This obsession is what gives the paparazzi (and journalists) a job and they often satisfy their audiences with pictures of celebrities doing normal, every-day-activities. While many celebrities enjoy having their picture taken for award shows, many do not prefer their personal lives to be interrupted by the flash of a camera. Many celebrities cannot live normal lives because of the constant presence these journalists have. In the 1970s, the name Henrietta Lacks was popular in newspapers and magazines. Henrietta Lacks was a black woman who died of cervix cancer in the 1950s. Some of her cancer cells, known as HeLa, were removed and were used in many science experiments because of the cells ability to live outside the human body. Many people did not know who this woman truly was until her name was published in the 1970s. Although patient confidentiality laws were not in place during this time, Dr. Gey at John Hopkins Hospital did not want the name of the woman who gave her cells to be published to protect Mrs. Lacks family. One of the many reporters who pushed Dr. Gey to give the press the name of the woman behind the HeLa cells was Roland H. Berg. Berg told Gey that he wanted to interview the relatives of Henrietta, which directly disrupted privacy rights. When Gey refused to give Berg information, Berg went on to say that, “To inform [the public]…you must also interest them. You do not engage the …show more content…
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