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32 Cards in this Set

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is state of being married a legal contract entered into by a man and a woman to live together as husband and wife. it is a close union of man and woman accompanied by rights festivities and wedding


the nature of marriage is both

religious and legal

in a sense that it is ordered by god and


because it is sanctioned by the state


the elements in marriage are

love and fidelity

is not just an emotion but an act of the will which is based upon knowledge and responsibility


is a commitment to promote the well-being of a loved one


some ingredients of meaningful marriage

total commitment

total acceptance

loving communication

genuine forgiveness

spiritual rebirth

recognition that it was designed by god to be permanent until death (matt 19:6)

total commitment

accept your partner as he or she is. you need to learn to accept each other's peculiarities because each is unique individual (romans 15:7)

total acceptance

honest communication speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15)

loving communication

nobody is perfect (matt 18:21)

genuine forgiveness

christ should be at the center of the relationship (phil 4:13)

spiritual rebirth

is a set of people related by blood, marriage, agreed relationship, or adoption who share primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society


D. Some of the functions of family

sexual regulations

biological reproduction

organizing production and consumption

socializing children

providing emotional intimacy and support

the family regulates the sexual behavior of people in any given society. through marriage, sexual intercourse is sanction by society

sexual regulations

all societies need to reproduce their members. for any society to survive through generation, it must have some arrangement for replacing its members

biological reproduction

the economic system is often dependent on each family's production of what its consumes. the family consumes food and other necessities as a social unit

organizing production and consumption

children are encouraged to accept the lifestyle they favor, to master the skills they value, and to perform the work required. the society provides predictable social context within which their children are to be socialized

socializing children

the family serve as the primary group for its members, giving individual as a sense of security, belongingness, and personal worth. (palispis 2007)

providing emotional intimacy and support

god designed marriage to keep people from being


the bible says " ". in marriage sex is constitute in the union of two person the bible clearly provides the justification of the acts of sex after marriage

and they shall become one flesh

god created male for female and female for male. one man to one woman and the two became one

genesis 1:27-28; 2:24-25

says, "they leave the parents and they will be united and the two shall became one" the issue of family comes in when the person decided to get married and establish that relationship in order to form a family through marriage

mark 10:6-9

is the legal act which dissolves the marriage contract and grants to the married couple the right to remarry


it contradicts the permanent character of marital union (agapay, 2008)


is also called nullity of marriage which is the action of the court in terminating a valid marriage. marriage subject to annulment proceedings are classified as void or voidable


is one that is deemed invalid in all respects example if incentuous are bigamous marriage

void marriage

- occurs when some defects exist in the contract agreement in which all marriage originate.

voidable marriage

examples of ground for voidable marriage:

a. marriage of underageb. marriage of an insanec. marriage of procured by fraudulent means d. sexual impotency

refers to contract between husband and wife and which they agreed to live a part, or a judicial separation.

legal separation


separation does not dissolve the marriage relationship by (levi, 2004 RE2 Manual, 2005)
