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49 Cards in this Set

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Who was the Secretary of State that opened China, and secured the Panama Canal treaty?


What nation did varilla take Panama from?


Which countries did the US intervene in during the early 1900s?

Nicaragua, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Haiti, Cuba, China, Hawaii

Who gave the Panama Canal back?

Jimmy Carter

What is the Roosevelt Corollary?

An add-on to the Monroe Doctrine

What was President Taft's foreign policy called?

Dollar Diplomacy

Where did Taft send Marines to?

Central America, Nicaragua

What did Roosevelt do to earn a Nobel Peace Prize?

He helped end the Russia / Japanese war in 1905

Where did Wilson send troops?

Mexico, Dominican Republic. (Don't choose anything in Central America)

Who said "I'm going to teach South America republics to elect good men"?

Woodrow Wilson

Who did Pershing Chase and not catch?

Pancho Villa

Who are the triple entente members?

France, Britain, Russia, and later Italy

Who were the Triple Alliance members?

Germany, Austria, Turks

What Balkan Nation did Russia support early in World War One?


What heir to the Austrian Throne was assassinated?

Franz Ferdinand

What nation had a treaty with Germany but sided with Britain and France during World War 1?


What broke the us pledge of neutrality during World War I?

Lusitania, Zimmerman Telegraph, loaned money

What is a war of attrition?

Killing everyone!

Why did Britain war with the Ottomans?

The British tried to assist the Russians by invading turkey

What was Germany's military plan in the west called during World War 1?

The schlieffen plan

The sinking of this ship caused the u.s. to enter the war

The Lusitania

Where was the Archduke of Austria assassinated?

Sarajevo Bosnia

What is the bloodiest in longest battle of World War 1?


What is the biggest economic problem after World War I?


How many people died in World War 1?

16 million

Did the u.s. emerge as the leading power after World War I?


Did American support the draft?


Did Americans know the Germans would lose when they entered the war?


Who commanded the AEF?

Black Jack Pershing

What is a devil dog?

A Marine

Did female nurses serve in the AEF?

Yes, but they didn't get a pension

Did President Wilson allow dissent during the war?


The "blank" Renaissance in New York?


Who is Langston Hughes?

African American poet

What killed 50 million people during and after the war?

The Spanish Flu

Did the US accept President Wilson's fourteen points?


What is the Treaty of brest-litovsk

Treaty that took Russia out of War

How did the Germans help get the Russians out of the war?

They snuck Lenin back into Russia

What is the Balfour Declaration?

The Declaration where King George the 5th wanted " to see a Jewish homeland in the Middle East"

Did the US join the League of Nations?


Race riots in 1919 took place in what city?


Which weapon heralded in age of chivalry in World War 1?

The airplane

Who are two early aviators?

Eddie Rickenbacker, and Billy Mitchell

Did the high tariff enacted by Congress ensure prosperity?

No, they cost Americans jobs

Who raised employee's wages so they could buy a "blank"?

Henry Ford, car

What is the Washington Naval Conference of 1920?

People got together to limit the size of battleships. They needed to limit aircraft carriers!

What Scandal is President Harding associated with?

The Teapot Dome scandal

In what year did Indians vote for the first time?


What influence the flappers?

The war, also the bars in Paris led to the girls wanting to dress differently