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51 Cards in this Set

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Q200. Etiology of Hypopituitraism; (3)
A200. Tumors;; Medical/surgical destruction;; Sheehan's syndrome
Q201. Dx: 36-yo woman complains of amenorrhea for 1 year, increasingly bad HA, clumsiness and sporadic nipple discharge; beta-hCG levels are normal
A201. Prolactinoma
Q202. Drugs that inhibit DA and as a result, cause hyperprolactinemia; (6)*
A202. The Prolactin Has Magnified My C-cups: TCAs;; Prochlorperazine;; Haloperidol;; Methyldopa;; Metoclopramide: Cimetidine
Q203. Difference b/t Central DI and Nephrogenic DI with respect to ADH
A203. Central DI: inadequate pituitary secretion of ADH; Nephrogenic DI: lack of renal response to ADH
Q204. Etiology of Central DI; (4, 3 are systemic)
A204. PENS:; 1. Posterior pituitary damage (tumor, trauma, etc); 2. Encephalitis;; 3. Neurosyphillis;; 4. Sarcoidosis
Q205. Dx: Psychiatric disorder of compulsive water drinking common in young to middle aged women; polyuria and dilute urine. How is it distinguished from DI?
A205. Psychogenic Polydipsia; difference with DI: PP has a low plasma osmolality
Q206. Etiology of Nephrogenic DI aside from Drugs, renal Dz and electrolyte disorders
A206. Sickle cell
Q207. (3) Drugs that can cause nephrogenic DI
A207. "Liquid DM": Lithium;; Demeclocycline;; Methoxyflurane
Q208. Dx: polyuria (3-15 L/day); thirst; dilute urine (sp gravity < 1.005)
A208. DI
Q209. Dx test for DI; (3)
A209. 1. plasma Osmolality: High; 2. Exogenous ADH: leads to Water deprivation; 3. Infusion of hypertonic saline: no response
Q210. Compare the urine osmolality before and after the infusion of exogenous ADH in: 1. Normal patient; 2. Central DI patient; 3. Nephrogenic DI patient
A210. Normal: High urine Osm -> high urine Osm; Central DI: Low urine Osm -> high urine Osm; Nephrogenic DI: Low urine Osm -> low urine Osm
Q211. Tx for Central DI
A211. Desmopressin (DDAVP)
Q212. Tx for Nephrogenic DI
A212. Thiazide Diuretics
Q213. Definition: Excess production of ADH
Q214. basic Etiology of SIADH; (3)
A214. PIE:; Pharmacologic stimulation of hypo-pit axis;; Idiopathic overproduction of axis;; Ectopic production from tumors
Q215. what (2) tumors cause SIADH?
A215. Small cell lung CA; Pancreatic CA
Q216. what are the Idiopathic causes of the overproduction of ADH in SIADH?; (5 in 2 categories)
A216. CNS: encephalitis, trauma, stroke; Pulmonary Dz: TB, pneumonia; *any problem to Lungs or Brain (+ Pancreatic CA) can cause SIADH!
Q217. (4) Pharmacologic causes of SIADH
A217. Carbamazepine;; Chlorpropamide;; Clofibrate;; Vincristine
Q218. (4)* other causes, aside from small cell and pancreatic cell cancer, of ADH secretion
A218. Adrenal failure;; Renal failure;; Edema;; Fluid loss
Q219. Dx: hyponatremia; low serum osmolality; high urinary sodium; urine osmolality > serum
Q220. Tx for SIADH; (2 with fluids, 1 drug)
A220. Fluid restriction;; Hypertonic saline in severe HypoN;; Demeclocycline (lowers CD response to ADH)
Q221. Definition: Disease of impaired bone mineralization
A221. Osteomalacia; (Mineralization = Malacia)
Q222. Osteomalacia in children
A222. Rickets
Q223. Basic etiology of Osteomalacia; (4)
A223. Decreased Calcium absorption;; Dietary Calcium deficiency;; Vitamin D deficiency;; Hypophosphatemia
Q224. Causes of dietary Calcium deficiency; (3)*
A224. Malabsorption syndromes;; Gastrectomy;; Dumping syndrome
Q225. Main Causes of Vitamin D deficiency; (2)
A225. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic diseases (loss of bile acids or pancreatic lipase reduce absorption of fat-soluble vitamins);; Renal Osteodystrophy
Q226. Causes of Hypophosphatemia; (2)
A226. Renal Tubular Acidosis;; Falconi's syndrome
Q227. Dx: Bone pain, weakness, difficulty walking: broad-based waddling gait with short strides; thoracic kyphosis
A227. Osteomalacia; (Rickets in children)
Q228. What do blood tests show to Dx Osteomalacia?; (3)
A228. Labs:; 1. Low - nml Calcium;; 2. Low - nml Phosphate;; 3. High Alk-phos (possible high PTH)
Q229. Tx for Osteomalacia; (2)
A229. Tx underlying disorder;; Calcium and Vitamin D supplements
Q230. Definition: Systemic disorder resulting in a reduction of bone mass that leads to increased risk of fracture
A230. Osteoporosis
Q231. Risk factors for Osteoporosis; (6)
A231. Elderly Female;; Post-menopause;; Family Hx;; Smoking;; Thin body;; Sedentary lifestyle
Q232. Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis
A232. Reduction of bone mass occurs due to an imbalance b/t bone acquisition and bone reabsorption;; without change in the ratio of mineral to organic bone
Q233. Histology of Osteoporosis
A233. Decreased cortical thickness and number (and size) of cancellous bone trabeculae; (especially horizontal)
Q234. When does osteoporosis usually become symptomatic?; (2) types
A234. when Fracture occurs:; Vertebral body fracture;; Hip fracture
Q235. Dx lab blood test results for Osteoporosis
A235. Everything is normal: Serum Ca++ and PO4- are usu normal;; Alk-phos is normal unless there is a fracture, then it's increased
Q236. How is bone mineral density measured?; (2) Dx results
A236. Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scan; T-score < -2.5 = Osteoporosis; T-score -2.5 to -1 = Osteopenia
Q237. Differential in Osteoporosis; (4)*
A237. Malignancy;; Hyperparathyriodism;; Osteomalacia;; Padget's disease of the bone
Q238. Prevention and Tx for Osteoporosis; (4)
A238. Dietary Calcium and Weight-bearing exercises;; Estrogen replacement therapy;; Calcitonin;; Bisphosphonates (Alendronate) with Vitamin D and Calcium supplements
Q239. Definition: Chronic Dz of adult bone in which localized areas of bone becomes hyperactive, and the normal bone matrix is replaced by softened and enlarged bone
A239. Padget's Disease of the bone
Q240. If Alkaline Phos is elevated, what is the next step?; (2)
A240. Send GGT to determine if it is Hepatic (elevated GGT) or bone (not elevated); or Check to see if it is heat-labile (Bone), where hepatic is not
Q241. Histology: Hyperactive bone turnover with enlarged multinucleated osteoclasts
A241. Padgets Disease of the bone
Q242. Dx: 45-yo male is found to have an elevated alkaline phosphatase during a routine blood test. No other abnormalities were found. Further workup reveals the enzyme to be heat labile
A242. Padget's Disease of the bone
Q243. Radiologic finding: area of hyperlucency of the bone surrounded by a hyperdense border
A243. Padget's Disease of the bone
Q244. Tx for Padget's Disease of the Bone for: 1. Pain relief; 2. Anatomic deformity or impingement; 3. to Decrease bone reabsorption; 4. to assist with cardiac failure or neurologic deficits
A244. 1. Pain = Indomethacin; 2. Deformity = Osteotomy of the bone; 3. Decrease Reabsorption = Bisphosphonates; 4. Assist in CardiacNeuro = Calcitonin
Q245. What is the Normal serum Calcium range?
A245. 8.5 - 10.2 mg/dL
Q246. Etiology of Hypocalcemia; (8)*
A246. IV STRAP:; Insufficient PTH;; Vitamin D deficiency;; Sepsis / Severe Mg deficiency;; Toxins;; Rhabdomyolysis;; Albright's Osteodystrophy (Pseudohypoparathyroidism);; Pancreatitis
Q247. Osteoporosis Risk factors; (8)*
A247. FACELESS:; Family history;; Alcohol;; Corticosteroids;; Elderly Female;; Low Calcium;; Estrogen low (Menopause);; Smoking;; Sedentary lifestyle
Q248. First sign/Sx of Hypocalcemia; Name and describe (2) other common signs seen in PE
A248. first sign:; Circumoral Paresthesia; Chvostek's sign: Facial muscle spasm with tapping of the facial nerve; Trousseau's sign: Carpal spasm after occluding blood flow in forearm with BP cuff
Q249. What is seen with EKG for Hypocalcemia?
A249. Prolonged QT and ST intervals; (also peaked T-waves can be seen as in HyperK)
Q250. How can Calcium correct for Hypoalbuminemia?
A250. Adjust Calcium upward by 0.8mg/dL for each 1.0g/dL of albumin below normal