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79 Cards in this Set

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Early Sumerian Pictograph Tablet

Sumerians: First to permanently settle in fertile crescent

Pictographs set stage for development of writing

Structured into grid, horizontal and vertical

Stele with law code of Hammurabi

Hammurabi: Babylonian king known for revising law code

Stele: carved stone slab used as grave marker or commemorate events; shaft and relief sculpture

Code of Hammurabi: penmanship, lined paper

Hittite Stamp cylinder seal

Imagery on side for rolling

Image on bottom for stamping

Allows images to be reproduced; precursor to printing

Ivory tablet of King Zet

Earliest known example of Egyptian pictographs

Evolved into hieroglyphics

The Rosetta Stone

Top: Hieroglyphics

Middle: Demotic -- everyday Egyptian vernacular

Bottom: Ancient Greek

The Phaistos Disk

Cretan pictographs -- from Crete


Stamp for each of 241 characters, movable type

Hatchet, eagle, carpenter's square, animal skin, man in plumed headdress, vase

Etruscan Bucchero vase

Etruscan: thrived in Central Italy

Bucchero: type of Etruscan pottery with black, glossy surface

Rooster shaped toy jug -- educational toy

Inscribed with Etruscan alphabet

Column of Trajan

Column and mosaleum

First colossal freestanding column

Capitalis monumentalis (monumental capitals) all uncials

Oracle bone

Inscribed with bone-and-shell script

128 characters on a scapula

Predictions of calamities during the next 10-day period

Love of Lotus landscape

by Shi Tao

Calligraphy, chop, images

Goat and Sheep

by Zhao Meng-fu

Chops used to imprint the names of owners or viewers

Positive and negative reliefs

Symbol of Matthew from The Book of Durrow

Earliest fully ornamented Celtic book

Displays intricate and abstract patterning

Simple geometric forms

Flattened image -- no shading

Monogram of Christ from The Book of Kells

Tempera on vellum

Greek letters, Celtic, Christian

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from the Beatus of Fernando and Sancha

Spanish manuscripts--

display Moorish and Islamic influence

flat shapes of intense color

Symbols of war, famine, pestilence, death

Mainz Haggadah/Haggadot

copied by Moses ben Nathan Oppenheim

Judaic traditional is not fully non-figural, educational and adornment

Haggadot: Judaic illuminated manuscripts -- relatively rare

Pharaoh and his army drowning in the Red Sea

Islamic manuscript illumination from the Qur'an

Muhammad advocated for widespread literacy

Intricate patterns and vibrant colors share similar to Islamic architectural decorations and carpets

Expresses sacred and complex nature of Qur'an

Woodblock print of Saint Christopher

One of earliest dated European block prints

Block prints: image and lettering cut from single block

Flattened, linear image

Saint carries travelers safely across river

Pages 146-147 of the Gutenberg Bible

by Johann Gutenberg

First typographic book produced in Western Europe

Famous for its legibility, generous margins, and excellent presswork

Red headers and text, initials, floral decoration added by hand

Colophon and trademark from a Psalter in Latin

by Jan Fust and Peter Shoeffer

First book to have trademark, date of publication, and colophon

Colophon: printer's distinctive emblem or inscription giving title, author, printer, and date/place of publication

Trademark: distinctive emblem identified with specific company

Illustration from Travels in Mount Zion

by Erhard Reuwich

First travel book: documents journey from Germany to Jerusalem

Reuwich: first person to be identified as a book illustrator

First book to have fold out illustrations

This 4-page spread depicts Greek island of Rhodes

Pages from the Nuremberg Chronicle

by Anton Koberger

Nuremberg: most prosperous city in Northern Europe

Koberger: most significant printer in Germany at this time

The raised hand of God as a symbol of creation is repeated

Rhinoceros broadside

by Albrecht Durer

Broadside: large piece of paper printed on one side (poster)

Illustration based on sketch and description

First rhino in over 1000 years had arrived in Spain

Page of Augustine of Hippo's City of God, Italian

by Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz

Second typeface designed by team

Marked first step toward Roman style typography

Created double alphabet -- capitals and lowercase

Combines Roman capitals with Caroline minuscules

Prototype for Roman alphabets still in use today

Title page for Great Works

by Diego de Gumiel

Example of early Spanish graphic design

White-on-black woodblocks and heraldry (coat of arms) is typical

Title is secondary to imagery even though it's a title page

Title page for Calendarium

Title and author are identified in verse describing the book with date and printers' names below

First book printed in more than one color in first press run

Floral patterns common in Italian Renaissance designs

3 sides design distinctive

Capital G from a series of crible' initals

by Geoffroy Tory

Alphabet of roman capitals made for Estienne

Inital set into black square with floral design

Crible': background composed of small white dots

Pages from the Polyglot Bible

by Christophe Plantin

2 vertical columns over a wide horizontal column

Contains Hebrew, Latin, Aramaic, Greek, and Syriac translation

Title pages from Manuel Typographique Volume 1

by Pierre Simon Fournier le Jeune

Fournier's type manual is most significant in this period

Rococo: French artistic style of mid 18th century

Broadside type specimen

by William Caslon

Dominant type face in the British Empire for nearly 2 centuries

Title page from Manuale Tipograhico

by Giambattista Bodoni

Bodoni's letterforms are known for their clarity

Composed of double and triple thick and thin elements

The weight contrasts of the letters is echoed in the borders


American Institute of Graphic Art

leading American professional organization for design


from Greek meaning something written

relating to artistic use of pictures, shapes, and words


writing surface


carved or scratched sign or figure on rock


picture representing the thing depicted


Early Sumerian pictograph tablet

Ivory tablet of King Zet

The Phaistos Disk


symbol that represents an idea or concept


first to permanently settle in fertile crescent


first sophisticated system of writing

series of wedge shaped symbols


carved stone slab used as grave marker or to commemorate events

shaft and relief sculpture

Example: Stele with law code of Hammurabi


writing system of ancient Egypt


Ivory tablet of King Zet (evolved into hieroglypics)

Rosetta Stone


set of visual symbols or characters used to represent elementary sounds of spoken language


from island of Crete

Example: The Phaistos Disk

Northern Semitic Writing

Aramaic script

developed by early Hebrews and Phoenicians

Reads from right to left

Evolved into Hebrew and Arabic alphabets

Hebrew script

Squared, bold letters

Horizontal strokes thicker than vertical strokes


thrived in Central Italy

Ex: Etruscan Bucchero vase


type of Etruscan pottery with black glossy surface

Example: Etruscan Bucchero vase

Monumental capitals

capitalis monumentalis

Roman square capital letters

Ex: Column of Trajan


ancient writing from China

not alphabetical

44,000 characters

series of lines in imaginary square

more abstract than hieroglyphics

Bone-and-shell script

earliest known Chinese writing

attributed to Tsang Chien, legendary figure that invented many Chinese characters

Ex: Oracle bone


traditional Chinese identification stamps or seals

contained calligraphic characters

often used red ink called cinnabar (ore of mercury)

Ex: Love of Lotus landscape, Shi Tao


Red ink used with chops

Ore of mercury

Illuminated manuscripts

all decorated and illustrated handwritten texts

produced during Medieval era

from late Roman Empire until invention of printing press in western Europe

Classical style manuscript

Roman imagery and lettering


script or type of writing done in all capital letters


Strokes rising above top guideline


Strokes dropping below lower guideline


Step towards the emergence of minuscules or lowercase letters

Ex: The Book of Durrow


forefunner to contemporary lowercase

Caroline graphic renewal

Charlemagne fostered development of education

Standardization of page layout, writing style, decoration

Liturgical book

made by the authority of the church

Author portrait

saint depicted writing text that follows


what was used to create piece


type of paint made with pigment and egg white


domesticated animal skin used as substrate


printing from a raised surface (relief)


Printing with independent, movable, reusable reliefs


Translucent emblem added with a wire mold during paper making to denote individual, company, or institution

Block prints

image and lettering cut from single block

ex: Woodblock print of Saint Christopher

Ars moriendi

Christian literature that provided practical guidance for the dying and those attending them


Type mold

Developed by Gutenberg

Used to cast individual letters

Metal alloy for type mold

Specialized ink for metal type

Press for printing


Developed by Gutenberg

used to stamp an impression of letterform into a softer brass matric


Developed by Gutenberg

Slipped into bottom of 2-part type mold, filled with molten lead alloy to cast a piece of type


printer's distinctive emblem or inscription giving title, author, printer, and date/place of publication

ex: Colophon and trademark from Psalter in Latin by Fust and Schoeffer


Distinctive emblem identified with specific company

ex: Colophon and trademark from Psalter in Latin by Fust and Schoeffer


handemade layouts of text and images

ex: Exemplar pages for the Nuremberg Chronicle


large piece of paper printed on one side (poster)


Rhinoceros broadside, Albrecht Durer

Broadside type specimen, William Caslon


coat of arms

ex: Title page for Great Works, Diego de Gumiel


Stylized flowers

ex: Title page from Ars Moriendi, Alvise

Romain du Roi

new type developed for use by office of royal printing in France

Louis Simonneau