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20 Cards in this Set

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In both avoidance learning and escape learning, coping behaviors are _______.

In both avoidance learning and escape learning, coping behaviors are negatively reinforced. These behaviors become more likely because they allow an individual to either avoid or escape an aversive event.

Dawn practices healthy computing exercises 15 minutes a day, 5 times a week. This pattern represents _______ practice.

Dawn practices healthy computing exercises 15 minutes a day, 5 times a week. This pattern represents spaced practice which is recommended for skill acquisition.

Seligman's concept of learned helplessness, where patients stop trying to cope due to lack of success, can be best explained by the operant conditioning principle of

Seligman's concept of learned helplessness, where patients stop trying to cope due to lack of success, can be best explained by the operant conditioning principle of extinction.

New patients in alcohol treatment unit are introduced to a program graduate who is praised by the staff for his sobriety and success in increasing alpha/theta amplitude. If this increases the new patients' efforts to learn to modify their own EEG activity, this illustrates the principle of

If this increases the new patients' efforts to learn to modify their own EEG activity, this illustrates the principle of vicarious reinforcement. From a social learning perspective, when the patients observed the model receiving praise, they received vicarious reinforcement. This should increase their motivation to practice the self-regulation skills learned in the program.

If a patient's reports of anxiety result in desired attention from family members, this could ______ this symptom.

Positive reinforcement occurs when a positive consequence (attention) of an operant behavior (anxiety complaints) increases the frequency of that behavior.

A therapist reinforces a child's reduction of theta amplitude by playing music whenever a training goal is met. How does the music aid EEG biofeedback training?

Reinforcement is not required to learn a self-regulation skill. Secondary reinforcers like music aid learning by increasing a patient's motivation to perform skills already acquired.

Stephen reduced the number of cigarettes he smokes a day after developing a painful cough he attributed to smoking. This illustrates the operant principle of

Stephen's example illustrates the operant principle of punishment since the consequence (painful cough) that followed an operant behavior (smoking) decreased its frequency.

What is a learning process underlying the placebo response?

Ader has shown that the placebo response can be classically conditioned.

An active placebo is an

An active placebo is a placebo coupled with an ingredient that produces benign side effects. This increases the placebo's credibility and results in a higher success rate than observed with a standard placebo.

A dyslexic child increasingly reports stomach pain since this previously permitted escape from frustrating reading assignments. Which process is involved here?

Operant behaviors (pain complaints) that allow escape or avoidance of aversive stimuli (reading homework) are negatively reinforced.

Which reinforcement schedule is most vulnerable to extinction?

The smallest ratio, 1-10, is most vulnerable to extinction. This is because with smaller ratios, the subject more rapidly recognizes that reinforcement has stopped.

Catherine's muscle relaxation practice has progressed so that she can reduce muscle bracing at both the computer keyboard and when she is driving in rush hour traffic. This illustrates the operant principle of

Catherine's muscle relaxation practice has progressed so that she can reduce muscle bracing at both the computer keyboard and when she is driving in rush hour traffic. This illustrates the operant principle of generalization.

You have not complied with your patient's attempts to schedule sessions in the evening when your office is closed. After two months of no rescheduling requests, your patient repeatedly raises the issue. This pattern illustrates the phenomenon of

Refusal to reinforce operant behaviors like rescheduling requests does not eliminate them from a patient's repertoire. This is demonstrated by spontaneous recovery where an unreinforced operant behavior unexpectedly reappears.

When Susan increases SMR activity and decreases theta activity following a prodrome to prevent a generalized seizure, this illustrates

Susan's example illustrates avoidance learning where successful self-regulation of her EEG is negatively reinforced by prevention of a generalized seizure. It's avoidance because she had warning of the impending seizure and she sought to avoid it.

When Michael increases frontal alpha to reduce anxiety, this illustrates

Michael's example illustrates escape learning where successful self-regulation of his EEG is negatively reinforced by anxiety reduction. This is escape because he wants to escape from the anxiety, it occurs without warning.

A computer-based EEG biofeedback training system reveals increasing segments of a scenic picture as a patient increases beta amplitude. The visual display provides _______ reinforcement.

The feedback display provides contingent positive secondary reinforcement.

A skill like increasing beta amplitude is considered "voluntary" when it can be elicited by

A skill like increasing beta amplitude is considered "voluntary" when it can be elicited by instructions.

When we reduce the frequency of feedback a biofeedback patient receives, this is analogous to the operant conditioning procedure of

When we reduce the frequency of feedback a biofeedback patient receives, this is analogous to the operant conditioning procedure of fading. Reducing a patient's dependence on external feedback after learning self-regulation skills helps the patient transfer these skills to settings outside of the clinic.

A patient stops practicing visualization at home because her chronic anxiety has not improved. This best illustrates the concept of

A patient stops practicing visualization at home because her chronic anxiety has not improved. This best illustrates the concept of extinction since her operant behavior (visualization practice) has not been reinforced by its consequences.

You gradually increase your patient's EEG training goal until she produces theta 50% of the time during a 30-second epoch. The process of reinforcing successive approximations of desired behavior is termed

Shaping is the reinforcement of successive approximations of a target behavior such as increased theta amplitude.