Solar power is a renewable energy which absorbs the sun's ultraviolet light and converts it into electricity. This method of energy reduces the amount of fossil fuels being emitted in the atmosphere, which also helps reduce people’s carbon footprint. Over time, the energy a person uses will end up saving them money. Rooftop Solar has recently made an appearance in the Nevada community as a solar renewable energy supplier. The strategy Rooftop solar plans to utilize to sell Nevada residents electricity would be by owning the solar panels that they would give them, and then the resident would buy the electricity the panels are …show more content…
Recently reported, an issue with the … “value of credits that customers should earn for sending their excess energy back into the grid, it was known as net metering,” (Rothberg). According to the Solar Energy Industry Association, “Net metering is a system which gives energy users credit for the energy that they are putting back into the grid.” (SEIA). In other words, people who have solar panels installed into their home or business are given credits which earn them money, for putting renewable energy back into the energy grid, this way people would be encouraged to switch to a renewable energy source, rather than focusing on the natural gas or a coal energy source. In an article by Daniel Rothberg, he stated “Solar customers had relied on net metering credits to offset the cost of their panels, until last year’s ruling established that the rate would be dramatically cut by 2020.” (Rothberg). In 2015, the Nevada Legislature passed a bill which would force Rooftop Solar to cut the pricing on net metering, as well as, making the monthly bill higher. This lead to the decision Rooftop Solar made to leave Nevada. The Las Vegas Review Journal stated regarding the bill… “the Public Utilities Commission made a decision to cut the net metering rates from