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97 Cards in this Set

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Opening of urethra on inferior surface of penis


- due to failure of urethral folds to close

Opening of urethra on superior surface of penis


- due to abnormal positioning of genital tubercle

- associated with bladder extrophy

Benign warty growth on genital skin

Condyloma acuminatum

- HPV 6/11

- characterized by koilocytic change

Necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of the inguinal lymphatics and lymph nods

Lymphogranuloma venereum

What causes lymphogranuloma venerum?

Chalmydia trachomatis

- eventually heals with fibrosis

- perianal involvement may result in stricture

Malignant proliferation of squamous cells of penile skin

Squamous cell carcinoma

Risk factors for penile squamous cell carcinoma

High risk HPV types (2/3 of cases)

Lack of circumcision - foreskin acts as a hiatus for inflammation and irritation if not properly maintained

In situ carcinoma of the penile shaft or scrotum that presents as leukoplakia

Bowen disease

In situ carcinoma of the glans that represents as erythroplakia

Erythroplasia of Queyrat

In situ carcinoma that presents as multiple reddish papules

Bowenoid papulosis

- seen in younger patients relative to bowen disease and erythroplasia of Queyrat

- DOES NOT progress to invasive carcinoma

Failure of testicles to descend into the scrotal sac


- testicles normally develop in the abdomen and then descend into the scrotal sac as the fetus grows

Most common congenital male reproductive abnormality


Most cases of cryptochordism resolve


If it doesn't resolve spontaneously, ______________ is performed before 2 years of age


Complications of cryptochoridsm

testicular atrophy with infertility and increased risk for seminoma

Inflammation of the testicle


Cause of orchitis in young adults

Chlamydia trachomatis (D-K serotypes)


Increased risk of sterility but libido is not affected because LEYDIG cells are spared

Cause of orchitis in older adults

E coli and Pseudomonas

- UTI spread into reproductive tract

Viral cause of orchitis in teenagers


- increased risk for sterility

- testicular inflammation usually not seen after 10 years old

characterized by granulomas involving the seminiferous tubules

autoimmune orchitis

twisting of the spermatic cord causing thin walled veins to become obstructed leading to congestion and hemorrhagic infarction of the testis

Testicular torsion

Cause of testicular torsion

congenital failure of testes to attach to the inner lining of the scrotum via the processus vaginalis

Testicular torsion appears in adolescents as ______________

sudden testicular pain and absent cremasteric reflex

Dilation of the spermatic vein due to impaired drainage


Varicocele presents as

swelling with a bag of worms appearance

Varicocele tend to occur on the _____________ side

left side

- left testicular vein drains into the renal vein

- right testicular vein drains into the IVC

Varicocele is associated with _____________

left sided renal cell carcinoma that can invade the renal vein

seen in a large % of infertile males

Fluid collection within the tunica vaginalis


Serous membrane that covers the testicle as well as the internal surface of the scrotum

tunica vaginalis

In children, hydrocele is associated with ________________

incomplete closure of the processus vaginalis leading to communication with peritoneal cavity

In adults, hydrocele is caused by

blockage of lymphatic drainage

Hydroceles present as ______________

scrotal swelling that can be transilluminated

Testicular tumors arise from ________________

germ cells or sex cord stroma

What age range does testicular cancer occur


Risk factors for germ cell tumors

cryptochordism and Klinefelters

Most common type of testicular tumor

Germ cell tumors

Testicular tumors in general present as

painless testicular mass that cannot be transilluminated

Are testicular tumors biopsied?

NO due to risk of seeding the scrotum, removed via radical orchiectomy

Most testicular tumors are malignant germ cell tumors

Germ cell tumors are divided into _____________

seminomas (55%)

Non-seminomas (45%)

Germ cell tumor highly responsive to radiotherapy, metastasize late, and have an excellent prognosis


Germ cell tumor with variable response to treatment and often metastasize early


Malignant tumor composed of large cells with clear cytoplasm and central nuclei that resemble spermatagonia


- forms a homogenous mass with no hemorrhage or necrosis

What is the most common testicular tumor?


- resembles ovarian dysgerminoma

- good prognosis, responds to radiotherapy

Rare cases of seminoma may produce __________


Malignant tumor comprised of immature, primitive cells that may produces glands and forms a hemorrhagic mass with necrosis

Embryonal carcinoma

- aggressive with early HEMATOGENOUS spread

Embryonal carcinoma treated with chemo may result in _______________

differentiation into another type of germ cell tumor (teratoma)

what markers are increased in embryonal carcinoma?

AFP and 3-hCG

Malignant testicular tumor that resembles yolk sac remnants

Yolk sac tumor

What is the most common testicular tumor in children?

Yolk sac

Histological hallmark of yolk sac tumors

Schiller-Duval bodies - glomerulus like structures

What is characteristically elevated in yolk sac tumors?


Malignant tumor of syncytiotrophoblasts and cytotrophoblasts (placenta like tissue, but villi are absent)


- early hematogenous spread

What is characteristically elevated in choriocarcinoma?


- may lead to hyperthyroidism or gynecomastia

Tumor composed of mature fetal tissue derived from two or three embryonic layers


- malignant in males

- AFP or hCG may be elevated

Germ cell tumor with mixed components

Mixed germ cell tumor

- prognosis based on worst component

Tumors that resemble sex cord stromal tissues of the testicle that are usually benign

Sex cord stromal tumor

Leydig cell tumors usually produce androgens causing _____________

precocious puberty in children and gyneocomastia in adults

What is the hallmark histological feature?

Reinke crystals

Sertoli cell tumors are composed of ___________

tubules and clinically silent

Most common cause of testicular mass in men over 60, often bilateral


- diffuse large B cell

Small round organ that lies at the base of the bladder encircling the urethra


- sits anterior to the rectum

What part of the prostate is palpable on digital rectal exam?

Posterior peripheral

Prostate consists of ________ and _________

glands and stroma

______________ are composed of an inner layer of luminal cells and an outer layer of basal cells


What do prostate glands secrete?

Alkaline, milky fluid that is added to sperm and seminal vesicle fluid to make semen

Glands and stroma are maintained by _______________


Acute inflammation of the prostate usually due to bacteria

Acute prostatitis

Acute prostatitis causes in young adults

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

Acute prostatitis causes in older adults

E coli and Pseudomonas

Acute prostatitis presents as

Dysuria with fever and chills

Prostate is tender and boggy on digital rectal exam

Prostatic secretions show WBCs and culture reveals bacteria

chronic inflammation of the prostate

Chronic prostatitis

- presents as dysuria with pelvic/low back pain

- prostatic secretions show WBC

- cultures are NEGATIVE

Hyperplasia of prostatic stroma and glands

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

- age related change

- NO increased risk of cancer

BPH is related to what androgen?


- testosterone is converted to DHT by 5-alpha-reductase in STROMAL cells

Mechanism of action of DHT?

DHT acts on androgen receptor of stromal and epithelial cells resulting in hyperplastic nodules

What portion of the prostate does BPH occur?

Central periurethral zone

Clinical features of BPH

Problems starting and stopping urine stream

Impaired bladder emptying with increased risk for infection and hydronephrosis


Hypertrophy of the bladder wall smooth muscle increasing the risk for bladder diverticula

Microscopic hematuria may be present

Why is PSA slightly elevated in BPH?

Increased number of glands

PSA is made by prostatic glands and liquefies semen

Tx of BPH

alpha-1-antagonist (terazosin)

- relaxes smooth muscle

- relaxes vascular smooth muscle, decreases BP

What selective alpha-1 antagonist is used in normotensive adults to avoid effects on blood vessels?

Tamsulosin - Flomax

Blocks conversion of testosterone to DHT

5-alpha-reductase inhibitor

- takes months to see results

- also useful in male pattern baldness

Side effects of 5-a-reductase inhibitor

gynecomastia and sexual dysfunction

Malignant proliferation of prostate gland

Prostate adenomcaricinoma

- most common cancer in men

- 2nd most common cause of cancer related death

Risk factors for prostate cancer



- Blacks > Whites > Asians


- high in saturated fats

Prostatic carcinoma is most often clinically __________


Where does prostatic carcinoma arise?

posterior peripheral region of the prostate gland

- urinary symptoms DO NOT occur early on

Screening begins at age 50 with _____________


Normal PSA increases with age due to BPH

- 2.5 ng/mL for 40-49

- 7.5 ng/mL for 70-79

PSA greater than ___________ is worrisome at any age

greater than 10

Decreased _______________ is suggestive of cancer

decreased % free PSA

cancer makes BOUND PSA

What is required to confirm presence of carcinoma

Prostatic biopsy

- small invasive glands with prominent nucleoli

Gleason grading system is based on _____________


NOT based on nuclear atypia

Multiple regions of the tumor are assessed because architecture varies from area to area

Gleason grading system scoring

1 - 5 is assigned for two distinct areas then added to produce a final score of 2-10

Higher score suggests worse prognosis

Spread to the ______________ is common

Lumbar spine and pelvis

Spread to the lumbar spine results in ___________

osteoblastic metastases that present as low back pain

What markers are increased in metastasized prostatic adenocarcinoma?

Serum Alkaline phosphatase


Prostatic acid phosphatase

What procedure is performed for localized disease?


Advance disease is treated with _____________

hormone suppression to reduce testosterone and DHT

Continuous GnRH analogs (Leuprolide) shut down the hypothalamus

- LH and FSH are reduced

________________ acts as a competitive inhibitor at the androgen receptor
