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23 Cards in this Set

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What laws relate to student code of conduct, housing rules, rules regulating student organizations?
Which of the following is not an element of due processes
Justice (life, property, liberty)
What are minimal requirements with due process?
notice and hearing
Protection from double jeopardy is available if what three requirements are met?
can't be charged twice, separate proceedings, constitute punishment
What is the term defining the institutional permission to exert almost untrammeled authority over student's lives?
loco parentis
Sovereign immunity
Prime facie
charitable immunity
Term to describe failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent mild exercise
Primary external source of procedural requirements for public institutions
due process
Which public forums do governments retain choice of whether to open or close as well as the choice of whether to limit classes of speakers or class topics
Which goverment has the greatest reservoir of legal authority over postsecondary education
state government
Though religion clauses stated in first amendments?
establishing religion and free exercise of religion
Institutional code of conduct must comply with all the following except
Title IX legislation applies to what institution receiving federal aid
public and private
Upon a students admission in to the university entitle all the following except
require mitigating measures of disability
_______ is a catch all term that generally includes verbal and mitten words and symbolic acts that convey a
hate speech
Which of the following is not one of five principles that constrain the authority of government to regulate hate speech?
true threat
In order for challenged conduct to fall under hostile environment sexual harassment it must meet all of the following except
quiot pro que
College and universities are required to provide reasonable accommodations
In attaching institutional liability for an employee's sexual harassment of student, a schools district official must have all except
Which of the following restrictions does not apply to attire, place, manner judicial test pertaining to public forums at institutions?
require approval
Name three state action determinants that the court use to determine whether a challenge action has taken "under the color" state law
nexus, symbiotic relationship. publich function