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78 Cards in this Set

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Relationship between 2 organisms


Human plus all the microbiota (microbiome)


Both members benefit


Commensal benefits and other is unharmed


Parasite is dependent and benefits while the other is harmed

Goal of human microbiome project

- To characterize the relationship between the human body and microbes

- To determine how the microbiome differs in various diseases

Findings of human microbiome project

- Some microbial proteins are enzymes that help us digest our foods

- We have microbes and locations that were thought to be sterile like the lungs

- Viruses are resident on the human body and large quantities and all do not cause illness

- All healthy people contain pathogens in low numbers but the normal microbiota protect us

- Gut microbiome can influence many aspects of the human health (heart disease, asthma, autism, diabetes, moods)

Function and role of normal microbiota

- Prevent growth of pathogens and aid in digestion

- Produce growth factors such as folic acid and vitamin K

How is normal microbiota acquired

- In utero: womb has its own microbiota

- Birth: vaginal/c-section deliveries contribute different initial microbiomes to baby

- Milk: breast milk/formula have differing microbes in them

- Caregivers: family, siblings, and others share microbes with baby

- Environment: baby can pick up microbes from anything it comes in contact with


Disease causing agent


Growth of microbes on host


Where pathogen lives

Transient microbes

Microbes acquired in our environment that have the potential to cause disease (removed easily by handwashing)

Opportunistic pathogens

Microbes that only cause disease when their host is weakened


Deviation from normal health that results when infection disrupts normal function of the body

Portals of entry and examples

How pathogens gain entrance to human body

Ex: skin, GI tract, respiratory tract, urogenital tract, endogenous biota


Ability of a microbe to cause disease


Degree of pathogenicity

Virulence factors and examples

Ways pathogens overcome our defenses (toxins, harmful enzymes, capsules, adhesins)

How microbes enter the human body and examples

- Respiratory tract: microbes inhaled (Influenza virus)

- GI tract: microbes enter by food, water, contaminated objects (Hepatitis A)

- Urogenital tract: commonly sexually transmitted (Herpes, HIV)

- Skin: through injured skin, sweat glands, hair follicles(Hepatitis B, Rabies virus)

Parenteral route and example

When microbes enter injured skin or mucous membranes

Ex. Injections, bites, cuts, surgery, burns, etc

Preferred portal of entry and example

Many pathogens have a preferred portal of entry in order to cause disease; if access is gained by another portal, disease may not occur

Ex. Clostridium tetani must enter through punctured skin to cause disease


Infectious dose

Dose required to cause infection in 50% of test animals


Lethal dose

Dose required to kill 50% of test animals

Adherence of bacteria

Adhesins/ligands: bind to receptors on host cells (glycocalyx, fimbriae)

Biofilms: microbes form communities


Surface proteins

Viral spikes

Evasive host defense mechanisms

- Capsule

- M proteins

- Mycolic acid

- Leukocidins

- Collagenases

- Hemolysins

- Coagulases

- Hyaluronidase

Capsule (evasive host defense mechanism)

Glycocalyx around cell wall prevents phagocytosis

Microbe: bacillus anthrasis, streptococcus pneumoniae

M proteins (evasive host defense mechanism)

Heat/acid resistant protein found in some microbe that helps attach microbe to host/prevent phagocytosis

Microbe: streptococcus pyogenes

Mycolic acid (evasive host defense mechanism)

Waxy lipid found on certain genera that prevent phagocytosis

Microbe: mycobacterium tuberculosis

Leukocidins (evasive host defense mechanism)

Damage/kill leukocytes

Microbe: staphylococcus, clostridium difficle

Collagenases (evasive host defense mechanism)

Breaks down collagen

Microbe: clostridium perfringes

Hemolysins (evasive host defense mechanism)

Kill/damage erythrocytes by forming protein channels in cell membranes (alpha, beta, gamma)

Microbes: S. mitis, S. pyogenes, S. epidermis

Coagulases (evasive host defense mechanism)

Coagulates (clots) fibrin in the blood

Microbe: staphylococcus aureus

Hyaluronidase (evasive host defense mechanism)

Digests hyaluronic acid (holds cells together)

Microbe: group A streptococci (necrotizing fascitis)

How do bacteria cause damage to host cells

Use hosts nutrients

Direct damage (lysis)

Toxins (poisonous substance)

Induce hypersensitivity reactions


Ability to produce toxins


Poisonous substance


Presence of toxins in blood


Antibodies produced by host against specific toxins


Altered (inactivated) exotoxin that can be injected as a vaccine


Toxin released directly into bloodstream, made of protein, mainly in Gram + bacteria

A-B toxins (exotoxin)

Most common

A - active enzyme portion

B - binding portion

Ex. Clostridium botulinum/tetani

Membrane disrupting toxin (exotoxin)

Cause lysing of host cells by disrupting cell membrane (leukocidins, hemolysins)

Ex. Clostridium perfeinges/difficle

Superantigen (exotoxin)

Antigens that provoke an intense immune response and signal T cell production

Ex. Staphylococcus aureus

Neurotoxin (exotoxin)

Attack nerve cells

Ex. Clostridium tetani

Enterotoxin (exotoxin)

Affects GI tract

Ex. Staphylococcus aureus

Cytotoxin (exotoxin)

Lysis of host cells

Ex. Clostridium perfringes

Endotoxins vs. Exotoxins


- toxin in lipid part of LPS of cell wall and released when cell wall is damaged

- only gram - produce them

- all produce same symptoms in varying degrees


- released directly into bloodstream

- mainly in gram + bacteria

- produce specific disease symptoms

Localized infection and example

Microbe confined to a specific tissue

Ex. Warts, boils, skin infections

Systemic infection and example

Spread throughout bloodstream to a variety of body systems

Ex. Measles, chickenpox, anthrax

Latent infection and example

Host doesn't have any signs or symptoms

Ex. Nonactive herpes

Acute infection and example

Rapid onset and progression

Ex. Influenze virus

Chronic infection and example

Slower onset of symptoms

Ex. Mononucleosis, HIV


Can be measured (objective)

Ex. Fever, swelling, rash, vomiting


Cannot be measured (subjective)

Ex. Pain, nausea, fatigue

Stages of infection and disease

1. Incubation phase: initial contact to first symptoms

2. Prodromal stage: onset of symptoms

3. Acute phase: height of infection

4. Convalescent period: decline in symptoms, strength returns, may still be contagious


Studies patterns in disease incidence and control/prevention

Uses Kochs postulates

Etiological agent

Causative agent of an infectious disease

Kochs postulates

1. Same organisms must be present in every case of disease

2. Organism must be isolated from diseases host and grown as a pure culture

3. Isolated organism should cause disease in question when introduced to a susceptible host

4. Organism must be resonated from inoculated/diseased animal

Reservoir of infection and example

animate/inanimate habitat where the pathogen is normally found

Ex. Human, animal, soil, water

Source and example

Individual or object from which infection is actually acquired (more specific than reservoir)

Ex. Unsafe water or food, saliva, sputum

Mode of transmission and example

How disease is transferred

Ex. Vertical (parent to offspring), horizontal (person to person)

Types of reservoirs

Animals: bats and rabies

Human: actively ill (indirect/direct transmission), carriers

Arthropods: mosquitoes, fleas, ticks

Zoonotic and example

Spread of disease from animals to humans

Ex. Malaria and mosquitoes

Vector and example

Live animal that transmits an infectious agent from one host to another

Ex. Fleas, mosquitoes, ticks, flies, birds

Nonliving reservoir

Soil (clostridium tetani/botulium) Fomites


Inanimate objects that transmit microbes

Noncommunicable and example

Not spread from one person to another

Ex. Clostridium tetani and tetanus

Communicable and example

Microbe transmitted from human to human

Ex. Influenza, common cold

Contagious and example

Communicable disease easily transmitted from one human to another

Ex. Measles, influenza, COVID19

Asymptomatic carriers

Can transmit pathogen but does not have any symptoms of disease

Ex. Typhoid Mary

Direct contact transmission

Person to person: saliva, touching, sex

Animal: bite, touching

Environment: swimming, soil

Vertical: in utero, vaginally delivery, breast milk

Indirect contact transmission

Airborne: respiratory aerosols, windborne, stirred up animal droppings

Vehicle: foodborne, contaminated water/needles

Biological vector: mosquito/tick/flea bite

Mechanical vector: flies, cockroaches

Endemic and example

Constantly present in a population or region with relatively low spread

Ex. Malaria

Pandemic and example

Sudden increase in cases across several countries, continents, or the world

Ex. COVID 19

Sporadic and example

Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places

Ex. Tetanus, E. coli, salmonella

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis

Linked handwashing to prevention of disease

Healthcare associated infections (nosocomial) and their transmission, diseases, prevention

Disease that develops from Healthcare worker/environment

Transmission: fomites, hospital personnel

Diseases: clostridium difficle, UTI's, MRSA

Prevention: handwashing, gloves, mask, gowns