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40 Cards in this Set

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Teachers spend at least 8 hours a day of the school year with the students

True or False

False 6 hours

Society as a whole expect much from teachers and communities

True or False

False schools

The effective teachers makes the good and not so good learner learn

True or False


The teacher is a licensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation with high moral values

True or False


The word teacher suggests that the main responsibility of the professional teacher is to learn

True or False

False teach

Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students

True or False


In PPST the importance of mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas

True or False


The Code of Ethics for private school teachers adopted in section 7 of RA 4670

True or False

False public

Professionalism maintains a commitment to professional ethics

True or False


Teachers spend at least 10 months of the school year with the students

True or False


4 domains of Robert Marzano

A teachers should involve routine events

Classroom strategies and behaviors

Helping students generate and test hypothesis

Classroom strategies and behaviors

Participating in school activities

Collegiating and professionalism

Planning and preparing for lessons

Planning and preparing

Evaluating personal performance

Reflection on teaching

Adhering to school rules and procedures

Collegiating and professionalism

Needs of students who lack support for schooling

Planning and preparing

Seeking mentorship for areas of need

Collegiating and professionalism

For use of technology

Planning and preparing

Promoting positive interactions

Collegiating and professionalism

4 domains of Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching

Engaging students in learning


Managing student behavior

Classroom environment

Maintaining accurate records

Professional responsibilities

Using assessment in instruction


Demonstrating knowledge of resources

Planning and preparation

Designing student assessments

Planning and preparation

Managing classroom procedures

Classroom environment

Communicating woth students


Organizing physical space

Classroom environment

Setting instructional outcomes

Planning and preparation

(Multiple choice)

It quick to admit wrong

A. Compassionate

B. Admit

C. Forgiving


Have optimistic attitudes about teaching and about students

A. Positive

B. Cultivate a sense of belonging

C. Have a sense of humor


Come to class each day ready to teach

A. Positive

B. Hold high expectation

C. Prepared


Have a way to make students feel welcome and comfortable in their classrooms

A. Display a personal touch

B. Respect students

C. Cultivate a sense of belonging



A. Compassionate

B. Display a personal touch

C. Cultivate a sense of belonging


Do not hold grudges

A. Forgiving

B. Respect students

C. Admit


Handle students and grading fairly

A. Admit

B. Fair

C. Compassionate


Are concerned about students personal problems

A. Respect students

B. Compassionate

C. Have a sense of humor


It is a resourceful and inventive in how they teach their classes

A. Creative

B. Positive

C. Prepared


Make learning fun and do not take everything seriously

A. Positive

B. Have a sense of humor

C. Hod high expectation