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25 Cards in this Set

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How can one determine if the DOM element 'this' is currently being animated?
$(this).is(':animated') returns true or false
define hide() and its arguments
hide(speed, callback)
sets css property 'display: none' on the element; if no arguments, happens instantly

speed is 'slow', 'normal', 'fast', or an integer for milliseconds (optional)

callback is a function that should be called when the animation completes (optional)
define show() and its arguments
hide(speed, callback)
sets css property 'display: block|inline' on the element; if no arguments, happens instantly

speed is 'slow', 'normal', 'fast', or an integer for milliseconds (optional)

callback is a function that should be called when the animation completes (optional)
define toggle() method and its arguments
toggle(speed, callback)
performs hide() on visible elements and show() on hidden elements

speed is 'slow', 'normal', 'fast', or an integer for milliseconds, if omitted, happexens instantly

callback is a function that should be called when the animation completes (optional)
explain toggle(Boolean)
if true, shows the element, if false, hides the element
explain how to set the background color of a div to red after hiding the element
$('div').hide('normal', function() {
$(this).css('background-color: red');
explain how to hide an element on the page by slowly changing its opacity
$('#elm').fadeOut( speed, callback )
define fadeIn(speed, callback)
shows an element by slowly changing its opacity

speed is 'slow', 'normal', 'fast', or an integer for milliseconds

callback is a function that should be called when the animation completes (optional)
explain how to animate the transparency of an element to a specific opacity
fadeTo(speed, opacity, callback)
define the opacity argument in fadeTo(speed, opacity)
a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 where 1 = 100% and 0 = 0%
what method shows elements by slowly increasing their vertical height from zero?
slideDown(speed, callback)
what method hides elements by slowly decreasing their vertical height to zero?
slideUp(speed, callback)
define slideToggle
performs slideDown() on hidden elements and slideUp() on visible elements
define stop()
this method halts any animations in progress on any elements in the matched set
explain the parameters for stop(clearQueue, gotoEnd)
clearQueue (boolean) if true, all items in the animation queue are canceled and removed

gotoEnd (boolean) if true, the current animation is advanced to the end point instead of stopping at current progression
what method is called internally by slideDown(), slideUp(), hide(), and show()?
explain the properties parameter passed to animate(properties, duration, easing, callback)
properties is an Object that explains the CSS properties that will be animated

attributes should use camelCase if they are multi-word
explain the purpose of animate()
applies a specific animation passed in the properties to the elements of the wrapped set
explain which css properties can be animated by animate()
the properties that can be animated are those that have a numeric value and can be logically progressed from current value to animated value
explain how to adjust the height of an element by a relative amount instead of to a specific size
use animate(properties), in properties, prepend += or -= to the value. Example:

$('div').animate( { height: '+=20' } );
explain the duration parameter in animate(properties, duration, easing, callback)
the string 'slow', 'normal', 'fast' or an integer in milliseconds explaining how fast the animation should progress
explain the easing parameter in animate(properties, duraton, easing, callback)
an optional function that enhances the effect by changing the way it enters or leaves view

these are usually provided by plugins

the core jQuery lib only provides 'linear' and 'swing'
explain the properties argument in animate(properties, options)
Contains the CSS values that will be modified as key/value pairs.

The names should be specified in CamelCase.

Since the animation takes place by adjusting the value, it needs to have a logical numeric progression.
explain the options argument in animate(properties, options)
Alternative way to call animate to traditional animate(properties, duration, easing, callback)

The options object can contain any of the following:
- duration
- easing
- complete (callback fxn)
- queue
- step (fxn called at each step)
define the term easing, as used with animate functions
describes the method the animation frames are completed, providing variations in the path and effects.