[ only before noun]
1. relating to or caused by earthquakes:
** increased seismic activity

2. very great, serious, or important:
** seismic changes in international relations

(Adjective) وابسته به زمین لرزه، مرتعش، متزلزل

careful in choosing; having an effect only on certain things; not general; (ex.) eclectic weed killer


1. careful about what you choose to do, buy, allow etc
selective about/in:
** We're very selective about what we let the children watch.
** selective schools (=that choose which students to accept)
** He has a very selective memory (=he chooses what he wants to remember and what to forget).

2. affecting or relating to the best or most suitable people or things from a larger group:
** selective breeding

(Adjective) به گزین، گزیننده، گزیده، انتخابی
(Adjective) گزینشی، انتخابی، برگزیده، انتخاب کننده، مبنی برانتخاب، دارای حسن انتخاب گلچین کننده

excessive indulgence of one’s own desire

(Noun) خودکامگی، تسلیم شدن به هوا و هوسهای فردی، میل گرایی، خویشکامی، هوسرانی، لذت جویی

sure of one’s own righteousness; moralistic


proudly sure that your beliefs, attitudes, and morals are good and right, in a way that annoys other people - used to show disapproval:
** She's a vegetarian, but she's not at all self-righteous about it.

(Adjective) جانماز آبکش، (به ظاهر) مذهبی، پارسانما


** - (J. Austen) religiosity is not morality and self- righteousness is not religion
** - مذهبی نمایی اخلاقیات نیست و پارسانمایی مذهب نیست

outward appearance; guise; (ex.) we called in the troops to bring a/some semblance of order to the city.


a/some semblance of something: a situation, condition etc that is close to or similar to a particular one, usually a good one:
** She was trying to get her thoughts back into some semblance of order.
** After the war, life returned to a semblance of normality.

(Noun) صورت ظاهر، شباهت، قیافه، ظن قوی، تظاهر

related to seed or semen; germinal; creative; providing a basis for further development; influencing future developments; (ex.) seminal research in a new field


1. a seminal article, book etc is important, and influences the way things develop in the future:
** a seminal study of eighteenth-century France

2. producing or containing semen

(Adjective) وابسته به منی، نطفه ای، بدوی، اصلی

school for training future ministers; secondary school, especially for young women


[ countable]
1. a college for training priests or ministers

2. a school

مدرسه علوم دینی، رستن گاه

old age; feeblemindedness of old age; (adj.) senile: resulting from old age; showing the weakness of body or mind from old age; (ex.) senile dementia

(Noun) پیری، کهولت، سالخوردگی، خرف بودن

process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance; (v.) sensitize: make or become sensitive

(Noun) حساس سازی

devoted to the pleasures of the sense; carnal; voluptuous; (ex.) sensual woman/curves/lips


1. relating to the feelings of your body rather than your mind:
** the sensual pleasure of good food

2. interested in or making you think of physical pleasure, especially sexual pleasure:
** the faint smile on his sensual mouth
** a sensual woman

(Adjective) هوس ران، شهوانی، جسمانی، خوش گذران، نفسانی

giving pleasure to the senses; pertaining to the physical senses; operating through the senses; sensuous feeling of soft velvet on the skin


1. pleasing to your senses:
** the sensuous feeling of silk on her skin
** sensuous music

2. [literary] attractive in a sexual way:
** full, sensuous lips
** a beautiful and sensuous young woman

وابسته به حواس یا احساسات، مبنی بر لذات جسمانی،پیرو محسوسات ولذات نفسانی

pithy; terse; concise; aphoristic


telling people how they should behave - used in order to show disapproval:
** sententious remarks

(Adjective) پر مغز، اغراق آمیز، نصیحت آمیز، اندرز آمیز

capable of sensation and conscious; aware; sensitive; ex. sentient creature; (n.) sentience


able to experience things through your senses:
** Man is a sentient being.

درک کننده، با ادراک، حساس، دستخوش احساسات

swayed by sentiment; appealing to the sentiments


1. someone who is sentimental is easily affected by emotions such as love, sympathy, sadness etc, often in a way that seems silly to other people:
** She said a sentimental goodbye.
sentimental about:
** People can be very sentimental about animals.

2. based on or relating to your feelings rather than on practical reasons:
** He wasn't the sort of person who kept things for sentimental reasons.
** a sentimental journey to the place of his birth
** The rings that were stolen were of great sentimental value (=important because of your feelings or memories relating to them).

3. a story, film, book etc that is sentimental deals with emotions such as love and sadness, sometimes in a way that seems silly and insincere:
** a sentimental story set in Russia

(Adjective) احساساتی،حساس،عاطفه ای،ناشی از احساسات یا عاطفه،برانگیزنده احساسات

sentry; lookout


[ countable]
a sentry

کشیک، نگهبان نگهبان، قراول، دیده بان، کشیک، نگهبانی کردن

of or causing sepsis; putrid; producing putrefaction; n. sepsis: poisoning of part of the body (producing pus)


a wound or part of your body that is septic is infected with bacteria:
** a cut that went septic

وابسته به گندیدگی، جسم عفونی، ماده عفونی، گندیده،الوده، چرکی

tomb; (v.) place in a sepulcher; (adj.) sepulchral

( sepulchre ) گور، قبر، مزار، مقبره، قبر ساختن، دفن کردن

isolate; segregate; seclude; retire from public life


[ transitive usually passive]
1. to keep a person or a group of people away from other people:
** The jury were sequestered during the trial.

2. British English to sequestrate

(Verb - transitive) جدایی، تفرقه، توقیف کردن، جدا کردن، مصادره کردن

sear; parched; dry

تغییر وسیر تکاملی محیط زیست گیاهان وجانوران، خشک،خشکیده، پژمرده

gift for finding valuable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck; (cf.) the three princes of serendip


[ uncountable]
when interesting or valuable discoveries are made by accident [↪ luck]

(Noun) خوشبختی، تحصیل نعمت غیر مترقبه، نعمت غیر مترقبه

calmness; placidity; (adj.) serene

(Noun) ارامش، بی سر وصدایی، صافی، صفا، وقار

winding; twisting; of or like a serpent; (ex.) serpentine course of the river; (n.) serpent: snake


[ only before noun]
1. winding like a snake:
** the serpentine course of the river

2. complicated and difficult to understand:
** a serpentine plot

(مع.) سنگ مار، شکل مارپیچ، مارمانند

having a saw-toothed edge; (ex.) serrated leaf


[ usually before noun]
having a sharp edge made of a row of connected points like teeth:
** Use a knife with a serrated edge.

دندانه دار

slavish; cringing; (n.) servility


1. very eager to obey someone because you want to please them - used to show disapproval:
** a servile attitude

2. relating to slaves or to being a slave

(Adjective) پست، دون، شایسته نوکران، چاپلوس

slavery; compulsory labor imposed as a punishment


[ uncountable]
the condition of being a slave or being forced to obey someone else [= slavery]

(Noun) بندگی، بردگی، خدمت اجباری، رعیتی

separate; cut off (a part) from a whole; break up (a relationship); (n.) severance; (cf.) severance pay: extra pay given an employee upon leaving a position


1. [intransitive and transitive] to cut through something completely, separating it into two parts, or to become cut in this way:
** Martin's hand was severed in the accident.
** a severed rope

2. [transitive] to end a relationship with someone, or a connection with something, especially because of a disagreement
sever ties/relations/connections/links etc (with/between somebody):
** The two countries severed diplomatic relations.
** She had severed all contact with her ex-husband.

جدا کردن، بریدن، منفصل کردن

harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity; (adj.) severe: harsh; strict; extremely violent or intense

(Noun) سختی، شدت، سخت گیری، دقت، خشونت

navigation tool used to determine a ship’s latitude and longitude (by measuring the altitudes of stars)


[ countable]
a tool for measuring angles between stars in order to calculate the position of a ship or aircraft

(Noun) یک ششم دایره، زاویه یا قوس دارای ۶۰ درجه، (نج.)الت زاویه یاب، ذات السدس

crude cabin


[ countable]
a small building that has not been built very well:
** a tin shack

کلبه، خانه، خانه کوچک وسردستی ساخته شده، کاشانه،زیستن

chain; fetter; confine with shackles; (n.)


[ countable]
1. the shackles of something:[literary] the limits put on your freedom and happiness by something, especially a particular form of government - used to show disapproval:
** They finally managed to throw off the shackles of communism.

2. one of a pair of metal rings joined by a chain that are used for fastening together a prisoner's hands or feet, so that they cannot move easily or escape

پابند، دستبند، قید، مانع، پابند زدن

slight difference in degree; nuance; degree of color; (ex.) shades of meaning/grey


1. out of sunlight: [uncountable] slight darkness or shelter from the direct light of the sun made by something blocking it:
** a plant that needs a lot of shade
in the shade (of something):
** She was sitting in the shade of a large oak tree.
** The temperature was over 90 degrees in the shade. ➔ see usage note shadow1

2. something you use to reduce or block light:
** The shade on the lamp was slightly crooked.

3. shades: sunglasses

4. the dark places in a picture:
** strong contrasts of light and shade

5. a particular type of red, green, blue etc
shade of:
** a bright shade of pink

سایه، حباب چراغ یا فانوس، اباژور، سایه بان، جای سایه دار، اختلاف جزئی، سایه رنگ، سایه دار کردن،سایه افکندن، تیره کردن، کم کردن، زیر وبم کردن

pretend; feign; (adj.) not genuine; fake; (ex.) sham jewelry; (n.) something that is not what it appears; impostor; pretense; (ex.) the agreement was a sham.


1. [singular]someone or something that is not what they are claimed to be - used to show disapproval:
** The elections were a complete sham.

2. [literary] when someone tries to make something or someone seem better than they really are:
** It all turned out to be sham and hypocrisy.

3. [countable] a cover for a pillow, especially one used for decoration

قلابی، ساختگی، دروغی، ریاکاری، وانمود کردن، بخودبستن، تظاهر کردن

(place or scene of) complete disorder or ruin; wreck; mess; (ex.) after the hurricane, the coast was a shambles.


be (in) a shambles:[informal]a) if something is a shambles, it is very disorganized and there is a lot of confusion:
** The meeting was a shambles from start to finish.
** The economy is in a complete shambles.b) if a place is a shambles, it is very untidy [= mess]:
** My house is in an absolute shambles.

(Noun) کشتارگاه، (مجازا) قتلگاه، صحنه کشتار، (در بریتانیا - محلی) قصاب خانه، دکان قصابی (به‌ویژه در نام خیابان‌ها به کار می‌رود)
(Noun) (محاوره، محل، موقعیت و غیره) اوضاع درهم‌ریخته، افتضاح، وضع شیر تو شیر


** - make a shambles of something
** - چیزی را به گند کشیدن، چیزی را به افتضاح کشیدن

imaginary remote paradise on earth; (cf.) lost horizon

(Noun) مدینهی فاضله، سرزمین شادکامی، بهشت روی زمین

fragment generally of broken pottery (glass, clay bowl, or cup)


[ countable]
a sharp piece of broken glass, metal etc
shard of:
** a shard of pottery

(Noun) خرده ریز، پاره سفال، صدف، سفال، کوزه شکسته، شکستنوبصورت قطعات ریز دراوردن

very thin piece, usually of wood (cut from a surface with a sharp blade)

(Noun) تراشه، چیز تراشیده، اصلاح، صورت تراشی

bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together


[ countable]
1. several pieces of paper held or tied together
sheaf of:
** He laid a sheaf of documents on the desk.

2. a bunch of wheat, corn etc tied together after it has been cut

دسته، بافه، بغل، دسته یابافه گندم، دسته گل یاگیاه، بافه ردن، دسته کردن

remove (fleece or hair) by cutting; remove the hair or fleece from; cut with or as if with shears; (n.) shears; pair of scissors


[ transitive]
1. to cut the wool off a sheep

2. [literary] to cut off someone's hair:
** Her long fair hair had been shorn.

to have something valuable or important taken away from you:
** Though shorn of some of its powers, the party remains in control.

if part of something shears off, or is sheared off, it suddenly becomes separated, especially after being pulled or hit with a lot of force
shear something ↔ off:
** The left wing had been almost completely sheared off.

چیدن مو، چیدن پشم گوسفند و غیره، بریدن، شکاف دادن، قیچی کردن، اسباب برش قیچی، ماشین برش

place into a case; insert into or provide with a sheath; (ex.) he sheathed his dagger; (n.) sheath: case for a blade


[ transitive]
1. to put a knife or sword into a sheath:
** He sheathed his sword.

2. be sheathed in/with something: to be covered by something:
** The grassy hills were sheathed in mist.

(Verb - transitive) ( sheath ) نیام، غلاف، جلد، پوش، غلاف دار کردن،پوشاندن، کند کردن، غلاف کردن

small roofed structure for storage and shelter; v: pour forth; lose by natural process; repel without allowing penetration; radiate; cast; (ex.) shed tears/light/water/skin/leaves


[ countable]
1. a small building, often made of wood, used especially for storing things:
** a tool shed
** a cattle shed

2. a large industrial building where work is done, large vehicles are kept, machinery is stored

(Noun) ریختن، انداختن افشاندن، افکندن، خون جاری ساختن،جاری ساختن، پوست انداختن، پوست ریختن، برگ ریزان کردن، کپر، الونک

pure; thin and transparent; very steep


1. the sheer weight/size etc: used to emphasize that something is very heavy, large etc
the sheer weight/size etc of:
** The sheer size of the country makes communications difficult.

2. sheer luck/happiness/stupidity etc: luck, happiness etc with no other feeling or quality mixed with it [= pure]:
** I'll never forget the look of sheer joy on her face.
** sheer hypocrisy

3. a sheer drop, cliff, slope etc is very steep and almost vertical

4. sheer nylon, silk etc is very thin and fine, so that it is almost transparent:
** sheer stockings

صرف، محض، خالص، راست، تند، مطلق، بطورعمود، یکراست، پاک، بکلی، مستقیما، ظریف، پارچه ظریف، حریری، برگشتن، انحراف حاصل کردن، کنار رفتن، کنار زدن

flavored dessert ice


1. a sweet frozen food made with water, fruit, sugar, and milk

2. a powder that is eaten as a sweet

(Noun) ( sherbert =)(از فارسی شربت) بستنی میوه، لیموناد

change position or place; exchange (one thing) for another; change in direction or position; (ex.) shift the stolen goods; (n.) group of workers which takes turns with other groups; working period of such a group


1. [informal] to move something, especially by picking it up and carrying it:
** Give me a hand to shift these chairs.

2. change attention: [transitive] to change a situation, discussion etc by giving special attention to one idea or subject instead of to a previous one
shift something away/onto/from etc:
** The White House hopes to shift the media's attention away from foreign policy issues.
shifts attention/emphasis/focus:
** In this stage of a rape case, the focus often shifts onto the victim and her conduct.
shift gear: American English (=change what you are doing)
** It's hard to shift gear when you come home after a busy day at work.

3. change opinion: [intransitive and transitive] if someone's opinions, beliefs etc shift, they change:
** Public opinion was beginning to shift to the right (=become more right-wing).
** shifting attitudes towards marriage
** He refused to shift his ground (=change his opinion).

4. shift the blame/responsibility (onto somebody): to make someone else responsible for something, especially for something bad that has happened:
** It was a clear attempt to shift the responsibility for the crime onto the victim.

5. to change the way that money is paid or spent:
** the need to shift more resources towards reducing poverty

تغییر مکان، انتقال، تغییر جهت، بوش، تناوب، نوبت،تعویض، نوبت کار، نوبتی، استعداد، ابتکار، تعبیه،نقشه خائنانه، حقه، توطئه، پخش کردن، تعویض کردن،تغییر مکان دادن، انتقال دادن، تغییر مسیر دادن تغییرمکان، نوبت کار، مبدله، تغییردادن

shine with a flickering light; glimmer intermittently; ex. the moonlight shimmered on the water; n.


[ intransitive]
to shine with a soft light that looks as if it shakes slightly:
** The lake shimmered in the moonlight.

سوسو زدن، روشن وخاموش شدن، روشنایی لرزان داشتن،دارای تصویر یا شکل لرزان ومرتعش بودن، تموج داشتن،موج زدن

avoid (responsibility, work, etc.); malinger


[ intransitive and transitive]
to deliberately avoid doing something you should do, because you are lazy:
** He was fired for shirking.
shirk your responsibilities/duties/obligations:
** parents who shirk their responsibilities towards their children

شانه خالی کردن از، از زیر کاری در رفتن، روی گرداندن از، طفره زدن، اجتناب، طفره رو

made of inferior material; sham; not genuine; inferior; dishonest; (ex.) shoddy goods/trick


1. made or done cheaply or carelessly
shoddy goods/service/workmanship etc:
** We're not paying good money for shoddy goods.

2. unfair and dishonest:
** shoddy journalism

پارچه پست، پست، بدساخت، جازده، جنس بنجل، کالای تقلبی

new growth from a plant


1. kill/injure: [transitive] to deliberately kill or injure someone using a gun:
** Police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.
** Smith killed his wife, and then shot himself.
** A woman was shot dead in an attempted robbery.
shoot somebody in the leg/head etc:
** He had been shot in the back while trying to escape.
** The guards have orders to shoot intruders on sight (=shoot them as soon as they see them).

2. fire a gun etc: [intransitive and transitive] to make a bullet or arrow come from a weapon:
** Don't shoot! I'm coming out with my hands up.
shoot at:
** Two guys walked in and started shooting at people.
** The soldiers had orders to shoot to kill (=shoot at someone with the intention of killing them).
shoot bullets/arrows:
** They shot arrows from behind the thick bushes.
shoot a gun/rifle etc:
** Tod's grandfather taught him to shoot a rifle.

3. to shoot and kill animals or birds as a sport:
** They spent the weekend in Scotland shooting grouse.

4. move quickly: [intransitive,transitive always + adverb/preposition] to move quickly in a particular direction, or to make something move in this way:
** She shot past me into the house.
** The cat shot across the garden.
** 'Where does cotton come from?' Ron's hand shot up. 'America, Miss!'
** The fountain shoots water 20 feet into the air.

5. to kick or throw a ball in a sport such as football or basketball towards the place where you can get a point:
** Giggs shot from the halfway line.

درکردن (گلوله وغیره)، رها کردن (از کمان و غیره)، پرتاب کردن، زدن، گلوله زدن، رها شدن، آمپول زدن، فیلم برداری کردن، عکس برداری کردن، درد کردن، سوزش داشتن، جوانه زدن، انشعاب، رویش انشعابی، رویش شاخه، درد، حرکت تند و چابک، رگه معدن

push forward; push roughly; (ex.) pushing and shoving to get on the bus; (n.)


1. [intransitive and transitive] to push someone or something in a rough or careless way, using your hands or shoulders:
** He shoved her towards the car.
** Everyone was pushing and shoving to see the prince.

2. [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to put something somewhere carelessly or without thinking much:
** Tidying the room seems to mean shoving everything under the bed!
** He shoved his hands into his pockets.

3. [spoken] used to tell someone in a very impolite way that you do not want something:
** They can take their three cents an hour raise and shove it.

1. [spoken] used to tell someone rudely or angrily to go away:
** Shove off! I'm busy.

2. to push a boat away from the land, usually with a pole

هل، پرتاب، تنه، هل دادن، تنه زدن، با زور پیش بردن، پرتاب کردن، کشیدن(شمشیر)، پرتاب شدن

scolding woman; very small mouse-like animal


[ countable]
1. a very small animal like a mouse with a long pointed nose

2. [old-fashioned] an unpleasant woman who always argues and disagrees with people

(Noun) زن غرغرو، زن ستیزه جو، پتیاره، سلیطه

clever; astute


1. good at judging what people or situations are really like:
** Malcolm is a shrewd businessman.
** She was shrewd enough to guess who was responsible.
** Capra looked at her with shrewd eyes.

2. well judged and likely to be right:
** a shrewd decision
** Bridget has a shrewd idea of what will sell.

(Adjective) زیرک، ناقلا، باهوش، حیله گر، موذی، زرنگ

make or become shrunken and wrinkled (often by drying)


[ intransitive and transitive]
if something shrivels, or if it is shrivelled, it becomes smaller and its surface becomes covered in lines because it is very dry or old:
** The leaves change colour, then shrivel.

چروک شدن، چین خوردن، خشک شدن

shake uncontrollably; tremble; (v.)


[ intransitive]
1. to shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold, or because you think something is very unpleasant:
** Maria shuddered as she stepped outside.
shudder with:
** I shudder with embarrassment whenever I think about it.
shudder at:
** She shuddered at the thought that she could have been killed.

2. if a vehicle or machine shudders, it shakes violently:
** The car shuddered briefly as its engine died.
** The train shuddered to a halt.

3. I shudder to think:[spoken] used to say that you do not want to think about something because it is too unpleasant:
** I shudder to think what they'll say when they see the mess the house is in.

to think that something is very bad or unpleasant:
** If you love skiing but shudder at the cost, take advantage of our superb family offer.
** He shuddered at the thought of the conflict ahead.

لرزیدن، مشمئز شدن، ارتعاش

mix together; jumble; move (something) from one place to another; slide (the feet) along the ground while walking; (ex.) shuffle papers from one pile to another; n.


1. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to walk very slowly and noisily, without lifting your feet off the ground
shuffle forward/over/back etc:
** The official signaled to one of the waiters, who shuffled forward.
** With sore legs and aching chest he shuffled over to the bathroom.

2. shuffle your feet: to move your feet slightly, especially because you are bored or embarrassed:
** Monica shuffled her feet nervously and stared at the floor.

3. [transitive] to move something such as papers into a different order or into different positions:
** Jack sat nervously shuffling the papers around on his desk.
shuffle through:
** Frances shuffled through a pile of magazines.

4. to mix playing cards into a different order before playing a game with them:
** Is it my turn to shuffle?
** Just shuffle the cards.

برزدن، بهم امیختن، بهم مخلوط کردن، این سو وان سوحرکت کردن، بیقرار بودن

keep away from; avoid deliberately; (ex.) she has been shunned by her neighbors.


[ transitive]
to deliberately avoid someone or something:
** a shy woman who shunned publicity
** Victims of the disease found themselves shunned by society.

دوری واجتناب، پرهیز کردن، اجتناب کردن از، گریختن

move (a railway train) from one track to another; turn aside; divert; sidetrack; (ex.) shunt traffic around an accident; (n.)


[ transitive]
1. to move someone or something to another place, especially in a way that seems unfair
shunt somebody off/around/aside etc:
** Smith was shunted off to one of the company's smaller offices.

2. to move a train or railway carriage onto a different track

ترن را بخط دیگری انداختن، منحرف کردن، تغییر جهت دادن، از میان بردن، کنارگذاشتن موازی، مقاومت موازی

lawyer using questionable methods; unscrupulous practioner


[ countable]
a dishonest person, especially a lawyer or businessman

(Noun) کسیکه در قانون وسیاست فاقد اصول اخلاقی است، بی همه چیز، بی مرام، دغل کاری کردن

brother or sister


[ countable]
1. a brother or sister:
** Most young smokers are influenced by their friends' and older siblings' smoking habits.

2. sibling rivalry: competition between brothers and sisters for their parents' attention or love

(Noun) هم نیا، هم نژاد، برادر یا خواهر

prophetic; oracular; (n.) sibyl: woman prophet (in the ancient world)


relating to stars; (ex.) sidereal day

(Adjective) ستاره ای، وابسته به ثوابت، نجومی

switch (a railroad car) to a siding; divert from a main issue; (n.) (cf.) siding: short section of railroad track connected by switches with a main track


[ transitive usually passive]
1. to make someone stop doing what they should be doing, or stop talking about what they started talking about, by making them interested in something else:
** Don't get sidetracked by the audience's questions.

2. American English to delay or stop the progress of something:
** An effort to improve security was sidetracked by budget problems.

جاده فرعی، از امر اصلی منحرف شدن

put through a sieve to separate fine from coarse particles; sort or examine carefully


[ transitive]
1. to put flour, sugar etc through a sieve or similar container in order to remove large pieces

2. also sift through to examine information, documents etc carefully in order to find something out or decide what is important and what is not:
** Police are sifting through the evidence.

to separate something from other things
sift something ↔ out from:
** It's hard to sift out the truth from the lies in this case.

الک کردن، بیختن، وارسی کردن، الک

expressing a meaning; important; (ex.) significant smile; (n.) significance: importance; meaning; (v.) signify: denote; mean; signal; make known; matter; be significant


1. having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future [≠ insignificant]:
** His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty.
** Please inform us if there are any significant changes in your plans.
significant for:
** The result is highly significant for the future of the province.
it is significant that:
** It is significant that the writers of the report were all men.

2. large enough to be noticeable or have noticeable effects [≠ insignificant]:
** A significant number of drivers fail to keep to speed limits.
** A significant part of Japan's wealth is invested in the West.
** There is a significant difference between the number of home births now and ten years ago.
** The rise in temperature is not statistically significant.

3. a significant look, smile etc has a special meaning that is not known to everyone:
** He gave me a significant look.

(Adjective) مهم، معنی دار، پر معنی، قابل توجه، حاکی از، عمده

sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)


[ uncountable]
sand, mud, soil etc that is carried in water and then settles at a bend in a river, an entrance to a port etc

لای، لجن، گل، کف، درده، ته مانده، لجن گرفتن، لیمون

monkeylike; (n.) ape or monkey


1. similar to a monkey:
** his dark hair and simian features

2. [technical] relating to monkeys:
** simian diseases

همگونه، میمون، بوزینه، شبیه میمون، میمون مانند

comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as


an expression that describes something by comparing it with something else, using the words 'as' or 'like', for example 'as white as snow' [↪ metaphor]

(Noun) (ادبیات) تشبیه، همسان‌پنداری، مانست گری، مانست‌سازی (نمونه‌ی simile در زیر قرار داده شده است)


** - his heart is like stone
** - دل او مانند سنگ است
** - her cheeks were like roses
** - گونه‌های او مثل گل سرخ بودند
** - as flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods...
** - (شکسپیر) ما در مقابل خدایان همچون مگس در برابر کودکان بازیگوش هستیم...

smirk; smile in a silly way; smile affectedly


[ intransitive]
to smile in a silly annoying way:
** Betsy simpered at him as she spoke.
** a silly, simpering girl

بیجا خندیدن، سفیهانه خندیدن، خنده زورکی کردن،پوزخند زدن، سوسو زدن (نور)



treating difficult subjects in a way that is too simple:
** This is a very simplistic approach to the problem.

(Adjective) ساده طبع، ساده

feign; imitate


[ transitive]
1. to make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance or feeling of being real:
** a machine that simulates conditions in space
** Interviews can be simulated in the classroom.

2. [formal] to pretend to have a feeling:
** He found it impossible to simulate grief.

صوری، وانمود کردن، بخود بستن، مانند بودن، تقلیدکردن، شباهت داشتن به شبیه سازی کردن، تشبیه کردن

well-paid position with little responsibility; cf. sine cure: without care; (cf.) san serif


[ countable]
a job which you get paid for even though you do not have to do very much work

(Noun) هر شغلی که متضمن مسئولیت مهمی نباشد، جیره خور ولگرد، وظیفه گرفتن وول گشتن، مفت خوری و ولگردی

(of meat) tough; strong and firm; muscular; (n.) sinew: tendon; strong cord connecting a muscle to a bone


a sinewy person has a thin body and strong muscles:
** a big man with long, sinewy arms

(Adjective) پی دار، سخت پی، بااسطقس، نیرومند

being only one; individual; unique; extraordinary; odd; (ex.) singular beauty/behavior


1. a singular noun, verb, form etc is used when writing or speaking about one person or thing [↪ plural]:
** the singular form of the noun
** If the subject is singular, use a singular verb.

2. [formal] very great or very noticeable:
** He showed a singular lack of tact in the way he handled the situation.
** a singular achievement

3. [literary] very unusual or strange:
** I wondered why she was behaving in so singular a fashion.

مفرد، تک، فرد، فرید، فوق العاده، خارق العاده،غریب، (د.) واژه مفرد، صیغه مفرد، غرابت، شگفتی،یکتایی، منحصر بفردی تکین، منفرد

evil; ominous


making you feel that something evil, dangerous, or illegal is happening or will happen
there is something/nothing sinister about somebody/something:
** There was something sinister about Mr Scott's death.
** There is a sinister side to these events.
** He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.
** a sinister atmosphere

گمراه کننده، بدخواه، کج، نادرست، خطا، فاسد، بدیمن، بدشگون، نامیمون، شیطانی

twisting; winding; bending in and out; not morally honest


1. moving with smooth twists and turns, like a snake:
** the sinuous grace of a cat

2. with many smooth twists and turns:
** They followed the sinuous trail deep into the mountains.

(Adjective) موجی، دارای شیارهای موجی، مارپیچی، غیرمستقیم،گمراه کننده

apparatus for making sounds; womanlike creature


[ countable]
1. a piece of equipment that makes very loud warning sounds, used on police cars, fire engines etc:
** the wail of the ambulance sirens
** I heard police sirens in the distance.

2. siren voices/song/call:[literary] encouragement to do something that seems very good, especially when this could have bad results:
** siren voices calling for the sale of weapons to the region

3. a woman who is very attractive but also dangerous to men - used especially in newspapers:
** a Hollywood siren

4. the Sirens: a group of women in ancient Greek stories, whose beautiful singing made sailors sail towards them into dangerous water

(Noun) ( sirenic ) حوری دریایی، زن دلفریب، سوت کارخانه،اژیر، حوری مانند

doubter; person who suspends judgment until he has examined the evidence supporting a point of view; (adj.) skeptical; (n.) skepticism


[ countable]
the American spelling of sceptic

ادم شکاک دردین وعقاید مذهبی، شک گرای، مشکوک

small light sailboat or rowboat


[ countable]
a small light boat for one person

(Noun) کرجی پارویی کوچک، قایق سریع السیر، قایقرانی کردن

read or glance through quickly; touch lightly in passing; brush; remove from the surface of a liquid


1. [transitive] to remove something from the surface of a liquid, especially floating fat, solids, or oil
skim something off/from something:
** After simmering the meat, skim the fat from the surface.

2. [intransitive and transitive] to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it [= scan]:
** Julie skimmed the sports page.
skim through/over:
** Just skim through the second section to save time.

3. [transitive] to move along quickly over a surface, never touching it or not touching it often:
** seagulls skimming the waves
skim over/along/across:
** The ball skimmed across the grass and stopped against the wall.

4. skim stones/pebbles etc: British English to throw smooth, flat stones into a lake, river etc in a way that makes them jump across the surface [= skip American English]

1. to take the best people or the best part of something for yourself:
** Professional sport skims off all the best players.

کف، ریم، کف گیری، تماس اندک، شیر خامه گرفته، کف گرفتن از، سرشیر گرفتن از، تماس مختصر حاصل کردن،بطور سطحی مورد توجه قرار دادن، بطور سطحی خواندن

provide or use scantily; live very economically; ex. skimp on necessities; (adj.) skimpy: inadequate in amount; scanty; stingy; niggardly


[ intransitive and transitive]
to not spend enough money or time on something, or not use enough of something, so that what you do is unsuccessful or of bad quality
skimp on:
** It's vital not to skimp on staff training.

کم، غیر کافی، نحیف، کم دادن، خسیسانه دادن

miser; stingy person


[ countable]
someone who hates spending money or giving it away - used to show disapproval [= miser]

(Noun) جوکی، ادم دندان گرد، ادم ممسک، خسیس

minor fight; minor battle in war; (v.)


[ countable]
1. a fight between small groups of soldiers, ships etc, especially one that happens away from the main part of a battle - used in news reports
skirmish with/between/over:
** The young soldier was killed in a skirmish with government troops.

2. a short argument, especially between political or sports opponents
skirmish with/between/over:
** Bates was sent off after a skirmish with the referee.
** a budget skirmish between the President and Congress

کشمکش، زد وخورد، جنگ جزئی، زد وخورد کردن

inconstant; capricious; frivolous; not serious; ex. charming but skittish young woman; (cf.) skit


1. an animal, especially a horse, that is skittish gets excited or frightened very easily

2. a person who is skittish is not very serious, and their feelings, behaviour, and opinions keep changing

3. if people who buy shares are skittish, they are nervous and worried about them dropping in value, and might sell the shares that they own because of this [= jittery]:
** Some skittish Wall Street investors are staying away from the market.

(Adjective) چموش، رم کننده، لاسی، اهل حال، تغییر پذیر، ترسو

move furtively and secretly; (ex.) he skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city.


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
to hide or move about secretly, trying not to be noticed, especially when you are intending to do something bad [= lurk]
skulk about/around/in etc:
** He was still skulking around outside when they left the building.

(در مورد روباه) دسته، گروه، دزدکی حرکت کردن، از زیر مسئولیت فرار کردن، ادم بی بند وبار

dishonest behavior or action; ex. skullduggery in the election

(Noun) ( skulduggery ) رفتار زیر جلکی وخائنانه، تقلب

moving slowly; sluggish; inactive; (of a rope) loose; negligent; lax; (ex.) slack season; (ex.) slack in one’s work; (n.) (v.)


1. hanging loosely, or not pulled tight [≠ taut]:
** Keep the rope slack until I tell you to pull it.

2. with less business activity than usual:
** Business remained slack throughout the day.

3. not taking enough care or making enough effort to do things correctly - used to show disapproval:
** Slack defending by Real Madrid allowed Manchester United to score.

قطع، انقطاع، دامن اویخته وشل لباس یا هر چیزاویخته وشل، (درجمع) شلوار کار کرباسی، سکون، کسادی،شلی، سست، کساد، پشت گوش فراخ، فراموشکار، کند، بطی،سست کردن، شل کردن، فرونشاندن، کساد کردن، گشاد، شل، ضعیف

slow up; loosen; make or become slack


[ intransitive and transitive]
1. also slacken offto gradually become slower, weaker, less active etc, or to make something do this:
** The heavy rain showed no signs of slackening off.
slacken your pace/speed: (=go or walk more slowly)
** Guy slackened his pace as he approached the gate.

2. to make something looser, or to become looser [≠ tighten]:
** He did not let her go, but his grip on her slackened.

سست کردن، شل کردن یا شدن، اهسته کردن، کند کردن،کم شدن، نحیف کردن

glassy residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter


1. [taboo][informal] a very offensive word for a woman who has sex with a lot of different people. Do not use this word.

2. a waste material similar to glass, which remains after metal has been obtained from rock

تفاله، کف، چرک، درده، خاکستر، گداز اتشفشانی، فلزنیم سوخته، مزخرف، اشغال، تفاله گرفتن از

satisfy (thirst); quench; sate


[ transitive]
1. slake your thirst: to drink so that you are not thirsty any more

2. slake a desire/craving etc: to satisfy a desire etc

(Verb - transitive) فروکشی، تخفیف، کاهش، فرونشستن، معتدل شدن، کاهش یافتن، ابدیده کردن

defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements; (v.) (adj.) slanderous


1. [uncountable and countable] a false spoken statement about someone, intended to damage the good opinion that people have of that person [↪ libel]

2. the crime of making false spoken statements about someone [↪ libel]:
** He is being sued for slander.

سعایت، تهمت یا افترا، تهمت زدن

hit quickly with the flat part of the hand; (n.) (cf.) smack


1. [transitive] to hit someone with the flat part of your hand [↪ punch]:
** Sarah slapped Aaron across the face.

2. [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to put something down on a surface with force, especially when you are angry:
** Giles slapped his cards down on the table.

3. slap somebody on the back: to hit someone on the back in a friendly way, often as a way of praising them

4. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to hit a surface with a lot of force, making a loud sharp sound
slap against:
** Small waves slapped against the side of the boat.

to rudely tell someone that their suggestions, questions, ideas etc are stupid

باکف دست زدن، سیلی، تودهنی، ضربت، ضربت سریع، صدای چلب چلوپ، سیلی زدن، تپانچه زدن، زدن

hasty and careless; haphazard; sloppy(carelessly done)


careless and done too quickly [≠ painstaking]:
** a very slapdash piece of work

عجول وبی دقت، بی پروا، ناگهان، غفلتا، عینا، کاریکه سرسری یا از روی بیپروایی انجام دهند، پوشش تگرگی

killing of animals for food; massacre; (v.) butcher (animals) for food; kill in large numbers


[ transitive]
1. to kill an animal, especially for its meat

2. to kill a lot of people in a cruel or violent way [= butcher]:
** Hundreds of innocent civilians had been slaughtered by government troops. ➔ see usage note kill1

3. to defeat an opponent in a sport or game by a large number of points [= hammer]:
** We got slaughtered, 110 - 54.

کشتار فجیع، قتل عام، خونریزی، ذبح، کشتار کردن

of or like a slave; servile; showing no originality; copied very closely; (ex.) slavish devotion/copy of the original


obeying, supporting, or copying someone completely - used to show disapproval:
** a slavish adherence to the rules

(Adjective) بنده وار، در خور بندگان، غلام صحت، وابسته بتقلیدکورکورانه

shabby and dirty; flimsy; insubstantial; (ex.) sleazy back-street hotel/fabric


1. a sleazy place is dirty, cheap, or in bad condition:
** a sleazy bar

2. relating to sex or dishonest behaviour - used to show disapproval:
** a sleazy lawyer

(Adjective) سست، شل ( shol )

large sled drawn by work animals


[ countable]
a small vehicle used for sliding over snow, often used by children or in some sports [↪ sleigh]

سورتمه، غلتک، چکش اهنگری، پتک، پتک زدن، سورتمه راندن

smooth and shining (as from good health); (v.)


1. a vehicle or other object that is sleek has a smooth attractive shape:
** the sleek lines of the new Mercedes

2. sleek hair or fur is straight, shiny, and healthy-looking

3. someone who is sleek looks rich and is well dressed

نرم، براق، صیقلی، صاف، شفاف، چرب ونرم، صیقلی کردن، صاف کردن

one that achieves unexpected success; something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable


[ countable]
1. someone who sleeps in a particular way
light sleeper: (=someone who wakes easily)
heavy sleeper: (=someone who does not wake easily)

2. someone who is asleep

3. a heavy piece of wood or concrete that supports a railway track [= tie American English]

4. a) a night train with carriages that have beds for passengers to sleep inb) a sleeping carc) American English a bed on a train for a passenger to sleep in

5. especially American English a film, book etc which is successful, even though people did not expect it to be

(Noun) خواب رونده، خوابیده، واگن تختخواب دار، اهن زیرساختمان

large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice


[ countable]
a large open vehicle with no wheels that is used for travelling over snow and is pulled along by animals [↪ sledge]

درشکه سورتمه، سورتمه راندن

dexterity; (cf.) sleight of hand: legerdemain; quickness of the hands in doing tricks

(Noun) زبردستی، زرنگی، حیله، تردستی

large quantity or number; (ex.) slew of errands left


[ intransitive,transitive always + adverb/preposition]
to turn or slide in a different direction suddenly and violently, or to make a vehicle do this
slew around/sideways:
** I lost control of the car and it slewed sideways into the ditch.

مقدار زیاد، گروه، محل باتلاقی، دریاچه زمان گذشته ساده فعل Slay

make smooth or glossy; (n.) smooth surface; (ex.) oil slick; (adj.) smooth; glossy; deftly executed; adroit; glib


1. if something is slick, it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems expensive, but it often contains no important or interesting ideas:
** a slick Hollywood production
** slick advertising
** The presentation was very slick.

2. if someone is slick, they are good at persuading people, often in a way that does not seem honest:
** a slick used-car salesman

3. done smoothly and quickly:
** He got round the defender using some slick footwork.

4. smooth and slippery
slick with:
** Cars were sliding off roads that were slick with rain.

5. [old-fashioned] very good or attractive

سطح صاف، سطح صیقلی، لیز، ساده، مطلق، ماهر، صاف،نرم، یک دست، نرم وصاف کردن، یکدست کردن، جذاب

insult to one’s dignity; snub; (v.) treat as if of small importance; insult; snub; (adj.) small in size; of small importance


1. [usually before noun] small in degree [≠ big]:
** a slight improvement
** a slight increase
** a slight change of plan
** a slight pause
** a slight problem

2. not the slightest chance/doubt/difference etc: no doubt, chance etc at all:
** I didn't have the slightest idea who that man was.

3. someone who is slight is thin and delicate [≠ stocky] ➔ see usage note thin1

4. not in the slightest:[spoken] not at all:
** 'Did he mind lending you the car?' 'Not in the slightest.'

مقدار ناچیز، شخص بی اهمیت، ناچیز شماری، بی اعتنایی، تحقیر، صیقلی، تراز، لاغر، نحیف، باریک اندام، پست، حقیر، فروتن، کودن، قلیل، اندک، کم،ناچیز شمردن، تراز کردن

move furtively; (adj.) slinky: stealthy; furtive; sneaky (as in ambush)


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
to move somewhere quietly and secretly, especially because you are afraid or ashamed [= creep]:
** Edward was hoping to slink past unnoticed.

پوست بره تودلی، انسان یا حیوان رشد نکرده وضعیف،حرکت دزدکی، نظر چشمی، نگاه دزدکی، گام های دزدکی،سقط شده، نوزاد زود رس، لاغر

slovenly; careless; sloppy; untidy; shabby; (ex.) slipshod work


done too quickly and carelessly - used to show disapproval [= slapdash]:
** a slipshod piece of work

(Adjective) پاشنه خوابیده، لا ابالی، لا قید، شلخته

slip or slide


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
to slide somewhere over a surface, twisting or moving from side to side:
** A snake slithered across the grass.
** He slithered down the muddy bank.

لغزش، غلت، اشغال، سنگریزه، تراشه، شکاف، سریدن،خزیدن، غلتیدن

slow moving tree-dwelling mammal; laziness; adj. slothful: lazy; indolent


1. an animal in Central and South America that moves very slowly, has grey fur, and lives in trees

2. [formal] laziness

(Noun) تنبلی، سستی، بیکاری، کاهلی، تنبل، تنبل بودن

(of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin); (n.) outer layer that is shed


1. to get rid of a dead layer of skin

2. [literary] to get rid of something, especially something that is damaging you:
** The president wanted to slough off the country's bad image.

لجن زار، لجن، باتلاق، نهر، انحطاط، در لجن گیرافتادن، پوست ریخته شده مار، پوست مار، پوسته خارجی،پوست، سبوس، پوست دله زخم، پوسته پوسته شدگی،پوست انداختن، ضربه سنگین زدن

untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; (n.) sloven: one who is habitually untidy or careless


lazy, untidy, and careless:
** slovenly habits
** a large slovenly woman
** a slovenly way of speaking

شلخته، هردمبیل، نامرتب، ژولیده، لا ابالی

lazy person

ادم تنبل، تنبل وکند

lazy; slow; inactive; lethargic; (cf.) slug: nail with no shell


moving or reacting more slowly than normal:
** Alex woke late feeling tired and sluggish.
** Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.

(Adjective) گرانجان، تنبل، لش، کند، بطی، اهسته رو، کساد

artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow)


[ countable]
a passage for water to flow through, with a special gate which can be opened or closed to control it

ابگیر، بند سیل گیر، سد، دریچه تخلیه، انبار،بندگذاشتن، از بندیا دریچه جاری شدن، خیس کردن،(مع.) سنگ شویی کردن

pronounce indistinctly; speak indistinctly; mumble


1. [intransitive and transitive] to speak unclearly without separating your words or sounds correctly
slur your words/speech:
** She was slurring her words as if she was drunk.
** His voice sounded slurred.

2. [transitive] to criticize someone or something unfairly

3. to play a group of musical notes smoothly together

نشان، اشاره، پیوند، خط اتحاد، لکه ننگ، تهمت، لکهبدنامی، مطلب را نادیده گرفتن ورد شدن، باعجله کاریرا انجام دادن، مطلبی را حذف کردن، طاس گرفتن(برای تقلب در نرد)، تقلب

clever in deceiving; secretive; not telling one’s intentions


1. someone who is sly cleverly deceives people in order to get what they want [= cunning]

2. sly smile/glance/wink etc: a smile, look etc that shows you know something secret:
** He leaned forward with a sly smile.

3. on the sly:[informal] secretly, especially when you are doing something that you should not do:
** They'd been seeing each other on the sly for months.

ناقلا، ادم تودار، ادم اب زیرکاه، موذی، محیل، شیطنت آمیز، کنایه دار

intelligent; quick and energetic; fashionable; (ex.) smart pace/restaurant; (v.) cause or feel a sharp pain; (n.) smarting pain


1. intelligent: especially American English intelligent or sensible [= clever; ≠ stupid]:
** The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.
** I was smart enough to wait for a week.
** His decision to become a director was a smart move (=sensible thing to do).

2. disrespectful: trying to seem clever in a disrespectful way:
** Don't get smart with me, young man.
** He made some smart remark.

3. neat: British Englisha) a smart person is wearing neat attractive clothes and has a generally tidy appearance [= sharp American English; ≠ scruffy]:
** You're looking very smart.b) smart clothes, buildings etc are clean, tidy, and attractive [= sharp American English]
** a smart black suit
** smart new offices

4. fashionable: British English fashionable or used by fashionable people:
** one of Bonn's smartest restaurants

5. technology: smart machines, weapons, materials etc are controlled by computers and are designed to react in a suitable way depending on the situation [↪ smart bomb]:
** smart weapons

زرنگ، زیرک، ناتو، باهوش، شیک، جلوه گر، تیر کشیدن(ازدرد)، سوزش داشتن

slight knowledge; small scattered number or amount; (ex.) smattering of german


[ singular]
1. a small number or amount of something
smattering of:
** a smattering of applause

2. have a smattering of something: to have a small amount of knowledge about a subject, especially a foreign language

(Noun) دانش سطحی، معلومات دست وپاشکسته

spread or cover with a sticky substance; (n.) mark made by smearing


[ countable]
1. a dirty mark made by a small amount of something spread across a surface
smear of:
** a smear of paint
** It left a black smear on his arm.

2. British English a smear test

3. an untrue story about a politician or other important person that is told in order to make people lose respect for them - used especially in newspapers

لکه، اغشتن، الودن، لکه دار کردن

melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal; melt or blend ores changing their chemical composition


a past tense and past participle of smell

گداختن، تصفیه کردن، گداخته شدن

conceited smile; offensively self-satisfied smile (often at someone else’s misfortune); (v.)


[ intransitive]
to smile in an unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased by someone else's bad luck or think you are better than other people:
** The boys tried not to smirk.
smirk at:
** What are you smirking at?

پوزخند، لبخند مغرورانه زدن، پوزخند زدن

smoulder; burn slowly without flame; be liable to break out at any moment; exist in a suppressed state; ex. smoldering anger


the American spelling of smoulder

( smoulder ) سوختن ودود کردن، بی اتش سوختن، خاموش کردن، خفه کردن

kill from lack of air; suppress; cover thickly; ex. smothered in little stickers


[ transitive]
1. to completely cover the whole surface of something with something else, often in a way that seems unnecessary or unpleasant
smother something with/in something:
** noodles smothered in garlic sauce

2. to kill someone by putting something over their face to stop them breathing [↪ suffocate]:
** A teenage mother was accused of smothering her 3-month-old daughter.

3. to stop yourself from showing your feelings or from doing an action [= stifle]:
** The girls tried to smother their giggles.

4. to give someone so much love and attention that they feel as if they are not free and become unhappy:
** I don't want him to feel smothered.

5. smother somebody with kisses: to kiss someone a lot

خفه کردن، در دل نگاه داشتن، خفه شدن، خاموش کردن

dirty mark with unclear edges made by rubbing; v.


[ countable]
a dirty mark [= smear]
smudge of:
** a smudge of lipstick on the cup

لک، لکه، ایجاد دود برای دفع حشرات، لک کردن، سیاه شدن لکه، لک، لک کردن

self-satisfied; complacent


showing too much satisfaction with your own cleverness or success - used to show disapproval
smug about:
** What are you looking so smug about?
smug expression/look/face/smile etc:
** 'I knew I'd win,' she said with a smug smile.

(Adjective) (شخص) از خود راضی، از خود متشکر، خودبین، (لبخند، خوش‌بینی) خودبینانه، ناشی از رضایت خاطر

move, give, or take in a quiet, stealthy way; (n.) one who sneaks; (adj.) sneaky


1. go secretly: [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard [= creep]
sneak in/out/away etc:
** They sneaked off without paying!
** She snuck out of the house once her parents were asleep.

2. take/give secretly: [transitive] to hide something and take it somewhere or give it to someone secretly:
** I snuck her a note.
sneak something through/past etc somebody/something:
** Douglas had sneaked his camera into the show.

3. sneak a look/glance/peek: to look at something quickly and secretly, especially something that you are not supposed to see:
** He sneaked a look at her.

4. [informal] to quickly and secretly steal something unimportant or of little value
sneak something from somebody:
** We used to sneak cigarettes from Dad.

to tell someone such as a parent or teacher about something that another person has done wrong, because you want to cause trouble for that person:
** A little brat named Oliver sneaked on me.

دزدکی حرکت کردن، خود را پنهان ساختن، حرکت پنهانی

half-stifled(suppressed) laugh; (v.)


[ intransitive]
American English to laugh quietly and in a way that is not nice at something which is not supposed to be funny [= snigger British English]
snicker at:
** The other students snickered at Steve.

پوزخند زدن، نیشخند زدن، با صدا خندیدن، شیهه کشیدن نیشخند، پوزخند

short quick cut with scissors; (v.) cut with scissors


[ intransitive and transitive]
to cut something by making quick cuts with scissors:
** I snipped the string and untied the parcel.
snip something off: (=remove it by snipping)
** Snip the ends of the beans off before you cook them.

چیدن، زدن، قیچی کردن، پشم چیدن، بسرعت قاپیدن، کشرفتن، قطعه، برش، ادم احمق، ته سیگار، ادم کوچک یا بی اهمیت

complain or whine tearfully; run at the nose; snuffle; (ex.) don’t come back sniveling to me.


[intransitive usually progressive] to behave or speak in a weak complaining way, especially when you are crying:
** A small boy was sniveling on a chair.
** a snivelling coward

اب بینی، فین، زکام، نزله، از بینی جاری شدن، اببینی را با صدا بالا کشیدن، دماغ گرفتن

ignore or behave coldly toward; (ex.) i made a suggestion but she snubbed me; (n.)


[ transitive]
to treat someone rudely, especially by ignoring them when you meet:
** the boys who had snubbed her in high school

(Verb - transitive) بی‌اعتنایی کردن به، به سردی برخورد کردن با، محل نگذاشتن به، تحویل نگرفتن، سر سنگینی کردن با
(Verb - transitive) (بازیکن) از شرکت در جایی امتناع کردن، از قبول کاری سر باز زدن
(Noun) بی‌اعتنایی، کم محلی، توهین، تحقیر
(Adjective) (بینی) کوچک و سربالا

sniffle; sniff repeatedly (in order to keep liquid from running out of the nose)


[ intransitive]
to breathe noisily through your nose, sometimes because you are crying:
** The little boys snuffled in their sleep.

باصدای بلند نفس کشیدن، بازحمت از بینی نفس کشیدن،تودماغی حرف زدن، بوکشیدن، زهد فروشی کردن، صدای خسخس بینی، نالیدن

rise or fly high in the air; (ex.) the rocket soared into the sky.


[ intransitive]
1. amounts/prices etc: to increase quickly to a high level [≠ plummet]:
** Her temperature soared.
** The price of petrol has soared in recent weeks.
** soaring unemployment

2. in the sky:a) to fly, especially very high up in the sky, floating on air currents:
** She watched the dove soar above the chestnut trees.b) to go quickly upwards to a great height:
** The ball soared to left field.

3. spirits/hopes: if your spirits(=the way you are feeling, for example happy, sad etc) or hopes soar, you begin to feel very happy or hopeful:
** Adam's smile sent her spirits soaring.

4. look tall: [not in progressive] if buildings, trees, towers etc soar, they look very tall and impressive:
** Here the cliffs soar a hundred feet above the sea.
** a soaring skyscraper

بلند پروازی کردن، بلند پرواز کردن، بالا رفتن، بالغ شدن بر، صعود کردن، بالاروی، اوج گرفتن

serious; solemn; not drunken; abstemious or temperate; v: make or become sober


1. not drunk:
** He's a nice guy when he's sober.

2. serious, and thinking or making you think carefully about things:
** a sober, hard-working young man
** a sober reminder of the difficulties we face

3. plain and not at all brightly coloured:
** a sober grey suit

هوشیار، بهوش، عاقل، میانه رو، معتدل، متین، سنگین،موقر، ادم هشیار(در برابر مست)، هوشیار بودن، بهوش اوردن، از مستی دراوردن

moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness


[ uncountable]
1. when someone is not drunk:
** John had periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking.

2. behaviour that shows a serious attitude to life

(Noun) هشیاری (در برابر مستی)، متانت، اعتدال

thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from drink


very wet and heavy:
** sodden clothes
** The earth was sodden.
** rain-sodden hair

جوشانده، چروکیده وپژمرده، (در اثر جوشاندن) بیمصرف، نیم پخته، اشباع شده، خیس، خیس شدن، گیج وکندذهن

temporary stay; (v.) stay for a time


[ countable]
[formal] a short period of time that you stay in a place that is not your home:
** a brief sojourn in Europe

اقامت موقتی،موقتا،اقامت کردن

comfort in sorrow or trouble; consolation; (v.) comfort or console in time of sorrow or trouble


1. [uncountable] a feeling of emotional comfort at a time of great sadness or disappointment
seek/find solace in something:
** After the death of her son, Val found solace in the church.

2. be a solace to somebody: to bring a feeling of comfort and calmness to someone, when they are sad or disappointed:
** Mary was a great solace to me after Arthur died.

تسلیت خاطر، مایه تسلی، ارامش، تسکین، ارام کردن،تسلی دادن، تسلیت گفتن

repair or make whole by using a metal alloy; (n.) metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten state to join metallic parts


[ uncountable]
a soft metal, usually a mixture of lead and tin, which can be melted and used to join two metal surfaces, wires etc

لحیم، کفشیر، جوش، وسیله التیام واتصال، لحیم کردن،جوش دادن، التیام دادن لحیم، لحیم کردن

nonstandard grammatical construction; construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically; violation of social etiquette


[ countable]
1. a mistake in the use of written or spoken language

2. something that is not considered polite behaviour:
** a social solecism

(Noun) غلط دستوری، غلط اصطلاحی، بی ترتیبی

seriousness; gravity


1. [uncountable] the quality of being serious in behaviour or manner:
** the solemnity of a great religious occasion

2. solemnities: [plural] the ceremonies of an important and serious occasion

(Noun) هیبت، وقار، ایین تشریفات، مراسم سنگین

entreat; request earnestly; seek to obtain; (ex.) solicit votes; (cf.) solicitor: one who solicits; chief law officer


1. [intransitive usually progressive] to offer to have sex with someone in exchange for money:
** She was arrested for soliciting.

2. [formal] to ask someone for money, help, or information:
** Morgan is accused of illegally soliciting campaign contributions.
solicit something from somebody:
** The governor sent two officials to Mexico City to solicit aid from the President.

3. to try to sell a product or service by taking it to homes or businesses and showing it to the people there:
** No soliciting on company premises is allowed.

درخواست کردن، التماس کردن، خواستن، تقاضا کردن،جلب کردن، تشجیع کردن، خواستاربودن، بیرون کشیدن،وسوسه کردن

lawyer in the lower court of law


[ countable]
1. a type of lawyer in Britain who gives legal advice, prepares the necessary documents when property is bought or sold, and defends people, especially in the lower courts of law [↪ lawyer, advocate, barrister]:
** You need to see a solicitor.
** a small firm of solicitors ➔ see usage note lawyer

2. American English someone who goes from place to place trying to sell goods or services:
** A sign on the door read, 'No Solicitors.'

(Noun) (حقوق) وکیل، کسی که اسناد و مدارک عرض حال را تهیه می‌کند

anxious; worried; concerned; eager; (ex.) solicitous to do something; (n.) solicitude


very concerned about someone's safety, health, or comfort

(Adjective) مشتاق، ارزومند، مایل، نگران، دلواپس

talking to oneself (esp. in a play); (cf.) monologue: soliloquy; long speech by one person (often monopolizing a conversation)


[ uncountable and countable]
a speech in a play in which a character, usually alone on the stage, talks to himself or herself so that the audience knows their thoughts [↪ monologue]

(Noun) تک گویی، گفتگو با خود، نمایش یا مقاله یا سخنرانی یکنفری

state of being alone; seclusion; (adj.) solitary: existing or living alone (esp. by choice); remote or secluded; single; sole; (ex.) solitary life/inn; (ex.) no solitary piece of proof


[ uncountable]
when you are alone, especially when this is what you enjoy [↪ loneliness]
in solitude:
** Carl spent the morning in solitude.
** the solitude of her house on the lake

(Noun) تنهایی، انفراد، خلوت، جای خلوت

point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator


[ countable]
the time when the sun is furthest north or south of the equator
the summer/winter solstice: (=the longest or shortest day of the year)

(Noun) (نج.) انقلاب، تحویل، نقطه انقلاب، تحول

able to be dissolved in a liquid; able to be worked out or solved


1. a soluble substance can bedissolved in a liquid:
** soluble aspirin
water-soluble: (=that can be dissolved in water)

2. [formal] a problem that is soluble can be solved [≠ insoluble]

(Adjective) قابل حل، حل شدنی، محلول
(Adjective) حل پذیر، قابل حل

substance that dissolves another; (adj.) capable of dissolving another substance


[ not usually before noun]
having enough money to pay your debts [≠ insolvent]
stay/remain/keep solvent:
** I don't know how we managed to remain solvent.

حلال، مایع محلل، قادر به پرداخت قروض

pertaining to the body; bodily; physical

(Adjective) تنی، بدنی، جسمی، کالبدی (در برابر: روحی یا روانی)


** - psychosomatic
** - روانی - تنی، روان تنی
** - somatic posture
** - طرز قرارگیری بدن
(Adjective) وابسته به یاختههای تنی (somatic cells - در برابر: یاختههای زایشی germ cells)
(Adjective) وابسته به دیوارهی بدن، تن دیواری (somatopleuric هم میگویند - در برابر: اندرونهای یا امعا و احشایی visceral)
(Adjective) (گیاهشناسی) وابسته به تنه، تنهای، ساقهای (در برابر: شاخهای یا آویزهای appendicular)

dark; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; (cf.) shadow

(Adjective) ( sombre ) سایه دار، تاریک، غم انگیز، محزون

sleepwalker; (v.) somnambulate; (n.) somnambulism


[ countable]
someone who walks while they are asleep [= sleepwalker]

(Noun) ( somnambulistic ) کسیکه در خواب راه میرود،وابسته به راهروی درخواب، خواب گرد

half asleep; drowsy; (n.) somnolence


1. almost starting to sleep:
** He lay quiet, somnolent after the day's exertions.

2. making you want to sleep:
** a somnolent summer's afternoon

(Adjective) خواب الود، درحالت خواب وبیدار

of sound or its speed in air; (cf.) subsonic, supersonic


[ only before noun]
relating to sound,sound waves, or the speed of sound

(Adjective) شنودی، صوتی، وابسته بسرعت صوت، سماعی، در میدان شنوایی

14-line poetic verse form with a fixed rhyme pattern


[ countable]
a poem with 14 lines which rhyme with each other in a fixed pattern:
** Shakespeare's sonnets

غزل، غزل یا قطعه شعر ۱۴ سطری

resonant; producing a full deep sound; producing sound


having a pleasantly deep loud sound:
** a sonorous voice

(Adjective) صدا دار، طنین انداز، قلنبه، بلند، پرصدا

one who foretells the future


[ countable]
someone who is believed to be able to say what will happen in the future

(Noun) ( soothsaying ) (م.م.) فال بین، فال بینی، (جانورشناسی)طالع بین

teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning; (n.) sophism: plausible but fallacious argument

(Noun) سوفسطایی، مغالطه کن، زبان باز، سفسطه باز

worldly wise and urbane; refined; complex; n. sophistication; (v.) sophisticate


1. having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion etc:
** a sophisticated, witty American
** Clarissa's hair was swept up into a sophisticated style.

2. a sophisticated machine, system, method etc is very well designed and very advanced, and often works in a complicated way:
** sophisticated software
** a highly sophisticated weapons system

3. having a lot of knowledge and experience of difficult or complicated subjects and therefore able to understand them well:
** British voters have become much more sophisticated.

(Adjective) خبره وماهر، مشگل وپیچیده، درسطح بالا، مصنوعی، غیرطبیعی، تصنعی، سوفسطایی

seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning; sophism


[ uncountable and countable]
the clever use of reasons or explanations that seem correct but are really false, in order to deceive people

(Noun) سفسطه، مغالطه، زبان بازی، برهان تراشی، فریب

immature; half-baked; like a sophomore


silly, and behaving in a way that is typical of someone much younger:
** sophomoric humor

(Adjective) نارس، کم عمق

sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness; drowsy


making you feel ready to sleep:
** His voice had an almost soporific effect.

خواب الود، کرخت، داروی خواب اور

filthy; foul; base; vile; (ex.) sordid bed/story


1. involving immoral or dishonest behaviour
sordid business/affair/story etc:
** The whole sordid affair came out in the press.
** She discovered the truth about his sordid past.
** I want to hear all the sordid details!

2. very dirty and unpleasant [= squalid]:
** a sordid little room

(Adjective) پست، خسیس، چرک، کثیف، دون، شلخته، هرزه

in good condition; showing good judgment or good sense; thorough; complete; (ex.) sound mind/investment/training


1. [uncountable and countable] something that you hear, or what can be heard [= noise]:
** There were strange sounds coming from the next room.
sound of:
** She could hear the sound of voices.
** the distant sound of rushing water
banging/barking/tearing etc sound:
** Did you just hear a rattling sound outside?
** Light travels faster than sound.
** a vowel sound
not make a sound: (=be completely quiet)

2. the loudness of a television, radio, film etc [= volume]
turn the sound down/up:
** Turn the sound down a little, will you?

3. [countable usually singular, uncountable] the particular quality that a singer's or group's music has:
** We're trying to develop a harder, funkier sound.

4. by/from the sound of it/things: judging from what you have heard or read about something:
** By the sound of it, things are worse than we thought.

5. not like the sound of something: to feel worried by something that you have heard or read:
** 'There's been a slight change in our plans.' 'I don't like the sound of that.'

(Noun) (فیزیک) صوت
(Noun) صدا، آوا، سر و صدا


** - without a sound
** - بی سروصدا، بی هیچ صدایی، آرام
(Noun) لحن، نحوه‌ی گفتار

** - a vowel sound
** - (آواشناسی) واکه، مصوت
** - like the sound of one's own voice
** - (به طعنه) خیلی وراجی کردن، پرحرفی کردن، (کسی) از صدای خودش خیلی خوشش آمدن
** - sound off
** - (Verb - intransitive) (محاوره، به طعنه) رجز خواندن، رجز خوانی کردن، عر و تیز کردن، ور زدن، حرف زیادی زدن
** - sound somebody out
** - (Verb - transitive) پی به نظر...بردن، مزه‌ی دهن...را فهمیدن
(Noun) صدارس
(Noun) موسیقی
(Noun) (صفت‌گونه) صوتی، (مربوط به) صوت
(Verb - intransitive) به نظر آمدن، به نظر رسیدن، احساس شدن، جلوه کردن/بودن

** - by the sound of it/things
** - از قرار معلوم، بنا به ظاهر، ظاهرا، آن‌طور که پیدا است
** - this music sounds beautiful
** - این موسیقی گوش‌نواز است، این موسیقی به گوش خوش می‌آید
** - it sounds to me...
** - فکر می‌کنم (که)...، به نظرم می‌رسد (که)...، انگار (که)...
** - i hope I don't sound as if I'm criticising/criticizing you
** - امیدوارم این احساس بهت دست ندهد که دارم از تو انتقاد می‌کنم، امیدوارم این برداشت را نکنی که دارم ازت انتقاد می‌کنم
(Verb - intransitive) به صدا درآمدن، صدا دادن، صدا کردن

** - sound the retreat
** - (با شیپور) اعلام عقب‌نشینی کردن
(Verb - transitive) به صدا درآوردن، صدای...را در آوردن، (آلات موسیقی) نواختن، زدن
(Verb - transitive) (رسمی) تلفظ کردن
(Verb - transitive) (رسمی) آزمایش کردن، امتحان کردن
(Verb - transitive) وقت...را اعلام کردن
(Adjective) (دندان و غیره) سالم، بی‌عیب، بی‌عیب و نقص، درست، (بنیاد) محکم، قرص، (عقل) سلیم

** - safe and sound
** - صحیح و سالم
** - (as) sound as a bell
** - صحیح و سالم، سالمِ سالم
** - sound in wind and limb
** - (قدیمی، به شوخی) سرحال، سُرومُروگنده، سالم و سرحال
(Adjective) (بحث و غیره) منطقی، محکم، مستدل، مطمئن، قابل اعتماد، متین
(Adjective) (رسمی) کامل، درست و حسابی، جانانه
(Adjective) (نوشته و غیره) توانا، قابل
(Adjective) (خواب) عمیق، راحت

** - he is a sound sleeper
** - خوب می‌خوابد، آدم خوش‌خوابی است، خوابش سنگین است
** - be sound asleep
** - (Adverb) عمیقا خواب بودن، به خواب عمیقی فرورفته بودن
** - fall sound asleep
** - (Adverb) در خواب عمیقی فرورفتن
(Verb - intransitive) (دریا و غیره) عمق‌سنجی کردن، ژرفایابی کردن
(Verb - transitive) (دریا و غیره) عمق... را اندازه‌گیری کردن
(Noun) (جغرافیا) تنگه، باب، بغاز

having a sharp or acid taste; acid; tart; bad-tempered; v.


1. having a sharp acid taste, like the taste of a lemon or a fruit that is not ready to be eaten [≠ sweet; ↪ bitter]:
** Rachel sampled the wine. It was sour.
** sour cherries ➔ sweet-and-sour

2. milk or other food that is sour is not fresh and has a bad taste
turn/go sour: (=become sour)

3. unfriendly or looking bad-tempered
sour look/face/smile etc:
** Eliza was tall and thin, with a rather sour face.
** a sour-faced old man

4. [informal] if a relationship or plan turns or goes sour, it becomes less enjoyable, pleasant, or satisfactory:
** As time went by, their marriage turned sour.
** The meeting ended on a sour note with neither side able to reach agreement.

5. sour grapes: used to say that someone is pretending that they dislike something because they want it but cannot have it - used to show disapproval

ترش، تند، ترش بودن، مزه اسید داشتن، مثل غوره وغیره)، ترش شدن

ruler in a monarchy; (adj.) (of a country) independent and self-governing; having supreme power; supreme; excellent


[ countable]
1. a king or queen

2. a British gold coin used in the past that was worth £1

( sovran =) پادشاه، شهریار، لیره زر، با اقتدار،دارای قدرت عالیه

complete independence and self-government (of a country); supremacy of authority; power to govern


[ uncountable]
1. complete freedom and power to govern:
** the sovereignty of Parliament
sovereignty over:
** Spain's claim of sovereignty over the territory

2. the power that an independent country has to govern itself:
** the defence of our national sovereignty

(Noun) ( sovranty =) سلطه، حق حاکمیت، پادشاهی، قدرت

plant or scatter seed


1. to plant or scatter seeds on a piece of ground:
** Sow the seeds in late March.
sow something with something:
** These fields used to be sown with oats.

2. [transitive] to do something that will cause a bad situation in the future:
** repressive laws that are sowing the seeds of future conflicts
sow doubt/confusion/dissatisfaction etc:
** an attempt to sow doubt among the jury members

3. sow your wild oats: if a man sows his wild oats, he has sex with many different women, especially when he is young

ماده خوک جوان، شلخته وچاق

small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation


[ transitive]
to cover something with shiny points of light
be spangled with something:
** The city skyline was spangled with lights.

پولک وسنگهای بدلی زینت لباس، منجوق، هر چیز زرق وبرق دار، درخشش، باپولک مزین کردن

give; use; refrain from harming; save from experiencing; exempt; (ex.) spare me 5 minutes; (ex.) take this money and spare my life; (ex.) the emperor was spared the onus; (adj.) kept in reserve; free for other use; unoccupied; ex. spare time


1. extra: spare key/battery/clothes etc: a key etc that you keep in addition to the one you usually use, so that it is available if the one you usually use breaks, gets lost etc:
** a spare key
** Bring a towel and some spare clothes.
** a supply of spare batteries
** a spare tyre

2. not used/needed: [usually before noun] not being used or not needed at the present time:
** Have you got any spare boxes?
** You could sleep in the spare bedroom.
** Do you have any spare cash.
** I'll go and see if there are any spare seats.
** A decline in beer sales had left the industry with spare capacity (=the ability to produce more than can be sold).

3. time: spare time/moment/hour etc: time when you are not working:
** What do you do in your spare time?
** Eric spent every spare moment he had in the library.

4. money: spare change: coins of little value that you do not need and can give to other people:
** There are beggars on every corner asking for spare change.

5. be going spare:[spoken] if something is going spare, it is available for you to have or use:
** I'll have some of that cake if it's going spare.

یدک، یدکی دریغ داشتن، مضایقه کردن، چشم پوشیدن از، بخشیدن،برای یدکی نگاه داشتن، در ذخیره نگاه داشتن، مضایقه،ذخیره، یدکی، لاغر، نحیف، نازک، کم حرف

not thick; thinly scattered; scanty


existing only in small amounts:
** his sparse brown hair
** rural areas with sparse population

(Adjective) کم پشت، پراکنده، تنک، گشاد گشاد

without attention to comfort; lacking luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined; (ex.) spartan living condition/ life


spartan conditions or ways of living are simple and without any comfort:
** spartan accommodation
** a spartan existence

اسپارتی، ادم دلیر و با انضباط، بی تجمل

fitful; periodic; of or like a spasm; (n.) spasm: sudden involuntary muscular contraction; sudden burst of energy or emotion


1. happening for short irregular periods, not continuously:
** spasmodic machine gun fire

2. of or relating to a muscle spasm:
** a spasmodic cough

(Adjective) تشنجی، بگیر و ول کن، همراه با انقباضات

squabble; minor dispute; minor quarrel


the past tense and past participle of spit

حلزون خوراکی خیلی کوچک، بچه حلزون، مرافعه، کشمکش کردن، سیلی، سیلی زدن زمان گذشته ساده فعل Spit قسمت سوم فعل Spit

sudden flood or rush; (ex.) spate of accidents


1. spate of something: a large number of similar things that happen in a short period of time, especially bad things:
** a spate of burglaries

2. in spate: British English a river, stream etc that is in spate is very full and flowing very fast

(Noun) طغیان رود، سیل، سیلاب، رگبار، تعداد خیلی زیاد،هجوم بی مقدمه، سیل کلمات

relating to space


relating to the position, size, shape etc of things

(Adjective) فضایی، فاصله ای

broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing


[ countable]
1. a kitchen tool with a wide flat blade, used for spreading, mixing, or lifting soft substances

2. a small instrument with a flat surface, used by doctors to hold your tongue down so that they can examine your throat

(Noun) کفگیر، (پزشکی) مرهم کش، کاردک مخصوص پهن کردن و مالیدن مرهم روی پارچه و زخم و غیره

lay eggs (in large numbers); produce offspring (in large numbers); (n.) eggs of aquatic animals


1. [transitive] to make a series of things happen or start to exist:
** New technology has spawned new business opportunities.

2. if a fish or frog spawns, it produces eggs in large quantities at the same time

تخم ماهی، اشپل، بذر، جرم، تخم ریزی کردن (حیوانات دریایی)، تولید مثل کردن

seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally)


seeming to be true or correct, but actually false:
** a specious argument

(Adjective) خوش منظروبدنهاد، دارای ظاهر زیبا وفریبنده، ظاهرا صحیح، بطورسطحی درست، ظاهرا منطقی ودرست ولی واقعا عکس ان

small piece or mark; (ex.) speck of dust in the eye


[ countable]
a very small mark, spot, or piece of something
speck of:
** a speck of dust

لک، نقطه، خال، لکه یا خال میوه، ذره، لکه دار کردن، خالدار کردن

ghostly; (n.) specter: spectra; ghost; phantom


1. [literary] relating to or like a spectre

2. relating to or made by a spectrum

(Adjective) روح مانند، روحی، خیالی، طیفی، بینایی
(Adjective) طیفی

colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism; broad and continuous range; ex. whole spectrum of modern thoughts


[ countable]
1. a complete range of opinions, people, situations etc, going from one extreme to its opposite
spectrum of:
** the ethnic spectrum of America
across the spectrum:
** The bill drew support from across the political spectrum.
broad/wide/full etc spectrum:
** a broad spectrum of environmental groups
** The two articles here represent opposite ends of the spectrum.

2. the set of bands of coloured light into which a beam of light separates when it is passed through a prism

3. a complete range of radio, sound etc waves:
** the electromagnetic spectrum

(Noun) طیف
(Noun) بینایی، طیف، خیال، منظر، شبح، رنگ های مریی در طیف بین

unable for the moment to speak (because of strong feeling); (ex.) speechless with anger


unable to speak because you feel very angry, upset etc
speechless with:
** His comments left me speechless with rage.

(Adjective) صامت، لال، گنگ ( gong )

someone who wastes money; (cf.) thrift: accumulated wealth


[ countable]
someone who spends money carelessly, even when they do not have a lot of it

ولخرج، مسرف، خراج، دست ودلباز

enigmatic; mysterious

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

rotate swiftly; make (thread) by twisting (cotton, wool, etc.); (n.)


1. turn around: [intransitive and transitive] to turn around and around very quickly, or to make something do this:
** The plane's propellers were spinning.
spin (something/somebody) around:
** She grabbed Norm's arm and spun him around to face her.

2. somebody's head is spinning: also the room is spinning if your head or the room is spinning, you feel as if you might faint (=become unconscious) because you are shocked, excited, or drunk:
** I was pouring with sweat, and my head was spinning.
** The room started to spin.

3. situation/information: [transitive] to describe a situation or information in a way that is intended to influence the way people think about it - used especially about what politicians or business people do:
** Supporters attempted to spin the bill's defeat to their advantage.

4. spin a tale/story/yarn: to tell a story, especially using a lot of imagination:
** She spun a story about a trip to Athens to meet one of the authors.

5. to make cotton, wool etc into thread by twisting it

فرفره، چرخش (بدور خود)، (دور خود) چرخیدن، ریسیدن، رشتن، تنیدن، به درازا کشاندن، چرخاندن

join together end to end to make one continuous length; fasten together; unite; (ex.) splice two strips of tape; (n.)


[ transitive]
1. to join the ends of two pieces of rope, film etc so that they form one continuous piece

2. get spliced:[informal] to get married

بهم تابیدن، باهم متصل کردن، پیوند کردن

one who spoils the pleasure of others


[ countable]
someone who spoils other people's fun:
** Don't be such a spoilsport.

(Noun) کسیکه بازی دیگران را خراب میکند، کسی که عیش دیگران را منغص میکند

lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from constraint; (adj.) spontaneous: self-generated; unpremeditated; happening without being planned

(Noun) خودبخودی، ناگهانی، بی سابقگی، فوریت



[ countable]
a funny book, play, or film that copies something serious or important and makes it seem silly [↪ take-off]
spoof of/on:
** The play is a spoof on Shakespeare's tragedy 'Julius Caesar'.
** a spoof documentary

حقه بازی کردن، کلاهبرداری، مسخره، دست انداختن

accidental transposition of sounds in successive words; (ex.) “let me sew you to your sheet” for “let me show you to your seat”; (cf.) william spooner


[ countable]
a phrase in which the speaker accidentally exchanges the first sounds of two words, with a funny result, for example 'sew you to a sheet' instead of 'show you to a seat'

(Noun) اشتباه در تلفظ حروف، تعویض حروف در تلفظ برحسبتصادف، لقلقه

occurring irregularly; intermittent


happening fairly often, but not regularly [= intermittent]:
** There has been sporadic violence downtown.

(Adjective) تک وتوک، تک تک، پراکنده، انفرادی، گاه وبیگاه
(Adjective) تک و توک، گاهبگاه

playful; frolicsome; merry; (cf.) sport: play or frolic; (cf.) sportsmanlike

(Adjective) سرگرم تفریح وورزش، ورزشی، تفریحی



an old person who is sprightly is still active and full of energy - used to show approval

خوشحال، بانشاط، سرزنده، چالاک، شنگول

begin to grow; give off shoots or buds; (n.) new growth on a plant; shoot


1. if vegetables, seeds, or plants sprout, they start to grow, producing shoots, buds, or leaves:
** Move the pots outside when the seeds begin to sprout.
** Trees were starting to sprout new leaves.

2. [intransitive] also sprout up to appear suddenly in large numbers:
** Office blocks are sprouting up everywhere.

3. [intransitive and transitive] if something such as hair sprouts or if you sprout it, it starts to grow:
** Jim seemed to have sprouted a beard.

جوانه زدن، سبز شدن، جوانه، شاخه

neat and trim in appearance; smart; (ex.) be spruce for your job interview; (v.)


[ uncountable and countable]
a tree that grows in northern countries and has short leaves shaped like needles

(Adjective) تمیز، تر و تمیز، شیک، آراسته، مرتب


** - spruce somebody up
** - (Verb - transitive) خود را آراستن، خود را آراسته کردن، شیک کردن
** - spruce oneself up
** - خود را آراستن، خود را آراسته کردن، شیک کردن
(Noun) درخت نوئل
(Noun) درخت صنوبر، درخت نراد
(Noun) چوب (درخت نوئل)، چوب صنوبر، چوب نراد

(esp. of older people) vigorously active; nimble


a spry old person has energy and is active [= sprightly]:
** He's still remarkably spry.

(Adjective) چابک، چالاک، زرنگ، فرز، باهوش، دانا

false; counterfeit; forged; illogical; (ex.) spurious arguments


1. a spurious statement, argument etc is not based on facts or good thinking and is likely to be incorrect:
** He demolished the Opposition's spurious arguments.

2. insincere:
** spurious sympathy

(Adjective) قلب، بدلی، بدل، جعلی، الکی، نادرست، حرامزاده
(Adjective) جعلی، قلابی

reject disdainfully; scorn; (ex.) she spurned all offers of help.


[ transitive]
[literary] to refuse to accept something or someone, especially because you are too proud:
** She spurned all offers of help.
** a spurned lover

لگد زدن، پشت پا زدن، رد کردن

minor quarrel; bickering; (v.) engage in a minor quarrel; (ex.) squabbling children


[ intransitive]
to argue about something unimportant [= quarrel]
squabble over/about:
** They're always squabbling over money.
squabble with:
** He's squabbling with the referee.

جرو وبحث کردن، ستیزه، داد وبیداد، نزا مختصر،ستیزه کردن

condition of being squalid; filth; degradation; dirty neglected state; (adj.) squalid: dirty; sordid; morally repulsive; (ex.) squalid story


[ uncountable]
the condition of being dirty and unpleasant because of a lack of care or money [↪ squalid]:
** We lived in squalor for a year and a half.

(Noun) درهم وبرهمی وکثافت، الودگی، کثافت کاری، ژولیدگی

waste; spend foolishly


[ transitive]
to carelessly waste money, time, opportunities etc:
** The home team squandered a number of chances in the first half.
squander something on something:
** They squandered the profits on expensive cars.

برباد دادن، تلف کردن، ولخرجی، اسراف

crush; quash; suppress


1. press: [transitive] to press something into a flatter shape, often breaking or damaging it [= flatten]:
** The cake got a bit squashed on the way here.
squash something down:
** Her hair had been squashed down by her hat.
** Move over - you're squashing me.

2. small space: [intransitive,transitive always + adverb/preposition]to push yourself or something else into a space that is too small [= squeeze]
squash into:
** Seven of us squashed into the car.
squash something in:
** We can probably squash another couple of things in.

3. [informal] to use your power or authority to stop something [= quash]:
** Her suggestions were always squashed.
squash rumours/hopes/reports etc: (=say that a rumour etc is not true)
** The government was quick to squash any hopes of reform.

4. control emotion: [transitive] to control or ignore an emotion [= suppress]:
** She felt anger rising but quickly squashed it.

to move closer together or closer to something, especially in order to make room for someone or something else
squash up against:
** The others squashed up against Jo.

له کردن، کوبیدن ونرم کردن، خفه کردن، شربت نارنج،افشره نارنج، (گیاه‌شناسی) کدو، کدوی رشتی، کدو مسما

short and thick; stocky; (ex.) ugly squat tower; (v.) n.


[ intransitive]
1. to sit with your knees bent under you and your bottom just off the ground, balancing on your feet
squat down:
** He squatted down beside the little girl.

2. to live in a building or on a piece of land without permission and without paying rent

چمباتمه زدن، قوز کردن، محل چمباتمه زنی، چاق وخپل

easily shocked or sickened by unpleasant things; fastidious; (ex.) a nurse should not be squeamish.


1. easily shocked or upset, or easily made to feel sick by seeing unpleasant things

2. the squeamish: [plural]people who are squeamish:
** His new novel is not for the squeamish.

استفراغی، بی میل، سخت گیر، نازک نارنجی، باحیا

produce a splashing sound (when stepping through mud); crush; squash;


1. [intransitive] to make a sucking sound by walking or moving in something soft and wet:
** My hair was dripping and my shoes squelched as I walked.
squelch through/along/up:
** We squelched across the field.

2. [transitive]American English to stop something from continuing to develop or spread [= squash]:
** Her creativity had been squelched.

صدای چلپ چلوپ پوتین در زمین گل الود، خردکردن، له کردن، سرکوبی

played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound; (ex.) staccato applause


if music is played staccato, the notes are cut short

(موسیقی) قطع شده، منقطع، بطور فشرده، بطور بریده بریده ادا کردن

(of water) not flowing (often bad-smelling); motionless; stale; not developing; inactive; dull; (ex.) stagnant industrial output


1. stagnant water or air does not move or flow and often smells bad:
** a stagnant pond

2. not changing or making progress, and continuing to be in a bad condition:
** a government plan to revive the stagnant economy

(Adjective) بدون حرکت، راکد، ایستا، کساد

serious and sedate; sober; (ex.) staid during the funeral ceremony


serious, old-fashioned, and boring:
** a staid old bachelor

(Adjective) متین، موقر، آرام، ثابت، سنگین

deadlock; situation in which further action is blocked


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a situation in which it seems impossible to settle an argument or disagreement, and neither side can get an advantage [= deadlock]:
** an attempt to break the stalemate
** The discussions with the miners' union ended in stalemate.

2. a position in chess in which neither player can win

بن بست، (درشطرنج) پات، پات کردن یا شدن

physically strong; brawny; steadfast; strong in mind or determination; (ex.) stalwart supporter; (n.) stalwart follower


[ countable]
someone who is very loyal to a particular organization or set of ideas, and works hard for them:
** old party stalwarts
stalwart of:
** Rob's a stalwart of the school's chess club.

ستبر، تنومند، قوی، بی باک، مصمم، شدید

power of endurance; strength; staying power


[ uncountable]
physical or mental strength that lets you continue doing something for a long time without getting tired:
** You need stamina to be a long-distance runner.
** Elaine has the stamina and the determination to succeed.

(Noun) بنیه، نیروی حیاتی، طاقت، استقامت، پرچم

speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions


[ intransitive and transitive]
to speak with a lot of pauses and repeated sounds, either because you have a speech problem, or because you are nervous, excited etc [= stutter]:
** Whenever he was angry he would begin to stammer slightly.
** Ben stammered out an apology.

لکنت پیدا کردن، گیر کردن (زبان)، لکنت، من من کردن

step on heavily (so as to crush or extinguish); put an end to; imprint or impress with a mark, design, or seal; shape with a die; characterize; (ex.) machine stamping out car bodies; (ex.) newspaper stamping him as a liar; (n.) stamping; implement used to stamp; impression stamped; mark; (ex.) her remarks bear the stamp of truth.


[ countable]
1. a small piece of paper that you buy and stick onto an envelope or package before posting it:
** a 29-cent stamp
** Richard collects stamps.
** a second-class stamp

2. a tool for pressing or printing a mark or pattern onto a surface, or the mark made by this tool:
** a date stamp
** a passport stamp

3. the stamp of something: if something has the stamp of a particular quality, it clearly has that quality
** The speech bore (=had) the stamp of authority.

4. a small piece of paper that is worth a particular amount of money and is bought and collected for something over a period of time:
** television licence stamps

5. British English a piece of paper for sticking to some official papers to show that British tax has been paid

مهر ( mohr )، نشان، نقش، باسمه، چاپ، تمبر، پست، جنس،نوع، پابزمین کوبیدن، مهر زدن، نشان دار کردن،کلیشه زدن، نقش بستن، منقوش کردن، منگنه کردن،تمبرزدن، تمبر پست الصاق کردن

sudden frenzied rush (of panic-stricken animals or people); (v.) participate in or cause stampede; (ex.) stampede before the price rises


[ countable]
1. when a group of people all want to do the same thing at the same time:
** a stampede to buy shares in high-tech companies

2. when a group of large animals or people suddenly start running in the same direction because they are frightened or excited:
** a cattle stampede

رم، لگد کوب، ترس ناگهانی یک گله اسب، رمیدن، فرارکردن، صدای کوبیدن پا

stop or check flow of blood; (ex.) stanch the gushing wound


an American spelling of staunch2

وفادار، پایدار، دو اتشه، بند اوردن، جلو خونریزی را گرفتن، خاموش کردن، ساکت شدن، ساکن شدن، فرونشاندن

condition of no movement or activity; stop


[ singular]
a situation in which there is no movement or activity at all
come to a standstill/bring something to a standstill:
** Strikers brought production to a standstill.
at a standstill:
** Traffic was at a standstill.

(Noun) ایست، وقفه، تعطیل، بدون حرکت، ثابت

division of a poem (composed of two or more lines)


[ countable]
a group of lines in a repeated pattern forming part of a poem [= verse]

(Noun) بند، بند شعر، قطعه بندگردان، تهلیل

move suddenly or involuntarily; (ex.) start at the sight of a snake


1. begin doing something: [intransitive and transitive] to do something that you were not doing before, and continue doing it [= begin]:
** There's so much to do, I don't know where to start.
** Have you started your homework?
start doing something:
** Then the baby started crying.
start to do something:
** It's starting to rain.
** He got up and started running again.
** I'd better get started (=start doing something) soon.
start somebody doing something:
** What Kerry said started me thinking (=made me start thinking).

2. begin happening: [intransitive and transitive] also start off to begin happening, or to make something begin happening:
** What time does the film start?
** Lightning started a fire that burned 500 acres.
** The party was just getting started when Sara arrived.
starting (from) now/tomorrow/next week etc:
** You have two hours to complete the test, starting now.

3. begin in a particular way: [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] also start off to begin something in a particular way, or to begin in a particular way:
** A healthy breakfast is a good way to start the day.
start with:
** The festivities started with a huge fireworks display.
start as:
** The restaurant started as a small takeout place.
start badly/well/slowly etc:
** Any new exercise program should start slowly.
start (something) by doing something:
** Chao starts by explaining some basic legal concepts.

4. business/organization: [transitive]also start up to make something begin to exist
start a business/company/firm etc:
** She wanted to start her own catering business.

5. job/school: [intransitive and transitive] to begin a new job, or to begin going to school, college etc:
** When can you start?
start school/college/work:
** I started college last week.

شروع، اغاز، اغازیدن، دایرکردن، عازم شدن شروع کردن، عازم شدن، عزیمت کردن، از جا پریدن، رم کردن، شروع، اغاز، مبدا ، مقدمه، ابتدا، فرصت، فرجه

formal; ceremonious; grand in style or size; majestic


1. done slowly and with a lot of ceremony:
** the stately progress of the procession

2. impressive in style and size:
** stately buildings

باوقار، مجلل، باشکوه

having no motion; unchanging; lacking development; n. stasis: stable state


not moving, changing, or developing [≠ dynamic]:
** Economists predict that house prices will remain static for a long period.

ایستا، ساکن، ایستاده، وابسته به اجسام ساکن ایستا، ساکن

law enacted by the legislature


[ countable]
1. a law passed by a parliament, council etc and formally written down:
** Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute (=established by law).

2. a formal rule of an institution or organization:
** College statutes forbid drinking on campus.

(Noun) قانون موضوعه، قانون، حکم، اساسنامه

created by statute or legislative action; regulated by statute; (ex.) statutory age limit


fixed or controlled by law:
** statutory employment rights
** She's below the statutory age for school attendance.

(Adjective) طبق قانون موضوعه، قانونی، مقرر، طبق قانون

steadily loyal; unswerving; steady


1. faithful and very loyal:
** her father's steadfast love for her

2. being certain that you are right about something and refusing to change your opinion in any way
steadfast in:
** Dr. Faraday remained steadfast in his plea of innocence.

(Adjective) ثابت قدم، استوار، پابرجای، خیره

action of moving secretly or unseen; slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness; (adj.) stealthy


[ uncountable]
1. when you do something very quietly, slowly, or secretly, so that no one notices you:
** Cats rely on stealth to catch their prey.

2. also Stealth a system of making military aircraft that cannot be discovered by radar instruments
stealth bomber/aircraft/fighter etc: (=a plane made using this system)

(Noun) نهان، خفا، خفیه، خفیه کاری، حرکت دزدکی

soak; saturate; (ex.) steep the fabric in the dye bath; adj: precipitous


1. a road, hill etc that is steep slopes at a high angle:
** The road became rocky and steep.
** a steep climb to the top

2. steep prices, charges etc are unusually expensive [≠ low]:
** steep rents

3. involving a big increase or decrease:
** steep cuts in benefits
steep increase/rise:
** a steep increase in house prices
steep decrease/drop:
** a steep drop in orders

سرازیر، تند، سراشیب، گزاف، فرو کردن (در مایع)،خیساندن، اشباع کردن، شیب دادن، مایع (جهت خیساندن)

pertaining to the stars; of a star performer; outstanding; ex. stellar attraction of the entire performance


[ only before noun]
1. relating to the stars ➔ interstellar

2. especially American English extremely good:
** the company's stellar growth
** McKellen gave a stellar performance.

3. go stellar:[informal] if a pop band, actor etc goes stellar, they become very popular and famous:
** There's a stand-up comedian, and my sources tell me he is about to go stellar.

(Adjective) اختری، ستاره وار، شبیه ستاره، درخشان، پر ستاره

from arise from; originate from


[ countable]
1. the long thin part of a plant, from which leaves, flowers, or fruit grow [= stalk]

2. the long thin part of a wine glass, vase etc, between the base and the wide top

3. the narrow tube of a pipe used to smoke tobacco

4. long-stemmed/short-stemmed etc: having a long stem, a short stem etc:
** long-stemmed wine glasses

5. the part of a word that stays the same when different endings are added to it, for example 'driv-' in 'driving'

ستاک، ساقه، تنه، میله، گردنه، دنباله، دسته، ریشه،اصل، دودمان، ریشه لغتقطع کردن، ساقه دار کردن، بنداوردن

strong foul odor; reek; stink


[ countable usually singular]
1. a very strong bad smell [= stink]:
** the stench of urine

2. something unpleasant that makes you believe that something very bad and dishonest is happening
stench of:
** a government filled with the stench of corruption

(Noun) دود یا بوی قوی، بوی زننده، تعفن، گند

(of the voice) extremely loud


a stentorian voice is very loud and powerful

(Adjective) خیلی بلند (در مورد صدا)، صدا بلند، رسا

one regarded as embodying a set image or type; fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture often reflecting prejudice; (ex.) stereotype of the happy slave; (v.) make a stereotype of; represent by a stereotype; (ex.) it is wrong to stereotype people; (ex.) stereotyped answer


[ countable]
a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like. Stereotypes are often unfair or untrue
racial/sexual/cultural etc stereotype:
** racist stereotypes in the media
stereotype of:
** women who don't fit the stereotype of the good mother
stereotype about:
** stereotypes about the elderly

کلیشه، کلیشه کردن، با کلیشه چاپ کردن، یک نواخت کردن، رفتار قالبی داشتن

incapable of producing young; free from microorganism; v. sterilize


1. a person or animal that is sterile cannot produce babies [= infertile; ≠ fertile]
make/render/leave somebody sterile:
** Radiotherapy has left her permanently sterile.

2. completely clean and not containing any bacteria that might cause infection
sterile equipment/water/bandages etc:
** Rinse the eye with sterile water.

3. lacking new ideas, interest, or imagination
sterile argument/debate etc:
** the increasingly sterile debate on political reform

4. a sterile building, room etc is not interesting or attractive and is often very plain:
** The classrooms are sterile, with no artwork on the walls.

5. sterile land cannot be used to grow crops

(Adjective) نازا، عقیم، بی بار، بی حصل، بایر، سترون

perfectionist; person who insists things be exactly right


be a stickler for detail/rules/accuracy etc: to think that rules etc are very important and that other people should think so too

(Noun) سخت گیر، جدی، لجوج، سمج، خیلی دقیق، مصر، گیج کننده

suppress; extinguish; inhibit; smother or suffocate


1. [transitive] to stop something from happening or developing [≠ encourage]:
** rules and regulations that stifle innovation
** How can this party stifle debate on such a crucial issue?

2. [transitive] to stop a feeling from being expressed:
** He stifled an urge to hit her.
stifle a yawn/smile/grin etc:
** I tried to stifle my laughter.

3. [intransitive,transitive usually passive] if you are stifled by something, it stops you breathing comfortably:
** He was almost stifled by the fumes.

خفه کردن، خاموش کردن، فرونشاندن

token of disgrace; brand; (v.) stigmatize: mark with a stigma; characterize as disgraceful


1. [countable usually singular, uncountable] a strong feeling in society that being in a particular situation or having a particular illness is something to be ashamed of
the stigma of alcoholism/mental illness etc:
** The stigma of alcoholism makes it difficult to treat.
** There is a social stigma attached to single parenthood.
** In the US, smoking carries a stigma.

2. the top of the centre part of a flower that receives the pollen which allows it to form new seeds

(Noun) کلاله، داغ، داغ ننگ، لکه ننگ، برامدگی، خال

bombastic; stiffly pompous; (ex.) stilted rhetoric; cf. stiff: formal


a stilted style of writing or speaking is formal and unnatural:
** a stilted conversation

(Adjective) دارای چوب پا، با اب وتاب، (مجازا) باشکوه، قلنبه

stench; (v.) emit a strong foul odor


[ intransitive]
1. to have a strong and very unpleasant smell:
** It stinks in here!
stink of:
** His breath stank of alcohol.
** The toilets stank to high heaven (=stank very much).

2. [spoken] used to say that something is bad, unfair, dishonest etc:
** Don't eat there - the food stinks!
** The whole justice system stinks.

to fill a place with a very unpleasant smell:
** Those onions are stinking the whole house out.

تعفن، گند، بوی بد دادن، بد بو کردن، تعفن داشتن

supply; allotted amount of work; assigned portion of work; limitation; (ex.) two-year stint in the army; (ex.) without stint


[ countable usually singular]
a period of time spent doing a particular job or activity
stint in/at:
** Mark did a two-year stint in the army.
stint as:
** his stint as chairman

محدود کردن، از روی لئامت دادن، مضایقه کردن، کم دادن، بقناعت واداشتن

pay for services


[ countable]
an amount of money paid regularly to someone, especially a priest, as a salary or as money to live on

(Noun) مواجب، حقوق، جیره، دستمزد

paint or draw with dots or short strokes


[ transitive]
to draw or paint a picture or pattern using short strokes or spots instead of lines

با نقطه سایه زدن یانقشی ایجاد کردن، لکه دار کردن،منقوط کردن، ترسیم بانقطه

state as a necessary condition (of an agreement); make express conditions; specify; (ex.) he stipulated payment in advance


[ transitive]
if an agreement, law, or rule stipulates something, it must be done [= state]:
** Laws stipulate the maximum interest rate that banks can charge.
stipulate that:
** The regulations stipulate that everything has to comply to the relevant safety standards.

میثاق بستن، پیمان بستن، تصریح کردن قید کردن، قرار گذاشتن، تصریح کردن

standard; kept regularly in stock or supply; typical; routine; common; (ex.) stock sizes of paper; (ex.) stock excuse/character; (n.) goods for sale in a shop; op. unique


1. a supply of a particular type of thing that a shop has available to sell:
** We have a huge stock of quality carpets on sale.
** Buy now while stocks last!
out of stock/in stock: (=unavailable or available in a particular shop)
** I'm sorry, that swimsuit is completely out of stock in your size.

2. the total value of all of a company's shares

3. amount available: [countable] the total amount of something that is available to be used in a particular area:
** Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.
** the stock of housing in rural areas

4. supplies: [countable] a supply of something that you keep and can use when you need to
stock of:
** He keeps a stock of medicines in the cupboard.
** The country has been building up its stock of weapons.

5. take stock (of something): to think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order to decide what to do next:
** While in hospital, Jeremy took stock of his life.

موجودی، مایه، سهام، به موجودی افزودن، ذخیره، موجودی کالا، کنده، تنه، ته ساقه،قنداق تفنگ، پایه، دسته ریشه، نیا، سرمایه،مواشی، پیوندگیر حاضر، موجود، دم دست، در انبار، اماده، انبار کردن، ذخیره کردن

wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier


[ countable usually singular]
a fence built from long thick pieces of wood pushed into the ground, used to defend a place

ایجاد مانع، انسداد، مسدود ساختن، حصار بندی

dull; stuffy; boringly conservative; (ex.) stodgy book


1. if someone or something is stodgy, they are boring and formal or old-fashioned - used to show disapproval:
** a stodgy play

2. British English stodgy food is heavy and makes you feel full very quickly - used to show disapproval [≠ light]

(Adjective) گردن کلفت، انباشته، سنگین وکندرو، سنگین، لخت،قلنبه

stoical; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief; (n.) (cf.) stoicism


[ countable]
someone who does not show their emotions and does not complain when bad things happen to them

رواقی، پیرو فلسفه رواقیون

stir up a fire or furnace; feed plentifully


[ transitive]
1. to add more coal or wood to a fire:
** I stoked the furnace for the night.

2. to cause something to increase:
** Rising oil prices stoked inflation.
stoke fear/anger/envy etc:
** The scandal has stoked public outrage.

1. stoke something ↔ up: to add more coal or wood to a fire:
** We kept the fire stoked up high on cold nights.

2. stoke up something: if something stokes up fear, anger etc, it makes a lot of people feel frightened etc:
** The leaflets stoked up fears of an invasion.

3. stoke up on/with something: to eat a lot of food, for example because you will not eat again for a long time:
** We stoked up on hot soup before going out in the snow.

اتش کردن، تابیدن، سوخت ریختن در

dull; impassive; showing little emotion when strong feelings are expected


someone who is stolid does not react to situations or seem excited by them when most people would react - used to show disapproval [= impassive]

(Adjective) بی عاطفه، بلغمی، بی حس، بی حال، فاقد احساس

bend forward and down; lower or debase oneself; fall to a lower standard of behavior by doing something; condescend; (ex.) stoop to lying


[ intransitive]
1. alsostoop down to bend your body forward and down:
** We had to stoop to pass through the low entrance.
** Dave stooped down to tie his shoes.

2. to stand with your back and shoulders bent forwards

to do something bad or morally wrong, which you do not normally do
stoop to doing something:
** I didn't expect you to stoop to lying.
stoop to somebody's/that level:
** Don't stoop to her level.

دولاشدن، خم شدن، سرفرود اوردن، خمیدگی، تمکین، خشوع کردن

rather fat; strong in body; sturdy; resolute; determined; strong in determination; (ex.) stout stick/supporter


1. fairly fat and heavy, or having a thick body:
** a short, stout man

2. [literary] strong and thick [= sturdy]:
** a stout pair of shoes

3. [formal] brave and determined
stout defence/support/resistance:
** He put up a stout defence in court.

ستبر، نیرومند، قوی بنیه، محکم، نوعی ابجو

stray or fall behind (a main group); spread out in a scattered group; (ex.) straggling marathon racer; (ex.) straggling branch


[ intransitive]
1. if the people in a group straggle somewhere, they go there fairly slowly and with large spaces between them
straggle in/into/through etc:
** The children were beginning to straggle in from the playground.
straggle behind:
** Ali straggled behind, carrying the shopping.

2. to move, grow, or spread out untidily in different directions:
** thin, black, straggling hair
straggle along/across/down etc:
** Unpainted wooden buildings straggle along the main road out of town.

متفرق شدن، هرزه روییدن، سرگردان بودن، سرگردان،اواره

kill by choking or suffocating; suppress


[ transitive]
1. to kill someone by pressing their throat with your hands, a rope etc [↪ choke]
strangle with:
** The victim had been strangled with a belt.

2. to limit or prevent the growth or development of something:
** Mills argues that high taxation strangles the economy.

(Verb - transitive) گلوی کسی را فشردن، خفه کردن

deceptive scheme; clever trick


[ countable]
[formal] a trick or plan to deceive an enemy or gain an advantage [= ploy]

(Noun) حیله جنگی، تدبیرجنگی، لشکرارایی، تمجید

divided into classes; arranged into strata; (v.) stratify


1. having different social classes:
** a stratified society

2. having several layers of earth, rock etc:
** stratified rock

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

layer of earth’s surface; layer of society; pl. strata


[ countable]
1. a layer of rock or earth

2. a social class in a society:
** people of different social strata

(Noun) لایه، چینه، طبقه، پایه، رتبه، طبقه نسج سلولی، قشر

spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter; (ex.) flower girl strewing rose petals


[ transitive usually passive]
1. to scatter things around a large area
be strewn with something:
** The street was strewn with broken glass.
strew something around/about/over etc something:
** clothes strewn across the floor

2. strewn with something:[written] containing a lot of something:
** conversation liberally strewn with swear words

3. [literary] to lie scattered over something:
** Flowers strewed the path.

ریختن، پاشیدن، پخش کردن

marked with parallel bands; striped; grooved; ex. striated rocks; (v.) striate; (n.) stria: thin groove or line


having narrow lines or bands of colour [= striped]

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

severe and adverse criticism; critical comments; limit or restriction


[ countable often plural]
1. a rule that strictly limits what you can do
stricture on/against:
** religious strictures on marriage

2. a severe criticism

(Noun) خشونت، سخت گیری، باریک بینی، جراحت، تنگی، ضیق

loud and harsh; insistent; (n.) stridency


1. forceful and determined, especially in a way that is offensive or annoying:
** strident criticism

2. a strident sound or voice is loud and unpleasant:
** the strident calls of seagulls

(Adjective) گوش خراش، دارای صدای مزاحم

(of rules) binding; rigid; marked by scarcity of money; (ex.) stringent economic conditions


1. a stringent law, rule, standard etc is very strict and must be obeyed:
** stringent anti-noise regulations

2. stringent economic conditions exist when there is a severe lack of money and strict controls on the supply of money

(Adjective) سخت، دقیق، غیر قابل کشش، کاسد، تند وتیز، سختگیر،خسیس، محکم بسته شده

supporting bar; (cf.) airplane wings


[ intransitive]
1. to walk proudly with your head high and your chest pushed forwards, showing that you think you are important
strut around/about/across etc:
** I strutted around Chicago as if I were really somebody.

2. strut your stuff:[informal] to show your skill at doing something, especially dancing or performing:
** The band strutted their stuff in a free concert.

خرامیدن، خرامش، قدم زنی با تبختر

carefully contrived; calculated; unspontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful; (ex.) studied remark


a studied way of behaving is deliberate and often not sincere, because it has been planned carefully:
** She spoke with studied politeness.

(Adjective) از روی مطالعه، دانسته، عمدی، تعمدی، از پیش اماده شده

given to diligent study


spending a lot of time studying and reading:
** a quiet, studious young man

(Adjective) زحمتکش، ساعی، کوشا، درس خوان، کتاب خوان، مشتاق،خواهان، پرزحمت، بلیغ، جاهد

make stupid in mind; cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; suppress; frustrate or hinder; ex. stultifying effect of uninteresting work; (ex.) stultify free expression

خنثی کردن، احمق کردن، خرف کردن

trip and almost fall; proceed unsteadily; act falteringly; n.


[ intransitive]
1. to hit your foot against something or put your foot down awkwardly while you are walking or running, so that you almost fall [= trip]:
** In her hurry she stumbled and spilled the milk all over the floor.
stumble over/on:
** Vic stumbled over the step as he came in.

2. to walk in an unsteady way and often almost fall [= stagger]
stumble in/out/across etc:
** He stumbled upstairs and into bed.

3. to stop or make a mistake when you are reading to people or speaking
stumble over/at/through:
** I hope I don't stumble over any of the long words.

to find or discover something by chance and unexpectedly [= come across]:
** Researchers have stumbled across a drug that may help patients with Parkinson's disease.

لغزیدن، سکندری خوردن، سهو کردن، تلوتلو خوردن، لکنت داشتن، اتفاقا برخوردن به

base of a tree trunk left after the rest has been cut down; (v.) walk in a heavy manner; baffle; puzzle


[ countable]
1. the bottom part of a tree that is left in the ground after the rest of it has been cut down:
** an old tree stump

2. the short part of someone's leg, arm etc that remains after the rest of it has been cut off

3. the small useless part of something that remains after most of it has broken off or worn away:
** There was only a stump of the candle left.

4. one of the three upright sticks in cricket that you throw the ball at

5. stump speech/speaker: American English a speech made by a politician who is travelling around in order to gain political support, or the politician who gives this speech

کنده درخت، ریشه(دندان)، ته سیگار، بیخ وبن،صدای افتادن چیزسنگین، سقوط باصدای سنگین، خپله،کوتاه قد، خسته وکوفته، از پا درامده، بریدن، قطع کردن، سنگین افتادن، گیج کردن، دست پاچه شدن

make unconscious or numb as by a blow; amaze; astound


[ transitive not in progressive]
1. to surprise or upset someone so much that they do not react immediately [↪ stagger]:
** Redfern stunned the crowd with a last-minute goal.

2. to make someone unconscious for a short time:
** The impact of the ball had stunned her.

سراسیمه کردن، گیج کردن، بی حس کردن، حیرت زده کردن، گیجی

stun; make numb (as with a drug); amaze

بهت زده کردن، گیج کردن، بیهوش کردن، تخدیر کردن،کودن کردن، خرف کردن، متحیرکردن یا شدن

state of being stupefied; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness


[ uncountable and countable]
a state in which you cannot think, speak, see, or hear clearly, usually because you have drunk too much alcohol or taken drugs:
** We found him lying at the bottom of the stairs in a drunken stupor.

(Noun) خرفتی، بی حسی، کند ذهنی، گیجی، بلاهت، بهت

strong and firm (in the body)


1. an object that is sturdy is strong, well-made, and not easily broken [↪ solid]:
** That chair doesn't look very sturdy.
** sturdy comfortable shoes

2. someone who is sturdy is strong, short, and healthy looking [↪ stocky]:
** a sturdy young man
** sturdy legs

3. determined and not easily persuaded to change your opinions:
** They kept up a sturdy opposition to the plan.

محکم، ستبر، تنومند، قوی هیکل، خوش بنیه، درشت

unpleasantly dark; gloomy; hellish; deathly; (cf.) styx: the chief river in the subterranean land of the dead

(Adjective) وابسته برودخانه استیکس ( Styx )، تاریک

thwart; present an obstacle; stump


[ transitive]
[informal] to prevent someone from doing what they have planned or want to do [= thwart]:
** Investigators have been stymied by uncooperative witnesses.

قرار گرفتن، توپ گلف یک بازیکن در جلو توپ بازیکن دیگر، مانع شدن، گیر کردن

urbanity; polish; (adj.) suave: smooth and courteous

(Noun) نرمی، ملایمت، نزاکت، فهمیده ومودب بودن



[ countable]
a middle rank in the British army, or someone who has this rank

تابع، زیردست، افسر جز ، مادون، فرعی

less intense; quieter; (ex.) subdued lighting; (ex.) subdue: conquer; make less intense; quiet; (ex.) subdue one’s anger


[ transitive]
1. to defeat or control a person or group, especially using force:
** Police managed to subdue the angry crowd.
** Napoleon subdued much of Europe.

2. [formal] to prevent your emotions from showing or being too strong [= control]:
** an excitement she could not subdue

مطیع کردن، مقهور ساختن، رام کردن

influenced by personal feelings; occurring or taking place within the mind; unreal; (ex.) subjective sensation of the ghostly presence


1. a statement, report, attitude etc that is subjective is influenced by personal opinion and can therefore be unfair [≠ objective]:
** As a critic, he is far too subjective.
** a highly subjective point of view
subjective judgment/opinion etc:
** The ratings were based on the subjective judgement of one person.

2. [no comparative] existing only in your mind or imagination [≠ objective]:
** our subjective perception of colours

3. relating to the subject in grammar

درونی، ذهنی، معقول، وابسته بطرز تفکر شخص، فاعلی،خصوصی، فردی ذهنی

conquer; bring under control


[ transitive usually passive]
to defeat a person or group and make them obey you:
** The native population was subjugated and exploited.
subjugated people/nation/country:
subjugate somebody to somebody/something:
** Her own needs had been subjugated to (=not considered as important as) the needs of her family.

(Verb - transitive) تحت انقیاد در اوردن، مطیع کردن، منکوب کردن

refine; purify; replace (natural urges) with socially acceptable activities; change between a solid state and a gaseous state


[ intransitive and transitive]
[technical] to use the energy that comes from sexual feelings to do something, such as work or art, that is more acceptable to your society

( sublime )تصفیه کردن، پاک کردن، تصعیدکردن، متعال کردن، بالابردن، متصاعدکردن، منزه، متعال

causing deep feelings of wonder, joy, respect, etc.; exalted; noble and uplifting; utter


1. something that is sublime is so good or beautiful that it affects you deeply:
** The view was sublime.
** Her songs are a sublime fusion of pop and Brazilian music.

2. used to describe feelings or behaviour that are very great or extreme, especially when someone seems not to notice what is happening around them:
** an air of sublime contentment

برین، والا، رفیع، بلند پایه، عرشی

below the threshold of conscious perception; ex. subliminal advertisement


affecting your mind in a way that you are not conscious of:
** a subliminal message
** subliminal advertising (=with hidden messages and pictures in it)

(Adjective) غیر کافی برای ایجاد تحریک عصبی یا احساس، خارج ازمرحله اگاهی، نیمه خوداگاه

place under water; dip; go under water; cover completely (as with water); (ex.) submerged in work


1. a) [transitive] to cover something completely with water or another liquid:
** The tunnel entrance was submerged by rising sea water.b) [intransitive] to go under the surface of the water and be completely covered by it:
** The submarine submerged.

2. [transitive] to hide feelings, ideas, or opinions and make yourself stop thinking about them [= suppress]:
** Feelings she thought she'd submerged were surfacing again.

3. submerge yourself in something: to make yourself very busy doing something, especially in order to forget about something else:
** Alice submerged herself in work to try and forget about Tom.

( submers ) دراب فرو بردن، زیر اب کردن، غوطه ور ساختن، پوشاندن، مخفی کردن

willing to obey orders; yielding; timid


always willing to obey someone and never disagreeing with them, even if they are unkind to you [≠ assertive]:
** In those days women were expected to be quiet and submissive.

(Adjective) مطیع، فروتن، حلیم، خاضع، خاشع، سربزیر

occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive; n. (v.) put in a lower rank or class


1. in a less important position than someone else:
** a subordinate officer
subordinate to:
** Women were subordinate to men.

2. less important than something else
subordinate to:
** These aims were subordinate to the main aims of the mission.

تابع، مادون، مرئوس مادون، وابسته، فرعی، پایین تر، مرئوس، تابع قرار دادن، زیردست یامطیع کردن، فرمانبردار

persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury); (n.) subornation


[ transitive]
to persuade someone to tell lies in a court of law or to do something else that is illegal, especially for money:
** an attempt to suborn a witness

(Verb - transitive) (م.م.) دزدکی ومحرمانه چیزی کسب کردن، کسی رابکاربد اغوا کردن

writ(written command issued by a court) summoning a witness to appear in court; (v.) summon with a subpoena


[ countable]
a written order to come to a court of law and be awitness

(حقوق) خواست برگ، احضاریه، حکم احضار

following in time or order; later


happening or coming after something else [↪ consequent]:
** These skills were passed on to subsequent generations.
** subsequent pages of the book
subsequent to something:
** events that happened subsequent to the accident

(Adjective) پس ایند، بعدی، بعد، پسین، لاحق، مابعد، دیرتر،متعاقب

behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious; subordinate; (n.) subservience


1. always obeying another person and doing everything they want you to do - used when someone seems too weak and powerless
subservient to:
** Don remained entirely subservient to his father.
subservient role/position:
** His wife refused to accept a traditional subservient role.

2. [formal] less important than something else [= subordinate]
subservient to:
** the rights of the individual are made subservient to the interests of the state

(Adjective) چاپلوس، پست، تابع، مادون، سودمند، متملق

sink to a lower level; settle down; sink to the bottom (as a sediment); descend; grow quiet; become less; moderate; abate


[ intransitive]
1. if a feeling, pain, sound, etc subsides, it gradually becomes less and then stops [= die down]:
** Simon waited until the laughter subsided.
** The pains in his head had subsided, but he still felt dizzy and sick.

2. if a building or an area of land subsides, it gradually sinks to a lower level:
** After the heavy rains, part of the road subsided.

3. if bad weather conditions subside, they gradually return to a normal state:
** The wind gradually subsided, and all was quiet.

4. if water, especially flood water, subsides, it gradually goes under ground or back to a normal level:
** When the floods subsided, the streets were littered with bodies.

(درد وغیره) واگذاشتن، نشست کردن، فرو نشستن، فروکش کردن

serving to assist; subordinate; secondary; of a subsidy; (n.)


[ countable]
a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company:
** a subsidiary of a US company
** one of our Japanese subsidiaries

کمکی، معین، موید، متمم، فرعی، تابع

direct financial aid by government, etc.; (v.) subsidize: assist with a subsidy


[ countable]
money that is paid by a government or organization to make prices lower, reduce the cost of producing goods etc
trade/agricultural subsidies etc:
** international disagreement over trade subsidies

(Noun) اعانه، کمک هزینه، کمک مالی

existence; means of subsisting; means of support; livelihood; (v.) subsist: exist; maintain life (at a meager level)


[ uncountable]
1. the condition of only just having enough money or food to stay alive:
** Many of the families are forced to live at the subsistence level.
** The land provided subsistence and little more.

2. subsistence farming/agriculture etc: farming that produces just enough food for the farmer to live on, but does not produce enough food to sell to other people

3. subsistence allowance/payment etc: money that is paid to someone so that they can buy meals, pay for a place to stay etc

(Noun) اعاشه، زیست، گذران، معاش، خرجی، وسیله معیشت،امرار معاش، دوام، نگاه داری

of substance; material; solid; essential or fundamental; ample; considerable; well-to-do; wealthy


1. large in amount or number [= considerable]:
** We have the support of a substantial number of parents.
** a substantial salary
** a substantial breakfast
** The document requires substantial changes.

2. [only before noun] large and strongly made:
** a substantial piece of furniture

ذاتی، جسمی، اساسی، مهم، محکم، قابل توجه

support (a claim) with evidence; establish with evidence; verify


[ transitive]
[formal] to prove the truth of something that someone has said, claimed etc:
** Katzen offered little evidence to substantiate his claims.

(Verb - transitive) ماهیت جسمانی دادن به، شکل مادی بخشیدن به، با دلیل و مدرک اثبات کردن

substantial; essential; pertaining to the substance; substantial; considerable; (ex.) substantive issues


[formal] dealing with things that are important or real
substantive matters/issues:
** The State Department reported that substantive discussions had taken place with Beijing.

قائم بذات، متکی بخود، مقدار زیاد، دارای ماهیت واقعی، حقیقی، شبیه اسم، دارای خواص اسم

include (as a member of a group); encompass


[ transitive]
[formal] to include someone or something as a member of a group or type, rather than considering it separately
subsume somebody/something under something:
** A wide range of offences are usually subsumed under the category of robbery.

(Verb - transitive) رده بندی کردن، شامل کردن، استقرا کردن، استنتاج کردن

stratagem(deceptive scheme); pretense; evasion; (ex.) resort to a harmless subterfuge


[ uncountable and countable]
[formal] a secret trick or slightly dishonest way of doing something, or the use of this
by subterfuge:
** Sereni was lured to Moscow by subterfuge.

(Noun) طفره، گریز، طفره زنی، اختفا ، عذر، بهانه

perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy; (adj.) subtle: delicate; so slight as to be difficult to detect; able to make fine distinctions; clever; (ex.) subtle mind/differences in meaning


1. [uncountable] the quality that something has when it has been done in a clever or skilful way, with careful attention to small details:
** The play lacks subtlety.
** She argued her case with considerable subtlety.

2. [countable usually plural] a thought, idea, or detail that is important but difficult to notice or understand
subtlety of:
** Some of the subtleties of the language are lost in translation.

(Noun) باریک بینی، موشکافی، زیرکی، لطافت، تیزبینی ومهارت

tending to overthrow or ruin; (v.) subvert: overthrow completely (an established system); destroy completely; (cf.) undermine ?


subversive ideas, activities etc are secret and intended to damage or destroy a government or an established system:
** He was engaged in subversive activities.
subversive propaganda/literature:

واژگون، ویران، توطئه گر، خرابکار، خرابکارانه

assist (someone in difficulty); aid; comfort; (n.)

(Noun) ( succour ) یاری، کمک، کمک برای رهایی از پریشانی،موجب کمک، یاری کردن

juicy; full of juice or sap; full of richness; (n.) succulent plant such as a cactus


juicy and good to eat:
** a succulent steak

ابدار، شاداب، پرطراوت

yield (to something overwhelming); give in; die; (ex.) succumb to the illness


[ intransitive]
1. to stop opposing someone or something that is stronger than you, and allow them to take control [= give in]
succumb to:
** Succumbing to pressure from the chemical industry, Governor Blakely amended the regulations.
** Gina succumbed to temptation and had a second serving of cake.

2. if you succumb to an illness, you become very ill or die of it
succumb to:
** About 400,000 Americans succumb each year to smoking-related illnesses.

از پای در آمدن، تسلیم شدن، سرفرود اوردن

give or take milk at the breast or udder


1. to feed a baby or young animal with milk from the breast:
** a sheep suckling her lamb

2. if a baby or young animal suckles, it sucks milk from a breast [↪ breast-feed, nurse]

پستاندار شیرخوار، کودک شیرخوار، طفل رضیع

die or kill from lack of air; suppress


1. [intransitive and transitive] to die or make someone die by preventing them from breathing:
** The animal seizes its prey by the throat and suffocates it to death.
** One of the puppies suffocated inside the plastic bag.

2. be suffocating: to feel uncomfortable because there is not enough fresh air:
** Can you open a window? I'm suffocating.

3. [transitive] to prevent a relationship, plan, business etc from developing well or being successful:
** Jealousy can suffocate any relationship.

خفه کردن، خاموش کردن

advocate of the extension of voting rights (for women); (cf.) suffrage

(Noun) هواخواه دادن حق رای یا حق انتخاب به نسوان

spread through or over (with a color or liquid); charge; (ex.) a blush suffused her cheeks.


[ transitive]
1. if warmth, colour, liquid etc suffuses something or someone, it covers or spreads through them:
** The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds.
** Hot colour suffused her cheeks.

2. be suffused with something: if someone is suffused with a feeling, they are full of that feeling:
** She was suffused with happiness.

(Verb - transitive) پرکردن، فرا گرفتن، پوشاندن، اشباع کردن

man who is courting a woman


[ countable]
[old use] a man who wants to marry a particular woman

(Noun) خواستگاری کردن، عشقبازی کردن، عرض حال دهنده، مدعی،خواستگار

silently showing ill humor or resentment; dark; gloomy


1. angry and silent, especially because you feel life has been unfair to you:
** Bill sat in sullen silence and refused to eat his lunch.
** a look of sullen resentment

2. a sullen sky or sea is dark and looks as if bad weather is coming

عبوس، ترشرو، کج خلق، غیر معاشر، عبوسانه

defile; soil; tarnish; (ex.) sully one’s hands in menial labor


[ transitive]
to spoil or reduce the value of something that was perfect:
** a scandal that sullied his reputation

الوده شدن، لکه دار کردن، کثافت، الودگی

(of weather) hot; sweltering; sensual; voluptuous


1. weather that is sultry is hot with air that feels wet [= humid]:
** a hot and sultry day
** Since the rain, the air had become heavy and still and sultry.

2. a woman who is sultry makes other people feel strong sexual attraction to her:
** She threw Carlo a sultry glance.
** a sultry film star

(Adjective) شرجی، خیلی گرم ومرطوب، سخت، داغ، خفه

act of finding the total; summing-up; summary (esp. one given by the judge at the end of a trial)


[ countable]
1. a summary or summing-up

2. the total amount or number when two or more things are added together

(Noun) مجموع یابی، مجموع
(Noun) جمع زنی، افزایش، جمع، مقامی، خلاصه

grand suggesting great expense; lavish; rich; (ex.) sumptuous feast


very impressive and expensive:
** a sumptuous feast
** a sumptuous palace

(Adjective) مجلل، پرخرج، گران، وعالی

separate; part; (cf.) asunder


[ transitive]
[literary] to break something into parts, especially violently [= split]

(در اصطلاح شاعرانه) جدا کردن، بریدن

miscellaneous; various; several; (n.) sundries: small miscellaneous items


[ only before noun]
1. all and sundry: everyone, not just a few carefully chosen people:
** I don't want you telling our private business to all and sundry.

2. [formal] not similar enough to form a group [= various]:
** He makes films about animals, plants and sundry other subjects.

گوناگون، متفرقه، مخلفات

retired or disqualified because of age; outmoded; obsolete


old and no longer useful or no longer able to do things:
** superannuated sportsmen
** superannuated computing equipment

(Adjective) باز نشسته،متقاعد،از کار افتاده،زیاد کهنه

haughty; arrogant; condescending; patronizing; cf. eyebrow, cilium


behaving as if you think that other people are less important than you - used to show disapproval [= self-important]:
** supercilious wine waiters

(Adjective) مغرور، خود فروش، از روی خود خواهی

superfluous; more than needed or demanded

(Adjective) وابسته به بس پردازی، غیر ضروری، زیاد، نافله، زائد، بیش از حد لزوم

of the surface; not deep; shallow; not thorough; trivial; (ex.) superficial analysis/knowledge


1. not looking/studying carefully: not studying or looking at something carefully and only seeing the most noticeable things
superficial examination/study etc:
** Even a superficial inspection revealed serious flaws.
** Naturally, such visits can allow only the most superficial understanding of prison life.

2. appearance: seeming to have a particular quality, although this is not true or real
superficial resemblance/similarity:
** Despite their superficial similarities, the two novels are in fact very different.
** Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something treacherous.
at/on a superficial level:
** At a superficial level, things seem to have remained the same.

3. wound/damage: affecting only the surface of your skin or the outside part of something, and therefore not serious:
** She escaped with only superficial cuts and bruises.
** superficial damage

4. person: someone who is superficial does not think about things that are serious or important - used to show disapproval [= shallow]:
** All the other girls seemed silly and superficial to Darlene.

5. not important: superficial changes, difficulties etc are not important and do not have a big effect [= minor]:
** superficial changes in government policies

صوری، سطحی، سرسری، ظاهری

excessive; overabundant; unnecessary; (n.) superfluity


more than is needed or wanted [= unnecessary]:
** a modern building with no superfluous decoration

(Adjective) زائد، زیادی، غیر ضروری، اطناب آمیز

place over something else


[ transitive]
1. to put one picture, image, or photograph on top of another so that both can be partly seen
superimpose something on/onto something:
** A photo of a cup of cappuccino had been superimposed on a picture of Venice.

2. to combine two systems, ideas, opinions etc so that one influences the other
superimpose something on/onto something:
** Eastern themes superimposed onto Western architecture

(Verb - transitive) روی چیزی قرار گرفتن، اضافه شدن بر

person or thing excess of what is necessary; extra; (adj.) additional to the usual or necessary number

زیاده، بیش از اندازه عادی، فوق عددی، اضافی

replace; cause to be set aside; make obsolete; n. supersession


[ transitive]
if a new idea, product, or method supersedes another one, it becomes used instead because it is more modern or effective [= replace]:
** Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.

(Verb - transitive) لغو کردن، جانشین شدن
(Verb - transitive) جانشین شدن، جایگزین چیز دیگری شدن

lying on back; passive; inactive; (ex.) the defeated pugilist lay supine; (ex.) supine acceptance of the decision


1. lying on your back [≠ prone]:
** in a supine position

2. allowing other people to make decisions instead of you, in a way that seems very weak:
** a supine and cowardly press

برپشت خوابیدن، تاق باز، بیحال، سست

take the place of unfairly; usurp; replace


[ transitive]
to take the place of a person or thing so that they are no longer used, no longer in a position of power etc [= replace]:
** Barker was soon supplanted as party leader.

(Verb - transitive) از ریشه کندن، جای چیزی را گرفتن، جابجا شدن، جابجاکردن، تعویض کردن

flexible; limber; pliant


1. someone who is supple bends and moves easily and gracefully [≠ stiff]:
** She exercises every day to keep herself supple.

2. leather, skin, wood etc that is supple is soft and bends easily

نرم، (در بافت) قابل ارتجاع، کش دار، تغییر پذیر،نرم شدن، راضی شدن، انعطاف پذیر

entreating; beseeching; (n.)


[ countable]
a supplicant

استدعا کننده، مستدعی، ملتمس، متقاضی

one who supplicates; (adj.)


[ countable]
someone who asks for something, especially from someone in a position of power or from God

ملتمس، درخواست کننده تضرع کننده

petition humbly; pray to grant a favor

درخواست کردن، التماس کردن، استدعا کردن

assumption; hypothesis; surmise; (v.) suppose


[ uncountable and countable]
something that you think is true, even though you are not certain and cannot prove it:
** His version of events is pure supposition.
supposition (that):
** The police are acting on the supposition that she took the money.

(Noun) فرض، ظن، حدس، گمان، پندار، انگاشت، تصور، (در جمع) حدسیات، مفروضات

assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical

(Adjective) ساختگی، تقلبی
(Adjective) حدسی، فرضی

put an end to forcibly; subdue; stifle; overwhelm; inhibit the expression of; check; prevent from being published or made public; (ex.) suppress a smile; ex. suppress the magazine/truth


[ transitive]
1. to stop people from opposing the government, especially by using force:
** The uprising was ruthlessly suppressed.

2. if important information or opinions are suppressed, people are prevented from knowing about them, even if they have a right to know:
** The police were accused of suppressing evidence.

3. to stop yourself from showing your feelings:
** Harry could scarcely suppress a smile.
** suppressed anger

4. to prevent something from growing or developing, or from working effectively:
** The virus suppresses the body's immune system.

(Verb - transitive) موقوف کردن
(Verb - transitive) موقوف کردن، توقیف کردن، فرو نشاندن، خواباندن،پایمال کردن، مانع شدن، تحت فشار قرار دادن، منکوب کردن

satiate; feed or supply to excess; stuff; indulge to excess in anything; (n.) surfeiting; excessive amount; (ex.) surfeit of food


a surfeit of something: an amount of something that is too large or that is more than you need [= excess]:
** a surfeit of food and drink

پرخوردن، زیاده روی، امتلا

powerful movement of or like a wave; (v.)


[ intransitive]
1. [always + adverb/preposition]to suddenly move very quickly in a particular direction
surge forward/through etc:
** The taxi surged forward.
** The crowd surged through the gates.

2. also surge up if a feeling surges or surges up, you begin to feel it very strongly:
** She could feel anger surging inside her.

3. [usually + adverb/preposition] if a large amount of a liquid, electricity, chemical etc surges, it moves very quickly and suddenly:
** A wave surged up towards them.
** Adrenalin surged through her veins.

4. to suddenly increase [= shoot up]:
** Oil prices surged.

موج بلند، موج غلتان، موج خروشان، جریان سریع وغیرعادی، برق موجی از هوا، تشکیل موج دادن، موجداربودن، خروشان بودن، موج زدن

bad-tempered; rude; cross


bad-tempered and unfriendly [= sullen]:
** a surly teenager

(Adjective) تندخو وگستاخ، ناهنجار، با ترشرویی

guess; (n.)


[ transitive]
[formal] to guess that something is true, using the information you know already
surmise that:
** When he came in, he didn't look up, so she surmised that he was in a bad mood.

حدس زدن، گمان بردن، حدس، گمان، تخمین، ظن



[ transitive]
1. to succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty [= overcome]:
** He has had to surmount immense physical disabilities.

2. [usually passive] to be above or on top of something:
** a tower surmounted by a dome

(Verb - transitive) بالا قرار گرفتن، غالب آمدن بر، برطرف کردن، ازمیان برداشتن، فائق آمدن



[ transitive]
to be even better or greater than someone or something else:
** He had surpassed all our expectations.
** The number of multiple births has surpassed 100,000 for the first time.
surpass yourself: (=do something better than you have ever done before)
** With this painting he has surpassed himself. (=done better than he has ever done before)

(Verb - transitive) پیش افتادن از، بهتر بودن از، تفوق جستن

done secretly; secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden


done secretly or quickly because you do not want other people to notice:
** Rory tried to sneak a surreptitious glance at Adam's wristwatch.

(Adjective) نهانی، زیرجلی، پنهان، محرمانه

substitute; person or thing used in place of another; (ex.) surrogate mother; (adj.)


[ only before noun]
a surrogate person or thing is one that takes the place of someone or something else:
** William was acting as a surrogate father for his brother's son.

جانشین، قائم مقام، عوض، جایگیر، جانشین شدن، قائم مقام شدن، وکیل شدن

close observation of a person (esp. one under suspicion); watching; guarding


[ uncountable]
1. when the police, army, etc watch a person or place carefully because they may be connected with criminal activities
surveillance of:
** 24-hour surveillance of the building
under surveillance:
** They were under constant close surveillance day and night.
** The suspects were kept under surveillance.
** electronic surveillance equipment

2. when one country watches the military activities of another country to see what they are planning to do:
** a surveillance mission
** surveillance aircraft

3. when doctors, health departments etc watch an ill person or watch the development of a disease in a population
under surveillance:
** Diane was placed under psychiatric surveillance.

(Noun) نظارت، مراقبت، پاییدن، مبصری

impressionable; easily influenced; sensitive; having little resistance as to a disease; likely to suffer; receptive to; capable of accepting; (ex.) susceptible to persuasion/colds; (ex.) the agreement is not susceptible of alteration; (n.) susceptibility


1. likely to suffer from a particular illness or be affected by a particular problem [↪ immune]
susceptible to:
** Older people are more susceptible to infections.
** Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible to erosion.

2. a susceptible person is easily influenced or attracted by someone or something [= impressionable]:
** A lot of TV advertising is aimed at susceptible young children.
susceptible to:
** She was very susceptible to flattery.

3. susceptible of something:[formal] if something is susceptible of an action, that action can be done to it:
** Working conditions are susceptible of improvement by legislation.

(Adjective) مستعد، فروگیر، حساس، مستعد پذیرش

cause to stop for a period; interrupt; hold in abeyance; defer; hang from above; exclude for a period from a position; (ex.) suspended state; (ex.) suspend judgment; ex. suspended from the team; (n.) suspension


[ transitive]
1. stop: to officially stop something from continuing, especially for a short time:
** Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed.
** Talks between the two countries have now been suspended.

2. leave a job/school: to make someone leave their school or job for a short time, especially because they have broken the rules:
** The two police officers have been suspended until an enquiry is carried out.
suspend somebody from something:
** Dave was suspended from school for a week.

3. [formal] to attach something to a high place so that it hangs down
suspend something from something:
** A large light was suspended from the ceiling.
suspend something by something:
** He was suspended by his feet and beaten with metal bars.

4. suspend judgment: to decide not to make a firm decision or judgment about something until you know more about it

5. suspend disbelief: to try to believe that something is true, for example when you are watching a film or play

اویزان شدن یا کردن، معلق کردن، موقتا بیکار کردن، معوق گذاردن

state of being undecided; anxiety or apprehension resulting from uncertainty


[ uncountable]
a feeling of excitement or anxiety when you do not know what will happen next [↪ tension]
in suspense:
** They kept us in suspense for over two hours.
** Come on then, tell me what happened; the suspense is killing me (=I feel very excited or anxious because I do not know what will happen next).
** She couldn't bear the suspense a moment longer.
suspense novel/story/movie etc: (=one which is exciting because you do not know what will happen next)

(Noun) معلق، درحال تعلیق، مردد، اندروایی، اویزانی

suffer (harm or loss); experience; support; prop; maintain; keep in existence; nourish (to maintain life); ex. sustain the family/the trapped miners


[ transitive]
1. make something continue: to make something continue to exist or happen for a period of time [= maintain]:
** She found it difficult to sustain the children's interest.
** He was incapable of sustaining close relationships with women.
** the policies necessary to sustain economic growth ➔ sustained

2. [formal] to suffer damage, an injury, or loss of money:
** Two of the fire-fighters sustained serious injuries.
** Some nearby buildings sustained minor damage.
** The company has sustained heavy financial losses this year.

3. [formal] if food or drink sustains a person, animal, or plant, it makes them able to continue living:
** They gave me barely enough food to sustain me.

4. [formal] to make someone feel strong and hopeful:
** The thought of seeing her again was all that sustained me.

5. [formal] to hold up the weight of something [= support]:
** He leant against her so heavily that she could barely sustain his weight.

(Verb - transitive) نگهداشتن، متحمل شدن، تحمل کردن، تقویت کردن، حمایت کردن از

sustaining; means of livelihood, support, food, nourishment; something that maintains life; food


[ uncountable]
1. food that people or animals need in order to live:
** Without sustenance, the animals will soon die.
** Potatoes were their only means of sustenance.

2. when something is made to continue:
** Elections are necessary for the sustenance of democracy.

(Noun) نگه داری، تغذیه، معاش، اعانت

stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; material used in sewing; (v.) sew together a wound


[ countable]
a stitch that is used to sew a wound together

درز، بخیه، شکاف، چاک، دوختن

walk or behave with an over-confident manner


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
to walk proudly, swinging your shoulders in a way that shows you are very confident - used to show disapproval:
** He swaggered over towards me.

خود فروشانه گام زدن، با تکبر راه رفتن، کبر فروشی،خودستایی، مغرور، (انگلیس)شیک

wetland; marsh; (v.) flood; overwhelm; drench in with liquid


[ uncountable and countable]
land that is always very wet or covered with a layer of water

سیاه اب، مرداب، باتلاق، در باتلاق فرو بردن، دچارکردن، مستغرق شدن

large group of insects moving in a mass; crowd of people or animals; (v.) move in a crowd or mass


[ countable]
1. a large group of insects, especially bees, moving together

2. a crowd of people who are moving quickly
swarm of:
** Swarms of tourists jostled through the square.

گروه، دسته زیاد، گروه زنبوران، ازدحام، ازدحام کردن، هجوم اوردن

(of a skin or complexion) dark; dusky; (ex.) swarthy italian ?


someone who is swarthy has dark skin:
** a small, swarthy man
** a swarthy complexion

(Adjective) سیاه چره، سبزه تند، تیره روی

swath; wrap around; bandage; (ex.) one’s head swathed in bandages


[ countable]
1. a long thin area of something, especially land
swathe of:
** The bomb had left a swathe of the town centre in ruins.
** A swathe of sunlight lay across the floor.

2. a long thin area of grass or plants that has been cut down:
** We cut a swathe through the dense undergrowth.

3. cut a swathe through something: to destroy a large amount or part of something

( swath ) ردپا، ردیف باریک، راه باریک، اثرماشین چمن زنی، پیچیدن، قنداق کردن، نوار

swing from side to side; influence (someone) to change one’s opinion; (n.)


1. [intransitive] to move slowly from one side to another:
** The trees swayed gently in the breeze.

2. [transitive] to influence someone so that they change their opinion:
** Don't allow yourself to be swayed by his promises.

این سو و ان سو جنبیدن، تاب خوردن، در نوسان بودن،تاب، نوسان، اهتزاز، سلطه حکومت کردن، متمایل شدن یاکردن و بعقیده ای

word considered offensive; (ex.) “bloody”


[ countable]
a word that is considered to be rude, offensive, and shocking by most people

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

vow; promise; use profane oaths; use offensive words


1. offensive language: [intransitive] to use rude and offensive language:
** Don't swear in front of the children.
swear at:
** He turned round and swore at me.

2. promise: [transitive] to promise that you will do something
swear (that):
** Victor swore he would get his revenge.
swear to do something:
** Mona swore never to return home.
** Do you swear on your honour (=promise very strongly) that you will never tell anyone?

3. [informal] to say very strongly that what you are saying is true:
** I never touched your purse, I swear!
swear (that):
** He says he was there all the time, but I swear I never saw him.
swear blind: British English (=say very strongly)
** She swore blind that she had never seen him before.
** I never touched her, I swear to God.
** I think it was about ten o'clock when we left, but I couldn't swear to it (=I am not certain).

4. somebody could have sworn (that) ...: used to say that someone was sure about something but now they think they were wrong:
** I could have sworn I had my keys.

5. to make a public official promise, especially in a court of law
swear on:
** Witnesses have to swear on the Bible.
** Remember that you have sworn an oath and so must tell the truth
** Presidents must swear allegiance to the US constitution.

سوگند خوردن، قسم دادن، فحش، ناسزا، ناسزا گفتن

long wave of water that moves continuously without breaking; (v.)


1. size: [intransitive]also swell up to become larger and rounder than normal - used especially about parts of the body [↪ swollen]:
** Her ankle was already starting to swell.
** The window frame was swollen shut.

2. amount/number: [intransitive and transitive] to increase in amount or number
swell to:
** The crowd swelled to around 10,000.
** The river was swollen with melted snow.
swell the ranks/numbers of something: (=increase the number of people in a particular situation)
** Large numbers of refugees have swollen the ranks of the unemployed.

3. swell with pride/anger etc: to feel very proud, angry etc:
** His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter collect her prize.

4. shape: [intransitive and transitive] also swell out to curve or make something curve:
** The wind swelled the sails.

5. to become louder:
** Music swelled around us.

باد کردن، اماس کردن، متورم کردن، باد غرور داشتن،تورم، برجستگی، برجسته، شیک، زیبا (د.گ.- امر.) عالی

(of a person) suffer from oppressive heat; be oppressed by heat


[ intransitive]
to feel extremely hot and uncomfortable:
** Crowds of shoppers sweltered in the summer heat.

از گرما بیحال شدن، خیش شدن، هوای گرم

deviate; turn aside sharply from a straight course; (ex.) swerve from the principle; (ex.) the car swerved to the right.


[ intransitive]
1. to make a sudden sideways movement while moving forwards, usually in order to avoid hitting something
swerve violently/sharply:
** The car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.
swerve across/off/into etc:
** The bus swerved off the road.

2. [formal] to change from an idea, course of action, purpose etc
swerve from:
** He would never swerve from the truth.

منحرف شدن، عدول کردن، طفره زدن، کج شدن، منحرف کردن

drink greedily


1. [transitive] British English to wash something by pouring a lot of water over it or into it
swill something away/down/out:
** Get a bucket to swill the yard down.

2. [intransitive and transitive] if a liquid swills around or you swill it around, it moves around something
swill around/round:
** He swilled his brandy gently round his glass.

3. [informal] to drink something in large amounts:
** He does nothing but swill beer all day.

سرکشیدن، زود خوردن، خیس کردن، اشغال


(Noun) گول زن، گوش بر، قاچاق، متقلب، کلاه گذار، کلاه بردار

hit with a sweeping motion; (n.)


1. [intransitive and transitive] to hit or to try to hit someone or something by swinging your arm or an object very quickly:
** She swiped me across the face.
swipe at:
** He jumped forward, intending to swipe at her.

2. [informal] to steal something [= pinch British English]
** The photos were probably swiped by an employee.

3. to pull a plastic card through a machine that can read the electronic information on it:
** Swipe your card to open the door.

ضربت سخت، حرکت جاروبی، جرعه طولانی، ضربه تند وشدیدزدن، کش رفتن

lover of luxury; person devoted to pleasure and luxury; (cf.) sybaris: an ancient greek city in italy

ساکن شهر سیباریس، عیاش، خوشگذران

servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man; (adj.) sycophantic


[ countable]
[formal] someone who praises powerful people too much because they want to get something from them - used in order to show disapproval:
** a dictator surrounded by sycophants

(Noun) ادم چاپلوس، متملق، انگل

logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion; deceptive or specious argument


[ countable]
a statement with three parts, the first two of which prove that the third part is true, for example 'all men will die, Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates will die'

(Noun) قیاس، قیاس منطقی، قضیه منطقی، صغری وکبری

pertaining to the woods or the country


relating to a forest or trees

ساکن جنگل، جنگلی، پردرخت

interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial; (adj.) symbiotic; (cf.) together + life


[ singular, uncountable]
1. [formal] a relationship between people or organizations that depend on each other equally

2. the relationship between different living things that depend on each other

(Noun) همزیگری، همزیستی، زندگی تعاونی، همزیستی وتجانس دو موجود مختلف یا دوگروه مختلف باهم

arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity; (adj.) symmetrical


[ uncountable]
1. the quality of being symmetrical
symmetry of:
** the symmetry of the design

2. the quality that a situation has when two events or actions seem to be balanced or equal in some way:
** There was a certain symmetry to coming back to New York, where I started my artistic life all those years ago.

(Noun) تقارن
(Noun) هم اراستگی، هم جور، قرینه، تناسب، تقارن، مراعات نظیر، تشابه، همسازی

similarly timed; simultaneous with; occurring at the same time; (v.) synchronize


if two or more things are synchronous, they happen at the same time or work at the same speed

(Adjective) هم زمان، همگاه، واقع شونده بطور هم زمان
(Adjective) همگام، همزمان

providing a general overview; summary; (n.) synopsis

مختصر، کوتاه، خلاصه، اجمال، هم نظیر

combining parts or separate things into a whole; the whole so formed; pl. syntheses; (v.) synthesize


1. [uncountable and countable] something that has been made by combining different things, or the process of combining things [= combination]
synthesis of:
** a synthesis of Eastern and Western philosophical ideas

2. the act of making a chemical or biological substance
synthesis of:
** the synthesis of proteins

3. the production of sounds, speech, or music electronically:
** speech synthesis software

(Noun) ترکیب، تلفیق، (ش.) امتزاج، پیوند، هم گذاری
(Noun) صنع، ترکیب، اختلاط

not natural; artificial; resulting from synthesis; ex. synthetic fiber; (n.)


produced by combining different artificial substances, rather than being naturally produced:
** synthetic chemicals
synthetic fibres/materials/fabrics:

مواد مصنوعی مانند پلاستیک ،ترکیبی، ترکیبی از مواد مصنوعی

small round piece of medicine; flat piece of stone or metal bearing an inscription; (ex.) stone tablet on the wall


[ countable]
1. a small round hard piece of medicine which you swallow [= pill]:
** She took a couple of headache tablets.
vitamin/sleeping/indigestion etc tablet:

2. a small hard piece of a substance, especially one that dissolves in water:
** water purification tablets

3. a flat piece of stone or clay with words cut into it, for example above someone's grave

4. be written/set/cast in tablets of stone: British English used to say that something does not change:
** The programme should not be set in tablets of stone, but improved continuously.

5. American English a set of pieces of paper for writing on that are glued together at the top [= pad British English]

(Noun) لوح، لوحه، صفحه، تخته، ورقه، قرص، بر لوح نوشتن

understood (without actually being expressed); not put into words; (ex.) tacit agreement


tacit agreement, approval, support etc is given without anything actually being said:
** a tacit agreement between the three big companies

(Adjective) ضمنی، ضمنا، مفهوم، مقدر، خاموش، بارامی وسکوت

habitually silent; talking little


speaking very little, so that you seem unfriendly

(Adjective) کم حرف، کم گفتار، کم سخن، خاموش، ارام

skill or sensitivity in dealing with people without causing offence


[ uncountable]
the ability to be careful about what you say or do, so that you do not upset or embarrass other people [↪ tactful, tactless]:
** With great tact, Clive persuaded her to apologize.

عقل، ملاحظه، نزاکت، کاردانی، مهارت، سلیقه، درایت

careful no to cause offence; op. tactless


not likely to upset or embarrass other people [≠ tactless]:
** There was no tactful way of phrasing what he wanted to say.
** a tactful man

(Adjective) مبادی اداب، بانزاکت، موقع شناس، دنیا دار

pertaining to the organs or sense of touch


1. relating to your sense of touch:
** tactile sensations

2. a tactile person likes to touch people, for example when talking to them

(Adjective) لمس کردنی، وابسته بحس بساوایی، لامسه ای

contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something bad; (ex.) tainted reputation; (n.) stain; touch of decay or bad influence; (cf.) touch


[ transitive usually passive]
1. if something bad taints a situation or person, it makes the person or situation seem bad:
** Baker argues that his trial was tainted by negative publicity.

2. to damage something by adding an unwanted substance to it
taint something with something:
** The water had been tainted with a deadly toxin.

لکه دار کردن، رنگ کردن، الوده شدن، لکه، ملو کردن، فاسد کردن، عیب

burlesque; act of leaving the ground

(Noun) (هواپیما) خیز، پرواز
(Noun) خیزگاه
(Noun) (اقتصاد و غیره) جهش، خیزش، مرحلهی رشد سریع


** - Taiwan's economy has reached the takeoff stage
** - اقتصاد تایوان به مرحلهی خیزش رسیده است
(Noun) (عامیانه) تقلید خنده آور، ادا درآوردن (take-off هم میگویند)

charm; object believed to give supernatural powers to or protect its bearer


[ countable]
an object that is believed to have magic powers to protect the person who owns it

طلسم، تعویذ، جادو، جادوگرانه

claw of bird


[ countable usually plural]
a sharp powerful curved nail on the feet of some birds that catch animals for food

(Noun) چنگال، ناخن، پنجه، پاشنه پا، پاشنه

convert (hide) into leather; make brown by exposure to the sun


1. if you tan, or if the sun tans you, your skin becomes darker because you spend time in the sun:
** She has a pale skin which doesn't tan easily.

2. to make animal skin into leather by treating it with tannin (=a kind of acid)

دباغی کردن، برنگ قهوه ای وسبزه دراوردن، باحمام افتاب پوست بدن راقهوه ای کردن، برنزه، مازوی دباغی،پوست مازو، مازویی، قهوه ای مایل به زرد

only slightly connected; not central; peripheral; digressing; showing divergence; (cf.) tangent


[formal] tangential information, remarks etc are only related to a particular subject in an indirect way
tangential to:
** The matter you raise is rather tangential to this discussion.

(Adjective) مماسی،ظلی

able to be touched; real; concrete; palpable; possible to realize or understand; (ex.) tangible proof


1. clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed [≠ intangible]:
** The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed.
tangible evidence/proof:
** He has no tangible evidence of John's guilt.

2. tangible assets/property: property such as buildings, equipment etc

3. [technical] if something is tangible, you can touch or feel it:
** The silence of the countryside was almost tangible.

قابل لمس، محسوس، پر ماس پذیر، لمس کردنی

person who turns animal hides into leather


[ countable]
someone whose job is to make animal skin into leather by tanning

(Noun) (ز.ع.) شش پنس، دباغ، پوست پیرا

tease; excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach; torture with disappointment; cf. tantalus: greek mythological figure


[ intransitive,transitive ]
to show or promise something that someone really wants, but then not allow them to have it

(Verb - transitive) امیدوار، وسپس محروم کردن، کسی را دست انداختن،سردواندن، ازار دادن

equivalent in effect or value; (ex.) this invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war; (cf.) amount


be tantamount to something: if an action, suggestion, plan etc is tantamount to something bad, it has the same effect or is almost as bad:
** To leave a dog home alone is tantamount to cruelty.

برابر، معادل، هم کف، همپایه، بمثابه

fit of bad temper; fit of petulance; caprice; (ex.) the child went into tantrums.


[ countable]
a sudden short period when someone, especially a child, behaves very angrily and unreasonably
have/throw a tantrum:
** She throws a tantrum when she can't have the toy she wants.
** children's temper tantrums

(Noun) کج خلقی، اوقات تلخی، خشم، غیظ، قهر

very thin candle; gradual decrease in the width of a long object; (v.) make or become gradually narrower toward one end


[ intransitive and transitive]
to become gradually narrower towards one end, or to make something become narrower at one end
taper to:
** His wide chest tapers to a small waist.

to decrease gradually:
** Profits may be tapering off in the near future.

شمع مومی، باریک شونده، نوک تیز، باریک شدن، مخروطی شدن

venomous spider


[ countable]
a large poisonous spider from Southern Europe and tropical America

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) رطیل

slow; sluggish; not on time; late; (ex.) tardy arrival


1. arriving or done late:
** Do please forgive this tardy reply.
** He's been tardy three times this semester.

2. doing something too slowly or late
tardy in:
** people who are tardy in paying their bills

(Adjective) دارای تاخیر، دیر، دیر اینده، کند، کندرو، تنبل، سست

make or become dull or discolored; (n.)


1. if an event or fact tarnishes someone's reputation, record, image etc, it makes it worse:
** His regime was tarnished by human rights abuses.

2. [intransitive and transitive] if metals such as silver, copper, or brass tarnish, or if something tarnishes them, they become dull and lose their colour:
** Gold does not tarnish easily.
** tarnished silver spoons

تیره کردن، کدر کردن، لکه دار کردن

linger; delay in starting or going; dawdle


[ intransitive]
1. to stay in a place, especially when you should leave [= linger]

2. to delay or be slow in going somewhere

قیری، قیراندود، درنگ، درنگ کردن، تاخیر کردن

sharp to the taste; acid-tasting; caustic; sarcastic; (ex.) tart apple/reply


1. a pie without a top on it, containing something sweet
apple/treacle/jam etc tart:

2. [informal] an insulting word for a woman who you think is too willing to have sex

3. [informal] a prostitute

ترش مزه، تند، زننده، ترش، مزه غوره، زن هرزه، نان شیرینی مربایی

torn piece of cloth; (adj.) tattered: (of clothes) old and torn; (of a person) dressed in old torn clothes

تکه پارچه، لباس پاره پاره، ژنده پوش، رشته رشته،پاره پاره کردن، تکه تکه شدن، تن پوش مندرس

deride or provoke; challenge in derision; (n.)


[ transitive]
to try to make someone angry or upset by saying unkind things to them
taunt somebody about something:
** The other children taunted him about his weight.
taunt somebody with something:
** They taunted him with the nickname 'Fatso'.
** 'And he'll believe you, will he?' Maria taunted.

دست انداختن ومتلک گفتن، سرزنش کردن، شماتت کردن،طعنه زدن، طعنه

tight; strained; tense; ready; op. slack


1. stretched tight [≠ slack]:
** The rope was stretched taut.

2. showing signs of worry, anger etc and not relaxed [= tense]:
** a taut smile
** Catherine looked upset, her face taut.

3. having firm muscles:
** her taut brown body

4. a taut book, film, or play is exciting and does not have any unnecessary parts:
** a taut thriller

(Adjective) سفت، شق، محکم کشیدن، کشیده، مات کردن، درهم پیچیدن، محکم بسته شده (مثل طناب دور یک بسته)

needlessly repetitious; (ex.) “it was visible to the eye”; (n.) tautology: needless repetition of the same sense; statement that is always true

(Adjective) حشو و زوائدی

cheap and gaudy; (ex.) tawdry jewelry


1. cheaply and badly made:
** tawdry jewellery and fake furs

2. showing low moral standards:
** a tawdry tale of lies and deception

(Adjective) زرق وبرق دار، جلف، مزخرف

brownish yellow


brownish-yellow in colour:
** a lion's tawny fur

(Noun) گندم گون، سبزه، اسمر، تیره، زرد مایل بقهوه ای

specialist in classifying (animals, etc.); (cf.) taxonomy: science of classification

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

boredom; weariness; (adj.) tedious


[ uncountable]
the feeling of being bored because the things you are doing are not interesting and continue for a long time without changing:
** We sang while we worked, to relieve the tedium.
tedium of:
** the tedium of everyday life

(Noun) یکنواختی، ملالت، خستگی، دلتنگی، بیزاری، طاقت فرسایی

practice of abstaining totally from alcoholic drinks; (n.) teetotaler;; (adj.) teetotal; (cf.) t + total

(Noun) پیروی از اصل منع استعمال مسکرات

boldness; nerve; rashness; (ex.) temerity to ask for a pay increase after only three day’s work


[ uncountable]
when someone says or does something in a way that shows a lack of respect for other people and is likely to offend them:
** He actually had the temerity to tell her to lose weight.

(Noun) بی پروایی، تهور، بیباکی، جسارت

moderate; make less severe; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel) as by alternate heating and cooling


1. [uncountable and countable] a tendency to become angry suddenly or easily:
** That temper of hers will get her into trouble one of these days.
** According to Nathan, Robin has quite a temper.
** Theo needs to learn to control his temper.
quick/bad/fiery etc temper:
** Be careful, he's got a pretty violent temper.
tempers flare: also
tempers become frayed: British English (=people become angry)
** Mason's temper flared when he spotted his girlfriend kissing another man.

2. lose your temper: to suddenly become very angry so that you cannot control yourself:
** I've never seen Vic lose his temper.

3. [singular, uncountable] the way you are feeling at a particular time, especially when you are feeling angry for a short time
in a temper:
** It's no use talking to him when he's in a temper.
** Pete hit his brother in a fit of temper.
be in a bad/foul temper: (=to be angry)
** Watch out - she's been in a foul temper all day.
fly into a temper:
** Her boss would fly into a temper if a project wasn't done on time.

4. keep your temper: to stay calm when it would be easy to get angry:
** I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep my temper.

5. good-tempered/foul-tempered/quick-tempered etc: having a good, bad temper etc:
** Minnie was always good-tempered and agreeable.

اب دادن (فلز)، درست ساختن، درست خمیر کردن، ملایم کردن، معتدل کردن، میزان کردن، مخلوط کردن، مزاج،حالت، خو، خلق، قلق، خشم، غضب

characteristic frame of mind; disposition; emotional excess; (adj.) temperamental: of temperament; having frequent changes of temper; (ex.) temperamental dislike of sports; (ex.) temperamental actress


[ uncountable and countable]
the emotional part of someone's character, especially how likely they are to be happy, angry etc
artistic/nervous/good etc temperament:
** Jill has such a lovely relaxed temperament.
by temperament:
** Tolkien was, by temperament, a very different man from Lewis.

(Noun) مزاج، حالت، طبیعت، خلق، فطرت، سرشت

moderate; restrained; self-controlled; moderate in respect to temperature; (cf.) temperance: moderation and self-restraint; abstinence of alcoholic drinks; ex. temperance society


1. temperate climate/zone/region etc: a type of weather or a part of the world that is never very hot or very cold

2. [formal] behaviour that is temperate is calm and sensible [≠ intemperate]

(Adjective) معتدل، ملایم، میانه رو

stormy; violent; impassioned; (n.) tempest: violent storm


1. a tempestuous relationship or period of time involves a lot of difficulty and strong emotions:
** a tempestuous marriage

2. a tempestuous sea or wind is very rough and violent [= stormy]

(Adjective) توفانی، تند، پرتوپ وتشر

speed of music


[ countable]
1. the speed at which music is played or should be played

2. the speed at which something happens:
** the easy tempo of island life

(Noun) (موسیقی) وقت، زمان، گام، میزان سرعت

of time; not lasting forever; limited by time; temporary; secular; worldly


1. related to or limited by time:
** the temporal character of human existence

2. related to practical instead of religious affairs:
** Edgar ruled over the Church as well as his temporal kingdom.

(Adjective) دنیوی، غیر روحانی، جسمانی، زمانی، وابسته بگیجگاه، شقیقه ای، موقتی، زودگذرفانی

gain time as by postponing an action; avoid committing oneself


[ intransitive]
[formal] to delay or avoid making a decision in order to gain time

بدفع الوقت گذراندن، وقت گذراندن

holding fast (as to a belief); persistent


1. determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult:
** a tenacious negotiator

2. tenacious beliefs, ideas etc continue to have a lot of influence for a long time:
** a tenacious religious tradition that is still practised in Shinto temples

(Adjective) سرسخت، محکم، چسبنده، سفت، مستحکم، استوار

firmness; persistence

سختی، سفتی، چسبندگی، اصرار، سرسختی

possession of land or building by rent; period of a tenant’s occupancy


1. [countable] the period of time that someone rents a house, land etc [↪ tenant]:
** a six-month tenancy
** a tenancy agreement

2. [uncountable and countable] the right to use a house, land etc that is rented

(Noun) اجاره داری، مدت اجاره، مالکیت موقت

one that pays rent to use property owned by another


[ countable]
someone who lives in a house, room etc and pays rent to the person who owns it [↪ landlord]:
** The desk was left by the previous tenant.

کرایه نشین، مستاجر، اجاره دار، اجاره کردن، متصرف بودن

have a tendency; take care of; minister; serve at; apply one’s attention; attend


1. tend to do something: if something tends to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again:
** People tend to need less sleep as they get older.
** My car tends to overheat in the summer.

2. [old-fashioned] to look after someone or something:
** Sofia was in the bedroom tending to her son.

3. tend towards something: to have one particular quality or feature more than others:
** Charles tends towards obesity.

4. tend bar: especially American English to work as a bartender

5. [formal] to move or develop in a particular direction
tend upwards/downwards:
** Interest rates are tending upwards.

گراییدن، میل کردن نگه داری کردن از، وجه کردن، پرستاری کردن، مواظب بودن، متمایل بودن به، گرایش داشتن

promoting a particular point of view; biased; having an aim; designed to further a cause; (ex.) tendentious rather than truth-seeking; (cf.) tend: move in a certain direction


a tendentious speech, remark, book etc expresses a strong opinion that is intended to influence people

(Adjective) ( tendencious =) دارای گرایش ویژه وعمدی، متمایل،متوجه، رسیدگی کننده

offer formally; extend; (ex.) tender one’s resignation/ the exact fare; (n.) formal offer; money; (ex.) legal tender; (adj.) young and vulnerable; sensitive to the touch; sore; soft; delicate; (ex.) child of tender years; (ex.) tender wound


1. tender food is easy to cut and eat, especially because it has been well cooked [≠ tough]:
** Continue cooking until the meat is tender.

2. part of your body: a part of your body that is tender is painful if someone touches it:
** My arm is still tender where I bruised it.

3. gentle: gentle and careful in a way that shows love:
** Her voice was tender and soft.
** a slow, tender kiss

4. easily damaged - used especially about plants or flowers:
** tender plants that were killed by the harsh winter

5. tender loving care:[usually spoken] sympathetic treatment and a lot of attention [= TLC]

مناقصه، پیشنهاد دادن نازک، حساس، لطیف، دقیق، ترد ونازک، باریک، محبت آمیز، باملاحظه، حساس بودن، ترد کردن، لطیف کردن،انبار، ارائه دادن، تقدیم کردن، پیشنهاد، پول رایج،مناقصه ومزایده

doctrine; dogma


[ countable]
a principle or belief, especially one that is part of a larger system of beliefs
central/basic/fundamental etc tenet:
** one of the basic tenets of democracy
tenet of:
** the main tenet of his philosophy

(Noun) انگاشته، انگاره، عقیده، اصول، مرام، متعقدات مذهبی، پایه تفکر

capable of being stretched; of tension; (ex.) tensile rubber


[ only before noun]
able to be stretched without breaking:
** tensile rubber

(Adjective) قابل انبساط، کش دار

stretching; condition of being stretched; mental strain; strained relationship between groups or people


1. nervous feeling: [uncountable] a nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax [↪ tense]:
** The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.
reduce/relieve/ease etc tension:
** Exercise is the ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day.

2. no trust: [countable usually plural, uncountable] the feeling that exists when people or countries do not trust each other and may suddenly attack each other or start arguing
political/racial/social etc tension:
** In those days, there was a great deal of racial tension on campus.
tension between:
** The obvious tension between Warren and Anne made everyone else uncomfortable.

3. different influences: [uncountable and countable] if there is tension between two things, there is a difference between the needs or influences of each, and that causes problems
tension between:
** In business, there's always a tension between the needs of customers and shareholders.

4. tightness: [uncountable] tightness or stiffness in a wire, rope, muscle etc:
** Tension in the neck muscles can cause headaches.
** Muscle tension can be a sign of stress.

5. the amount of force that stretches something:
** This wire will take 50 pounds tension.
tension on:
** There was a lot of tension on the wire before it snapped.

(Noun) کشش، تنش، کشمکش
(Noun) کشش، امت داد، تمدد، قوه انبساط، سفتی، فشار، بحران،تحت فشار قرار دادن

not fully worked out or developed; provisional; experimental; uncertain; hesitant; not definite or positive; (ex.) tentative agreement/reply


1. not definite or certain, and may be changed later [= provisional; ≠ definite]:
** I passed on my tentative conclusions to the police.
** The government is taking tentative steps towards tackling the country's economic problems.

2. done without confidence [= hesitant]:
** a tentative smile

(Adjective) ازمایشی، تجربی، امتحانی، عمل تجربی

thin; slim; rare


1. a situation or relationship that is tenuous is uncertain, weak, or likely to change:
** For now, the band's travel plans are tenuous.
tenuous link/connection etc:
** The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.
** The link between her family and the King's is rather tenuous.

2. [literary] very thin and easily broken

(Adjective) رفیق، نازک، باریک، لطیف، دقیق، بدون نقطه اتکا

holding of an office or real estate; time during which such an office is held


[ uncountable]
1. the right to stay permanently in a teaching job:
** It's becoming increasingly difficult to acquire academic tenure.

2. [formal] the period of time when someone has an important job:
** The company has doubled in value during his tenure.

3. the legal right to live in a house or use a piece of land for a period of time

(Noun) حق تصدی، تصرف، نگه داری، اشغال، اجاره داری، تصدی

lukewarm; slightly warm; half-hearted; not eager; (ex.) tepid reaction to the new film; (ex.) tepid supporter


1. a feeling, reaction etc that is tepid shows a lack of excitement or interest [= lukewarm]:
** a tepid response from the audience

2. tepid liquid is slightly warm, especially in a way that seems unpleasant [= lukewarm]:
** tepid coffee

(Adjective) نیمگرم، ولرم، سست

part that forms the end; railroad or bus station; adj. forming an end; ending in death; fatal; (ex.) terminal cancer


1. a terminal illness cannot be cured, and causes death:
** terminal cancer

2. (in) terminal decline: British English in a state of becoming worse and worse and never getting better:
** The once great industry is now in terminal decline.

پایانه، پایانی نهایی، انتهایی، واقع در نوک، پایان، انتها، اخر خطراه اهن یا هواپیما، پایانه

end; (v.) terminate


1. [formal] the act of ending something, or the end of something
termination of:
** You may face a reduction or termination of benefits.

2. a medical operation to end the life of a developing child before it is born [= abortion]

(Noun) پایان، خاتمه، انتها، فسخ، ختم
(Noun) پایان، پایان یابی، پایان دهی

terms used in a science or art; study of nomenclature


[ uncountable and countable]
the technical words or expressions that are used in a particular subject:
** computer terminology

(Noun) اصطلاحات علمی یافنی، کلمات فنی، واژگان
(Noun) لفظ گذاری، مجموعه اصطلاحات

last stop of railroad; end


[ countable]
the station or stop at the end of a railway or bus line

(Noun) ایستگاه نهایی، پایانه

on or relating to the earth


[ usually before noun]
1. relating to the Earth rather than to the moon or other planets ➔ extraterrestrial2

2. living on or relating to land rather than water

3. terrestrial TV/broadcasting/channels etc: TV etc that is broadcast from the Earth rather than from a satellite

زمینی، خاکی، این جهانی، دنیوی

concise; abrupt; pithy


a terse reply, message etc uses very few words and often shows that you are annoyed:
** Derek's terse reply ended the conversation.

(Adjective) موجز، بی شاخ وبرگ، مختصر ومفید، مختصر

third in order or rank


third in place, degree, or order

سومین، ثالث، قسمت سوم، دوران سوم

mosaic; inlaid; (ex.) tessellated pattern


made of small flat pieces in various shapes and colours that fit together to form a pattern

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:
** tessellate

maker of a will; (cf.) testatrix

(Noun) موصی، وصیت کننده، شاهد، میرا گذار

irritable; impatient and bad-tempered; short-tempered; n. testiness


impatient and easily annoyed [= irritable]:
** testy remarks
** It had been a long day, and Sarah was getting a little testy.

(Adjective) زود رنج، کج خلق

tie (an animal) with a rope or tether; (n.) rope or chain to which an animal is tied; limit of one’s endurance; ex. the end of one’s tether


[ countable]
1. be at the end of your tether: to be so worried, tired etc that you feel you can no longer deal with a difficult or upsetting situation

2. a rope or chain that an animal is tied to so that it can only move around within a limited area

کمند، افسار، حدود، وسعت، افسار کردن

of a theme; relating to a unifying motif or idea


relating to a particular theme, or organized according to a theme:
** the thematic organization of paintings in the exhibit

ریشه ای، مربوط بموضوع، موضوعی، مطلبی،مقاله ای

government run by religious leaders


[ countable]
a social system or state controlled by religious leaders

(Noun) یزدان سالاری، حکومت خدا، حکومت روحانیون

based on theory; not practical or applied; hypothetical


1. relating to the study of ideas, especially scientific ideas, rather than with practical uses of the ideas or practical experience [↪ theory, practical, applied]:
** theoretical physics
** Aristotle's theoretical model of the universe
** She has theoretical knowledge of teaching, but no practical experience.

2. a theoretical situation or condition could exist but does not really exist:
** Equality between men and women in our society is still only theoretical.
** a theoretical risk of an explosion

(Adjective) نظری

curative; (n.) therapy


1. making you feel calm and relaxed:
** I find swimming very therapeutic.
** the therapeutic effect of gardening

2. [usually before noun] relating to the treatment or cure of an illness [↪ therapy]:
** Some claim that the herb has therapeutic value for treating pain.

(Adjective) درمانی، وابسته به درمان شناسی، معالج

pertaining to heat; producing heat; warm; (ex.) thermal bath; (n.) rising current of warm air


[ only before noun]
1. relating to or caused by heat:
** thermal energy

2. thermal clothing is made from special material to keep you warm in very cold weather:
** thermal underwear

3. thermal water is heated naturally under the earth:
** thermal springs

دمایی، گرمایی، حرارتی، گرم گرمایی، حرارتی

opinion put forward and supported by reasoned arguments


[ countable]
1. a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD:
** Cynthia's still working on her thesis.
graduate/master's/doctoral thesis:
** He wrote his doctoral thesis on contemporary French literature.

2. [formal] an idea or opinion about something, that you discuss in a formal way and give examples for:
** Their main thesis was that the rise in earnings was due to improvements in education.

3. American English in writing, the thesis is the sentence or group of sentences which state what the main idea of an essay is:
** a paragraph introducing your thesis statement

(Noun) پایان نامه، رساله دکتری، قضیه، فرض، (موسیقی) ضرب قوی

pertaining to drama; (n.) actor or actress


[ countable]
an actor - sometimes used humorously:
** a distinguished thespian

وابسته به تسپیس شاعر یونانی، هنرپیشه

slave; bondage; slavery; (ex.) her beauty held him in thrall; (cf.) enthrall


in somebody's/something's thrall:[literary] controlled or strongly influenced by someone or something:
** We have a congress that is in thrall to special interest groups.

بنده، غلام، بندگی، بنده کردن

beat with a whip or flail; defeat utterly; talk about thoroughly in order to find the answer; move wildly or violently; (ex.) the fishes thrashed about in the net.


1. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] to move or make something move from side to side in a violent or uncontrolled way
thrash about/around:
** The girl was thrashing about in the water.
** Salmon thrash their tails and leap from the water.

2. [transitive] to beat someone violently, especially in order to punish them:
** My poor brother used to get thrashed for all kinds of minor offences.

3. [informal] to defeat someone very easily in a game:
** Brazil thrashed Italy 5-0.

to discuss something thoroughly with someone until you find an answer, reach an agreement, or decide on something:
** We still have to get together and thrash out the details.

کوبیدن، از پوست دراوردن، کتک زدن، کوزل کوبی

worn through till the threads show; shabby and poor; hackneyed; (ex.) threadbare excuses


1. clothes, carpets etc that are threadbare are very thin and in bad condition because they have been used a lot:
** a threadbare old sofa

2. threadbare excuse/argument/joke etc: an excuse etc that is no longer effective because it has been used too much

(Adjective) (در مورد پارچه) نخ نما، مندرس

sign or warning (of coming danger); (ex.) threat of rain; (v.) express a threat; give warning of (something bad); (ex.) the cloud threatens rain.


1. [uncountable and countable] a statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you wantCOLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
make/issue a threat (against somebody):
carry out a threat: (=do what you have threatened to do)
give in to a threat: (=do what someone wants you to do because they threaten you)
empty/idle threat: (=false threat)
veiled threat: (=one that is not made directly)
death threat:
bomb threat:
** Your threats don't scare me.
threat of:
** the threat of military invasion
threat from:
** He says his family received phone threats from the group.
** threats made against his wife and children
** Nichols never carried out his threat to resign.
** The government will not give in to terrorist threats.
** She dismissed the statement as an empty threat.
** They warned him with veiled threats not to mention anything he had witnessed.
** The police are investigating death threats made against the two men.
** Officials at the school say they received a bomb threat at approximately 11:30 a.m. today.

2. [countable usually singular] the possibility that something very bad will happen
threat of:
** the threat of famine
threat from:
** According to the Secretary of State, the Russians face no threat from an expanded NATO.
under threat:
** The area remains under threat from commercial developers.
be under threat of closure/attack etc: (=be likely to be closed, attacked etc)
** The program is under threat of closure due to lack of funding.

3. [countable usually singular] someone or something that is regarded as a possible danger
threat to:
** The fighting is a major threat to stability in the region.
present/pose a threat (to somebody/something):
** Pollution poses a threat to fish.

تهدید، تهدید کردن، ترساندن

beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw


[ intransitive and transitive]
to separate grains of corn, wheat etc from the rest of the plant by beating it with a special tool or machine

کوبیدن، از پوست دراوردن، خرمن کوبی کردن

careful about money; economical; (n.) thrift


using money carefully and wisely:
** hardworking, thrifty people

(Adjective) خانه دار، صرفه جو، مقتصد

prosper; flourish


[ intransitive]
to become very successful or very strong and healthy:
** plants that thrive in tropical rainforests
** a business which managed to thrive during a recession

to enjoy or be successful in a particular situation, especially one that other people find difficult or unpleasant:
** I wouldn't want that much pressure, but she seems to thrive on it.

پیشرفت کردن، رونق یافتن، کامیاب شدن

(of a heart or machine) beat rapidly or violently; n. (ex.) heartthrob: heartbeat; sweetheart


[ intransitive]
1. if a part of your body throbs, you have a feeling of pain in it that regularly starts and stops:
** The back of my neck throbbed painfully.
throb with:
** Her foot was throbbing with pain.
** I woke up with a throbbing headache.

2. if music or a machine throbs, it makes a low sound or vibration with a strong regular beat:
** a throbbing bass line

3. if your heart throbs, it beats faster or more strongly than usual

4. if a place throbs with life, energy etc, it has a lot of life etc:
** The river is throbbing with life.

تپش، زدن، تپیدن، لرزیدن، تپش داشتن، ضربان

violent anguish


[ plural]
in the throes of something:[formal] in the middle of a very difficult situation:
** a country in the throes of a profound economic crisis

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

crowd (of people or things); (v.)


[ countable]
a large group of people in one place [= crowd]:
** She got lost in the throng.
throng of:
** a throng of excited spectators

گروه، جمعیت، ازدحام، هجوم، ازدحام کردن

strangle; regulate the speed of with a throttle; n: valve that regulates the flow; (cf.) throat ?


[ transitive]
1. to kill or injure someone by holding their throat very tightly so that they cannot breathe [= strangle]:
** He grabbed her by the throat and began throttling her.

2. to make it difficult or impossible for something to succeed:
** policies which are throttling many Asian economies

to reduce the amount of fuel flowing into an engine, in order to reduce its speed

گلو، دریچه کنترل بخار یا بنزین، خفه کردن، گلو رافشردن، جلو را گرفتن، جریان بنزین را کنترل کردن

block or hinder; baffle; frustrate


[ transitive]
to prevent someone from doing what they are trying to do:
** Fierce opposition thwarted the government's plans.
** thwarted ambition

بی نتیجه گذاردن، خنثی کردن، حائل کردن، عقیم گذاردن، مخالفت کردن با، انسداد اریب، کج، در سرتاسر(چیزی) ادامه دادن یا کشیدن

touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter; please


1. [transitive] to move your fingers gently over someone's body in order to make them laugh:
** Stop tickling me!

2. [intransitive and transitive] if something touching your body tickles you, it makes you want to rub your body because it is slightly uncomfortable:
** Mommy, this blanket tickles.
** Mazie's fur collar was tickling her neck.

3. [transitive] if a situation, remark etc tickles you, it amuses or pleases you
be tickled pink: (=be very pleased or amused)
** The kids were tickled pink to see you on TV!

4. tickle somebody's fancy:[informal] if something tickles your fancy, you want to have it or to try doing it:
** If I see something that tickles my fancy, I'm going to buy it.

غلغلک دادن، غلغلک، خاریدن

miser; excessively frugal person


[ countable]
[informal] someone who hates to spend or give money

(Noun) شخص خسیس

handle used to move boat’s rudder (to steer)


[ countable]
a long handle fastened to the rudder(=part that controls the direction) of a boat

کشاورز، زارع، کشتکار، اهرم سکان کشتی، جوانه،جوانه زدن

quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument (which distinguishes it from others of the same pitch)


[ uncountable and countable]
[formal] the quality of the sound made by a particular instrument or voice

(Noun) ( timbrel ) دایره زنگی

lack of self-confidence or courage

(Noun) ( timidness ) حجب، کمرویی، ترسویی، بزدلی، جبن

fearful; timid; demonstrating fear


lacking confidence and easily frightened [= fearful]:
** She was no helpless, timorous female.

(Adjective) بزدل، ترسو، جبون

give a slight degree of a color or quality to; (n.) slight degree of a color or quality; (ex.) tinged with grey/jealousy


[ countable]
a very small amount of a colour, emotion, or quality
tinge of:
** There was a tinge of sadness in her voice.
** This glass has a greenish tinge.

رنگ کم، رنگ جزیی، سایه رنگ، کمی رنگ زدن

slight degree of color; (v.) give a tint to


[ countable]
1. a small amount of a particular colour [= shade, hue]:
** paper with a yellowish tint

2. an artificial colour that is used to slightly change the colour of your hair:
** red tints in her hair

رنگ، ته رنگ، رنگ مختصر، سایه رنگ، دارای تهرنگ یا سایه رنگ نمودن

drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently; (n.) alcoholic drink


somebody's favourite tipple: someone's favourite alcoholic drink

دائم الخمر بودن، میگساری کردن، همیشه نوشیدن، مست کردن، مشروب، نوشابه

long angry denunciatory speech; diatribe; harangue; extended scolding; denunciation


[ countable]
a long angry speech criticizing someone or something
tirade against:
** He launched into a tirade against the church.
tirade of:
** a tirade of abuse

(Noun) سخنرانی دراز وشدیداللحن

gigantic; (n.) titan


very big, strong, impressive etc:
** a titanic struggle

(Adjective) (باحرف بزرگ) غول اسا، خیلی کلان، وابسته به عنصر تیتانیوم

tax of one-tenth (contributed to a church); (v.) pay a tithe


[ countable]
1. a particular amount that some Christians give to their church

2. a tax paid to the church in the past

ده یک، عشر، عشریه، ده یک گرفتن از

tickle; excite pleasantly; (ex.) not to titillate the audience but to enlighten it


[ transitive]
if a picture or a story titillates someone, it makes them feel sexually interested

(Verb - transitive) غلغلک دادن، غلغلک شدن، (مجازا) بطور لذت بخشی تحریک کردن

name (of a book, film, etc.); mark of rank; formal appellation as of rank or office (such as lord or general); right or claim to possession; championship; (ex.) title as head of the family; (ex.) title to the estate


1. the name given to a particular book, painting, play etc
title of:
** The title of this play is 'Othello'.

2. a book:
** the UK's 20 best-selling titles

3. [countable]a) a name such as 'Sir' or 'Professor', or abbreviations such as 'Mrs' or 'Dr', that are used before someone's name to show their rank or profession, whether they are married etcb) a name that describes someone's job or position:
** Her official title is editor.

4. the position of being the winner of an important sports competition:
** Tyson won the WBA title in 1987.

5. the legal right to have or own something
title to:
** He has title to the land.

کنیه، لقب، سمت، عنوان، اسم، مقام، نام، حق،استحقاق، سند، صفحه عنوان کتاب، عنوان نوشتن،واگذارکردن، عنوان دادن به، لقب دادن، نام نهادن

nervous giggle; nervous laugh; (v.)


[ intransitive]
to laugh quietly in a high voice, especially because you are nervous:
** At the word 'breast', some of the class tittered.

خنده تو دزدیده، پوزخند زدن، ترتر خندیدن

of a title; in name only; nominal; having the title of an office without the obligations; (ex.) titular head of the company


[ only before noun]
titular head/leader/monarch etc: someone who is the official leader or ruler of a country but who does not have real power or authority

لقبی، ناشی از لقب رسمی، افتخاری، عنوانی، لقب دار،صاحب لقب، متصدی، دارای عنوانی

servile flatterer; yes man; sycophant; (v.) be a toady to; fawn


[ countable]
[informal] someone who pretends to like an important person and does things for them, so that that person will help them - used to show disapproval

چاپلوس، متملق، کاسه لیس، مداهنه کردن

roman outer robe


[ countable]
a long loose piece of clothing worn by people in ancient Rome

جبه، ردا، ردای بی استین، لباس رسمی قضات

outward sign; (ex.) a token of our gratitude


[ countable]
1. a round piece of metal that you use instead of money in some machines

2. [formal] something that represents a feeling, fact, event etc
a token of your gratitude/respect/appreciation etc:
** Please accept this gift as a small token of our appreciation. ➔ by the same token: at same1 (7)

3. book/record/gift token: a special piece of paper that you can exchange for a book, record etc in a shop [= gift certificate American English]
** a £10 book token

نشانه، نشان، علامت، نشانی، یادگاری، رمز، معجزه،علامت رمزی، کلمه رمزی، علامت مشخصه، یادگار، یادبود،اجازه ورود، بلیط ورود نشانه

sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals; (n.) sound of a bell; fixed tax or charge


[ countable]
1. the number of people killed or injured in a particular accident, by a particular illness etc:
** The death toll has risen to 83.
** The bombings took a heavy toll, killing hundreds of Londoners.

2. a very bad effect that something has on something or someone over a long period of time
toll on:
** Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.
** a heavy toll on the environment

3. the money you have to pay to use a particular road, bridge etc

4. the sound of a large bell ringing slowly

باج، هزینه باج، باج راه، راه داری، نواقل، عوارض، تحمل خسارت،تعداد تلفات جنگی، ضایعه، صدای طنین زنگ یاناقوس،طنین موزون، باصدای ناقوس یا زنگ اعلام کردن

large volume; book


[ countable]
a large heavy book

(Noun) جلد، جلد بزرگ، مجلد، دفتر، کتاب قطور

shaving of the head especially by person entering religious orders; (v.)


a small round area on the top of someone's head where their hair has been removed because they are a priest or a monk

فرق سر را تراشیدن، سر تراشیده، قسمت تراشیده سرکشیش

physical features of a region (such as the shape and height); (cf.) topo-: place


[ uncountable]
1. the science of describing an area of land, or making maps of it

2. the shape of an area of land, including its hills, valleys etc

(Noun) نقشه برداری، مکان نگاری، مساحی

become unsteady and fall down


1. [intransitive and transitive] to become unsteady and then fall over, or to make something do this
topple over:
** A stack of plates swayed, and began to topple over.

2. to take power away from a leader or government, especially by force [= overthrow]:
** This scandal could topple the government.

از سر افتادن، برگشتن، واژگون کردن

underwater explosive apparatus; (v.)


[ countable]
a long narrow weapon that is fired under the surface of the sea and explodes when it hits something

اژدر، ماهی برق، با اژدر خراب کردن

lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy; (adj.) torpid: lethargic; lazy; inactive; (of an animal) dormant; hibernating


[ singular, uncountable]
[formal] a state of being not active because you are lazy or sleepy:
** She tried to rouse him from the torpor into which he had sunk.

(Noun) سستی،بیحال،بیحس،خدر،حالت خواب،بیحالی

twisting force; force producing rotation


[ uncountable]
the force or power that makes something turn around a central point, especially in an engine

(Noun) گشتاوری، نیروی گردنده درقسمتی از دستگاه ماشین،نیروی گشتاوری، چنبره، طوق، طوقه
(Noun) گشتاور، نیروی پیچشی

rushing stream; flood; (ex.) the rain fell in torrents.


[ countable]
1. a large amount of water moving very quickly and strongly in a particular direction [↪ flood]:
** After five days of heavy rain the Telle river was a raging torrent (=a very violent torrent).
in torrents:
** The rain came down in torrents.

2. a torrent of something: a lot of words spoken quickly, especially in order to insult or criticize someone:
** When I asked him to move, he unleashed a torrent of abuse.
a torrent of Greek/Italian etc:
** The woman poured out a torrent of Italian.

سیل، سیل رود، جریان شدید، سیل وار

(of weather) hot or scorching; passionate; (ex.) torrid love affairs


1. involving strong emotions, especially of sexual love:
** a torrid love affair

2. torrid weather is very hot:
** the torrid desert sun

3. British English a torrid time is a very difficult one:
** He had a torrid time out there on the racetrack.

(Adjective) حاره، زیاد گرم، حاد، سوزاننده، سوزان، محترق،بسیار مشتاق

trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk


[ countable]
1. your body, not including your head, arms, or legs:
** the torso of a woman

2. a statue of a torso

(Noun) پیچ یا تاب خوردن، تاب گشت، خاصیت تاب گشت

winding; full of curves; (ex.) tortuous mountain road


1. a tortuous path, stream, road etc has a lot of bends in it and is therefore difficult to travel along:
** a tortuous path over the mountains to Kandahar

2. complicated and long and therefore confusing:
** The book begins with a long, tortuous introduction.

(Adjective) درشکن، پیچاپیچ، غیر مستقیم، پیچ وخم دار، فریبکار

throw lightly; move or lift (the head) with a sudden motion; flip (a coin) to decide something


1. [transitive] to throw something, especially something light, with a quick gentle movement of your hand
toss something into/onto etc something:
** She crumpled the letter and tossed it into the fire.
toss something aside/over etc:
** Toss that book over, will you?
toss something to somebody:
** 'Catch!' said Sandra, tossing her bag to him.
toss somebody something:
** Frank tossed her the newspaper.

2. [intransitive and transitive] to move about continuously in a violent or uncontrolled way, or to make something do this
toss something around/about:
** The small boat was tossed about like a cork.

3. toss and turn: to keep changing your position in bed because you cannot sleep:
** I've been tossing and turning all night.

4. also toss up [intransitive and transitive] especially British English to throw a coin in the air, so that a decision will be made according to the side that faces upwards when it comes down [= flip American English]
** They tossed a coin to decide who would go first.
toss (somebody) for it:
** We couldn't make up our minds, so we decided to toss for it.

5. [transitive] to throw something up into the air and let it fall to the ground:
** The crowd cheered, banging pots and tossing confetti into the air.

بالا انداختن، پرت کردن، انداختن، دستخوش اواج شدن،متلاطم شدن، پرتاب، تلاطم

animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family; representation of this; (ex.) totem pole


[ countable]
an animal, plant etc that is thought to have a special spiritual connection with a particular tribe, especially in North America, or a figure made to look like the animal etc

(Noun) توتم، روح محافظ شخص، درخت یا جانوری که سرخ پوستان حفظ وحامی روحانی خود دانسته واز تجاوز بدان یاخوردن گوشت ان خودداری می کردند، روح یا جانورحامی شخص

shake or move unsteadily; sway as if about to fall


[ intransitive]
1. to walk or move unsteadily from side to side as if you are going to fall over:
** Lorrimer swayed a little, tottered, and fell.

2. if a political system or organization totters, it becomes less strong and is likely to stop working

تردید کردن، پس و پیش رفتن، تلو تلو خوردن، متزلزل شدن

causing a feeling of pity or sympathy; pathetic; v. touch: cause to feel pity or sympathy; (adj.) touched


making you feel pity, sympathy, sadness etc:
** a touching reunion of father and son

موثر،رقت انگیز،گیرنده،سوزناک،درباره

stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion; standard


[ countable]
something used as a test or standard
touchstone of:
** Pupil behaviour was seen as 'the touchstone of quality' of the school system.

(Noun) سنگ محک، معیار

oversensitive; easily offended; irasible; delicate; needing delicate handling; (ex.) touchy situation


1. easily becoming offended or annoyed
touchy about:
** She is very touchy about her past.

2. touchy subject/question etc: a subject etc that needs to be dealt with very carefully, especially because it may offend people:
** Asking about a reporter's sources can be a touchy business.

(Adjective) زود رنج، نازک نارنجی، حساس، دل نازک

promote or publicize (one’s goods or service); praise excessively (as a form of advertisement); (cf.) advertise


1. [transitive] to praise something or someone in order to persuade people that they are important or worth a lot:
** his much touted musical
be touted as something:
** Nell is being touted as the next big thing in Hollywood.

2. to try to persuade people to buy goods or services you are offering
tout for business/custom: British English (=look for customers)
** Minicab drivers are not allowed to tout for business.

3. to give someone information about a horse in a race

خریدار پیدا کردن، مشتری جلب کردن، صدای نکره ایجادکردن، بلند جار زدن، باصدای بلند انتشار دادن

poisonous; (n.) toxicity


containing poison, or caused by poisonous substances:
** fumes from a toxic waste dump
toxic chemicals/substances/fumes/gases:
** Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.
** a highly toxic pesticide

(Adjective) زهری، سمی، ناشی از زهر اگینی، زهراگین

propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political group); expanse of land; region of indefinite size; system of related organs; (ex.) digestive tract


[ countable]
1. the digestive/reproductive/urinary etc tract: a system of connected organs that have one main purpose in a part of your body

2. a large area of land:
** vast tracts of woodland

3. a short piece of writing, especially about a moral or religious subject:
** a tract on the dangers of drink

(Noun) مدت، مرور، کشش، حد، وسعت، اندازه، داستان یا نمایشنامه ویاحواد مسلسل، نشان، اثر، رد بپا،رشته، قطعه، مقاله، رساله، نشریه

docile; easily managed; (of something) easily changed or molded; (n.) tractability


easy to control or deal with [≠ intractable]:
** The issues have proved to be less tractable than expected.

(Adjective) رام شو، رام کردنی، سربراه، نرم، سست مهار

expose to slander


[ transitive]
[formal] to deliberately say things that are untrue or unpleasant

(Verb - transitive) افترا زدن به، بهتان زدن به، بدنام کردن، رسوا کردن، لکه دار کردن، تعریف کردن

path taken by a projectile; (ex.) trajectory of a bullet


[ countable]
1. the curved path of an object that has been fired or thrown through the air

2. [formal] the events that happen during a period of time, which often lead to a particular aim or result:
** The decision was certain to affect the trajectory of French politics for some time to come.

(Noun) خط سیر، گذرگاه
(Noun) خط سیر، مسیر، ورا افکن، مسیر گلوله

walk with a heavy step; travel on foot; (n.) vagrant; one who travels aimlessly about; long walk; sound of heavy walking


[ countable]
1. someone who has no home or job and moves from place to place, often asking for food or money

2. a long or difficult walk:
** a long tramp through the snow

3. [old-fashioned especially] American English a woman who has too many sexual partners - used to show disapproval

4. the tramp of feet/boots: the sound of heavy walking:
** the steady tramp of soldiers' feet

ولگرد، اسمان جل، خانه بدوش، باصدا راه رفتن،پیاده روی کردن، با پا لگد کردن، اوره بودن، ولگردی کردن، اواره، فاحشه، اوارگی، ولگردی، صدای پا

step heavily with the feet; crush under the feet


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]
1. to step heavily on something, so that you crush it with your feet
trample on/over/through etc:
** There was a small fence to stop people trampling on the flowers.
trample somebody/something underfoot:
** The children were in danger of being trampled underfoot in the crowd.
trample somebody to death: (=kill someone by stepping heavily on them)
** Several people were nearly trampled to death in the rush to get out.

2. to behave in a way that shows that you do not care about someone's rights or feelings
trample on/over somebody/something:
** Don't let people trample all over you.
** Their interests and rights had been trampled underfoot.

پایمال کردن، پامال کردن، زیر پا لگد ماکل کردن، لگد

hypnotic state; ecstatic state; detachment from one’s physical surrounding (as in contemplation or daydreaming); cf. transition


1. [countable] a state in which you behave as if you were asleep but are still able to hear and understand what is said to you
go/fall into a trance:
** She went into a deep hypnotic trance.

2. [countable] a state in which you are thinking about something so much that you do not notice what is happening around you
in a trance:
** What's the matter with you? You've been in a trance all day.

3. [uncountable] a type of popular electronic dance music with a fast beat and long continuous notes played on asynthesizer

نشئه، از خود بیخودی، بیهوشی، خلسه، مسحور کردن یا شدن، باچالاکی حرکت کردن

calmness; peace

( tranquillity ) ارامش، اسودگی، اسایش خاطر، راحت

exceeding ordinary limits; superior; surpassing; v. transcend: go beyond; exceed; surpass; (n.) transcendence


going far beyond ordinary limits:
** the transcendent genius of Mozart

برتر،فائق،افضل،مافوق،ماورای مقولات،دهگانه،خارج از جهان مادی

going beyond common thought or ideas; impossible to understand by practical experiences or practices; known only by studying thoughts or intuition; op. empirical; (cf.) transcendentalism


transcendental experiences or ideas are beyond normal human understanding and experience

(Adjective) متعالی، غیر جبری

copy; write a copy of; (n.) transcription


[ transitive]
1. to write down something exactly as it was said:
** A secretary transcribed the witnesses' statements.

2. to write an exact copy of something:
** He had been asked to transcribe an ancient manuscript.

3. to represent speech sounds withphonetic symbols

4. to change a piece of writing into the alphabet of another language
transcribe something into something:
** The book has been transcribed into braille.

5. to arrange a piece of music for a different instrument or voice
transcribe something for something:
** a piece transcribed for piano

(Verb - transitive) اوانویسی کردن، رونویس کردن، رونوشت برداشتن، نقل کردن
(Verb - transitive) رونویسی کردن

violation of a law; sin; (v.) transgress: go beyond (a limit); violate; do wrong

(Noun) سرپیچی، تخلف، تجاوز، خطا، گناه، فراروی

staying for a short time; momentary; temporary; n: one that is transient


1. continuing only for a short time:
** transient fashions

2. working or staying somewhere for only a short time:
** a transient population

زود گذر، ناپایدار، فانی، کوتاه، تند، فراگذر گذرا

going from one state of action to another


[ uncountable and countable]
[formal] when something changes from one form or state to another
transition from something to something:
** the smooth transition from full-time work to full retirement
** Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
** a society that is in transition (=changing)
** the period of transition to full democracy

(Noun) گذار، تحول
(Noun) انتقال، عبور، تغییر از یک حالت بحالت دیگر، مرحله تغییر، برزخ، انتقالی

transient; impermanent; fleeting; (n.) transitoriness


continuing or existing for only a short time

(Adjective) سپنج، ناپایدار، فانی، زودگذر، بی بقا

partly transparent


not transparent, but clear enough to allow light to pass through:
** Blue veins showed through her translucent skin.

(Adjective) نیم شفاف،مات

transform; change; convert to something different


[ transitive + into]
[formal] to change one substance or type of thing into another

(Verb - transitive) تبدیل کردن، تغییر شکل دادن قلب ماهیت کردن،کیمیاگری کردن، تغییر هیئت دادن

permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected; obvious; clear; (ex.) transparent lie


1. if something is transparent, you can see through it [= clear; ↪ opaque, translucent]:
** a transparent plastic container

2. [formal] language or information that is transparent is clear and easy to understand:
** The way the system works will be transparent to the user.

3. a lie, excuse etc that is transparent does not deceive people

(Adjective) شفاف، ناپیدا
(Adjective) پشت نما، شفاف، نور گذران، فرانما، پیدا

(of a fact) become known; be revealed; happen; give off (watery waste matter) through pores


1. it transpires that:[formal] if it transpires that something is true, you discover that it is true:
** It now transpires that he kept all the money for himself.

2. [formal] to happen:
** Exactly what transpired remains unknown.

3. when a plant transpires, water passes through the surface of its leaves

روی دادن، بیرون آمدن، نشرکردن، نفوذ کردن، بخار پس دادن، فاش شدن، رخنه کردن، فراتر اویدن

strong emotion; rapture; (ex.) in a transport/ transports of; (v.) move to strong emotion; enrapture


1. [uncountable] British English a system or method for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another [= transportation American English]
air/rail/road transport:
** Improved rail transport is essential for business.
** commuters who travel on public transport (=buses, trains etc)
** It's easier to get to the college if you have your own transport (=a car, bicycle etc).
means/mode/form of transport:
** Horses were the only means of transport.

2. [uncountable] the process or business of taking goods from one place to another [= transportation American English]
transport of:
** Canals were used for the transport of goods.

3. a ship or aircraft for carrying soldiers or supplies

4. be in a transport of delight/joy etc:[literary] to be feeling very strong emotions of pleasure, happiness etc

حمل کردن، حامل ترابری کردن، بردن، حمل کردن، نقل وانتقال دادن،نفی بلد کردن، از خود بیخودشدن، از جا در رفتن،بارکش، حمل ونقل، وسیله نقلیه، ترابری

reverse the order or position of


[ transitive+ into/to]
1. [formal] to change the order or position of two or more things

2. to use a system or method in a different situation from the one you used it in originally

3. to write or perform a piece of music in a musical key that is different from the one that it was first written in

پس وپیش کردن، قلب کردن، مقدم وموخر کردن، (ر.)بطرف دیگر معادله بردن ترانهادن، پس و پیش کردن

outward decorations; ornaments (as an outward sign of rank)


[ plural]
things such as money, influence, possessions etc that are related to a particular type of person, job, or way of life
trappings of:
** the trappings of power

یراغ تجملی،تجملات

(of an experience) deeply shocking; pertaining to an injury caused by violence; (n.) trauma: serious wound; emotional shock that causes lasting psychological damage


a traumatic experience is so shocking and upsetting that it affects you for a long time:
** His son's death was the most traumatic event in Stan's life.

(Adjective) وابسته به روان زخم، زخمی، جراحتی، ضربه ای

strenuous work; toil; painful labor; labor of childbirth


[ uncountable]
also travails [plural] a difficult or unpleasant situation, or very tiring work
travail of:
** the travails of last year's water shortage

مشقت، درد زایمان، رنج بردن، رنج زحمت، درد شکیدن

go through or across


[ transitive]
[formal] to move across, over, or through something, especially an area of land or water:
** two minutes to traverse the park

پیمودن، عرضی، متقاطع خاکریز یا جان پناه، خط متقاطع، اشکال، مانع حائل،درب تاشو، حجاب حاجز، عبورجاده، مسیر، معبر، پیمودن، طی کردن، گذشتن از، عبور کردن، قطع کردن

copy or example of something that completely misrepresents the true nature of the real thing; comical parody or imitation; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous; (ex.) travesty of justice; op. paragon


[ countable usually singular]
used in order to say that something is extremely bad and is not what it is claimed to be:
** Their marriage was a complete travesty.
travesty of:
** O'Brien described his trial as a travesty of justice.

تعبیر هجو آمیز، تقلید مسخره آمیز کردن

walk; trample; (n.) grooved face of a tire; horizontal part of a step


1. step in/on: [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] British English to put your foot on or in something while you are walking [= step]
tread in/on:
** Sorry, did I tread on your foot?
** She trod barefoot on the soft grass.

2. tread carefully/warily/cautiously etc: to be very careful about what you say or do in a difficult situation:
** If I wanted to keep my job, I knew I'd have to tread lightly.

3. to crushgrapes with your feet in order to produce juice for making wine

4. tread a path:[written] to take a particular action or series of actions:
** Getting the right balance between home and work is a difficult path to tread.

5. tread water: to stay floating upright in deep water by moving your legs as if you are riding a bicycleb) to make no progress in a particular situation, especially because you are waiting for something to happen:
** All I could do was tread water until the contracts arrived.

گام برداری، پاگذاشتن، راه رفتن، لگد کردن

keep as precious; cherish


1. [uncountable] a group of valuable things such as gold, silver, jewels etc
buried/hidden/sunken treasure:

2. [countable] a very valuable and important object such as a painting or ancient document:
** The Book of Kells is Trinity College's greatest treasure.

3. [informal] someone who is very useful or important to you:
** Our housekeeper is a real treasure.

گنج، گنجینه، خزانه، ثروت، جواهر، گنجینه اندوختن،گرامی داشتن، دفینه

article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly


[ countable ]
a serious book or article about a particular subject
treatise on:
** a treatise on medical ethics

(Noun) رساله، مقاله، شرح، دانش نویسه، توضیح

travel; journey; (v.) make a long difficult journey


[ countable]
1. a long and difficult journey, made especially on foot as an adventure [= hike]:
** a lonely trek through the forest

2. [informal] a distance that seems long when you walk it:
** I'm afraid it's a bit of a trek to the station.

سفر، کوچ مسافرت باگاری، بازحمت حرکت کردن، باسختی واهستگی مسافرت کردن

trembling; slight quiver (as of the earth or from nervous agitation)


[ countable]
1. a smallearthquake in which the ground shakes slightly:
** an earth tremor

2. a slight shaking movement in your body that you cannot control, especially because you are ill, weak, or upset

( tremour ) لرزش، تکان، جنبش، تپش، رعشه، لرزه

trembling; wavering


shaking slightly, especially because you are nervous:
** a tremulous voice

(Adjective) لرزنده، تحریر دار، لرزش دار، مرتعش، بیمناک

cutting; incisive; keen


expressed very strongly, effectively, and directly without worrying about offending people:
** Stockman became one of the President's most trenchant critics.

(Adjective) برنده، تیز، بران، نافذ، قاطع، قطعی، سخت

fear; nervous apprehension


[ uncountable]
a feeling of anxiety or fear about something that is going to happen:
** With some trepidation, I opened the door.

(Noun) بیم وهراس، اشتفگی، لرزش، رعشه، وحشت

suffering; ordeal; distress; trial


[ uncountable and countable]
serious trouble or a serious problem:
** Even close friends were unaware of the tribulations she faced.

(Noun) محنت، رنج، ازمایش سخت، عذاب، اختلال

court of justice


[ countable]
a type of court that is given official authority to deal with a particular situation or problem:
** The case of your redundancy will be heard by an independent tribunal.

(Noun) دادگاه محکمه، دیوان محاکمات

official of ancient rome elected by the plebians to protect their rights; protector of the people


[ countable]
an official in ancient Rome who was elected by the ordinary people to protect their rights

(Noun) حامی ملت، سکوب سخنرانی، کرسی یآمیز خطابه، منبر،تریبون

tax levied by a ruler; payment made by one nation to another in acknowledgment of submission; mark of respect (such as praise or gift); (ex.) pay tribute to


[ uncountable and countable]
1. something that you say, do, or give in order to express your respect or admiration for someone:
** The players wore black armbands as a tribute to their late teammate.
** I'd like to pay tribute to (=praise and admire publicly) the party workers for all their hard work.

2. be a tribute to somebody/something: to be a clear sign of the good qualities that someone or something has:
** It was a tribute to her teaching methods that so many children passed the test.

3. a payment of goods or money by one ruler or country to another more powerful one, especially in order to be protected

4. floral tribute: British English flowers sent to a funeral

(Noun) باج، خراج، احترام، ستایش، تکریم

flow in drops or in a thin stream; (n.)


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
1. if liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly in drops or in a thin stream
trickle down/into/out:
** The tears trickled down her cheeks.

2. if people, vehicles, goods etc trickle somewhere, they move there slowly in small groups or amounts
trickle in/into/away:
** The first few fans started to trickle into the stadium.

if money trickles down, it moves slowly from the richest people to the poorest people in a society, or from the richest countries to the poorest countries

if money trickles up, it moves slowly from the poorest people to the richest people in a society, or from the poorest countries to the richest countries

چکیدن، چکانیدن، چکه

person who cheats people


[ countable]
someone who deceives or cheats people
confidence trickster: British English
** a slick, fast-talking confidence trickster

(Noun) حقه باز، شیاد، گول زن، نیرنگ باز، بامبول زن

three-pronged spear


[ countable]
1. a weapon with three points that looks like a large fork

2. Trident missile/submarine: a type ofnuclear weapon, or the submarine that shoots it

( tridentate ) نیزه سه شاخه، عصای سه دندانه، سه دندانه ای

something of little importance or value; small amount; (ex.) a trifle; (v.) treat without seriousness; flirt


1. a trifle:[formal] slightly
a trifle eccentric/odd/unexpected etc:

2. [old-fashioned] something unimportant or not valuable:
** There's no point in arguing over trifles.

3. a cold British sweet dish made of layers of cake, fruit, jelly, custard, and cream

چیز جزیی، ناچیز، ناقابل، کم بها، بازیچه قرار دادن، سرسری گرفتن

trivial; unimportant


unimportant or of little value:
** a trifling sum
** matters of trifling importance

(Adjective) ناچیز،جزئی

set off; start


[ countable]
1. the part of a gun that you pull with your finger to fire it
pull/squeeze the trigger:
** He took aim and squeezed the trigger.

2. be the trigger (point) (for something): to be the thing that quickly causes a serious problem:
** The hijacking became a trigger point for military action.

ماشه اسلحه، گیره، سنگ زیر چرخ، چرخ نگه دار، ماشه(چیزی را) کشیدن ماشه، رها کردن، راه انداختن

group of three related works (connected by a shared subject but each complete in itself)


[ countable]
a series of three plays, books etc that are about the same people or subject:
** part 2 of a trilogy

(Noun) سه نمایش تراژدی، گروه سه تایی

make neat or tidy by clipping; reduce by removing what is unnecessary; ornament; decorate (round the edges); (ex.) trim the cost; (ex.) jacket trimmed with fur; n. (adj.) tidy; in good order


[ transitive]
1. cut: to make something look neater by cutting small pieces off it:
** Pete was trimming the lawn around the roses.
** I have my hair trimmed every six weeks.
trim something away/off:
** Trim away any excess glue with a knife.

2. reduce: to reduce a number, amount, or the size of something:
** We need to trim costs by £500m.
** The bill would trim the number of immigrants to the US.
trim something from/off something:
** The company trimmed £46,000 from its advertising budget.

3. decorate: [usually passive] to decorate something, especially clothes, by adding things that look pretty
trim something with something:
** a dress trimmed with lace
** At Christmas, the whole family helps trim the tree.

4. to move the sails of a boat in order to go faster

to make something shorter or smaller:
** Trim the stems back carefully.
** Most airlines have trimmed back their operations.

درست کردن، اراستن، زینت دادن، پیراستن، تراشیدن،چیدن، پیراسته، مرتب، پاکیزه، تر وتمیز، وضع، حالت،تودوزی وتزئینات داخلی اتومبیل

knickknack; bauble; cheap jewelry


[ countable]
a piece of jewellery or a small pretty object that is not valuable

(Noun) گول زنک، چیز کم خرج، جواهر بدلی، دزدکی وزیر جلیکار کردن

hackneyed; commonplace


a trite remark, idea etc is boring, not new, and insincere:
** Her remarks sounded trite and ill-informed.

(Adjective) (عبارت، فکر و غیره) معمولی، عادی، کلیشه‌ای، کهنه، پیش‌پاافتاده


** - a trite idea
** - اندیشه‌ی کهنه و تکراری
** - a trite joke
** - شوخی بی‌مزه

trifles; unimportant matters


[ plural]
1. detailed facts about history, sport, famous people etc:
** a selection of golfing trivia
** a trivia quiz

2. unimportant or useless details:
** meaningless trivia

چیزهای بی اهمیت، ناچیز

pledge of good faith especially in betrothal; betrothal; ex. by my troth


➔ plight your troth: at plight2

(Noun) وفا، وفاداری، پیمان، (م.م.) نامزد کردن، راستی،براستی، از روی ایمان، نامزدی

long narrow container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc.); long narrow depression as between waves


[ countable]
1. a long narrow open container that holds water or food for animals:
** a horse trough

2. a short period of low activity, low prices etc [≠ peak]
trough of:
** The graph showed peaks and troughs of activity.

3. the hollow area between two waves

4. a long area of fairly low pressure between two areas of high pressure

5. have your nose/snout in the trough: British English if people have their noses in the trough, they are involved in something which they hope will get them a lot of money or political power - used to show disapproval

(Noun) ابشخور، سنگاب، تغار

aggressiveness; ferocity; (adj.) truculent: aggressive; pugnacious; fierce

(Noun) ( truculency ) وحشیگری، سبعیت، خشونت

self-evident truth


[ countable]
a statement that is clearly true, so that there is no need to say it:
** His speech was just a collection of clichés and truisms.

(Noun) چیزی که پر واضح است، ابتذال

cut the top off; shorten


[ transitive]
[formal] to make something shorter [= shorten]:
** If the list is too long, it will be truncated by the computer.
** The report is also available in a truncated version.

بی سر کردن، شاخه زدن، ناقص کردن بریدن، کوتاه کردن

main wooden stem of a tree; human body excluding the head and limbs; torso; prehensile nose of an elephant


[ countable]
1. the thick central woody stem of a tree:
** He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk.
trunk of:
** the trunk of an old oak tree

2. the part at the back of a car where you can put bags, tools etc [= boot British English]
** Put your suitcase in the trunk.

3. the very long nose of an elephant

4. a piece of clothing like very short trousers, worn by men for swimming

5. a very large box made of wood or metal, in which clothes, books etc are stored or packed for travel

(Noun) شاه سیم
(Noun) تنه، بدنه، کنده درخت، خرطوم بینی انسان، چمدان بزرگ، صندوق، بدنه ستون

meeting arranged by lovers; arrangement between lovers to meet


[ countable]
a meeting between lovers in a secret place or at a secret time - often used humorously

قرار ملاقات، میعادگاه، نامزدی، قرار ملاقات گذاشتن

(of a part of the body) swollen; distended; bombastic; pompous

(Adjective) ( tumescent ) بادکرده، اماس کرده، اماسیده، ورم کرده، متورم، ورقلنبیده، پراب وتاب، مطنطن

commotion of a great crowd; riot; noise; uproar; adj. tumultuous: noisy and disorderly


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a confused, noisy, and excited situation, often caused by a large crowd [= turmoil]:
** I could simply not be heard in the tumult.
in tumult:
** The whole country is in tumult.

2. a state of mental confusion caused by strong emotions such as anger, sadness etc [= turmoil]

(Noun) هنگامه، همهمه، غوغا، شلوغ، جنجال، اشوب، التهاب،اغتشاش کردن، جنجال راه انداختن

rolling treeless plain in siberia and arctic north america


[ uncountable and countable]
the large flat areas of land in the north of Russia, Canada etc, where it is very cold and there are no trees

(Noun) تندرا، دشت های بی درخت پوشیده از گلسنگ نواحی قطبی

(of a liquid) having the sediment disturbed; muddy; thick


turbid water or liquid is dirty and muddy

(Adjective) گل الود، تیره، کدر، درهم وبرهم، مه الود

state of violent agitation; (adj.) turbulent: violently agitated or disturbed


[ uncountable]
1. irregular and violent movements of air or water that are caused by the wind

2. a political or emotional situation that is very confused:
** A period of political turbulence followed the civil war.

(Noun) ( turbulency ) اشفتگی، اغتشاش، اشوب، گردنکشی، تلاطم

deep dish for serving soup


[ countable]
a large dish with a lid, used for serving soup or vegetables

(Noun) ظرف سوپ خوری، قدح سوپ خوری

swollen; distended (as from liquid)


1. turgid writing or speech is boring and difficult to understand [= dull]:
** a turgid Social Science textbook

2. full and swollen with liquid or air

(Adjective) بادکرده، اماس دار، متورم، متسع، پر طمطراق

extreme confusion; great commotion and confusion; ex. throw the country into turmoil


[ singular, uncountable]
a state of confusion, excitement, or anxiety
political/emotional/economic/religious etc turmoil:
** the prospect of another week of political turmoil
in (a) turmoil:
** Ashley gazed at him, her thoughts in turmoil.

غوغا، ناراحتی، پریشانی، بهم خوردگی، اشفتگی



[ countable]
someone who stops supporting a political party or group and joins the opposing side:
** Casson was publicly criticized as a turncoat and a traitor.

(Noun) کسیکه تغییر مسلک بدهد

depravity; baseness; (ex.) moral turpitude


[ uncountable]
[formal] very immoral behaviour:
** laziness and moral turpitude

(Noun) فساد، پستی، دلواپسی، دنائت ذاتی

guardianship; training; function of a tutor; instruction


[ uncountable]
1. when you are taught or looked after by someone
under somebody's tutelage:
** You can attend embroidery classes under the tutelage of Jocelyn James.

2. responsibility for someone's education, actions, or property:
** parental tutelage

(Noun) للگی، قیمومت، سرپرستی، تعلیم سرخانه

protective; pertaining to a guardianship; (ex.) tutelary deities

دارای قیم یا سرپرست، دارای محافظ وحامی، وابسته بقیمومت، وابسته بسرپرست، قیمومتی

wealthy and powerful businessperson; wealthy leader; magnate; (ex.) business tycoon


[ countable]
someone who is successful in business or industry and has a lot of money and power
media/property/business/newspaper tycoon:
** a multi-millionaire property tycoon

(Noun) سرمایه دار خیلی مهم، ادم بانفوذ وپولدار

tropical hurricane or cyclone


[ countable]
a very violent tropical storm

(Noun) توفان سخت دریای چین، گردباد

oppression; cruel government; (adj.) tyrannical: of a tyrant or tyranny; despotic; (v.) tyrannize: treat tyrannically; oppress


[ uncountable and countable]
1. cruel or unfair control over other people:
** Gorky was often the victim of his grandfather's tyranny.
** the fight against tyranny

2. cruel and unfair government:
** organizations which have criticized the tyrannies of the government

3. tyranny of the majority: the idea that if everyone has the right to vote, they will make decisions which will harm the country

4. something in your life that limits your freedom to do things the way you want to
tyranny of:
** the tyranny of the nine-to-five working day

(Noun) حکومت ستمگرانه، حکومت استبدادی، ستمگری، ظلم، ستم،جور ( jovr )، ظلم وستم

beginner; novice

(Noun) مبتدی، تازه کار، نوچه
(Noun) ( tiro ) (م.م.) نوچه، نواموز، تازه کار، مبتدی،کاراموز

being everywhere; omnipresent; (n.) ubiquity


seeming to be everywhere - sometimes used humorously:
** Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days.
** a French film, starring the ubiquitous Gérard Depardieu

(Adjective) (م.م.) حاضر، همه جا حاضر، موجود درهمه جا

sore place appearing on the skin inside or outside the body; (ex.) stomach ulcer; (adj.) ulcerous; (v.) ulcerate


[ countable]
a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may bleed or produce poisonous substances:
** stomach ulcers

(Noun) (پزشکی) زخم، قرحه، زخم معده، قرحه دار کردن یا شدن،ریش کردن، ریش

intentionally hidden; beyond what is evident; situated beyond; unstated and often questionable; (ex.) ulterior motive


ulterior motive/purpose etc: a reason for doing something that you deliberately hide in order to get an advantage for yourself:
** He's just being nice. I don't think he has any ulterior motives.

(Adjective) بعدی، انطرف، در درجخ دوم اهمیت، نهان

final; not susceptible to further analysis; fundamental; ex. the sun is the ultimate source of energy.


[ only before noun]
1. someone's ultimate aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope to achieve in the future [= final]
ultimate goal/aim/objective etc:
** Complete disarmament was the ultimate goal of the conference.
** Our ultimate objective is to have as many female members of parliament as there are male.

2. the ultimate result of a long process is what happens at the end of it:
** The ultimate outcome of the experiment cannot be predicted.
** The ultimate fate of the tribe was even sadder.
** the ultimate failure of the project

3. if you have ultimate responsibility for something, you are the person who must make the important final decisions about it:
** The ultimate responsibility for policy lies with the President.
** The ultimate decision rests with the Public Health Service.

4. better, bigger, worse etc than all other things or people of the same kind:
** 'The Rolling Stones' is the ultimate rock and roll band.
** The female nude is surely the ultimate test of artistic skill.

نهایی، اجل، اخر، غایی، بازپسین، دورترین

last demand; last warning; last statement of conditions that must be met; (ex.) they have ignored our ultimatum.


[ countable]
a threat saying that if someone does not do what you want by a particular time, you will do something to punish them:
** Well, give him an ultimatum: either he pays by Friday or he finds somewhere else to live.
** The army issued an ultimatum for all weapons in the city to be surrendered on Oct. 26.

(Noun) اتمام حجت، اخرین پیشنهاد، قطعی، غایی، نهایی

resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult; ex. take umbrage at his rudeness


take umbrage (at something): to be offended by something that someone has done or said, often without good reason

(Noun) سایه، تاری، تاریکی، سایه شاخ و برگ، سوظن، نگرانی، رنجش

unexplicable; impossible to account for; unreasonable or mysterious


1. very surprising and difficult to explain:
** the unaccountable shyness she always felt in Louise's presence
** For some unaccountable reason, he arrived a day early.

2. not having to explain your actions or decisions to anyone else [≠ accountable]
unaccountable to:
** Doctors still remain largely unaccountable to the public.

(Adjective) توضیح ناپذیر، غیر مسئول، غیر قابل توصیف، عریب،مرموز

complete agreement; (adj.) unanimous


[ uncountable]
[formal] a state or situation of complete agreement among a group of people

(Noun) اتفاق ارا هم اوازی، هم رایی، یکدلی

not open to attack; impregnable; not subject to question


not able to be criticized, made weaker, or beaten:
** an unassailable argument
** The party's position looked unassailable.
** The result gave the team an unassailable lead.

(Adjective) یورش ناپذیر، بی تردید، غیر قابل بحث، غیرقابل حمله

unsatisfied; not soothed

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

modest; (ex.) the champion’s unassuming manner


showing no desire to be noticed or given special treatment [= modest]

(Adjective) فروتن، بی ادعا، افتاده، بی تصنع، بی تکلف، ساده

violent; uncontrolled; (ex.) unbridled rage/greed


not controlled and too extreme or violent:
** unbridled greed

(Adjective) ول،بی لجام،خودسر

strange; mysterious; (ex.) uncanny knack


very strange and difficult to explain:
** an uncanny coincidence

(Adjective) غیر طبیعی، غریب، وهمی، جدی، زیرک

not done politely without due formalities

(Adjective) ساده، بی تشریفات، بی تعارف، بی نزاکت

unscrupulous; not guided by conscience; excessive; beyond reason; (ex.) unconscionable demand


much more than is reasonable or acceptable:
** The war caused an unconscionable amount of suffering.

(Adjective) غیر معقول، گزاف، خلاف وجدان، بی وجدان

boorish; clumsy in speech or behavior; outlandish


behaving and speaking in a way that is rude or socially unacceptable

زشت، ناهنجار، ناسترده، ژولیده، نامربوط

the act of anointing with oil; (ex.) extreme unction

(Noun) روغن مالی، مرهم گذاری، تدهین، روغن، مرهم، مداهنه،چرب زبانی، حظ، تلذذ، نرمی، لینت

oily; bland; insincerely suave


too friendly and praising people too much in a way that seems very insincere

(Adjective) چرب، روغنی، چرب و نرم، مداهنه آمیز

done slyly and secretly (being dishonest)


dishonest and done secretly:
** They did it all in such an underhand way.
** He's been involved in some underhand dealings.

نهانی، زیر جلی، حقه بازی، تقلب و تزویر

done slyly and secretly (being dishonest)

(Adjective) رجوع شود به: short-handed
(Adjective) مخفیانه، زیر جلی، در نهان، فریبکارانه، نابکار، نابکارانه، ترفند آمیز، محیلانه


** - his underhanded comments
** - اظهارات محیلانهی او
(Adjective) وابسته به پرتاب از زیر

** - an underhanded throw
** - پرتاب (توپ) از زیر

lying below; fundamental


underlying cause/principle/problem etc: the cause, idea etc that is the most important, although it is not easily noticed:
** the underlying causes of her depression
** There is an underlying assumption that younger workers are easier to train.

(Adjective) در زیر قرار گرفته، اصولی یا اساسی، متضمن

weaken gradually; sap; dig a mine beneath


[ transitive]
to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective:
** economic policies that threaten to undermine the health care system
undermine somebody's confidence/authority/position/credibility etc:
** The constant criticism was beginning to undermine her confidence.

(Verb - transitive) تحلیل بردن، از زیر خراب کردن، نقب زدن

underline; emphasize


[ transitive]
1. to emphasize the fact that something is important or true [= underline]

2. to draw a line under a word or phrase to show that it is important [= underline]

خط یا علامتی زیرچیزی کشیدن، تاکید، زیرین خط

state with less truth than seems warranted by the facts; (ex.) he understated the seriousness of the crime; (n.) understatement; op. overstate


[ transitive]
to describe something in a way that makes it seem less important or serious than it really is [≠ overstate]:
** The press have tended to understate the extent of the problem.

حقیقت را اظهار نکردن، دست کم گرفتن

funeral director; one whose business is to arrange burials


[ countable]
someone whose job is to arrange funerals [= funeral director American English]

(Noun) ( undertaking ) کسیکه کفن و دفن مرده را بعهده میگیرد، مقاطعه کارکفن ودفن، متعهد، کسیکه طرح یا کاری رابعهده میگیرد، جواب گو، مسئول، کارگیر

moving with a wavelike motion; (v.) undulate; cf. und: wave

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.

dig up; discover (facts) by careful searching; ex. he unearthed some secrets about her; op. conceal


[ transitive]
1. to find something after searching for it, especially something that has been buried in the ground or lost for a long time:
** Farmers still sometimes unearth human bones here.
** In one shop, I unearthed a wonderful collection of 1920s toys.

2. to find information or the truth about something or someone:
** The inquiry unearthed some disturbing evidence.

(Verb - transitive) از زیرخاک در اوردن، افتابی کردن، از لانه بیرون کردن، از زیردراوردن، حفاری کردن

not earthly; supernatural; weird; ghostly


1. very strange and unnatural, and probably frightening:
** His eyes shone with an unearthly light.

2. unearthly hour/time etc:[informal] very early or very late and therefore extremely inconvenient:
** He suggested a meeting at some unearthly hour of the morning.

(Adjective) عجیب و غریب، غیرزمینی

plain; clear; obvious


completely clear and without any possibility of doubt:
** His answer was an unequivocal 'No.'

(Adjective) روشن، غیر مبهم، صریح، اشتباه نشدنی، بدون ابهام

infallibly; (adj.) unerring: making no mistakes

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.

entirely acceptable; not offering any basis for criticism

(Adjective) استثنا ناپذیر، بیعیب، انتقاد ناپذیر

steadfast; firm; not changing


strong, determined, and not becoming weaker:
** unfaltering confidence

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.

genuine; real

واقعی، حقیقی، تقلبی، بدون تصنع، اصیل

liberate; free from chains; (v.) unfetter

(Verb - transitive) از قید رها شدن، از زنجیرآزاد شدن

immature; not having the feathers necessary to fly; (cf.) fledgling

(Adjective) خام دست، پر در نیآورده، کاملا رشد نکرده، نابالغ،نارسا

defrock; strip a priest or minister of church authority


[ transitive usually in passive]
to remove someone from their position as a priest as a punishment for behaviour or beliefs that the church does not approve of

(Verb - transitive) خلع لباس کردن، از کسوت روحانی خارج شدن

(of someone) awkward in movement; clumsy; (of something) unwieldy; (ex.) ungainly dancer/instrument


moving in a way that does not look graceful:
** a tall ungainly teenager

زمخت و غیرجذاب، زشت، بی لطف، ناازموده، بیحاصل،بدون سود



[ countable]
an oily substance used on your skin [= ointment]

(Noun) روغن، خمیر، مرهم

sameness; monotony; (adj.) uniform: the same all over


[ uncountable]
the quality of being or looking the same as all other members of a group:
** There seems to be no uniformity among the various systems.

(Noun) یکریختی، یکنواختی، یکسانی، متحدالشکلی

one-sided; involving or affecting only one side; (ex.) unilateral declaration


a unilateral action or decision is done by only one of the groups involved in a situation [↪ bilateral, multilateral]:
** a unilateral declaration of independence
unilateral disarmament: (=when one country gets rid of its own nuclear weapons without waiting for other countries to do the same)

(Adjective) یکجانبه
(Adjective) یک ضلعی، یکطرفه، یک جانبه، تک سویه، یک سویه
(Adjective) یکجانبه

that cannot be impeached; beyond doubt or question; blameless and exemplary


so good or definite that criticism or doubt is impossible:
** unimpeachable morals

غیر قابل سرزنش، بری از اتهام

unrepressed; free in behavior and feelings


confident or relaxed enough to do or say what you want to:
** uninhibited laughter

(Adjective) بی پروا، بی پرده، بی آزرم
(Adjective) رک، صریح، رک و راست


لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

without an equal; single in kind


[ no comparative]
1. [informal] unusually good and special:
** a unique opportunity to study these rare creatures

2. being the only one of its kind:
** Each person's fingerprints are unique.

3. unique to somebody/something: existing only in a particular place or in relation to a particular person or people:
** The issues being discussed here are not unique to the US.

یکتا، یگانه، منحصر به فرد بیتا، بی همتا، بی مانند، بی نظیر

unity of pitch (in musical performance); complete accord; (ex.) the choir sang in unison.


in unison:a) if two groups, governments etc do something in unison, they do it together because they agree with each other:
** Management and workers must act in unison to compete with foreign business.

(Noun) هماوایی، هم اهنگی، هم صدایی، یک صدایی، اتحاد،اتفاق

characterizing or affecting all; general; present everywhere; of the universe; cosmic; (ex.) universal agreement; (ex.) a subject of universal interest


1. involving everyone in the world or in a particular group:
** free universal health-care
** These stories have universal appeal.
** a topic of universal interest
** a democracy based on universal suffrage (=when every adult has the right to vote)

2. true or suitable in every situation:
** a universal truth

فراگیر، جامع، عمومی، جهانی کلی، عمومی، عالمگیر، جامع، جهانی، همگانی فراگیر، جامع، عمومی، جهانی

disheveled; uncared for in appearance; not combed; (cf.) comb


unkempt hair or plants have not been cut and kept neat

(Adjective) شانه نکرده، ژولیده، نامرتب، ناهنجار، خشن، ناسترده

(of something bad) not moderated; unrelieved or immoderate; without qualification; absolute; ex. unmitigated disaster


an unmitigated disaster/failure/pleasure etc: something that is completely bad or good

(Adjective) کامل، کاسته نشده، تخفیف نیافته

inconspicuous; not blatant


not easily noticed:
** The staff are trained to be unobtrusive.

(Adjective) محجوب، فاقد جسارت

having no previous example; novel; unparalleled


never having happened before, or never having happened so much:
** He took the unprecedented step of stating that the rumours were false.
** Crime has increased on an unprecedented scale.
unprecedented in:
** an event that is unprecedented in recent history

(Adjective) بی سابقه، بی مانند، جدید، بی نظیر



not very attractive or noticeable:
** Despite his unprepossessing appearance, he was very popular with women.

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.

disentangle; solve


1. [transitive] to understand or explain something that is mysterious or complicated:
** Detectives are still trying to unravel the mystery surrounding his death.

2. [intransitive and transitive] if you unravel threads, string etc, or if they unravel, they stop being twisted together

3. [intransitive] if a system, plan, organization etc unravels, it starts to fail:
** The company started to unravel when two of the directors were arrested.

از همباز کردن، از گیر در اوردن، حل کردن

making no attempt to change one’s bad practices

دوباره ساخته نشده، دوباره حیات نیافته، دوباره بنا نشده، دوباره تولید نشده، گناهکار( unregenerated )

not requited; not reciprocated; (ex.) unrequited love


unrequited love or other strong feeling is love etc that you feel for someone but that they do not feel for you

(Adjective) بدون تلافی یا عمل متقابل

disobedient; lawless; difficult to control


1. violent or difficult to control [= wild]:
** unruly children
** unruly behaviour

2. unruly hair is difficult to keep tidy

(Adjective) سرکش، یاغی، متمرد، مضطرب، متلاطم

distasteful; disagreeable; morally offensive; ex. unsavory activity/reputation

(Adjective) بی مزه، بدبو، بد مزه، ناگوار، ناخوش ایند

unharmed; (ex.) escape the accident unscathed


[ not before noun]
not injured or harmed by something
escape/emerge unscathed:
** He escaped unscathed from the accident.
** The government was relatively unscathed by the scandal.

(Adjective) صدمه ندیده، خسارت ندیده، زخمی نشده

unbecoming; not proper in behavior; indecent; ex. leave with unseemly haste


unseemly behaviour is not polite or not suitable for a particular occasion:
** Ann thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in public.

نازیبا، ناشایسته، بدمنظر، بعید، بطور نازیبا

ugly; unpleasant to look at


ugly or unpleasant to look at:
** unsightly buildings
** unsightly marks

(Adjective) ناخوشایند، بدمنظر، کریه، بدنما

untarnished; (cf.) sully


not spoiled by anything

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

(of a position, esp. in an argument) indefensible; not able to be maintained


1. an untenable situation has become so difficult that it is impossible to continue:
** The scandal put the President in an untenable position.

2. an untenable argument, suggestion etc is impossible to defend

(Adjective) غیرقابل دفاع، اشغال نشدنی، غیر قابل اشغال

unexpected and adverse; unfortunate or unlucky; ex. untoward encounter


[formal] unexpected, unusual, or not wanted
anything/nothing untoward:
** I walked past but didn't notice anything untoward.

(Adjective) تبه کار، فاسد، خود سر - نامساعد، بدامد، نامناسب

unjustified; having no justification; groundless; baseless; undeserved


done without good reason, and therefore annoying:
** unwarranted interference

(Adjective) ( unwarrantable ) غیرقابل ضمنانت، توجیه نکردنی، بیجا

awkward (to carry or move); cumbersome; unmanageable


1. an unwieldy object is big, heavy, and difficult to carry or use

2. an unwieldy system, argument, or organization is difficult to control or manage because it is too complicated:
** unwieldy bureaucracy

(Adjective) سنگین، گنده، بدهیکل، دیر جنب، صعب

not knowing; unaware; unintentional; (ex.) she was their unwitting accomplice; (ex.) unwitting insult; cf. wit: know

(Adjective) بی خبر، بی اطلاع، بی توجه، بی هوش، غیرعمدی

unaccustomed; unusual; (ex.) he arrived with unwonted punctuality.


[ only before noun]
[formal] unusual and not what you expect to happen:
** unwonted freedom

(Adjective) غیرمعتاد، غیر عادی

reprimand; severely scold


[ transitive]
to tell someone angrily that they have done something wrong

(Verb - transitive) سرزنش کردن، متهم کردن، ملامت کردن

(sitting or standing) straight up; honest; moral


1. standing or sitting straight up
sit/stand/walk upright:
** The chimpanzee stood upright and grasped the bars of its cage.
** Katie was still awake, sitting bolt upright (=sitting with her back very straight) staring at the television.
pull/push/draw etc yourself upright:
** He pulled himself upright and faced me.

2. placed in a vertical position (=pointing in a line that is at an angle of 90° to a flat surface):
** Your seat should be in the upright position when the plane is landing.
** Keep the bottle upright.

3. always behaving in an honest way:
** He was a good honest upright man.

راست، عمودی، درست، درستکار، نیکو کار، راد قائم، راست قائم، راست

noisy confusion


[ singular, uncountable]
a lot of noise or angry protest about something
be in (an) uproar:
** The house was in an uproar, with babies crying and people shouting.

(Noun) هنگامه، غوغا، بلوا، داد وبیداد، غریو، شورش، همهمه

marked by commotion or uproar; very noisy (esp. with laughter); hilarious; causing loud laughter; extremely funny


very noisy, because a lot of people are laughing or shouting:
** an uproarious party

(Adjective) پرغوغا، پرصدا، پر همهمه، پرسروصدا

outcome; final result


the upshot (of something): the final result of a situation:
** The upshot was that after much argument they all agreed to help her.

(Noun) نتیجه، حاصل، خلاصه، اخرین شماره، سرانجام

suave; refined in manner; elegant


behaving in a relaxed and confident way in social situations:
** Neil was urbane, witty, direct, and honest.

(Adjective) مودب، خلیق، مقرون به ادب، مودبانه

mischievous child (usually a boy); (cf.) urchin: hedgehog; (cf.) porcupine: pig with spikes ?; (cf.) sea urchin


[ countable]
a poor dirty untidy child

(Noun) بچه بد ذات، بچه شیطان، جوجه تیغی، جن

drive or force forward (by causing impulses); drive to take action; impel; entreat earnestly; (ex.) urge horses; n: impulse that prompts action


[ transitive]
1. to strongly suggest that someone does something
urge somebody to do something:
** I got a note from Moira urging me to get in touch.
urge that:
** He urged that a referendum should be held by December.
urge something on/upon somebody:
** I have urged upon him the need for extreme secrecy.
** The charity urged quick action.

2. [formal] to make someone or something move by shouting, pushing them etc
urge somebody/something forward:
** He urged her forward, his hand under her elbow.
urge somebody into/towards something:
** She began urging him towards the front door.

to encourage a person or animal to work harder, go faster etc:
** Urged on by the crowd, the Italian team scored two more goals.

اصرار کردن، با اصرار وادار کردن، انگیختن، تسریع شدن، ابرام کردن، انگیزش

compelling immediate action; pressing; persistent; importunate; (ex.) urgent in his demands


1. very important and needing to be dealt with immediately:
** He was in urgent need of medical attention.
** The report called for urgent action to reduce lead in petrol.
** an urgent message

2. [formal] done or said in a way that shows that you want something to be dealt with immediately:
** an urgent whisper

(Adjective) فوری، ضروری، مبرم، اصرار کننده
(Adjective) مبرم
(Adjective) مبرم

bearlike; pertaining to a bear

(Adjective) خرس مانند، شبیه خرس

act or manner of using; accepted practice; way in which words are actually used


1. the way that words are used in a language:
** a book on modern English usage

2. [uncountable] the way in which something is used, or the amount of it that is used:
** Water usage is increasing.

(Noun) عادت، رسم، معمول، عرف، استعمال، کاربرد
(Noun) استفاده، کاربرد
(Noun) استفاده، کاربرد

seize another’s power or rank (without legal authority); supplant; appropriate; (n.) usurpation; (cf.) take for one’s own use


[ transitive]
[formal] to take someone else's power, position, job etc when you do not have the right to:
** There were a couple of attempts to usurp the young king.

غصب کردن، بزور گرفتن، ربودن

lending money at illegal high rates of interest


[ uncountable]
the practice of lending money to people and making them pay interest1 (4):
** In medieval times, it was illegal for Christians to practise usury.

(Noun) رباخواری، تنزیل خواری، حرام خواری

ideal place, state, or society; (adj.) utopian


[ uncountable and countable]
an imaginary perfect world where everyone is happy [↪ dystopia]

(Noun) دولت یا کشور کامل و ایده الی، مدینه فاضله

excessively submissive or devoted to one’s wife; (cf.) uxor: wife

(Adjective) زنپرست، عیال پرست، بنده و مطیع عیال خود

waver (in opinion); fluctuate; sway to and fro; n. vacillation


[ intransitive]
to continue to change your opinions, decisions, ideas etc [= waver]
vacillate between:
** Her parents vacillated between different approaches to discipline.

دودل بودن، دل دل کردن، تردید داشتن، مردد بودن،نوسان کردن، جنبیدن، تلوتلو خوردن

empty; lacking in ideas; inane; stupid; (ex.) vacuous expression; (n.) vacuity


showing no intelligence or having no useful purpose:
** a vacuous expression
** a vacuous romantic novel

(Adjective) تهی، خالی، بی مفهوم، پوچ، کم عقل، بیمعنی

wanderer (without a permanent home); tramp


[ countable]
someone who has no home and travels from place to place [= tramp]

(Noun) ولگرد، ولگردی کردن، دربدر، خانه بدوش، بیکاره

capricious happening; caprice; whim; (cf.) wander

(Noun) خیالپرستی، تخیلات، هوی و هوس، بوالهوسی

homeless wanderer


[ countable]
someone who has no home or work, especially someone who begs[= tramp]

ادم اواره و ولگرد، دربدر، اوباش

full of self-admiration; conceited; without result; unsuccessful; (n.) vanity


1. someone who is vain is too proud of their good looks, abilities, or position - used to show disapproval [= conceited]:
** Men can be just as vain as women. ➔ see usage note proud

2. in vain:a) without success in spite of your efforts:
** Police searched in vain for the missing gunman.b) without purpose or without positive results:
** Altman swore that his son's death would not be in vain. ➔ take somebody's name in vain: at name1 (12)

3. a vain attempt, hope or search fails to achieve the result you wanted
vain attempt/effort/bid:
** The young mother died in a vain attempt to save her drowning son.

4. vain threat/promise etc:[literary] a threat, promise etc that is not worrying because the person cannot do what they say they will

بیهوده، عبث، بیفایده، باطل، پوچ، ناچیز، جزیی، تهی، مغرور، خودبین، مغرورانه، بطور بیهوده

boastful; excessively conceited; (n.) vainglory: great vanity


too proud of your own abilities, importance etc

(Adjective) لافزن، خودستا، از روی خودستایی

saying farewell; expression of leave-taking


[ uncountable and countable]
the act of saying goodbye, especially in a formal speech

(Noun) خداحافظی، وداع، بدورد، خطابه تودیعی

pertaining to farewell; (n.) farewell address (esp. at graduation exercises)


[ countable]
a speech or statement in which you say goodbye when you are leaving a school, job etc, especially on a formal occasion

تودیعی، وداعی، مربوط به خداحافظی

logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; effective; ex. valid reasoning/passport


1. a valid ticket, document, or agreement is legally or officially acceptable [≠ invalid]:
** a valid credit card
** Your return ticket is valid for three months.

2. valid reason/argument/criticism etc: a reason, argument etc that is based on what is reasonable or sensible:
** Police officers must have a valid reason for stopping motorists.

3. a valid password, ID etc is one that will be accepted by a computer system[≠ invalid]

(Adjective) معتبر، صحیح
قوی، سالم، معتبر، قانونی، درست، صحیح، دارای اعتبار، موثر
(Adjective) معتبر، صحیح

make valid; confirm; ratify


[ transitive]
1. [formal] to prove that something is true or correct, or to make a document or agreement officially and legally acceptable [= confirm]:
** The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
** Many scientists plan to wait until the results of the study are validated by future research.

2. to make someone feel that their ideas and feelings are respected and considered seriously:
** Talking with people who think like you helps validate your feelings.

3. American English if a business validates a ticket from a parking garage, it puts a special mark on it, showing that it will pay the parking costs

(Verb - transitive) معتبرساختن، قانونی کردن، قانونی شناختن، نافذشمردن، تنفیذ کردن
(Verb - transitive) معتبر ساختن، تایید اعتبار
(Verb - transitive) معتبر ساختن، تایید اعتبار

bravery; (adj.) valiant: possessing valor; brave

(Noun) ( valor ) دلیری، شجاعت، دلاوری، ارزش شخصی و اجتماعی،ارزش مادی، اهمیت

ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living


[ countable]
in stories, a dead person that sucks people's blood by biting their necks

(Noun) ( vamp ) روح تبهکاران و جادوگران که شب هنگام از قبر بیرون آمده و خون اشخاص را میمکد، خون اشام

forerunners; foremost position of an army; advance forces; foremost position in a trend or movement; cf. rearguard


1. in/at the vanguard (of something): in the most advanced position of development:
** The shop has always been in the vanguard of London fashion trends.

2. the vanguard: the leading position at the front of an army or group of ships moving into battle, or the soldiers who are in this position

(Noun) جلو دار، پیش لشگر، پیشتاز، پیشقرال

position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point); (cf.) vantage point

(Noun) برتری، بهتری، مزیت، تفوق، فرصت

lacking liveliness; dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless; (ex.) vapid lecture


lacking intelligence, interest, or imagination:
** vapid conversation

(Adjective) بیمزه، خنک، مرده، بیروح، بی حس، بی حرکت

turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)


[ intransitive and transitive]
to change into a vapour, or to make something, especially a liquid, do this

تبخیر کردن، تبخیر شدن، بخارشدن

change the appearance of (by marking with different colors)

(Verb - transitive) رنگارنگ کردن، خال خال کردن، جورواجور کردن، متنوع کردن

(esp. of a flower or leaf) many-colored


1. a variegated plant, leaf etc has different coloured marks on it:
** variegated grasses

2. [formal] consisting of a lot of different types of thing

(Adjective) رنگارنگ، الوان، چندرنگه، ملون، چندرنگ، چندفام، متلون


** - a variegated tulip
** - لالهی چندرنگ
(Adjective) متنوع، چندگونه، چندسان، گوناگون، مختلف، جورواجور، مختلف

** - a variegated crowd
** - یک جماعت جوراجور

paint used to coat a surface with a glossy film; glossy coating produced by using this substance; (ex.) nail varnish; (v.)


[ uncountable and countable]
a clear liquid that is painted onto things, especially things made of wood, to protect them, or the hard shiny surface produced by this

لاکالکل، لاکالکل زدن به، جلازدن به، جلادادن، لعاب زدن به، دارای ظاهرخوب کردن، صیقلی کردن، جلا، صیقل

in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord; subordinate or dependent


[ countable]
1. a man in the Middle Ages who was given land to live on by a lord in return for promising to work or fight for him

2. a country that is controlled by another country:
** a vassal state

(حق. - قدیم انگلیس) خراجگزار، همبیعت بالرد، تبعه،بنده، غلام، رعیت

boasted; bragged; highly publicized; (v.) vaunt: boast; brag


a plan, system, achievement etc that is vaunted is praised or talked about too much and in a way that is too proud:
** There's little sign that the much-vaunted IT investment is pulling France out of recession.

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:
** vaunt

change in direction; swerve


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition]
1. to change direction
veer off:
** A tanker driver died when his lorry veered off the motorway.
** The plane veered off course.
** Follow the path and veer left after 400m.
** The wind was veering north.

2. if opinions, ideas, attitudes etc veer in a particular direction, they gradually change and become quite different:
** This latest proposal appears to veer in the direction of Democratic ideals.
** The conversation veered back to politics.

تغییرجهت دادن، تغییر عقیده دادن، برگشت، گشت،انحراف، تغییر مسیر

live in a monotonous way (without interests or activity); (cf.) vegetation: plants of an area; (cf.) vegetarian; cf. vegan


[ intransitive]
to live without doing much physical or mental activity and to feel bored as a result:
** I was determined when I retired that I wasn't just going to vegetate.

روییدن، مثل گیاه زندگی کردن

forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor; strong; (n.) vehemence


showing very strong feelings or opinions
vehement opposition/criticism/hostility etc:
** Despite vehement opposition, the Act became law.
** Despite her vehement protests, he pulled her inside.

(Adjective) ( vehemently ) تند، شدید، با حرارت زیاد، غضبناک



1. [technical] the speed of something that is moving in a particular direction:
** the velocity of light
** The speedboat reached a velocity of 120 mph.
** a high velocity bullet

2. [uncountable] a high speed:
** Martinez had good velocity on his fastball.

(Noun) تندی، سرعت، سرعت سیر، شتاب، تندی برحسب زمان

capable of being bribed; corrupt; (cf.) vernal


willing to use power and influence in a dishonest way in return for money:
** our venal politicians

(Adjective) پولی، پول بگیر، پست، فروتن، رشوه خوار

blood feud (esp. between two families); (cf.) nina williams


1. [countable] a situation in which one person or group tries for a long time to harm another person
vendetta against:
** He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
** the victim of a political vendetta

2. [uncountable and countable]a long violent argument between two groups or people, especially one that is about something that happened in the past [= feud]:
** The two sides have been engaged in a bitter private vendetta.
vendetta between:
** vendettas between rival gangs

(Noun) دشمنی خونی خانوادگی، انتقام گیری



[ countable]
1. someone who sells things, especially on the street
news vendor/ice-cream vendor etc:
** He bought a copy from a newspaper vendor.
** the shouts of street vendors

2. [formal][law] someone who is selling something:
** leading software vendors

(Noun) دستفروش، فروشنده

thin surface layer (of good quality wood, glued to a base of inferior material); cover; surface show; fac¸ade; (v.)


1. a thin layer of wood or plastic that covers the surface of a piece of furniture made of cheaper material, to make it look better
walnut/maple/oak etc veneer:

2. a veneer of politeness/sophistication etc:[formal] behaviour that hides someone's real character or feelings:
** A thin veneer of politeness hid Lady Bride's growing anger.

روکش، چوب مخصوص روکش مبل و غیره، لایه نازک چوب،جلا ، روکش زدن به

deserving high respect; commanding respect; cf. command: deserve and get


1. [formal] a venerable person or thing is respected because of their great age, experience etc - often used humorously:
** venerable financial institutions
** the venerable guitarist Pat Martino
** a venerable tradition

2. the Venerable ...:a) in the Roman Catholic religion, the title given to a dead person who is holy but not yet a saintc) in the Buddhist religion, the title given to a monk

(Adjective) محترم، معزز، قابل احترام، ارجمند، مقدس

revere; treat with great respect


[ transitive]
to honour or respect someone or something because they are old, holy, or connected with the past:
** a symbol of Arab courage, to be venerated for generations
venerate somebody as something:
** These children are venerated as holy beings.

(Verb - transitive) ستایش و احترام کردن، تکریم کردن

(of a fault or sin) forgivable; trivial


a venial fault, mistake etc is not very serious and can be forgiven:
** a venial sin

(Adjective) قابل عفو، قابل اغماض، بخشیدنی، گناه صغیر

meat of a deer; (cf.) cow: beef; (cf.) pig: pork, ham, bacon; (cf.) calf: veal; (cf.) sheep: mutton; (cf.) lamb: lamb


[ uncountable]
the meat of a deer

(Noun) گوشت گوزن، گوشت اهو، شکارگوزن واهو

poison (of an animal); hatred; (ex.) remarks full of venom; (adj.) venomous


[ uncountable]
1. great anger or hatred [= malice]:
** There was real venom in her voice.
** a look of pure venom

2. a liquid poison that some snakes, insects etc produce when they bite or sting you:
** The viper paralyses its prey by injecting it with venom.

(Noun) زهر، سم، زهر مار و عقرب و غیره، کینه، مسموم کردن،مسموم شدن

release or discharge through a vent; express (esp. unfairly); utter; (ex.) he vented his wrath on his family.


[ countable]
1. a hole or pipe through which gases, liquid etc can enter or escape from an enclosed space or container:
** a blocked air vent
** a volcanic vent

2. give vent to something:[formal] to do something violent or harmful to express feelings of anger, hatred etc:
** Children give vent to their anger in various ways.
** He knew that if he gave full vent to his feelings, it would upset Joanna.

3. a thin straight opening at the bottom of the back or side of a jacket or coat

4. [technical] the small hole through which small animals, birds, fish, etc pass waste matter out of their bodies

(Noun) هواکش، دریچه، دررو


** - each room has an air-conditioning vent
** - هر اتاق یک هواکش تهویه‌ی مطبوع دارد
** - the cars vent could be closed
** - می‌توان هواگیرهای اتومبیل را بست
(Noun) سوراخ، منفذ

** - the gases found vent through fissures in the rock
** - گازها از طریق درزهای صخره خارج می‌شد
(Noun) (در ماهی، پرنده و غیره) مخرج، سوراخ کون، کون
(Verb - transitive) (خشم و غیره) بیرون ریختن، خالی کردن، نشان دادن

** - vent something on somebody/something
** - سر کسی خالی کردن
** - give (full) vent to something
** - (خشم، احساسات) بیرون ریختن، جلوی چیزی/کسی را ول کردن، (نعره، فریاد) از جگر کشیدن، (آه) از دل کشیدن
** - give vent to one's feelings
** - دل خود را خالی کردن، دق دل خود را خالی کردن
** - vent one's rage/wrath/spleen
** - خشم خود را بیرون ریختن، دق دل خود را خالی کردن
(Noun) (خیاطی) چاک

admit fresh air into to replace stale air


[ transitive]
1. to let fresh air into a room, building etc
well-ventilated/poorly ventilated etc:
** a well-ventilated kitchen

2. to pump air into and out of someone's lungs, using a special machine:
** Both patients are sedated and ventilated.

3. [formal] to express your opinions or feelings about something:
** The important thing is to ventilate your anger.

(Verb - transitive) بادخور کردن، تهویه کردن، هوا دادن به، پاک کردن


(Adjective) شکمی، واقع بر روی شکم

someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing (without moving lips or jaws); (n.) ventriloquism, ventriloquy


[ countable]
someone who entertains people by speaking without moving their lips and making it seem that the words are spoken by a model of a person called adummy

(Noun) ( ventriloquistic ) (درخمیه شب بازی وغیره) کسیکه بجای عروسک یاجانوری تکلم کند

risk; expose to risk; dare; undertake a risk; (n.)


[ countable]
a new business activity that involves taking risks
business/commercial venture:
joint venture: (=when two companies do something together)

جرات، جسارت، مخاطره، معامله قماری، اقدام بکارمخاطره آمیز، مبادرت، ریسک، اقدام یا مبادرت کردن به

(of a person) bold; adventurous; daring; (of an action) risky


willing to take risks [= daring]

(Adjective) مخاطره آمیز، با تهور، خطرناک، پرمخاطره

location; place (of a crime, trial, gathering, etc.); cf. come


[ countable]
a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes place
sporting/conference/concert etc venue:
** The first thing to do is book a venue.
** The band will play (=perform at) as many venues as possible.
venue for:
** the venue for the latest round of talks

(Noun) آمدن، اغاز، حمله، (حقوق) محل وقوع جرم یا دعوی، محل دادرسی، حوزه صلاحیت دادگاه

(of a person) truthful

(Adjective) راستگو، درست، حقیقی، واقعی

truthfulness; adherence to the truth


[ uncountable]
the fact of being true or correct [= truth]
veracity of:
** Has anyone checked the veracity of these allegations?

(Noun) راستگویی، صداقت، راستی، صحت

put into words; (adj.) verbal: of words; spoken rather than written; oral; of a verb


[ intransitive and transitive]
to express something in words [= articulate]:
** Urge your child to verbalize his feelings.

تبدیل به فعل کردن، وراجی کردن، بصورت شفاهی بیان کردن، لفاظی کردن

word for word; in the same words; repeating the actual words exactly


repeating the actual words that were spoken or written [= word-for-word]
verbatim account/quote/report etc:
** a verbatim account of our conversation
** Their stories were taped and transcribed verbatim.

لفظ بلفظ، کلمه بکلمه، تحت اللفظی

pompous array of words; too many unnecessary words; wordiness


[ uncountable]
speech or writing that has many unnecessary words in it:
** meaningless verbiage

(Noun) اطناب، لفاظی، درازگویی، سخن پردازی

wordy; (n.) verbosity


using or containing too many words:
** For once, his usually verbose wife was content to listen.
** Legal writing is often unclear and verbose.

(Adjective) دراز، مطول، دراز نویس، درازگو، پرگو

green; covered with green plants or grass; lush in vegetation; (ex.) verdant meadows


verdant land is thickly covered with fresh green plants:
** verdant fields

(Adjective) سبز رنگ، پوشیده از سبزه، بیتجربه

green coating or patina on copper which has been exposed to the weather


[ uncountable]
a greenish-blue substance that sometimes appears on copper or brass

(Noun) زنگار، زنگار مس، زنگ مس (استات مس)

border; edge, rim, or margin; (ex.) on the verge of: very near to; (v.) border on


[ countable]
1. be on the verge of something: to be at the point where something is about to happen:
** Jess seemed on the verge of tears.
** an event which left her on the verge of a nervous breakdown
** Mountain gorillas are on the verge of extinction.
be on the verge of doing something:
** The show was on the verge of being canceled due to low ratings.

2. British English the edge of a road, path etc:
** The car skidded across the road and came to a stop on the grass verge.

کنار، لبه، مشرف، نزدیکی، حدود، حاشیه، نزدیک شدن،مشرف بودن بر

having the appearance of truth or reality; probable or likely to be true; plausible

(Adjective) محتمل، بظاهر درست و حقیقی، دارای ظاهر حقیقی

appearance of truth; quality of appearing to be true or real; likelihood; (ex.) verisimilitude of her performance as lady macbeth


[ uncountable]
the quality of being true or real:
** questions about the verisimilitude of the document

(Noun) راست نمایی، احتمال، شباهت به واقعیت

being truly so; real or genuine; actual; not false or imaginary


[ only before noun]
a word used to emphasize a description of someone or something [= real]:
** The area is a veritable paradise for those who love walking and swimming.

(Adjective) واقعی، بتحقیق، بحقیقت، قابل اثبات حقیقت

quality of being true; lasting truth or principle; ex. the verity of his testimony; (ex.) one of the eternal verities


[ countable usually plural]
an important principle or fact that is always true [= truth]:
** the eternal verities of life

(Noun) واقعیت، صدق، راستی، صحت، حقیقت، سخن راست، چیزواقعی

living language (as compared to the official language); language spoken in a country or region; natural style; (ex.) lapse into the vernacular


[ countable usually singular]
1. a form of a language that ordinary people use, especially one that is not the official language
in the vernacular:
** Galileo wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.
** He lapsed into the local vernacular (=language spoken in a particular area).

2. a style of building, music, art etc that is suitable for ordinary people

بومی، محلی، کشوری، زبان بومی، زبان مادری

pertaining to spring


[ only before noun]
relating to the spring:
** the vernal equinox

بهاری، ربیعی، شبیه بهار، باطراوت چون بهار

having many talents; capable of working in many fields; having many uses or functions; (n.) versatility


1. someone who is versatile has many different skills:
** a very versatile performer
** a more versatile workforce

2. having many different uses:
** The potato is an extremely versatile vegetable.

(Adjective) تطبیق پذیر، همه کاره
(Adjective) تطبیق پذیر، همه کاره
(Adjective) دارای استعداد و ذوق، روان، سلیس، گردان، متحرک،متنوع و مختلط، چندسو گرد

having a backbone or spinal column; (n.) group of animals having a segmented spinal column


[ countable]
a living creature that has a backbone [↪ invertebrate]

( vertebral ، vertebra ) استوی، مهره، فقره، (کالبد شناسی)استخوانهای مهره، بندها

summit; highest point; pl. vertices


[ countable]
the point where two lines meet to form an angle, especially the point of a triangle

(Noun) راس، تارک
(Noun) نوک، سر، تارک، فرق، قله، راس
(Noun) راس، تارک

severe dizziness; giddiness


[ uncountable]
a feeling of sickness and dizziness caused by looking down from a high place

(Noun) سرگیجه، دوران، دوار سر، چرخش بدور

enthusiasm (as in artistic performance or composition); liveliness; vigor


[ uncountable]
energy, excitement, or great pleasure
with verve:
** Cziffra played the Hungarian dances with great verve.

(Noun) ذوق، حرارت، استعداد، زنده دلی، سبک روحی

trace; remains; (ex.) vestiges of some ancient religion


[ countable]
1. a small part or amount of something that remains when most of it no longer exists [= trace]
vestige of:
** The new law removed the last vestiges of royal power.

2. the smallest possible amount of a quality or feeling
vestige of:
** There's not a vestige of truth in the story.

(Noun) ( vestigial ) نشان، اثر، جای پا، ردیا، ذره، خرده،بقایا

vested power to reject a bill; exercise of this right; v: prevent or forbid by exercising the power of veto


[ transitive]
1. if someone in authority vetoes something, they refuse to allow it to happen, especially something that other people or organizations have agreed
veto legislation/a measure/a proposal etc:
** President Bush vetoed the bill on July 6.

2. to refuse to accept a particular plan or suggestion:
** Jenny wanted to invite all her friends, but I quickly vetoed that idea.

(Noun) حق رد، رد، منع، نشانه مخالفت، رای مخالف، رد کردن،قدغن کردن، رای مخالف دادن

annoy; distress


[ transitive]
to make someone feel annoyed or worried

ازردن، رنجاندن، رنجه دادن، خشمگین کردن

capable of maintaining life; feasible; practical or workable; (ex.) viable scheme


1. a viable idea, plan, or method can work successfully
viable alternative/proposition/option etc:
** The committee came forward with one viable solution.
economically/commercially/financially viable:
** Will a hotel here be financially viable?

2. [technical] able to continue to live or to develop into a living thing:
** viable seeds

(Adjective) زنده ماندنی، زیست پذیر، ماندنی، قابل دوام، مناسبرشد و ترقی

food; (cf.) live

(Noun) غذا، خواربار، خوراک، ماکولات، گوشت

full of vigor or energy; vibrating


1. full of activity or energy in a way that is exciting and attractive [= lively]:
** Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.
** She was sixteen, young and vibrant.

2. a vibrant colour is bright and strong:
** a painting full of vibrant reds and blues

مرتعش، لرزان، به تپش در امده، در حال جنبش، تکریری، پرطراوت و چالاک

parish priest; representative


[ countable]
a priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a church in a particular area

(Noun) کشیش بخش، جانشین، قائم مقام، نایب مناب، معاون،خلیفه

experienced as if one were taking part in the experience of another; done by a deputy for other people; acting as a substitute; (ex.) vicarious thrill at the movies; (ex.) the vicarious sufferings of christ


[ only before noun]
experienced by watching or reading about someone else doing something, rather than by doing it yourself
vicarious pleasure/satisfaction/excitement etc:
** the vicarious pleasure that parents get from their children's success

نیابتی، به نیابت قبول کردن، جانشین

change (esp. from good to bad); change of fortune; (cf.) the last emperor of china

(Noun) تحول، دگرگونی، تغییر، فراز و نشیب زندگی

food; provisions; (v.) victual: provide with food


[ plural]
food and drink

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:

contend; compete


[ intransitive]
to compete very hard with someone in order to get something
vie for:
** Simon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner.
vie with:
** There are at least twenty restaurants vying with each other for custom.
vie to do something:
** All the photographers vied to get the best pictures.

رقابت کردن، هم چشمی کردن، رقیب شدن

keeping watch (during normal sleeping hours); ex. all-night vigil


[ uncountable and countable]
1. a period of time, especially during the night, when you stay awake in order to pray, remain with someone who is ill, or watch for danger:
** Eva and Paul kept a constant vigil by their daughter's hospital bedside.

2. a silent political protest in which people wait outside a building, especially during the night
silent/candlelit vigil:
** 2000 demonstrators held a candlelit vigil outside the embassy.

(Noun) شب زنده داری، احیا، دعای شب

watchful; on the alert; watchfully awake; alert to spot danger; (n.) vigilance


giving careful attention to what is happening, so that you will notice any danger or illegal activity:
** Please remain vigilant at all times and report anything suspicious.

(Adjective) مراقب، هوشیار، گوش بزنگ، بیدار، حساس

one who without authority assumes law enforcement powers


[ countable]
someone who illegally punishes criminals and tries to prevent crime, usually because they think the police are not doing this effectively

(Noun) پارتیزان یا متعصب سیاسی یا مذهبی

small drawing placed at the beginning or end of a chapter; picture; short literary sketch; short written description of a character or scene


[ countable]
1. a short description in a book or play showing the typical features of a person or situation

2. a small picture or design at the beginning or end of a book or chapter

عکس، تصویر، شکل

active strength; energy; enthusiasm; (adj.) vigorous


the American spelling of vigour

(Noun) ( vigour ) قدرت، نیرومندی، زور، نیرو، انرژی، توان

despicable; unpleasant; disgusting; (ex.) vile slander


1. [informal] extremely unpleasant or bad [= horrible]:
** This coffee tastes really vile.
** a vile smell
** She has a vile temper.

2. evil or immoral:
** a vile act of betrayal

(Adjective) پست، فرومایه، فاسد، بداخلاق، شرماور، زننده

slander; speak evil of; (n.) vilification


[ transitive]
[formal] to say or write bad things about someone or something
vilify somebody/something for (doing) something:
** Johnson was vilified in the press for refusing to resign.

بدنام کردن، بدگویی کردن، بهتان زدن

clear from blame; free from blame or accusation (with supporting proof); exonerate; substantiate; justify or support; avenge; (ex.) vindicate one’s client; (ex.) vindicate one’s claim; (cf.) vindicator


[ transitive]
1. to prove that someone who was blamed for something is in fact not guilty:
** The charges are false, and we are sure we will be vindicated in court.

2. to prove that someone or something is right or true [= justify]:
** The decision to advertise has been vindicated by the fact that sales have grown.

(Verb - transitive) حمایت کردن از، پشتیبانی کردن از، دفاع کردن از،محقق کردن، اثبات بیگناهی کردن، توجیه کردن

disposed to revenge; vengeful; out for revenge; spiteful; intended to cause harm; malicious; (ex.) vindictive streak


unreasonably cruel and unfair towards someone who has harmed you:
** a bitter and vindictive old man

(Adjective) کینه جو، انتقامی، تلافی کننده، (م.م.) انتقام، تلافی

wine merchant; winemaker; seller of wine


[ countable]
[formal] someone who buys and sells wines

(Noun) عمده فروش شراب

break (a law); defile; desecrate; assault sexually; ex. violate graves


[ transitive]
1. to disobey or do something against an official agreement, law, principle etc:
** 34 protesters were arrested for violating criminal law.
** regimes that violate human rights

2. to do something that makes someone feel that they have been attacked or have suffered a great loss of respect:
** Victims of burglaries often feel personally violated.
** The media regularly violates people's privacy.

3. [formal] to break open a grave, or force your way into a holy place without showing any respect:
** Vandals had violated the graveyard.

4. [literary] to force a woman to have sex [= rape]

تجاوز کردن به، شکستن، نقض کردن، هتک احترام کردن،بی حرمت ساختن، مختل کردن

poisonous snake


[ countable]
1. a small poisonous snake

2. [literary] someone who behaves in an unpleasant way and harms other people

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) افعی، تیره مار، تیرمار، ادم خائن و بدنهاد،شریر

manly; having masculine spirit or strength; full of strength


having or showing traditionally male qualities such as strength, courage etc - use this to show approval [↪ macho]

(Adjective) مردانه، دارای نیروی مردی، دارای رجولیت

in essence; existing in essence though not in actual form; for practical purposes; (ex.) virtual ruler/space


[ only before noun]
1. very nearly a particular thing:
** Car ownership is a virtual necessity when you live in the country.
** Finding a cheap place to rent is a virtual impossibility in this area.

2. made, done, seen etc on the Internet or on a computer, rather than in the real world:
** The website allows you to take a virtual tour of the art gallery.
** constructing virtual worlds

(Adjective) مجازی
(Adjective) واقعی، معنوی، موجود بالقوه، تقدیری

goodness; moral excellence; good quality; advantage; ex. by virtue of; (ex.) make a virtue of necessity


1. [formal] moral goodness of character and behaviour [≠ vice]:
** Women have often been used as symbols of virtue.

2. [countable] a particular good quality in someone's character [≠ vice]:
** Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.

3. [uncountable and countable] an advantage that makes something better or more useful than something else
virtue of:
** Adam Smith believed in the virtues of free trade.
** Wilkins is now extolling (=praising very much) the virtues of organic farming.

4. by virtue of something:[formal] by means of, or as a result of something:
** She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.

5. make a virtue of necessity: to get an advantage out of doing something that you have to do

(Noun) تقوا، پرهیزکاری، پاکدامنی، عفت، خاصیت

highly skilled artist (esp. in music); (ex.) piano virtuoso


[ countable]
someone who is a very skilful performer, especially in music:
** violin virtuoso Stephane Grappelli

(Noun) هنرشناس، خوش قریحه، دارای ذوق هنری، هنرمند

(of a disease or poison) extremely harmful or poisonous; (of a feeling) hostile; bitter; (n.) virulence; (cf.) virus; (cf.) venom


1. a poison, disease etc that is virulent is very dangerous and affects people very quickly [≠ mild]:
** a particularly virulent form of influenza

2. [formal] full of hatred for something, or expressing this in a strong way - used to show disapproval:
** virulent anti-Semitism

(Adjective) زهراگین، سم دار، تلخ، تند، کینه جو، بدخیم

disease communicator


1. a very small living thing that causes infectious illnesses:
** children infected with the Aids virus
** a virus infection

2. a set of instructions secretly put onto a computer or computer program, which can destroy information. When a computer that has a virus makes a connection with another computer, for example by email, the virus can make copies of itself and move to the other computer

3. [countable] a program that sends a large number of annoying messages to many people's mobile phones in an uncontrolled way

(Noun) (کامپیوتر) ویروس
(Noun) (پزشکی) ویروس
(Noun) (صفت گونه) ویروسی
(Noun) (محاوره) بیماری ویروسی
(Noun) (مجازی) شائبه
(Noun) (قدیمی) زهر، سَم، شرنگ

face; appearance


[ countable]
a face

(Noun) رخسار، رخ، چهره، رو، صورت، لقا، سیما، منظر، نما

felt in one’s inner organs; (n.) viscera: internal body organs; (cf.) eviscerate


1. [literary] visceral beliefs and attitudes are the result of strong feelings rather than careful thought:
** his visceral hatred of the ruling class

2. [medical] relating to the viscera

(Adjective) وابسته به امعا و احشا، اندرونهای، احشایی، آگنهای
(Adjective) فطری، غریزی، ویری، سرشتی


** - a visceral reaction
** - واکنش فطری
(Adjective) از ته دل، با تمام وجود، درونی

** - intense visceral delight
** - لذت شدید درونی

adhesive; gluey



(Adjective) چسبناک، چسبنده، غلیظ وشیره مانند

(of a liquid) thick and sticky; gluey; viscid; (cf.) consistency


[technical] a viscous liquid is thick and sticky and does not flow easily:
** As the liquid cools, it becomes viscous.

(Adjective) چسبناک

vice; tool for holding work in place; clamping device


the American spelling of vice

پرس، گیره نجاری، گیره اهنگری، در پرس قراردادن

eyesight; foresight; mental image produced by the imagination; experience of seeing the supernatural


1. [uncountable] ability to see [= sight]:
** She suffered temporary loss of vision after being struck on the head.
** Tears blurred her vision (=made it difficult for her to see).
good/normal/poor etc vision:
** children who are born with poor vision
twenty-twenty/20-20 vision: (=the ability to see perfectly)
night vision: (=the ability to see when it is dark)

2. [uncountable] the area that you can see:
** a figure at the edge of her vision
somebody's field/line of vision: (=the area someone is able to see without turning their head)
** As the cars overtake you, they are temporarily outside your field of vision.

3. [countable] an idea of what you think something should be like
vision of:
** He had a clear vision of how he hoped the company would develop.
vision for:
** The President outlined his vision for the future.
grand/powerful/original etc vision:
** a grand vision for the country

4. have visions of something: if you have visions of something happening, especially something bad, you imagine it happening:
** I had visions of the kids getting lost and getting abducted by some weirdo.

5. [countable] something that you seem to see as part of a powerful religious experience:
** She had a vision in which Jesus appeared before her.
in a vision:
** He became a monk after seeing Saint Apollinaris in a vision.

دید، بینایی، رویا، خیال، تصور، دیدن، یا نشان دادن(دررویا)، منظره، وحی، الهام، بصیرت

produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical; showing foresight; (n.) one having foresight; one given to speculative impractical ideas


1. having clear ideas of what the world should be like in the future:
** Under his visionary leadership, the city prospered.

2. existing only in someone's mind and unlikely to ever exist in the real world

رویایی، خیالی، تصور غیر عملی، نظری، وابسته بدلایل نظری، روی ابین، الهامی، رویا گرای

full of life; animated; vibrant and lively; critical; of great importance; necessary to stay alive; of life; living; breathing; (n.) vitality; (v.) vitalize


1. extremely important and necessary for something to succeed or exist [= crucial]COLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
absolutely vital:
it is vital that:
it is vital to do something:
of vital importance: (=very important)
play a vital role/part (in something):
vital part/piece/element/component/ingredient:
vital information/evidence/clue:
** The work she does is absolutely vital.
vital to:
** These measures are vital to national security.
vital for:
** Regular exercise is vital for your health.
it is vital (that):
** It is vital that you keep accurate records.
it is vital to do something:
** It is vital to keep accurate records.
** It is vital to be honest with your children.
** The tourist industry is of vital importance to the national economy.
** Richardson played a vital role in the team's success.
** The samples could give scientists vital information about long-term changes in the earth's atmosphere.

2. full of energy in a way that is exciting and attractive:
** Rodgers and Hart's music sounds as fresh and vital as the day it was written.

3. necessary in order to keep you alive:
** the body's vital processes
** vital organs (=heart, lungs etc)

4. vital signs:[medical] the signs that show someone is alive, for example breathing and body temperature

حیاتی، واجب حیاتی، واجب حیاتی، وابسته بزندگی، واجب، اساسی

spoil the effect of; make inoperative; corrupt morally


[ transitive]
to make something less effective or spoil it

(Verb - transitive) فاسد کردن، تباه کردن، معیوب ساختن، خراب کردن،ناپاک ساختن، فاسد شدن، تباه شدن، بلااثر کردن

of glass; pertaining to or resembling glass; (v.) vitrify: change into glass; (cf.) petrify


made of or looking like glass

(Adjective) شیشه ای، زجاجی، شبیه شیشه، زرق و برق

causing sharp pain to the mind; caustic; corrosive; sarcastic; of vitriol; (n.) vitriol: sulphuric acid (which burns flesh deeply); bitterly abusive expression; caustic expression; (cf.) glass


vitriolic language, writing etc is very cruel and angry towards someone:
** vitriolic remarks

(Adjective) ( vitriol ) نمک جوهرگوگرد، زاج، توتیا، سخن تند،جوهرگوگرد (اسیدسولفوریک) زدن به، تند و سوزنده

abusive; scolding; (v.) vituperate: berate; scold; rail against abusively


full of angry and cruel criticism [= vicious]:
** vituperative comments

بدزبان، فحاش، وابسته به ناسزاگویی

lively or animated; sprightly


someone, especially a woman, who is vivacious has a lot of energy and a happy attractive manner - used to show approval [= lively]:
** a vivacious personality

(Adjective) با نشاط، سرزنده، مسرور، دارای سرور و نشاط

(of light or color) bright and distinct; evoking lifelike mental images; (ex.) vivid red hair/description


1. vivid memories, dreams, descriptions etc are so clear that they seem real [≠ vague]:
** I've got vivid memories of that summer.
** He had a vivid picture of her in his mind.

2. vivid imagination: an ability to imagine unlikely situations very clearly

3. vivid colours or patterns are very bright:
** his vivid blue eyes

(Adjective) روشن، واضح، زنده

act of dissecting living animals


[ uncountable]
the practice doing medical or scientific tests on live animals

(Noun) ( vivisectional ) زنده شکافی، تشریح جانور زنده،کالبد شکافی موجود زنده

female fox; ill-tempered woman; (cf.) shrew


[ countable]
1. a female fox

2. [literary] an offensive word for a woman who is bad-tempered or who fights

روباه ماده، (مجازا) زن شرور، زن پتیاره

clamorous; noisy; (v.) vociferate: cry out loudly (when complaining)


expressing your opinions loudly and strongly:
** a vociferous opponent of the plan
vociferous in:
** The minority population became more vociferous in its demands.

(Adjective) پر صدا، بلند، پر سروصدا

popular fashion; (ex.) jeans became the vogue.


[ countable usually singular, uncountable]
a popular and fashionable style, activity, method etc [= fashion]
vogue for:
** the vogue for large families in the pre-war years
be in vogue/be the vogue:
** Short skirts are very much in vogue just now.
** Suntanning first came into vogue in the mid-1930s.

رسم معمول، رواج، عادت، مرسوم، مد، متداول، عمومی و رایج

changeable; of a quickly changing nature (as of temper); mercurial; tending to violence; evaporating rapidly; (ex.) volatile character/situation in the street


1. a volatile situation is likely to change suddenly and without warning:
** an increasingly volatile political situation
** the highly volatile stock and bond markets

2. someone who is volatile can suddenly become angry or violent

3. [technical] a volatile liquid or substance changes easily into a gas

فرار( farraar )، بخارشدنی، سبک، لطیف فرار فرار

act of using one’s will; act of making a conscious choice; (ex.) she selected this dress of her own volition.


[ uncountable]
1. of your own volition:[formal] if you do something of your own volition, you do it because you want to, not because you are forced to:
** Helena left the company of her own volition.

2. [formal] the power to choose or decide something without being forced to do it

(Noun) خواست، اراده، از روی قصد و رضا، از روی اراده

simultaneous discharge of a number of shots; (v.)


[ countable]
1. a large number of bullets, rocks etc shot or thrown through the air at the same time
volley of:
** a volley of bullets

2. a lot of questions, insults, attacks etc that are all said or made at the same time
volley of:
** a volley of abuse

3. a hit in tennis, a kick in football etc when the player hits or kicks the ball before it touches the ground

شلیک، تیرباران، شلیک بطور دسته جمعی، شلیک کردن،بصورت شلیک درکردن، رگبار

fluent; talkative; glib; (n.) volubility


talking a lot or talking quickly:
** Clarissa was extremely voluble on the subject of good manners.

(Adjective) پر حرف، روان، سلیس، چرب و نرم، خوش زبان

having great volume (as of a garment or container); bulky; large


1. a voluminous piece of clothing is very large and loose - often used humorously:
** a voluminous cloak

2. voluminous books, documents etc are very long and contain a lot of detail:
** He took voluminous notes during the lecture.

3. a voluminous container is very large and can hold a lot of things:
** a voluminous suitcase

(Adjective) حجیم، بزرگ، جسیم، متراکم، انبوه، مفصل

sensual; of or giving sensual pleasure; indulging in sensual pleasures; (ex.) voluptuous lines; (ex.) voluptuous life of the romans; (n.) voluptuary: voluptuous person


1. a woman who is voluptuous has large breasts and a soft curved body

2. expressing strong sexual feeling or sexual pleasure:
** a voluptuous gesture

3. [literary] something that is voluptuous gives you pleasure because it looks, smells, or tastes good:
** the voluptuous fragrance of a summer garden

(Adjective) شهوتران، شهوت پرست، شهوت انگیز، شهوانی

religion practiced chiefly in haiti


[ uncountable]
magical beliefs and practices used as a form of religion, especially by people in Haiti

(Noun) ( voudou ) جادوگر سیاه پوست، افسونگر، جادوگری،افسون کردن

ravenous; eating large quantities of food; exceedingly eager; insatiable; (ex.) voracious animal/ reader


1. eating or wanting large quantities of food:
** Pigs are voracious feeders.
** Kids can have voracious appetites.

2. having an extremely strong desire to do or have a lot of something:
** a voracious reader
** Her appetite for information was voracious.

(Adjective) سبع، پرخور، حریص، پرولع، خیلی گرسنه

whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; predicament into which one is inexorably plunged


[ countable]
1. a mass of wind or water that spins quickly and pulls things into its centre

2. [written] a situation that has a powerful effect on people's lives and that influences their behaviour, even if they do not want it to
vortex of:
** the vortex of emotions surrounding the case

(Noun) گرداب، حلقه، پیچ، گردبادی

give a personal guarantee; (ex.) i can vouch for his integrity; (n.) voucher


1. to say that you firmly believe that something is true or good because of your experience or knowledge of it:
** I'll vouch for the quality of the report. I read it last night.
** 'Where were you on the night of the murder?' 'In bed with flu. My wife can vouch for that.'

2. to say that you believe that someone will behave well and that you will be responsible for their behaviour, actions etc:
** Why don't you phone my office? They'll vouch for me.

ضمانت کردن، اطمینان دادن، تایید کردن

grant condescendingly; guarantee; (ex.) vouchsafe your fair return on your investment


[ transitive]
to promise or offer something, or tell someone something that they can be certain is the truth

(Verb - transitive) تفویض کردن، لطفا حاضر شدن، پذیرفتن، تسلیم شدن،عطاکردن، بخشیدن، اعطا کردن

peeping tom; person who derives sexual gratification from observing the sexual acts of others


[ countable]
1. someone who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching other people's sexual activities

2. someone who enjoys watching other people's private behaviour or suffering

(Noun) نگاه کننده، فضول، اطفا کننده شهوت بانگاه

of the common people; deficient in refinement; not refined; coarse; (ex.) vulgar display of wealth; (n.) vulgarism: vulgarity; crudely indecent word;


1. remarks, jokes etc that are vulgar deal with sex in a very rude and offensive way

2. not behaving politely in social situations [= uncouth]:
** vulgar behaviour

3. not showing good judgment about what is beautiful or suitable:
** a vulgar check suit

(Adjective) عوامانه، عامیانه، پست، رکیک، مبتذل

susceptible to wounds or attack; (n.) vulnerability


1. someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt:
** He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.
** We work mainly with the elderly and other vulnerable groups.
be vulnerable to something:
** Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home.

2. a place, thing, or idea that is vulnerable is easy to attack or criticize
vulnerable to:
** The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north.
** Their theories were badly thought out and very vulnerable to ridicule.

(Adjective) زخم پذیر، اسیب پذیر، قابل حمله
(Adjective) اسیب پذیر

like a fox; crafty


relating tofoxes, or similar to a fox

(Adjective) روباه صفت، محیل، نیرنگ باز، حیله گر

carrion-eating birds


[ countable]
1. a large bird that eats dead animals

2. someone who uses other people's problems and suffering for their own advantage - used to show disapproval:
** He hadn't been dead five minutes before those vultures from the media were after his widow.

(Noun) (جانورشناسی) کرکس، لاشخور صفت، حریص

contending; (cf.) vie


the present participle of vie

(وجه وصفی معلوم فعل vie )، همچشمی، رقابت کننده

walk through a substance, such as water, that impedes movement


[ intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]
to walk through water that is not deep

1. to enter a discussion, argument etc in a forceful and annoying way, often without thinking about the possible results:
** I wish you wouldn't always wade in with your opinion.

2. to move forward and attack someone:
** The police waded into the crowd swinging sticks.

to read or deal with a lot of boring papers or written work:
** Each day Parkin wades through lengthy court reports.

بهاب زدن، بسختی رفتن، در اب راه رفتن

speak equivocally about an issue; (n.)


1. [countable] a flat cake, marked with a pattern of deep squares

2. [informal] talk or writing that uses a lot of words but says nothing important

کلوچه یا نانپخته شده در قالب های دو پارچه اهنی

move gently (in air or in seas) by wind or waves; ex. leaves wafting past the window


1. [intransitive,transitive always + adverb/preposition] if a smell, smoke, or a light wind wafts somewhere, or if something wafts it somewhere, it moves gently through the air
waft up/through/over etc:
** Cooking smells wafted up from downstairs.

2. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if sounds waft somewhere, you hear them there and they are pleasant but not very loud
waft up/through/over etc:
** The sound of laughter wafted through the open window.

روی هوا یا اب شناور ساختن، وزش نسیم، بهوا راندن،بحرکت در اوردن

shake repeatedly from side to side; (ex.) the dog wagged its tail; (n.) humorous person; wit


1. if a dog wags its tail, or if its tail wags, the dog moves its tail many times from one side to the other

2. [transitive] to move your finger or head from side to side, especially to show disapproval:
** 'You naughty girl!' Mom said, wagging her finger at me.

جنباندن، تکان دادن، تکان خوردن، جنبیدن، تکان

begin and continue (a war)


1. money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work [↪ salary]:
** He earns a good wage.
wage increase: also
wage rise: British English
** The wage increases will come into effect in June.
daily/weekly etc wage:
** a weekly wage of $250
wage levels/rates: (=fixed amounts of money paid for particular jobs) ➔ see usage note pay2

2. a living wage: money you earn for work that is enough to pay for the basic things that you need to live:
** The church no longer paid a living wage.

3. wage freeze: an action taken by a company, government etc to stop wages increasing

4. wage claim: the amount of money asked for by workers as an increase in wages

مزد، دستمزد، اجرت، کار مزد، دسترنج، حمل کردن، جنگبر پا کردن، اجیر کردن، اجر

humorous; mischievous; tricky


a waggish person makes clever and amusing jokes, remarks etc

(Adjective) شوخ و شنگ، شوخ، بذله گو، خنده دار، مهمل، الواط

homeless child or animal; (ex.) waifs and strays


[ countable]
1. someone, especially a child, who is pale and thin and looks as if they do not have a home

2. waifs and strays: children or animals who do not have a home:
** She loved cats, and would take any waifs and strays into her home.

(Noun) مال بی صاحب (در دریا)، مال متروکه، بچه بی صاحب،ادم دربدر، بچه سر راهی

give up temporarily; yield; (n.) waiver: waiving a right or claim; document that waives a right or claim


[ transitive]
to state officially that a right, rule etc can be ignored:
** She waived her right to a lawyer.

(Verb - transitive) چشم پوشیدن از، از قانون مستثنی کردن

trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has gone before; (ex.) hunger followed in the wake of the war


[ intransitive and transitive]
to stop sleeping, or to make someone stop sleeping:
** When she woke, the sun was streaming through the windows.
** Try not to wake the baby.
wake to:
** Nancy woke to the sound of birds outside her window (=she heard birds singing when she woke).

1. to stop sleeping, or to make someone stop sleeping:
** James usually wakes up early.
wake somebody ↔ up:
** I'll wake you up when it's time to leave.

2. to start to listen or pay attention to something:
** Wake up (=give me your attention) at the back there!

3. wake up and smell the coffee:[spoken] used to tell someone to recognize the truth or reality of a situation

to start to realize and understand a danger, an idea etc:
** It's time you woke up to the fact that it's a tough world.

(Noun) بیداری، شب زنده داری، شب نشینی، احیا ، شب زنده داری کردن، از خواب بیدار کردن، رد پا، دنباله کشتی

roll in mud; indulge in; (of a ship) roll in a rough sea; become helpless; (ex.) wallow in the mud/luxury


[ intransitive]
1. wallow in self-pity/despair/defeat etc: to seem to enjoy being sad etc, especially because you get sympathy from other people - used to show disapproval:
** He'd been feeling sorry for himself, wallowing in self-pity.

2. if an animal or person wallows, it rolls around in mud, water etc for pleasure or to keep cool:
** hippos wallowing in the mud

3. if a ship or boat wallows, it moves with difficulty through a rough sea

غلتیدن، در گل و لای غوطه خوردن

having a pale or sickly color; pallid


looking pale, weak, or tired:
** She gave a wan smile.

( wand ) رنگ پریده، کم خون، زرد، کم رنگ، رنگ پریده شدن یا کردن

strong longing to travel


[ singular, uncountable]
a strong desire to travel to different places

(Noun) (المانی) علاقهمند به سیاحت، سفر دوستی

decrease in size or strength (after being full); grow gradually to an end; (ex.) the moon waxes and wanes every month; (n.)


[ intransitive]
1. if something such as power, influence, or a feeling wanes, it becomes gradually less strong or less important:
** My enthusiasm for the project was waning.
** The group's influence had begun to wane by this time.

2. when the moon wanes, you gradually see less of it [↪ wax]

رو بکاهش گذاشتن، نقصان یافتن، کم شدن، افول، کم وکاستی، وارفتن، به اخر رسیدن

achieve by cleverness or trick; wiggle out; fake; ex. she tried to wangle an invitation to the party.


[ transitive]
[informal] to get something, or arrange for something to happen, by cleverly persuading or tricking someone
wangle something (out of somebody):
** In the end she wangled an invitation.
wangle your way out of/into something:
** I wangled my way into art school.

تلولو خوردن، به حیله متوسل شدن، لرزاندن

unrestrained; gratuitously cruel; willfully malicious; unchaste; sexually improper; promiscuous; (ex.) wanton spending/killing; (cf.) having no just cause


1. deliberately harming someone or damaging something for no reason:
** an act of wanton aggression
** a wanton disregard for life

2. [old-fashioned] a wanton woman is considered immoral because she has sex with a lot of men

3. [formal] uncontrolled:
** wanton growth

سرکش، حرف نشنو، بازیگوش، خوشحال، عیاش، گستاخ،جسور، شرور شدن، گستاخ شدن، بی ترتیب کردن،شهوترانی کردن، افراط کردن

(of a bird) sing; babble; (n.)


1. to sing with a high continuous but quickly changing sound, the way a bird does

2. to sing, especially not very well - used humorously:
** Mills warbled a few notes.

سراییدن، چه چه زدن، سرود، چهچه

administrative division of a city; division in a hospital or prison; incompetent person placed under the protection of a guardian; (v.) guard; ward off: avert


[ countable]
1. a large room in a hospital where people who need medical treatment stay
maternity/general/geriatric etc ward: (=a ward for people with a particular medical condition)
on/in the ward:
** a young nurse in her first day on the wards
** the other patients in the ward

2. one of the small areas that a city has been divided into for the purpose of local elections [↪ constituency]

3. someone, especially a child, who is under the legal protection of another person or of a law court:
** She was made a ward of court.

نگهبان، سلول زندان، اطاق عمومی بیماران بستری،صغیری که تحت قیومت باشد، محجور، نگه داری کردن،توجه کردن

twist out of shape; (n.)


1. [intransitive and transitive] if something warps, or if heat or cold warps it, it becomes bent or twisted, and loses its original shape:
** The door must be warped. It won't close properly.

2. [transitive] to influence someone in a way that has a harmful effect on how they think or behave:
** You mustn't allow your dislike of her to warp your judgement.

تار (در مقابل پود)، ریسمان، پیچ و تاب، تاب دارکردن، منحرف کردن، تاب برداشتن

justification; written order that serves as authorization (esp. a judicial writ); (ex.) search/death warrant; v: justify; guarantee


1. a legal document that is signed by a judge, allowing the police to take a particular action
warrant for:
** The magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest. ➔ death warrant, search warrant

2. [countable] an official document giving someone the right to do something, for example buy shares in a company:
** The company issued warrants for 300,000 shares.

3. [formal] no warrant for (doing) something: no good reason for doing something:
** There is no warrant for copying other people's work.

سند عندالمطالبه، گواهی کردن، تضمین کردن، گواهی، حکم

justified; authorized

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:
** warrantwarrantee
** warranty

guarantee; assurance by seller


[ countable]
a written agreement in which a company selling something promises to repair it if it breaks within a particular period of time
under warranty:
** The car is still under warranty.
** a three-year warranty

(Noun) پابندان، گارانتی، ضمانت، امر مورد تعهد یا تضمین،تضمین، تعهد

tunnels in which rabbits live; overcrowded living area; crowded conditions in which people live


[ countable]
1. the underground home of rabbits

2. a place with so many streets, rooms etc that it is difficult to find the place that you want:
** a warren of tiny streets

(Noun) جای نگاه داری خرگوش و جانوران دیگر

very cautious; watchful


someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be dangerous or harmful
be wary of (doing) something:
** I'm a bit wary of driving in this fog.
wary of:
** We must teach children to be wary of strangers.
** Keep a wary eye on the weather before you set sail.
** She had a wary expression on her face.

(Adjective) بسیار محتاط، با ملاحظه، هشیار

waster; profligate


[ countable]
[literary] a lazy person who does not try to achieve anything in life

(Noun) ادم ولخرج، متلف، ادم بی معنی

move or swing back and forth; be uncertain or unsteady in decision or movement; (ex.) wavering between accepting and refusing


[ intransitive]
1. to become weaker or less certain:
** Her voice wavered uncertainly.
** The students' attention did not waver.
waver in:
** Harris never wavered in his loyalty.
waver from:
** We were determined not to waver from our goals.

2. to not make a decision because you have doubts:
** Shareholders who were wavering met the directors.
waver between something and something:
** The party wavered between free trade and protectionism.

3. to move gently in several different directions:
** The candle flame wavered, throwing shadows on the wall.

متزلزل شدن، فتور پیدا کردن، دو دل بودن، تردید پیدا کردن، تبصره قانون، نوسان کردن

increase gradually (as the moon); grow


[ uncountable]
1. a solid substance made of fat or oil and used to make candles, polish etc:
** wax crayons

2. a natural sticky substance in your ears

موم، مومی شکل، شمع مومی، رشد کردن، زیاد شدن،(درموردماه)رو به بدر رفتن، استحاله یافتن

ambush; lie in wait for and attack


[ transitive]
1. if someone waylays you, they stop you when you are going somewhere, for example to attack you or talk to you:
** They used to waylay him as he came out of the factory.

2. [usually passive] if you are waylaid, you are delayed when you are doing something - often used humorously to say why you are late:
** Sorry, we got waylaid at the bar.

درکمین کسی نشستن، کمین کردن، خف کردن

accustom a baby not to nurse; accustom (the young of a mammal) to take nourishment other than by suckling; give up a cherished activity; cause to gradually leave (an interest or habit); (ex.) wean oneself from cigarettes


[ transitive]
to gradually stop feeding a baby or young animal on its mother's milk and start giving it ordinary food
wean somebody onto something:
** It's time to start weaning her onto solid foods.

to make someone gradually stop doing something you disapprove of:
** advice on how to wean yourself off nicotine

to be influenced by something from a very early age:
** I was weaned on a diet of Hollywood fantasy.

از پستان گرفتن، از شیر مادر گرفتن

tired after long work; (v.)


1. very tired or bored, especially because you have been doing something for a long time:
** She found Rachel in the kitchen, looking old and weary.
** She sat down with a weary sigh.
weary of (doing) something:
** He was weary of the constant battle between them.

2. [especially literary] very tiring:
** a long and weary march

(Adjective) بیزار، خسته، مانده، کسل، بیزار کردن، کسل شدن

pass safely through (a storm or difficult period); endure the effects of weather or other forces


1. the temperature and other conditions such as sun, rain, and windCOLLOCATIONS COLLOCATIONS
what's the weather like?:
good/bad weather:
the weather forecast: (=a description of what the weather is expected to be like in the near future)
weather map:
weather conditions:
weather patterns: (=what the weather is usually like in a particular area )
weather permitting: (=if the weather is good enough)
weather centre: British English
/weather bureau: American English (=a place where information about the weather is collected and where reports are produced)
weather station: (=a place or building used for studying and recording weather conditions)
** What's the weather like today?
** a period of unusually hot weather
** The weather turned bitterly cold.
** The weather forecast said it would be fine all day.
** The weather map shows a ridge of high pressure coming in from the Atlantic.
** The climbers reached the top, in spite of bad weather conditions.
** changes in weather patterns caused by global warming
** I'm playing golf this afternoon - weather permitting.

2. the weather: a description on radio or television, in newspapers etc of what the weather will be like in the near future [= the weather forecast]:
** I always watch the weather after the news.

3. in all weathers: in all types of weather, even when it is very hot or cold:
** There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers.

4. under the weather: slightly ill:
** You look a bit under the weather.

5. keep a weather eye on something: to watch a situation carefully so that you notice anything unusual or unpleasant:
** Keep a weather eye on your finances.

هوا، تغییر فصل، اب و هوا، باد دادن، در معرض هواگذاشتن، تحمل یا برگزارکردن

eerie; strange; unnatural


[informal] very strange and unusual, and difficult to understand or explain:
** A really weird thing happened last night.
** He's a weird bloke.
** They sell all sorts of weird and wonderful (=very strange) products.

خارق العاده، غریب، جادو، مرموز

of good upbringing; well-mannered and refined


someone who is well-bred is polite, and behaves as if they come from a family of high social class:
** a well-bred, courteous man

(Adjective) باتربیت ،تربیت شده

raised mark from a beating or whipping


[ countable]
a painful raised mark on someone's skin, for example where they have been hit

حاشیه چرمی دور چیزی، مغزی، مغزی گذاشتن، شلاق زدن،لبه، نوار باریک، نوار، ورم، تاول

wallow (as in mud or high seas); lie soaked (as in blood); (ex.) the victims weltered in their blood.


a welter of something: a large and confusing amount or number of something:
** There is a welter of information on the subject.

اختلاط، درهم و برهمی، خشکی، پژمردگی، اغشتن، غلت زدن

deceive, persuade, or obtain by flattery; cajole; coax; (ex.) wheedle a promise out of her


[ transitive]
to persuade someone to do or give you something, for example by saying nice things to them that you do not mean - used to show disapproval
wheedle something from/out of somebody:
** She even managed to wheedle more money out of him.
wheedle somebody into doing something:
** You have to be able to wheedle your client into buying.
wheedle your way in/into/out of etc:
** Don't think you can just wheedle your way in here!

ریشخند کردن، گول زدن، خر کردن

young animal (esp. of the dog or cat family); young wolf, dog, tiger, etc.


[ countable]
a young animal, especially a dog or lion

توله، توله سگ، بچه هرنوع حیوان گوشتخوار، توله زاییدن

sharpen; stimulate; (ex.) whet someone’s appetite


[ transitive]
1. whet somebody's appetite (for something): if an experience whets your appetite for something, it increases your desire for it:
** The view from the Quai bridge had whetted my appetite for a trip on the lake.

2. to make the edge of a blade sharp

تیز کردن، برانگیختن، تهییج کردن، صاف کن، عمل تیز کردن بوسیله مالش

puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.); short-lasting smell; hint; (ex.) whiff of perfume/scandal


[ countable]
1. a very slight smell of something
whiff of:
** a whiff of tobacco
get/catch a whiff of something:
** As she walked past, I caught a whiff of her perfume.

2. a whiff of danger/adventure/freedom etc: a slight sign that something dangerous, exciting etc might happen:
** The whiff of danger filled her with excitement.

دروغ گفتن، دروغ در چیزی گفتن، چاخان، باد، نفخه،بو، دود، وزش، پف، پرچم، با صدای پف حرکت دادن،وزیدن، وزاندن

sudden capricious idea; fancy


[ countable]
a sudden feeling that you would like to do or have something, especially when there is no important or good reason
on a whim:
** I didn't leave just on a whim (=for no good reason).
at the whim of somebody:
** At work they are at the whim of the boss.
somebody's every whim:
** Their father had always indulged her every whim.
at whim:
** He appeared and disappeared at whim.

(Noun) هوس، هوی و هوس، تلون مزاج، وسواس، خیال، وهم،تغییر ناگهانی

capricious; fanciful; amusingly strange


unusual or strange and often amusing:
** He has a wonderful whimsical sense of humour.

(Adjective) ( whimsicallity ) بوالهوس، وسواسی، دهن بین، غریب،خیالباف

whim; tendency to behave amusingly strangely; (ex.) story full of whimsy


[uncountable] a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that is unusual, strange, and often amusing:
** a sense of fancy and whimsy

( whimsey ) بوالهوسی، هوس، تلون مزاج، وسواس

complain (in a sad voice); make a high sad sound (as in pain or supplication)


1. [intransitive and transitive] to complain in a sad, annoying voice about something [= moan]:
** Oh Charlotte, please stop whining.
** 'I don't understand,' whined Rose.
whine about:
** The sergeant was whining about how hard he had been forced to work recently.

2. [intransitive] to make a long high sound because you are in pain or unhappy:
** He could hear the dog whining behind the door.

3. [intransitive] if a machine whines, it makes a continuous high sound

نالیدن، ناله کردن، با ناله گفتن، ناله، فغان

neigh like a horse; (cf.) neigh: make the sound which horses make


[ intransitive]
if a horse whinnies, it makes a high sound

شیهه اسب، صدایی شبیه شیهه ، شیهه کشیدن

small amount; smallest speck; (ex.) not a whit of


not a whit:[old-fashioned] not at all:
** Sara had not changed a whit.

ذره، خرده، تکه، هیچ، ابدا، اندک

pare; cut away thin bits (from wood); fashion in this way; reduce gradually; trim


1. also whittle down [transitive] to gradually make something smaller by taking parts away:
** We need to whittle down the list of guests for the party.

2. [intransitive and transitive] to cut a piece of wood into a particular shape by cutting off small pieces with a knife [↪ carve]

to gradually reduce the amount or effectiveness of something, especially something that you think should not be reduced
whittle something ↔ away:
** The museum is worried that government funding will be whittled away.
whittle away at:
** Congress is whittling away at our freedom of speech.

چاقو، ساطور، تراشیدن، بریدن، پیوسته کم کردن، باچاقو تیزکردن و تراشیدن

conducive to mental or physical health; healthful


1. likely to make you healthy
wholesome food/fare/meal etc:
** well-balanced wholesome meals

2. considered to have a good moral effect:
** good wholesome fun

(Adjective) ( wholesomeness ) خوش مزاج، سرحال، سالم و بی خطر

ring of leaves around stem; ring; circular arrangement; ex. whorls on the fingers


[ countable]
1. a pattern made of a line that curls out in circles that get bigger and bigger

2. a circular pattern of leaves or flowers on a stem

(Noun) فراهم، حلقه، پیچ، مارپیچی، حلقه یا پیچ خوردن

wriggle; move from side to side with irregular twisting motions


[ intransitive and transitive]
to move with small movements from side to side or up and down, or to make something move like this:
** Henry wiggled his toes.

لولیدن، جنبیدن، وول خوردن، تکان دادن، لوشیدن

wilful; intentional; headstrong


the American spelling of wilful

(Adjective) ( wilful ) خودسر، مشتاق، مایل

flexible; pliant; slender; (cf.) willow


tall, thin, and graceful:
** She was pale and willowy, with violet eyes.

(Adjective) بید مانند، بید زار، پر بید، نرم و باریک شبیه بید،بلند

loose freshness; droop


[ intransitive]
1. if a plant wilts, it bends over because it is too dry or old [↪ droop]

2. [informal] to feel weak or tired, especially because you are too hot

پلاسیده و پژمرده شدن، خم شدن

crafty; cunning; artful; (n.) wile: deceitful stratagem


clever at getting what you want, especially by tricking people [= cunning]:
** a wily politician

(Adjective) پر حیله، پر مکر، مکار، پر تزویر

move back suddenly; shrink back; flinch; (ex.) she winced as she touched the cold body.


[ intransitive]
1. to suddenly change the expression on your face as a reaction to something painful or upsetting:
** Sandra winced as the dentist started to drill.

2. to suddenly feel very uncomfortable or embarrassed because of something that happens, something you remember etc [= cringe]
wince at the memory/thought/idea:
** I still wince at the thought of that terrible evening.

خود را عقب کشیدن، رمیدن، (از شدتدرد) خود را لرزاندن و تکان دادن، لگد پرانی

fallen fruit; unexpected lucky event


[ countable]
1. an amount of money that you get unexpectedly:
** his £2 million windfall in the lottery
windfall gain/profit etc: (=high profits that you did not expect to make)

2. a piece of fruit that has fallen off a tree

(Noun) میوه باد انداخته، ثروت باد آورده

sift; separate the chaff from grain by blowing; separate good parts from bad; (cf.) wind


[transitive] to make a list, group, or quantity smaller by getting rid of the things that you do not need or want [= whittle down]:
** We need to winnow the list of candidates to three.

to get rid of the things or people that you do not need or want from a group

بوجاری کردن، باد افشان کردن، باد دادن، افشاندن،پاک کردن، غربال کردن، بجنبش در اوردن

charming (in a childlike way); agreeable; gracious; engaging


behaving in a pleasant and attractive way:
** a winsome smile

با مسرت و خوشی، مناسب، خوش ایند، پیروز

small bunch (of hair); faint streak (of smoke)


[ countable]
1. a wisp of hair, grass, hay etc is a thin piece of it that is separate from the rest
wisp of:
** A wisp of hair had escaped from under her hat.

2. a wisp of smoke, cloud, mist etc is a small thin line of it that rises upwards
wisp of:
** Wisps of smoke rose into the air.

دسته، مشت، بقچه کوچک (از کاهو علوفه)، حلقه، بسته،بقچه بندی، جاروب کوچک، گردگیر، تمیز کردن، جاروب کردن، (کاغذ وغیره را) بصورت حلقه در اوردن

thin; slight; barely discernible

لغت مورد نظر شما یافت نشد.واژه‌ها‌ی پیشنهادی:
** waspwaspy
** wicopy
** wisp

sadly thoughtful (because of desires or memories); sadly pensive; vaguely longing


thinking sadly about something you would like to have but cannot have, especially something that you used to have in the past:
** a wistful smile

(Adjective) (م.م.) مشتاق، متوجه، ارزومند، دقیق، منتظر، درانتظار

introverted; retiring; remote


very shy and quiet, and concerned only about your own thoughts:
** After his wife's death he became more and more withdrawn.

قسمت سوم فعل Withdraw

(of a plant) dry up from loss of moisture; lose freshness; shrivel; decay


[ intransitive and transitive]
if plants wither, they become drier and smaller and start to die

پژولیدن، پژمرده کردن یا شدن، پلاسیده شدن

refuse to give; hold back; (ex.) withholding tax


[ transitive]
to refuse to give someone something:
** I withheld payment until they had completed the work.
** Ian was accused of withholding vital information from the police.

دریغ داشتن، مضایقه داشتن، خودداری کردن، منع کردن،نگاه داشتن

stand up against; resist successfully


[ transitive]
1. to be strong enough to remain unharmed by something such as great heat, cold, pressure etc [= resist, stand up to]:
** This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures.

2. to defend yourself successfully against people who attack, criticize, or oppose you [= stand up to]:
** The Chancellor has withstood the criticism and held firm.

تاب اوردن، مقاومت کردن با، ایستادگی کردن در برابر، تحمل کردن، مخالفت کردن، استقامت ورزیدن

lacking intelligence or wit; foolish; idiotic


1. be scared witless: feeling very frightened

2. not very intelligent or sensible [= stupid]

(Adjective) بیهوش، نفهم، بی شعور، بی معنی، نادان، کودن، دیرفهم، بی خبر

witty saying; wisecrack(clever joking remark)


[ countable]
a clever amusing remark

(Noun) بذله گویی، لطیفه، شوخی، لطیفه گویی، مسخره

sorcery; magic


[ uncountable]
impressive ability at something or an impressive achievement:
** high-speed Internet connections and other technical wizardry

(Noun) جادوگری، جادویی، سحر، افسونگری

shriveled; withered; (ex.) wizened apple/old lady


a wizened person, fruit etc is small and thin and has skin with a lot of lines and wrinkles

(Adjective) (بهویژه پوست انسان) چروکیده، پرچین و چروک، ورچلسکیده، خشک و پلاسیده


** - his grandfather's wizened hands
** - دستهای خشک و چروکیدهی پدربزرگش
** - wizened apples
** - سیبهای پلاسیده

great sorrow; deep inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering; (ex.) financial woes


1. woes:[formal] the problems and troubles affecting someone:
** the country's economic woes

2. [literary] great sadness

3. woe is me:[spoken][humorous] used to say that you are extremely unhappy or in a difficult situation

4. woe betide somebody: British English used to warn someone that there will be trouble if they do something - especially used humorously:
** Woe betide anyone who smokes in our house!

وای بر، اه، علامت اندوه و غم، غصه، پریشانی

sad; (of something bad) deplorable; deplorably bad; (ex.) woeful housing conditions


1. very bad or serious [= deplorable]:
** a woeful lack of information

2. [literary] very sad [= pathetic]:
** woeful eyes

(Adjective) اسفناک، اندوهناک، غمگین، محنت زده، بدبخت

(the stated person’s) habit or custom; habitual procedure; (adj.) wonted: customary


as is somebody's wont: used to say that it is someone's habit to do something:
** He spoke for too long, as is his wont.

اموخته، معتاد به، خو گرفته، عادت، رسم، خو گرفتن یا خو دادن

engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual; of the material world


[ only before noun]
1. worldly goods/possessions:[literary] everything you own

2. relating to ordinary life rather than spiritual or religious ideas [= mundane]:
** He seemed very calm and far removed from worldly concerns.

3. having a lot of experience and knowledge about people and life [≠ unworldly]

این جهانی، دنیوی، جسمانی، مادی، خاکی

quarrel noisily; obtain through arguing; herd cattle; (n.)


[ countable]
a long and complicated argument
wrangle over:
** a bitter wrangle over copyright
wrangle with:
** He was involved in a long legal wrangle with his employers.

داد و بیداد کردن، مشاجره کردن، نزاع کردن، داد وبیداد، مشاجره، نزاع، گرد اوری و راندن احشام

anger; fury


[ uncountable]
[formal] extreme anger:
** He was scared of incurring his father's wrath.

خشم، غضب، غیظ، اوقات تلخی زیاد، قهر

inflict; (ex.) wreak one’s vengeance on


1. wreak havoc/mayhem/destruction (on something): to cause a lot of damage or problems:
** These policies have wreaked havoc on the British economy.

2. wreak revenge/vengeance (on somebody):[formal] to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something they have done to you:
** He promised to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.

(Verb - transitive) (کینه یا خشم خود را) اشکار کردن، انتقام گرفتن

twist; pull; strain; (ex.) he wrenched the gun out of her hands.


1. [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to twist and pull something roughly from the place where it is being held:
** I wrenched the packet from his grasp.
** The door had been wrenched open.

2. wrench yourself away/free: to use your strength to pull yourself away from someone who is holding you:
** She managed to wrench herself free.

3. to hurt a joint in your body by twisting it [= sprain]:
** I think I've wrenched my knee.

(م.م.) نقشه فریبنده، عمل تند و وحشیانه، اچار،اچار فرانسه، تند، چرخش، پیچ دادن، پیچ خوردن

obtain by pulling violently; pull away; take by violence; ex. wrest victory from their grasp


[ transitive always + adverb/preposition]
1. [formal] to take power or influence away from someone, especially when this is difficult:
** They are fighting to wrest control of the party from the old leaders.

2. [literary] to pull something away from someone violently:
** I managed to wrest the photograph from his grasp.

گرداندن، پیچاندن، چلاندن (پارچه)، زور اوردن، فشاراوردن، واداشتن، بزور قاپیدن و غصب کردن، چرخش،پیچش، گردش

miserable person; bad or despicable person; adj. wretched: miserable; bad; contemptible; vile


[ countable]
1. someone that you feel sorry for:
** He was a lonely, miserable wretch.

2. someone you are annoyed with:
** Stop pulling my hair, you wretch!

(Noun) بدبخت، بیچاره، بیوجدان، پست، خوار

twist (to extract liquid); extract by twisting; wrench painfully (necks or hands)


[ transitive]
1. [always + adverb/preposition] to succeed in getting something from someone, but only after a lot of effort [= squeeze]
wring something from/out of somebody:
** They are always trying to wring additional funds from the government.
** I managed to wring the information out of him.

2. to tightly twist a wet cloth or wet clothes in order to remove water

3. wring your hands: to rub and twist your hands together because you are worried and upset

4. wring somebody's hand: to shake hands very firmly with someone

5. wring something's neck: to kill a small animal by twisting its neck

فشردن، چلاندن، به زور گرفتن، غصب کردن، انتزاع کردن، پیچاندن، منحرف کردن

small ridge on a smooth surface (face or cloth); v.


[ countable]
1. wrinkles are lines on your face and skin that you get when you are old:
** Her face was a mass of wrinkles.

2. a small untidy fold in a piece of clothing or paper [= crease]:
** She walked over to the bed and smoothed out the wrinkles.

3. iron out the wrinkles: to solve the small problems in something

اژنگ، چین، چروک، چین خوردگی، چین و چروک خوردن،چروکیده شدن، چروکیدن، چین دادن

written command issued by a court (telling someone to do or not to do something)


[ countable]
a document from a court that orders someone to do or not to do something:
** He issued a writ against the newspaper.
** The company has been served with a writ for damages.

حکم، نوشته، ورقه، سند

twist in coils; contort in pain


[ intransitive]
to twist your body from side to side violently, especially because you are suffering pain
writhe in pain/agony etc:
** He lay writhing in pain.

(از شدت درد یا شرم) بخود پیچیدن، پیچ و تاب خوردن،از رده شدن

stubbornly wrong


used to describe an idea, plan, or belief that someone has, that is based on wrong ideas that they are not willing to change

لجباز در عقیده و عمل، سرسخت، مصر در اشتباه خود

(esp. of an expression of the face) twisted; with a humorous twist (expressing displeasure)


[ only before noun]
a wry expression or wry humour shows that you know a situation is bad, but you also think it is slightly amusing:
** 'Was it as bad as you expected?' Travis gave a wry smile.

کج، معوج شده، کنایه آمیز، چرخیدن، پیچ خوردن، خم کردن، دهن کجی کردن، به اطراف چرخاندن، اریب شدن

fear or hatred of foreigners; (n.) xenophobe


[ uncountable]
strong fear or dislike of people from other countries

(Adjective) بیگانه‌هراس، بیگانه ترس، بیگانه ستیز
(Noun) بیگانه هراسانه، مبتنی بر بیگانه هراسی، ناشی از بیگانه هراسی، بیگانه ستیزانه

strong desire; longing; urge; (ex.) yen for travel


1. the standard unit of money in Japan: symbol ¥

2. the yen: the value of Japanese money in relation to the money of other countries:
** The dollar fell by 24 percent against the yen (=decreased in value in relation to the yen)between 1970 and 1973.

3. [singular] a strong desire
yen for:
** a yen for foreign travel
yen to do something:
** She'd always had a yen to write a book.

(Noun) واحد پول ژاپن، اصرار، تمایل، رغبت شدید

man or farmer owning small estate; middleclass farmer


[ countable]
1. an officer in the US navy who often works in an office

2. a farmer in Britain in the past who owned and worked on his own land

(Noun) ( yeomanly ) خرده مالک، کشاورز، مالک جز

amount produced; crop; income on investment; profit obtained from an investment; (v.) produce; give in; surrender


1. result: [transitive] to produce a result, answer, or piece of information:
** Our research has only recently begun to yield important results.

2. crops/profits: [transitive] to produce crops, profits etc:
** Each of these oilfields could yield billions of barrels of oil.
** The tourist industry yielded an estimated $2.25 billion for the state last year.
** These investments should yield a reasonable return.
** high-yielding crops

3. agree unwillingly: [intransitive and transitive] to allow yourself to be forced or persuaded to do something or stop having something:
** The military has promised to yield power.
yield to:
** The hijackers refuse to yield to demands to release the passengers.
** Further action may be necessary if the leaders do not yield to diplomatic pressure.
** Finally she yielded to temptation and helped herself to a large slice of cake.

4. to allow other traffic on a bigger road to go first [= give way British English]
yield to:
** Yield to traffic on the left.

5. move/bend/break: [intransitive] to move, bend, or break because of physical force or pressure [= give]:
** Ideally, the surface should yield slightly under pressure.

ثمر دادن، واگذارکردن، ارزانی داشتن، بازده، محصول،حاصل، تسلیم کردن یا شدن

join together; unite; (n.) crossbar used to joining two draft animals


[ countable]
1. a wooden bar used for keeping two animals together, especially cattle, when they are pulling heavy loads

2. a frame that you put across your shoulders so that you can carry two equal loads which hang from either side of it

3. the yoke of something:[literary] something that restricts your freedom, making life difficult:
** the yoke of tradition

4. a part of a skirt or shirt just below the waist or collar, from which the main piece of material hangs in folds

یوغ، (مجازا) اسارت، بندگی عبودیت، در زیر یوغ اوردن،جفت کردن، (مجازا) وصل کردن ( yolk ) زرده تخم مرغ، (زیست شناسی) محتویات نطفه

rustic; country bumpkin


[ countable]
someone who comes from the countryside, seems stupid, and does not know much about modern life, ideas etc - used humorously

(Noun) روستایی، برزگر، دهاتی، نادان

time long past; (ex.) in the days of yore


of yore:[literary] existing a long time ago:
** in days of yore

در زمانی بسیاردور، در گذشته، در قدیم

comic; crazy; (n.) clown; comical person (given to outlandish behavior)


crazy or unusual in a way that is amusing:
** zany comedian Vic Reeves

لوده، مسخره، مقلد، میمون صفت، ادم انگل

eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal); (adj.) zealous


[ uncountable]
eagerness to do something, especially to achieve a particular religious or political aim
religious/revolutionary/missionary etc zeal:
** He approached the job with missionary zeal.
in your zeal to do something:
** In their zeal to catch drug dealers, police have ignored citizens' basic civil rights.
zeal for:
** their zeal for privatization

(Noun) جانفشانی، شوق، ذوق، حرارت، غیرت، حمیت، گرمی، تعصب، خیر خواهی، غیور، متعصب

one who is zealous; fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal


[ countable]
someone who has extremely strong beliefs, especially religious or political beliefs, and is too eager to make other people share them:
** religious zealots

(Noun) غیور، ادم متعصب یاهواخواه، مجاهد، جانفشان

point directly overhead in the sky; summit; acme; highest point


[ countable usually singular]
1. the most successful point in the development of something [= peak; ≠ nadir]
reach its zenith/be at its zenith:
** The Roman Empire reached its zenith around the year 100.

2. the highest point that is reached by the sun or the moon in the sky

(Noun) (هن.) سمت الراس، بالاترین نقطه اسمان، قله، اوج

gentle breeze; west wind


[ countable]
a soft gentle wind

(Noun) باختر باد، باد صبا، باد مغرب، نسیم باد مغرب

outer skin of an orange used for giving a special taste to food; spice; interest; flavor; spirited enjoyment; ex. add a certain zest to the affair; (ex.) zest for life


1. [uncountable] eager interest and enjoyment
zest for:
** She had a great zest for life.

2. [singular, uncountable] the quality of being exciting and interesting:
** The danger of being caught added a certain zest to the affair.

3. the outer skin of an orange or lemon, used in cooking [↪ peel, rind]:
** grated orange zest

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