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100 Cards in this Set

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The main issue temporarily solved by the Missori Compromise of 1820 was...
The Compromise of 1850 did the following:
Admitted California as a free state, Passed the Fugitive Slave Act, Nullified the Compromise of 1820
Violoenc in the Kansas territory was a direct result of the
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Popular sovereignty held that the decision of whether a territory would be free or slave should be left to the...
residents of the territory
In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court held that...
being on free territory did not make a slave free.
The main issue in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates was...
Slavery in the territories.
Name famous abolitionists:
Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown, Frederick Douglass
The 1860 Republican platform on which Abraham Lincoln ran for teh presidence DID NOT include a demand for...
abolition of slavery in the Southern states.
The President of the Confederate States of America was...
Jefferson Davis
The first act of open rebellion by the Confederacy was at...
Fort Sumter
In what area did the South have an advantage over the North in the Civil War?
Military Leadership
The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in which area?
The Confederacy
Which of the following abolished slavery?
The 13th Amendment
The Battle of Gettysburg is considered a turning point in the Civil War because it...
Was the last Confederate invasion of the Union
Which pair of military officers is known for having adopted a strategy of "Total War" during the Civil War?
US Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman
The significance of the outcome of the Battle of Vicksburg was that it gave the Union forces control of...
The Mississippi River
Where did Robert E. Lee surrender to the Union?
President Johnson's impeachment was a result of...
His opposition tot he Radical Republicans in Congress
What was intended to protect the voting rights of all male citizens, regardleaa of race, color, or previous condidion of servitude?
15th Amendment
What signaled the end of Reconstruction?
The Compromise of 1877, which made Hays president
Who supported the most radical plan for Reconstruction?
The Radical Republicans
What did Congress establish to help former slaves adjust to freedom?
Freedmen's Bureau
Scalawags were Southern whiets who
Became Republicans
Carpetbaggers were northern Republicans who
Moved to the South
What are the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments commonly referred to?
The Reconstruction Amendments
What did the 14th Amendment do?
Defined who was a citizen, protect the civil rights of citizens, and require all the states to follow the Bill of Rights
What one thing contributed to the end of the open range cattle era?
Barbed wire
Sand Creek and Wounded Knee ar famous for being the sites of...
US Army massacres of Native Americans
The Exodusters...
were former slaves from the south who settled on the Great Plains
The HOmestead Act required...
to live and work the land for 5 years.
Literary tests and poll taxes were designed to
Keep African Americans from voting
What prevented the greatest number of children from being able to attend public high school?
Who founded the NAACP?
WEB DuBois
Jim Crow laws were that...
separated races
In Plessy V. Ferguson the Supreme Court ruled...
Racial segregation in public accommodations was legal
Booker T Washington created the...
Tuskegee Institute
Robert M LaFollette gained fame for being a
reform govenor
The 17th Amendment allowed for...
direct election of senators
In the Jungle, Upton Sinclair exposed
unsanitary conditions in the meat packing industry
Susan B anthony was best known...
as a leader in the women's suffrage movement
Define Suffrage:
The right to vote
Carrie Nation was a leader in prohibition. What is prohibition?
Sale and production of alcohol
The 19th Amendment:
allowed for suffrage for women
The formation of the Bull Moose Party in 1912 led to the election of:
Woodrow Wilson
Founder of Socialist Party of America:
Samuel Gompers
Interstate Commerce Act:
Regulated railroad rates
What made it possible to construct skyscrapers in the 1880's?
New methods of steel construction
Industrial consolidation and trusts functioned during the late 1800's to reduce
The Sherman Antitrust Act:
was used by labor unions to fight for worker rights
In the late 1800's, collective bargaining was used to...
win worker rights
Scab's are workers who:
are used to break fights.
The Bessemer Process:
Madi it easier and cheaper to produce quality steel
Written communication was enhanced with the 1876 invention of:
Social Darwinism discouraged:
Government Intervention
Andrew Carnegie gained control of a large percentage of the steel industry by...
buying out his suppliers, buying out his competition, underselling his competitors
Inventor of Telephone:
Alexander Graham Bell
Industry of the Great Strike of 1877:
Industrial Workers of the World was organized by:
Radical unionists and socialists
The first successful oil well was drilled in 1859 by:
Edwin Drake
John D Rockefeller:
Standard Oil Company
Samuel Gompers:
Socialist Party
Stalwarts supported:
Spoils System
Tammany Hall was the name...
NYC political Machine
Settlement houses were founded in the late 1800s by
social reformers
Purpose of patronage:
reward one's supporters
The Chinese Exclusion Act:
Decreased Chinese Immigration
The Gentlemen's Agreement:
Caused anti-American rioting in Japan
Tammany Hall was run by:
William Marcy "Boss" Tweed
The East Coast reception station for immigrants:
Ellis Island
Mark Twain novel that gave the name for time of corruption in the 1800s.
The Guilded Age
Movement by native-born Americans against immigration:
The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker territories:
Alfred Mahan advocated for:
Development of a Naval Fleet, Building a canal across Panama, establish additional Naval bases
What influenced America to acquier Hawaii?
US businesses owned sugar plantations there
Yellow Journalism:
Reported exaggerating the news
Teddy Roosevelt let what group into Cuba during the Spanish American War...
Rough Riders
The main motivation for the construction of the Panama Canal...
reduction of travel time between oceans
The series of policies which called for open access to China's ports was:
Open Door Policy
The Boxer Rebellion was in response to:
The spread of Western Influence in China
"Big Stick" Diplomacy is accociated with what leader?
Theodore Roosevelt
The argument that Europe must not intervene in Latin America and that the US could be forced to become an international police power>>>
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
William Howard Taft used what type of diplomacy?
Dollar Diplomacy
In 1914 what stance did the US take toward WWI?
Remain neutral.
What event sparked WWI?
Assissination of ARchduke Ferdinand
Which counties belonged to the Triple Entente(Allied Powers?)
Great Britian, France, Russia
What countries belonged to the Central Powers during WWI?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria
Trench Warfare in WWI can be attributed to:
Macine guns
Who was the leader of Germany during WWI?
Kaiser Wilhelm
What British passenger liner, sank by a German U-Boat, killed 128 Americans?
The Zimmerman Note propoeed an alliance between which two countries?
Germany and Mexico
Which President led America into WWI?
W. Wilson
Which General led the American Expeditionary Force in France?
John Pershing
Who replaced men in the factory jobs during WWI?
The US financed WWI in part by...
selling war bonds
Who led the Bojlshevik Revolution in Russia?
Vladimir Lennin
How did the Bolshevik Revolution effect Russia's involvement in WWI?
Withdrew from the war
Wilson's peace plan was called...
14 Points
The Big Four were:
Britian, France, US, Italy
Why did the US Senate oppose membership in the League of Nations?
It would drag America into European Conflicts
The Versailes Treaty forced the Germans to
Pay reparations