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73 Cards in this Set

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Describes the fact that some powers are delegated (federal) while others are reserved (states)

Marbury v. Madison

established the Supreme Court's power of JUDICIAL REVIEW

popular sovereignty

The words "We the people" in the Preamble establish the Constitution's authority on the basis of this

the people

According to the doctrine of popular sovereignty, supreme power rests with these

divine right theory

Social contract theory was developed during the Enlightenment as a reaction against this idea

social contract theory

According to this theory, the state exists to serve the will of the people.

John Locke

Philosopher most closely associated with American ideas about social contract theory of government

personal income tax

Most of the federal government's revenue comes from this

free enterprise

Private ownership, competition, and profit are key elements of this

the Bill of Rights

Its purpose is to guarantee the rights of individuals

separation of powers

Describes the fact that power is spread over three distinct branches of government

checks and balances

When the president vetos an act of congress, he/she engages does this to the legislative branch.

right to privacy

right which not explicitly protected in the Constitution's Bill of Rights

the Great Compromise, AKA: the Connecticut Compromise

decided the question of how large and small states would be represented in Congress

free press

When Jefferson said he'd prefer to have newspapers without government rather than the reverse, he was emphasizing that a _________ is vital to a healthy republican democracy.


In Federalist #10, James Madison argues that political division and ____ are normal and to be expected in democracies.

division of power

Federalism is the term which described the _______ between the central (national or federal) government and the states.

concurrent power

The power to collect taxes, which can be exercised by both state and federal governments, is an example of this type of power.

Federalists and Anti-federalists

The American two-party system evolved mainly out of conflicts between the _____ & _____ over the ratification of the Constitution.

people and ideas

The biggest contribution of third parties to our system is the fact that they include _____ and ____ which are being ignored by the major parties, forcing them to involve and co-opt them


number of senators from each state

17th Amendment

provided for popular election of senators, extending the idea of popular sovereignty to the U.S. Senate

the House of Representatives

members are apportioned to the States on the basis of population every 10 years after the census

the States

have powers reserved to them by the 10th Amendment


the Congress is structured this way to allow fair representation to both small and large states

loose construction

Teddy Roosevelt's advocacy of a vigorous and assertive executive who exercises broad powers not specifically denied by the Constitution is an example of this kind of interpretation of the Constitution.


For democracy to work, citizens must think for themselves and ____ information presented in the media.

the House of Representatives

has exclusive power to impeach the president or federal judges

the Senate

has the power to try impeached officials


The Constitution gives Congress power over this to establish uniform procedures for dealing with insolvent debtors.

Declare war and fund and oversee the military

Congressional war powers

full congresssional committee

Bills are reported out from subcommittees to the _________.

floor of the chamber

Bills are reported out from the full congressional committee to the ______.

the other house of Congress

Bills passed by one house become an act of that house and are then sent to

standing committees of Congress

created to divide the congressional workload and to allow for specialization


used by Senate minority to prevent action on a bill


If the president wants to prevent an Act of Congress from becoming law, he/she can do this.

pocket veto

how a bill fails if the president leaves a bill on his desk ten days and congress adjourns

becomes a law without the president's signature

It's what happens to a bill that sits on the president's desk for ten days while Congress is still in session

12th Amendment

added to the Constitution to clean up problems in the presidential election process after the debacle which occurred in the presidential election of 1800

more electoral votes

Why a presidential candidate might choose to spend more time campaigning in NY, CA, TX, or FL than in WY, RI, or Alaska

2/3 vote in each house

required for Congress to propose a Constitutional amendment

the oath of office and the Constitution

give the president power to execute federal statutes and to defend the Constitution

the Monroe Doctrine

Its application in Latin America was an early step which the United States took toward becoming a major world power.

checks and balances

If men were angels, we wouldn't need government, but --according to the Federalist Papers -- since men who govern are not angels, it's not enough to separate powers over three branches of government. You've got to build in _______, as well, to keep one branch from overpowering another.

the Electoral College system

It's complex and largely misunderstood by the American public.

1st Amendment rights

freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition

5th Amendment

guarantees the right against self-incrimination

Miranda v. Arizona

Case which established that your confession can't be used unless you were read your rights


the most common form of political participation

symbolic speech

The Supreme Court has ruled that the Constitution protects including _______, like wearing an armband or burning an American flag.

Texas v. Johnson

case in which SCOTUS ruled that flag burning is a symbolic form of protected political speed

either state or federal court

where a case may be tried in the dual court system if jurisdiction is CONCURRENT

appointed by president & confirmed by Senate

how one becomes a federal judge or a federal prosecutor

dissenting opinion

An opinion which disagrees with the majority holding and explains why

1st Amendment's Establishment Clause

Guarantees that the U.S. government cannot set up a national church and make you join or pay


Your right to march in _________ against government action or inaction and/or carry signs criticizing a Supreme Court ruling is protected by the 1st Amendment.

14th Amendment's Due Process Clause

Guarantees no state can deny you basic rights and must follow established legal procedures

the family

The most important agent of political socialization

parties to the case and case subject matter

Federal court jurisdiction depends upon these


In Engle v. Vitale, SCOTUS ruled that the state cannot sponsor or require this

Roe v. Wade

The controversial abortion case which is based on a constitutional right to privacy

the 2nd Amendment

Because states need a "well-regulated militia," it guarantees the right to bear arms.

the G.I. Bill

It contributed substantially to the growth of a large American middle class.

the 6th Amendment

It guarantees you the right to a speedy and public trial and the right to counsel

a poll tax

You can NOT be required to pay this in order to vote in the United States.

the Civil Rights Act of 1964

It prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and hiring.

the 5th and 14th Amendments

The Constitution's two Due Process clauses are found in these

a "clear and present danger"

In Shenck v. U.S., SCOTUS ruled that shouting "Fire!" when there is none in a crowded theater presents this, and is, thus, NOT protected speech.

reserved to the states

Most police powers which involve public safety -- like requiring child protective seats or the use of seat belts -- falls under the 10th Amendment and is _____________.


The argument for election of state judges is that election makes them more ______ to the people.


The argument against election of state judges is that it interferes with judicial ______ by involving them in politics.

executive orders and actions of executive agencies

In addition to state and congressional statutes, these fall under judicial review and can be declared unconstitutional by the courts.