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142 Cards in this Set

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to refrain by concerted action from using or purchasing a product


a reduction in the amount of jobs, money, and goods


an order restricting certain goods and/or ships from entering or leaving the country


one who comes into country in which one is not native


the idea that the US should extend from the atlantic to the pacific

Manifest Destiny

the action of a state setting aside a national law it considers unconstitutional


to acquire 2 opposite views, principles or tendencies


to leave an organized group


support for one section without regard for the needs of the other sections of the nation as a whole


the right to vote


a tax on products being brought into the country


Was Daniel Webster an outspoken advocate of states' rights?


Many of the settlers of Missouri were ___ from the south

slave owners

Congress passed the ____ Act forbidding American ships to transport goods to foreign ports


The doctrine first introduced by Jefferson and Madison in 1798 and reintroduced by Calhoun and Hayne after 1828 was called

the doctrine of nullification

The settlement of a disagreement when each party gives up part of its demand is called a


The vocabulary word ____ means to support and strengthen something


the compromise Tariff of 1832 ___ the rates over ten years


The Tallmadge Amendment stated that slavery be forbidden in the new state of _____ and that the children of slaves would be free when they reached ___ years of age

Missouri and 25

What correctly describes the Webster-Hayne Debate?

it was about nullification

The 4 factors that caused New England ship owners to start spinning mills were

power from waterfalls, available cotton, the Embargo, and available labor

What were the 3 components of the Missouri Compromise?

Admit Missouri as a slave state, admit Maine as a free state, and forbid slavery north of 36 degrees 30' in the Louisiana Purchase

The Missouri Compromise was introduced by

Henry Clay

_______ accepted Mexico's offer of land in Tx and led settlers into the state to begin a new life

Steven Austin

____ is supreme political power or authority


What was required of people who wanted to settle in Tx before the Mexican Revolution?

Had to declare they would become loyal Spanish subjects

The battle of the Alamo in Tx resulted in a


Many ppl urged America to fight the Brits to hold the northern boundary of Oregon at

54 degrees 40'

The treaty of 1846 fixed the northern boundary of american oregon at the

54 degrees 50' parallel

California possessed 2

a rich fertile central valley and a moderate year round climate

When did the mexican war begin


Who led troops in Cali against Mexico

John C. Fremont

Cali possessed 2 of the 3 natural ports on the pacific coast at - and -

San Fransisco and San Diego

Mexico broke diplomatic relations with the US when - became a -

Tx became a state

Gold was discovered near - Mill in the - valley

Sutter's Mill in the Sacramento valley

Who did not agree with the Mexican war

the Northeast

Slavery could never exist in any territory newly acquired by the US from mexico according to the

Wilmot Proviso

The doctrine that allowed people living in the territories to decide the issue of slavery through their government bodies was called

popular sovereignty

the 1850 Compromise was proposed by

Henry Clay, US senator from Kentucky

The South's man concession to the North in the 1850 compromise was

acceptance of popular sovereignty in the New Mexico and Utah territories

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was introduced by

Stephen Douglas

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed in


4 possible routes for the starting point of the transcontinental railroad were


Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, and New Orleans

Although there were only - registered voters in Kansas, on election day - showed up at the polls to vote on the status pf slavery in the US

1,000 and 6,000 ballots

The bitter confrontations between proslavery and antislavery factions earned the kansas nebraska territory the name

Bleeding Kansas

One group of northerners called the - raised money and financed the trip to nebraska territory for antislavery settlers

Immigrant Aide Society

Representative Brook attacked senator - in the seat chamber after Sumner's speech in favor of the free spin constitution of the state of -

Sumner and Kansas

A building for making and storing arms and military equipment


a person who wants to do away with som rule or custom


a fixed form or character; a conventional type


DRed Scott

sued for his freedom but lost

effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney

black freedman living in New York, captured and sold in the New Orleans slave market

Solomon Northrup

Many northerners became upset over the adoption of a strict - law

fugitive slave

Some states passed - laws which gave suspected runaways the right to legal counsel and jury trials

person liberty

When Stephen Douglas explained that slavery could be excluded from a territory if the official said not pass laws to protect it, his argument became known as the

Freeport Doctrine

3 characters mentioned in Uncle Tom's Cabin were

Little Eva, Uncle Tom, and Simon Legree

John Brown was an - who attacked proslavery families in Kansas


John Brown attacked the federal arsenal at - in -

Harper's Ferry in Virginia

President Buchanan ordered - and - to Harper's Ferry

RObert E. Lee and J.E.B. Stuart

John Brown was taken prisoner, tried, and


What was Stephen Douglas' position in the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858

He won the senate seat and alienated the southerners. His debates probably cost him the 1860 presidential electon

What was Abraham Lincoln's position in the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858

He lost the senate seat and he opposed the extension of slavery. He spoke his now famous "A House Divided" speech. He was accused by Douglas of encouraged war

The "American system" proposed by Henry Clay was a plan to

gain prosperity for the nation through a protective tariff

The first cotton spinning mill in the US was built by

Samuel Slater

Southern planters objected to the protective tariff of 1816 because it

increased the cost of manufactured goods

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo resulted in

an agreement on the border between the US and Mexico

The 3 issues that caused sectionalism to develop were

economic, political, and geographical

dictator of Mexico

Santa Anna

supported the idea of nullification

Robert Hayne

secretary of war- 1853

Jefferson Davis

John Brown

attacked federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry

Stephen Austin

led settlers into Tx

Roger B. Taney

Supreme COurt Justice

Stephen Douglas

advocate of popular sovereignty

RObert E. LEe

captured John Brown at Harper's Ferry

JOhn C. Calhoun

vice president of the US

The region of the country that most opposed to the annexation of Tx was rhe


The dispute over the oregon boundary was between the US and


The issue that started the mexican war was a dispute over the - between the Us and MExico


The special condition Mexico stipulated for settlers in her territory was - to the - government

loyalty and mexican

The provision that tried to prevent slavery in the mexican cession was the

Wilmot Proviso

Congress protected the new england textile industry by imposing


Squatter sovereignty led to fighting in kansas because the squatters were on both sides of the - question


The Dred Scott decision repealed the missouri compromise because it stated that congress could not prohibit

slavery laws

the tariff passed in 1828 created angered the south and was referred to as the

Tariff of Abomination

The word antebellum means before teh

civil war

3 types of slave labor that might be found on a well established plantation were

house, fieldwork, and craftsmen

Rice and indigo were the staple crops grown on many carolina plantations. 4 other of the staple crops grown on other southern plantations were

cotton, hemp, sugar, tobacco

The cotton gin was invented by

Eli Whitney

The only state with a law limiting the slave workday was


Slaves were sold in the south by owners in the border states of -, -, -, and -

Kentucky, maryland, delaware, and virginia

Slaves were most frequently punished for not - the way the owner wanted them to


the most common form of punishment was


John quincy adams declared that, regardless of laws to the contrary, every human has the inherent right

of freedom

Most of the blacks deported from the US settled in - Africa


Blacks from europe were relocated in

Sierra Leone

A spanish slave ship taken over by the slaves it was transporting


led a slave revolt in which over 100 people were killed

Nat Turner

ship owner who transported freedmen to Liberia

Paul Cuffe

his case was heard by the supreme court and defended by john quincy admas

Joseph Cinque

a carpenter in south carolina who planned a slave revolt

denmark vesey

3 ways slave often resisted the authority of their owners was

acting sick, self mutilation, and escaping

the 3 men who led the 3 well known slave revolts were

Nat Turner, gabriel posser, and denmark vesey

Blacks were encouraged to emigrate to what 5 areas

canada, haiti, mexico, south america, western frontier

an item of movable property


to reduce by destroying or consuming


during life

durante vita

the act or process of making slaves free


to leave a country to live in another place


a colonist who contracted to work for another colonist for a certain amount of time

indentured servent

to pretend to be sick or injured in order to escape work or duty


to release from slavery


a certain part of a community; a place to live


Who were the 6 leaders of the abolitionist movement

William lloyd garrison, harriet beecher stowe, fredrick douglass, sojourner truth, benjamin franklin, benjamin rush

the president of the first american antislavery society was

benjamin franklin

the liberator was published by

william lloyd garrison

the north star was published by

fredrick douglass

John greenleaf whittier wrote the poem - and harriet beecher stowe wrote

the farewell and uncle tom's cabin

the system of escape routes and hiding places for runaway slaves was called the

underground railroad

the place where the slaves stopped for the night was called

the station

it was estimated that - slaves escaped by the underground railroad between 1830 and 1860


souther carolina nullification ordinance of 1832

william harper

considered slavery an improvement over life in africa

george mcduffie

wrote the hireling and the slave

william grayson

said southern owners were virtuous and humane

thomas r. dew

"cannibals all" or "slaves without masters"

George fitzhugh

The radical abolitionist movement began in the (year)


Louisiana slave owners were able to legally work a slave

for 21 hours a day

planned to lead an army of slaves

John Brown

took black freedmen to Africa

Paul Cuffe

published the North Star

Frederick Douglass

John C. Calhoun

State's rights supporter, Vice President of the US

Stephen Austin

led settlers to Tx

supporter of the theory of nullification

Robert Hayne

Supreme Court Justice

Roger B. Taney

president of antislavery society

Benjamin Franklin

thought slavery an improvement over life in Africa

George McDuffie

In addition to being field-workers and domestic workers, plantation slaves also served as


William Lloyd Garrison published an abolitionist newspaper called

the Liberator

The dispute that started the mexican war concerned a


The most famous "conductor" on the underground railroad was

Harriet Tubman