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212 Cards in this Set

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What is studied in pharmacology?

drugs and their effects on living organisms

What does the term optical mean?

pertaining to vision

The term orthopedist refers to what?

A medical specialist

What does the term neurologist mean?

A specialist in disorders of the nervous system

Of clinical psychology, physiologic psychology, and psychiatry, which is a medical specialty that deals with mental or emotional disorders?

psychiatry only

Which of the following words is not related to old age or the elderly? a. geriatric b. gerontal c. gerontology d. gynecologist

d. gynecologist

What is studied in oncology?


What is the term for an agent that is used to produce loss of feeling?


What is true of rehabilitation medicine?

Its primary concern is restoring one’s ability to live and work as normally as possible.

What is true of respiratory therapy?

Its primary concern is the treatment of disorders in which breathing is impaired

What does therapy mean?


Which term describes a substance that does not permit the passage of xrays?


Who is a specialist who treats diseases of the urinary tract?


What is oral surgery?

operative procedures on the mouth

Which of the following is not a meaning of the term medicine?

the factors that determine the distribution of disease

Which term describes the viewpoint that considers the human as a functioning whole?


Which statement is true of an ophthalmic medication?

It is to be used in the eye

Glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream are called what type of glands?


Which term means pertaining to the skin?


What does the term otologist mean?

a specialist who studies the ear

The term orthopedics refers to what?

a medical specialty

A 76-year-old man’s heart has stopped beating. Which of the following has the man experienced?

cardiac arrest

What means the study of the mind?


Who is a physician who specializes in inflammation, degeneration, or other problems of the connective tissues of the body, especially the joints and related structures?


Margaret works for a physician who specializes in clinical diagnosis using laboratory methods. Which type of physician does she work for?

clinical pathologist

Which term means tending to become worse, spread, and cause death?


Which of the following terms means pertaining to the urine or the urinary tract?


What is the common name of the larynx?

voice box

Roentgenology is an older term that is used to mean which of the following?


What is the name of the science that studies glands and the hormones they produce?


What is the branch of medicine that is concerned with administration of substances that produce a loss of feeling?


What is an abbreviated definition of pathology?

study of disease in general

Bill suffers a spinal cord injury in a motorcycle accident and needs surgery. Which type of physician will perform the surgery?


What term means existing over a long period of time?


What professionals measures irregularities of vision?


Who specializes in applying laboratory methods in the solution of clinical diagnosis?

a clinical pathologist

What field of medicine specializes in the study of factors that determine the frequency and distribution of diseases?


What term means objects or substances that are harmful or potentially harmful to humans, other organisms, or the environment?


Sharon is specially trained to help restore a patient's ability to live and work as normally as possible after an injury or illness. What is Sharon’s profession?

rehabilitation therapist

Dr. Schmidt is concerned with the teeth, the oral cavity, and associated structures, as well as the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease of these structures. What is Dr. Schmidt’s profession?


What is the specialty of a neonatologist?


Which type of term describes diseases and the tests used to establish a diagnosis?


Which medical specialist deals with the causes, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders?


Cardiology specializes in the treatment of which of the following structures?


Dermatology specializes in the treatment of which of the following structures?


Gynecology specializes in treatment of which of the following?


Which term means the science of the structure of the body and the relation of its parts?


Which health professional specializes in working with patients to develop motor skills used for activities of daily living and assesses and prepares them for returning to work?

occupational therapist

Which of the following is the repair or reconstruction of tissue or organs by means of surgery?

plastic surgery

Which specialty deals with the legal aspects of health care?

forensic medicine

Obstetrics specializes in which of the following?

pregnancy, labor, and delivery

Otolaryngology specializes in which of the following?

ear, nose, and throat

Which category best describes treatment of a disease?


Mrs. Smith is told that she has a malignant tumor that has infiltrated and destroyed surrounding tissues and will probably continue to spread. Which of the following describes the tumor?

invasive carcinoma

Mrs. Smith receives therapy for a malignant tumor, and the tumor disappears. Which of the following means the disappearance of the tumor?


Jan sees a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders involving the nose. Which type of physician does Jan see?


What is a physician?


What is the abbreviation for the federal privacy act that gives the patient certain rights concerning his or her own health information?


What best describes operative procedures?


What is the term for persons who are not hospitalized and are being treated in an office, clinic, or other health care facility?


What term means treatment using radiation to destroy cancer cells?


Which statement is true concerning the term anesthetist?

This is a person trained to administer anesthetic but is not a physician

Which branch of medical science specializes in the natural defenses that protect the body from pathogenic organisms?


The term oral pertains to what?


What does neurology mean?

a branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system

Obstetrics is a specialty in which of the following areas?

pregnancy, labor, and delivery

What term describes substances that readily permit the passage of x-rays?


What group of individuals does an orthopedic specialist treat?

people of all ages

The combining form orth(o) in orthopedic and orthodontic means what?


The term neuron means what?

a nerve cell

Who specializes in pregnancy, labor, and delivery?


What does ophthalmology mean?

study of the eye and its diseases

Of opticians, optometrists, and ophthalmologists, which are physicians?

ophthalmologists only

Radiology specializes in which of the following?

radiant energy

Gastroenterology specializes in which of the following?

stomach and intestines

Which structure is of primary interest in an optical examination?


What is the science of preparing, compounding, and dispensing medicine?


What is not true of physical therapy?

It is performed by a physician called a physical therapist

A cardiologist specializes in diseases of the what?


What does otology mean?

study of the ear

What is the meaning of the term internist?

a physician who deals especially with internal body structures

What is the name of the specialty that deals specifically with diseases of the elderly?


Casey suffers frequent nosebleeds. Which specialty focuses on diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nose?


What is the branch of medicine that deals solely with the diagnosis and treatment of the internal structures of the body?

internal medicine

What is the primary area of interest in pediatrics?


Which of the following words does not have a suffix that means pertain-ing to?


Which of the following is a physician who specializes in treating the elderly?


A radiograph is taken of Steve's foot after an injury. Which of the following is a specialist in interpreting radiographs?


Who is an ear, nose, and throat specialist?


What is the term that means the sorting and prioritizing of patients for treatment according to their need for care?


Which of the following terms contains a word part that means female?


Which of the following terms has a word part that means stomach?


Which of the following terms has a word part that means treatment?


What term has a word part that means feeling?


Which of the following terms contains a word part that means mouth?


Which of the following terms contains a word part that means no, not, or without?


Which of the following terms contains a word part that means drugs or medicine?


Which of the following terms contains a word part that means inside?


Which of the following specifically refers to a physician who specializes in the analysis of tissue specimens obtained during surgery?

surgical pathologist

Which of the following is the correct category for the term larynx?


A nerve cell


A skin specialist


physician specializing in anesthetics


pertaining to the ear


pertaining to the stomach


physician specializing in epidemiology


branch of medicine that specializes in newborns


a specialist in treating malignancies


having a short and relatively severe course


not malignant


correct spelling, kardiac


correct spelling, larynx

correct already

correct spelling,obstetric

correct already

correct spelling, psykiatry


correct spelling, rentgenology


anesthetic (an s thet ik) , which syllable is primary accent?


dermal (dr ml) ,which syllable is primary accent?


neuron (noor on),which syllable is primary accent?


orthopedics (or tho pe diks),which syllable is primary accent?


ophthalmic (of thal mik),which syllable is primary accent?


meaning of the abbreviation- ED

emergency department

meaning of the abbreviation-ENT

ear, nose, and throat

meaning of the abbreviation-GP

general practitioner

meaning of the abbreviation-HIPAA

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

meaning of the abbreviation-OB


Which term means an excess of blood in part of the body caused by increased blood flow?


Which of the following means having no tendency to repair itself or develop into new tissue?


Which of the following is true of leukocytosis?

It is an increase in the number of leukocytes

Which term means direct transfer of blood cells into the fetus?

intrauterine transfusion

Receiving a vaccination is likely to produce which type of immunity?

active artificial

What is extracellular fluid?

fluid that is not contained within the cells

Which term is sometimes used to describe an abnormal condition of the blood or bone marrow?


What does nucleoid mean?

resembling a nucleus

What is the name of the substance from which fibrin originates?


Which term means between cells?


Which of the following is a general intoxication of the body resulting from absorption of bacterial toxins?


Which type of body fluid composes the greatest percentage in a normal adult?

intracellular fluid

Which term means a generalized swelling caused by excessive accumulation of fluid in the body tissues?


Which term means the body’s ability to counteract the effects of a foreign invader?


What is the name of the surgical procedure whereby living organs are transferred from one part of the body to another or from one individual to another?


Which term is a surgical term?


Which of the following means a life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered antigen?

anaphylactic reaction

What term means the same as allogenic?


Which of the following is not a leukocyte?


What does hypochromia mean?

a condition in which erythrocytes have reduced hemoglobin content

What is the function of an erythrocyte?

transports oxygen

What is the function of blood platelets?

initiate coagulation

Which statement is true of blood circulation?

Blood is carried away from the heart by arteries to all cells in the body

Most humans have many body defenses.. true or false?


Which of the following is a specific defense mechanism?

cell-mediated immunity

Which of the following is generally characterized by susceptibility to infections and chronic diseases?

immunodeficiency diseases

Which term means noise in the ears, such as ringing?


Which of the following is a systemic infectious condition caused by pathogenic microorganisms, their enzymes, or their toxins?


Which of the following is not a hemoglobinopathy?

aplastic anemia

The introduction of whole blood or blood components into the bloodstream of a person is called a blood ____.


Which of the following is more likely to occur in vitamin K deficiency?

hemorrhagic tendencies

Which of the following conditions is not considered a classic sign or symptom of anemia?


Which of the following characteristics is most often associated with anemia?

decreased red blood cell count

Which of the following characteristics is most often associated with erythrocytosis?

increased red blood cell count

Which of the following best describes leukocytosis?

increased white blood cell count

Which of the following conditions is most often associated with leukemia?

increased white blood cell count

Which of the following best describes leukopenia?

decreased white blood cell count

What is the function of a leukocyte?

helps defend the body against disease

Fluid intake equals fluid output. T or F


Which term means fainting?


What is the type of transplant in which one receives tissue from an individual of the same species?


Which of the following is not a type of leukocyte?


Which of the following is not a hemoglobinopathy?

iron deficiency anemia

Which word means the study of blood and blood-forming tissues?


Which of the following describes the term hematocrit?

a laboratory test on blood

Which of the following words is a substance that prevents blood from clotting?


What does in vivo mean?

in the body

Which of the following is a nonspecific defense mechanism?


Which of the following best describes the role of body fluids?

transportation of nutrients and removal of wastes

What is erythropoiesis?

production of erythrocytes

What are erythrocytes?

red blood cells

Which of the following statements is not true concerning thrombocytes?

They are responsible for the transportation of oxygen.

What does the term hematoma mean?

a localized collection of blood in a tissue or space

Which of the following terms is another word for coagulate?


Which of the following is not true of a hemoglobinopathy?

Treatment may consist of an intrauterine transfusion.

What is an evaluation of the number of white blood cells called?

a leukocyte count

Which of the following is an adjective that means capable of dissolving a thrombus?


What is a thrombus?

formation of a clot inside a blood vessel

What is meant by the term thrombectomy?

surgical removal of a blood clot

Which of the following means the destruction of red blood cells with the liberation of hemoglobin that diffuses into the fluid surrounding the red cells?


Which of the following is a malignant disease of the hematopoietic organs?


What is the term for a reduction in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, or both red blood cells and hemoglobin?


Which of the following is true of hemophilia?

It is a bleeding disorder

Which of the following is a substance that causes hemolysis?


Which of the following is a disorder in which there is an increase in the number of red blood cells?


Which term describes an erythrocyte that is normal in color?


What is the literal translation of the term microcyte?

a small cell

Which of the following is true regarding passive natural immunity?

It results from fetal exposure to maternal antibodies.

What is the term for a large cell that engulfs other matter?


Which term means a heightened reaction to an antigen?


Which of the following words does not refer to a large cell?


Which of the following is a systemic infection in which pathogens have spread from some part of the body and are in the circulating blood?


What type of fluid is intercellular and fills the spaces between most of the cells of the body?


What does karyomegaly mean?

abnormal enlargement of a cell nucleus

What is meant by the term mucous?

composed of or secreting mucus

Which of the following means destruction of a blood clot?


Which of the following represents active natural immunity by an individual?

developing antibodies after contracting a disease

Which is true of antibodies?

They are immunoglobulins

What does cytotoxicity mean?

having toxic effects on cells

Which of the following terms means a substance that can dissolve a blood clot?


Which of the following represents passive artificial immunity by an individual?

receiving antibodies of another person by injection

What is the term for discharging a substance into a cavity?


Which of the following describes the type of transfusion that occurs when blood is removed from a donor and stored before it is returned to the same person’s circulation?


What does in vitro mean?

in an artificial environment

Which term means exaggerated, life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions?


A bruise is a form of which of the following?


Which of the following is not part of the body’s nonspecific immune responses?
