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28 Cards in this Set

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What are the risks of media intrusion into privacy?

Independent Press Standards Organisation scrutiny

Litigation and perhaps damages

What does IPSO's Privacy Clause 3 state?

Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private life

Editors expected to justify intrusions into private life

Unacceptable to photograph individuals in private place without consent

What classes as a private place?

Private or public place where there is a reasonabke expectation of privacy

What is IPSO code of practice clause 4 harrassment?

Journalists must not intimidate

Journalists must not pursue individuals when asked not to

Editors must make sure they dont put in non compliant material

What does IPSO's code of good practice also refer to?

Clause 5 - intrusion into grief and shock

Clause 6 - children

Clause 7 - children in sex cases

But also of public interest that certain stories may have - freedom of expression within public interest itself

When were the Human Rights Acts introduced?


What is the UK Human Rights Act 1998 founded on?

European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (ECHR)

What must UK law be compatible with?


What is article ten of the Human Rights Act 1998?

Freedom of Expression

What is articke 8 of the UK Human Rights Act 1998?

Right to privacy

What is the result of article 10 and article 8 of the UK Human Rights Act 1998?

Competing human rights

Legal battles with conflict

What was the outcome of the Gloag v Perth & Kinross Council v the Ramblers Association (2007)?

No right of privacy but various other legal remedies - breach of contract, confidence, defamation, tresspass, nuisance etc

As there is no right to privacy in Scots law, what remedies can people rely on?

Breach of confidence

Breach of copyright

Breach of contract


May also be criminal consequences such as breach of the peace and theft

What is breach of confidence?

A civil wrong

It is a delict - part of the law of obligations

This happens if someone knew not to disclose information they had been given in confidence

What are some examples of breach of confidence?

Trade secrets

Sensitive commercial information

Government intelligence

Personal photographs

Whats a real life example of Breach of Confidence?

Mosely v News Group Newspapers ltd

Unauthorized disclosure of his personal life

Mosely having sex wuth strippers

Mosley won hos case and damages

What IPSO Code clause is relevant with Mosley v News Group Newspapers?

Clause 10

Press must not seek to obtain material by hidden cameras or listening devicesor intercepting devices

What else is included in Breach of Confidence?

The journalist ought to have known that information was given in confidence

How do third parties affect Breach of Confidence?

Information should not be published when found by a third party if it is of a confidential nature

What is a breach of contract?

A remedy for an intrusuon into ones private life may be based in the law of contract

Another remedy for breach of privacy?


Whats an example of using nuisance as a remedy for privacy breach?

Taking photos from a plane

Particularly relevant with drones

What is the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 say about tresspassing and privacy?

Trespassers failing to obey police when asked to leave

Aggravated trespass


Can all be held against privacy

Another remedy for privacy when tresspassing occurs?

Land Regorm Act 2003 S1 Access rights & 6 exclusions to access rights

Building used for privacy

Land surrounding non domestic buildings

Land used for schools

Land adjacent to schools

What happened in the Malone v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis 1979 case?

Phone lines tapped, recording passed to police

Malone charged with handling stolen property

Tapping was argued unlawful

Tapping was not unlawful as ECHR not applicable in UK

Case was taken to EU court of human rights

Held right if privacy was broken

Tapping did not meet Artcile 8 test (was it preventing disorder or crime)

How did the Malone case effect UK?

New UK regulation of interception of communications

These laws now found in Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, & Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000

These concern powers excercisdd by authorities, not private persin and the media

What remedies are there for someine who has had their privacy interferred with?



What does the Human Rights Act 1998 say in section 12 about Freedom of Expression?

Can be granted for person seeking relief so long as they are there or the person representing them is