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15 Cards in this Set

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Why should you watch out for cyclists, motorcyclists, wheelchairs mobility scooters and pedestrians when turning into a junction?

They may be difficult to see.

They may not hear or see you when you come from behind.

You are turning into a junction and find a pedestrian crossing the road. Who has right of way?

The pedestrian.

Why should you watch out for long vehicles that are turning into a junction?

They may need to use the whole road to turn so be prepared to give way.

Why should you watch out for riders on a junction.

They may use a different line than you expect.

When should you be particularly patient when stopped at a junction?

When you see a car approaching from the right signal left. It could be a mistake so don't assume you will have room.

When should you join a road?

When there is definitely enough room to do so safely.

When must you stop at a junction?

When there is a stop sign and a solid white line.

What do broken white lines at a junction mean?

Give way to oncoming traffic when emerging.

On a dual carriageway, what should you first do when turning right or crossing?

Assess that the central reservation is deep enough to fit your vehicle.

If so, act like you are joining a new road and wait for a gap.

If not, wait to cross both carriageways in one go.

When are you allowed to stop in box junctions?

When you are turning right but you are blocked by oncoming traffic or other vehicles turning right.

At signalled roundabouts with a box, what must you not do?

Stop in the box. Only cross if you can do so in one go.

What is a green filter arrow?

A traffic light that allows you to go on if you intend to turn in the direction it indicates.

What does an amber traffic light at a junction mean?

Go on if you have crossed the stop line. Stop if you haven't.

What are advanced stop lines?

Lines that stop you and allow cyclists to pull up in front of you.

What is the safest method of turning right into a road when there is a vehicle oncoming? Why?

Keep them to your right and turn in behind them. This ensures better visibility of any oncoming traffic.

Turning Infront of a vehicle can obstruct your vision.