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11 Cards in this Set

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RFP (request for approval)

ion's way of identifying a lead. Or more specifically, in appointment

ION's way of identifying?


When a account is under contract

When an account is...

NTP (Notice To Proceed)

Indicates that the contract has been fully passed through both the lender as well as ion and will begin the permitting phase of the solar process

Contract that has been?


indicate the Solar System has been installed to the roof. The timeline to get a system installed varies greatly between utility companies, ranging from 1 to 6 months. Generally however, about 2 to 3 months from contract signing

PTO(Permission to Operate)

Indicates that the installed system has been inspected by the city, ion, and the utility company and is now fully operational. This typically takes 2 to 4 weeks after panels have been installed to the home


A person who has scheduled an appointment but is not yet a customer

KwH kilowatt hour

is the unit of measurement utilities companies use to quantify how much electricity a customer uses


Simply put, solar energy


Indicates a very solid, high quality appointment. Potentially referring to in a prospect says "we've been thinking about solar"

Net Metering

essentially solar as we know today. It allows for excess solar production to be "sold" back to the utility company to be returned when you need it

Sun Hours

refers to the amount of sun that shines on a particular portion of the roof. Generally speaking in, South facing roofs to get the best, with Southwest, Southeast, West, then East (respectively) following