These rights and privileges include academic freedom and tenure, compensation and other economic benefits as liberal as the resources of the University will allow, a viable faculty organization, and responsible faculty participation in the development of academic programs and policies. With respect to students, the Board declares it to be its intention to provide the opportunity for each to realize the highest potential, to formulate and enforce reasonable rules governing student conduct, and to give due consideration to the opinions of students on matters related directly to their interest …show more content…
They exist for faculty as members of a department or other academic unit, as members of a college, as members of the University, and as members of professional societies with which the respective disciplines are associated. Exercise of rights of academic freedom entails the restraints of intellectual integrity and of responsible action to safeguard its exercise against abuse, disrespect, or destruction. It entails tolerance for freedom of expression by others and full deliberation of issues and problems; it entails forthrightness in recognizing and in indicating when one speaks professionally as a scholar in a field of special competence and when one speaks as a private citizen; it entails mindfulness that membership in the academic community ineluctably involves identification and association with the University and that the University is adjudged by the actions, performance, good taste, and expressions of its faculty(Article 7,