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102 Cards in this Set

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Intimacy or relatedness increases our likelihood of experiencing...

• Abuse

• Violence

• Sexual abuse

• Homicide

Those closest to us are the ones we are most likely to... and our instruments are the most likely to do these things to us








Families and _______ can be very dangerous

Do you understand intimate violence and abuse, we need to consider a range of _________ and examine the various factors- ___________ that shed light on why it is that we often hurt the ones we love most





Researchers have used different and changing terminology to try to keep pace with increasing knowledge about the phenomenon of...

•intimate violence

Many researchers now use the terms _______ or _______ to address the full scope of violence among intimate couples

•intimate partner violence

•Intimate partner abuse

Other forms of Family Violence, such as those between siblings or between parents and children, still most often fall under the broader umbrella term...

Family Violence

Violence is...

"an act carried out with the intention or perceived intention of causing physical pain or injury to another person"

Abuse includes acts such as ________ including verbal abuse that are not long

Neglect and emotional abuse

Types of intimate violence

•common couple violence

•intimate terrorism

•violent resistance

•Mutual violent control

Common couple violence

Sometimes called situational couple violence is violence that erupts during an argument when one partner stripes the other In the Heat of the Moment

Intimate terrorism

Occurs in a relationship where one partner tries to dominate and control the other

Violent resistance

Encompasses what is often meant by "self defense violence"

Mutual violent control

Refers to relationships in which both partners are violently trying to control each other and the relationship

It is impossible to know exactly how much violence there is in families and relationships in the United States, partly because of...

Methodological limitations in the various data we gather

So much for Family Violence is ________ that the official data are you complete


Most research on intimate and Family Violence is based on...

Survey data

Using multiple sources of data, the Bureau of Justice Statistics produced a report with these key findings:

1) between 2001 and 2005, 22% of non-fatal violent victims of females over age 12 were committed by intimate partners

2) 30% of homicides against females over age 12 and 5% of those committed against males were by intimate partners

•on average 30% of female murder victims and 5% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate partner

Individualistic explanations emphasize how the abuser's violence is related to a...

Personality disorder

The ecological model uses a systems perspective to explore...

Child abuse

The feminist model stresses the role of _____ or ______ of masculinity as causes of violence

•gender inequality

•cultural Concepts

The _______and _______ the violence as originating in the social structure

Social stress and social learning

Structural stress

Groups with few resources, such as the poor, are seen to be at greater risk for Family Violence

The social learning model holds that people learn to be violent from...

Society and their families

_______ that assumes that a person acquires power through economic, personal comic and social resources suggests that...

Those were the resources are least likely to resort to over force

_________ holds that we weigh the perceived rewards against costs in our interactions and will only use violence when the costs of being violent do not weigh the rewards

Exchange-Social Control Model

_________ matters a lot with Family Violence most violence is against ________



_______ Is the central motive in Intimate violence and ________ is linked to violence when those who feel dominated may use violence as a last resort



Stressors, such as _______, can increase tensions among family members


________ can lead to a greater likelihood that we will disagree, and when conflict occurs, others are likely to ignore it because of the the ________ that intimate relationships are private


•cultural expectation

There is _______ in reporting of battering

Gender symmetry

Women use violence with male partners about as often as men do with female partners, however most violence is more...

Situational, routine, and relatively minor

Men's violence tends to be _______ but woman's motives tend to include ________


•self-defense, retaliation, anger, attention-seeking, stress, jealousy, depression, and loss of control

Historically and culturally, women have been considered ________ victims of domestic violence


Females between ages _________ are at the greatest risk of violent crime

20 and 24

Unmarried women have higher rates of ______ than do married women

Intimate partner violence victimization

Women of all Races, ages, and socioeconomic statuses experience intimate partner violence, although they are not _________

Victimized equally

A heterosexual male perpetrator has some of the following traits:

1) believe in the "traditional" home and gender-role stereotypes

2) low self-esteem

3) sadistic, pathologically jealous, or passive-aggressive

Having a childhood troubled by parental violence accounts for only 1% of adult _______ and _______

Dating Violence

•marriage or marriage-like relationship violence

Males most likely to be injured or killed as a result of intimate partner violence are ________

Gay men

Often, even if a woman attempts to inflict damage on a man in self-defense, her chances of prevailing are...


Nevertheless, maintaining a ______ on the issue unintentionally validates cultural norms that condone violence between spouses and assaulting a spouse is an ______

•"conspiracy of silence"

•"intrinsic moral wrong"

Familial and Social Risk Factors include

•persistent tension

•economic stress

•wheat sanctions against violence

•traditional gender norms

•beliefs about family privacy

Rates of intimate partner violence decline as ____ but violence and abuse occurs among high-status couples as well as

Household income increases

•low-status couples

________ have higher rates of violence than either Caucasians or Hispanics but...

•African Americans

•the higher rate diminishes or disappears when controlling for other variables

One of the most serious forms of intimate violence, ________, often occurs as part of a pattern of intimate terrorism


Rape is defined as

"unwanted sexual penetration, perpetrated by force, threat of harm, or when the victim is intoxicated"

More than 200,000 women endure more than 320,000 _______ by an intimate partner each year


Historically, ________was regarded as giving husband's unlimited sexual access to their wives, but in 1993, ______ became a crime in all 50 states

•heterosexual legal marriage

•marital rape

The precise definition of marital rape differs ________ and enforcement of laws is problematic

From State to state

Until fairly recently, little was known about violence in _____________ relationships

Gay and lesbian

Recent research indicates that the rate of abuse in gay and lesbian relationships is comparable to that in

Heterosexual relationships

Violence in same-sex relationship is rarely

A one-time event

Gay and lesbian violence appears to be as serious as violence in heterosexual relationships including _________ abuse

Physical, psychological, and financial abuse

An additional form of abuse unique to same-sex couples is ________ or revealing their partner to co-workers, employers, or family as a form of psychological abuse


For battered Partners in same-sex relationships, there is often _______ for support

Nowhere to go

All 50 states have laws that prohibit the kinds of behaviors that make up...

Dating Violence

Dating Violence and abuse may be found at very young ages, in fact as soon as...

Young people beginning relationships

And do studies of undergraduate couples (18 to 25) Katz and colleagues found that a third to nearly half of students were in relationships where..

Their Partners had acted violently towards them

Only about half of those victimized...

Report their victimization

_____ react with more distress and sustained more physical injuries from Dating Violence


Women who have _______ attitudes about jealousy and possessiveness are more likely to stay in violent relationships while women with ________ gender-role attitudes are more likely to leave than those with ________ attitudes




Sexual intercourse with a dating partner that occurs against his or her will with force or the threat of force is referred to as ________ and also known as _______

•date rape

•acquaintance rape

State rights are usually not planned; but when a partner does not comply and engaging in sex, the perpetrator ________ but feels he's done nothing wrong

Gets angry and rapes the victim

Alcohol or drugs are often involved in rape and, in recent years, _________ have surfaced as major public safety

"date-rape drugs"

There is considerable confusion and argument about sexual consent; men who traditionally initiate sex make feel it's legitimate to initiate sex without _______ while women's resistance may be considered...

•women explicitly consenting


Avoiding _______ and using _______ about consent have been suggested to women to avoid date rape

•alcohol and drugs

•clear communication

Many women leave...

Violent relationships

For women who stay in violent or abusive situations, their reasons are...

•economic dependence

•religious pressure

•children's need for a father

•fear of being alone

•belief in the American dream

•guilt, pity, and shame

•Duty and responsibility

•fear for her life


•cultural reasons

•nowhere else to go

•learned helplessness

The Centers for Disease Control reports an estimated cost in excess of 8 billion dollars per year for

Mental and Medical Care, broken or stolen property, and lost wages

Non-financial costs include the _________ effects with which victims of violence must cope

Actual Health in mental health

The _______ is a term used that was used in the 1960s to refer to children who had injuries commonly found in children who are physically abused

Battered child syndrome

The Centers for Disease Control provide information on _______ which includes neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse

Child maltreatment

The most common form of maltreatment is


_______ may be so common as to be "just about universal"

Psychological aggression

______ parents reported the most frequent use of psychological aggression


A variety of forms of maltreatment and abusive children declined due to increases in agents of...


•a robust economy

•changes in cultural norms

•the arrival of new psychopharmaceuticals such as Prozac

Families at Risk

Parental characteristics include having experienced physical punishment as a child and a belief in...

•Corporal discipline

•unrealistic expectation of children and what is age appropriate behavior

•low self-esteem and poor impulse control

•spousal violence

•a lack of concern about the child's injury

•parental substance abuse

Families at Risk

Child characteristics include being perceived as "unsatisfactory" to parents because of being...

Unplanned, the wrong sex, abnormal, or difficult

Families at Risk

Family characteristics include being in a single-parent family,...

•marital conflict

•high levels of familial stress

•less affectionate

•playful or supportive parent-child interactions

Families at Risk

Family Ecosystem factors include experiencing...

•poverty or unemployment

•social isolation

•low income

•unsafe neighborhoods

•a crowded and dirty home

______ violence and abuse remain the most common form of intrafamilial violence but receives less attention and concern


Younger children are ______ to hit a parent than older children

Hit a parent

Elder mistreatment can be...

Abuse or neglect

Elder abuse can be in the form of...





Elder financial abuse encompasses...

Decieving elders to sign wills or contracts, taking over control of the money of elders suffering from dementia, or forcing a victim to part with resources or property

Responding to intimate and fam violence:

Intervention and Prevention goals include

•protecting victims

•rehabilitating offenders through therapeutic intervention

•assistjng and strengthening their families

Prevention strategies take two paths:

1) Eliminating social stress

2) strengthening families

Today, many of the largest police forces have implemented ________ policies in which discretion is removed from police officers responding to a call about intimate violence

Mandatory arrest

The adoption of _________ policies compels prosecutors to proceed in the prosecution of an intimate violence case as long as evidence exists, regardless of the victim's expressed wishes

No-drop prosecution

The _________ helps batterers develop critic thinking skills around nonviolence, respect, partnership, and negotiation

Duluth model

What is apparent is that a "one-size-fits-all" approach is


Madatory reporting of suspected child abuse is now required of professionals such as... In all 50 states



•and counselors

Society must address continued child abuse from a variety of levels including...

1) parents mist learn to deal more effectively with children

2) agencies should coordinate their efforts for preventing and investigating abuse

3)public awareness of child abuse needs to be created

Child sexual abuse is defined as...

Any sexual interactions between an adult or older adolescent and a prepubertal child

Extrafamilial sexual abuse is...

Conducted by non related individuals

Intrafamilial sexual abuse is...

Conducted by related individuals, including step-relatives

Incest is...

Sexual intercourse between people too closely related to marry legally

Sexual abuse in families can involve blood relatives (most commonly _________) and step-relatives (most often _______)

•uncles and grandfather's

•stepfathers and stepbrothers

The presence of a stepfather doubles a girl's risk of being Sexually abused; this increased tendency is known as...

"the Cinderella effect"

According to the U.S. Department of Health Services, _______ is more common than abuse committed by an adult relative

Sibling sexual abuse

Long-term Effects of Sexual Abuse include having higher incidences of ____________ than the general population including a sense of....

•psychological, physical, and sexual problems

•betrayal, low self-made, depression, lack of trust, and a sense of powerlessness

Tramatic sexualization refers to..

A process in which a sexually abused child's sexuality develops inappropriately and the child becomes interpersonally dysfunctional