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20 Cards in this Set

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As a rule, behaviorists assume that

Behaviorists believe that every behavior is caused or determined through processes that can be scientifically studied.

In one experiment, the conditioned stimulus was always followed immediately by the unconditioned stimulus. However, the unconditioned stimulus was frequently presented at other times as well. The fact that animals displayed little or no response to the conditioned stimulus indicates that classical conditioning depends on

Classical conditioning depends on the ability of the conditioned stimulus to predict the occurrence of the unconditioned stimulus. When the conditioned stimulus is not followed by the unconditioned stimulus, this weakens the predictive relationship and undermines classical conditioning.

Classical conditioning applies primarily to ____ responses; operant conditioning applies primarily to ____ responses.

The traditional view before Miller and DiCara's landmark operant conditioning studies was that classical conditioning applies primarily to visceral responses; operant conditioning applies primarily to skeletal responses.

A secondary reinforcer

A secondary reinforcer is reinforcing because of its association with the primary reinforcer. For example, a grandmother's smile may be a secondary reinforcer because it is associated with freshly baked cookies (primary reinforcer).

After a subject has developed a classically conditioned response, an investigator begins presenting the conditioned stimulus by itself. Which of the following is likely to occur?

Extinction of a conditioned response (CR) occurs when it is no longer followed by an unconditioned stimulus) UCS. When this happens, the conditioned stimulus (CS) no longer predicts the UCS.

A dog drools saliva whenever he hears the "doggy snacks" cupboard open. Which of the following is true?

The sound of the cupboard is the CS; the doggy snacks are the UCS. The CS predicts the UCS, resulting in the CR of drooling.

Suppose your alarm made a slight clicking sound just before the alarm goes off. Even though you didn't wake up to the clicking sound initially, now you do, due to classical conditioning. In this example, the unconditioned response is

The alarm was the unconditioned stimulus and waking up to the alarm was the unconditioned response. After several trials, the clicks that preceded the alarm became the conditioned stimulus, and waking up in response to the clicks became the conditioned response.

Which of the following would be an example of punishment (passive avoidance)?

Punishment (passive avoidance) reduces the frequency of behavior (beer consumption) due to its unpleasant consequences.

What is spontaneous recovery?

Spontaneous recovery is an increase in responding after a delay following extinction.

Punishment is most likely to produce a long-lasting suppression of a behavior if

Punishment is most effective when an individual can obtain reinforcement using an alternative response.

A slow but steady rate of responding is most characteristic of behavior reinforced on a ____ schedule.

A variable interval schedule produces a slow but steady rate of responding. In contrast, a fixed interval schedule produces a "scalloped" response pattern, where responses decline after the delivery of reinforcement.

conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented and always followed by an unconditioned stimulus. Will the animal necessarily develop a conditioned response? Why or why not?

The conditioned stimulus (CS) will only elicit a conditioned response (CR) when it predicts the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Contiguity is insufficient to elicit the CR.

According to the Premack principle, is it possible to train an animal to drink more water by giving it food as reinforcement for drinking?

The Premack principle requires that you reinforce one behavior with a more reinforcing behavior. For example, a parent might allow 1 hour of online gaming for every 4 hours of studying.

In Pavlov's experiments he paired the presentation of food with a buzzer and measured salivation to each. In this experiment the buzzer was the

The buzzer was the conditioned stimulus because it preceded and predicted the unconditioned stimulus.

A professor gives unannounced quizzes at unpredictable times. Therefore students must study equally every night. Which type of schedule of reinforcement is this?

The reinforcement schedule is variable interval since reinforcement occurs at random time intervals.

A group of people has learned to blink their eyes whenever they see a flashing blue light, because for the last hour that flashing blue light has always been followed by a puff of air to their eyes. If we want to test for the possibility of stimulus generalization, what procedure should we follow?

The flashing green light tests whether a different hue (CS) will elicit the CR. If this happens, then there is stimulus generalization.

You were once stung by a bee and now you are somewhat frightened by all insects. You are displaying

In this example, a conditioned fear response has generalized from the initial stimulus (bee) to new stimuli (other insects). This process is called stimulus generalization and it allows us to expand our repertoire to deal with situations we have not previously encountered. After receiving a bee sting, we don't have to receive a wasp sting to learn to avoid them

In operant conditioning, UNLIKE classical conditioning,

In operant conditioning, UNLIKE classical conditioning, the individual's response controls the outcome (reinforcement or punishment). In contrast, in classical conditioning, the individual reflexively responds to a stimulus.

Pavlov believed that presenting the CS at nearly the same time as the UCS caused a connection in the brain to form so that the animal treated the CS as if it were the UCS. Psychologists today believe that the animal

Learning theorists believe that animals use the CS to predict that the UCS is coming.

If you give a dog some food every time you sound one tone but fail to present food after a second tone, you are likely to produce

You can teach discrimination by delivering reinforcement after one stimulus (tone), but not after another.