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100 Cards in this Set

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T/F: _____ The British thought the colonists were sensitive to their liberties because they were so familiar with slavery others accused the colonists of hypocrisy for claiming to be slaves while actually owning slaves themselves.


Once ancillary benefit to the Alliance with________________ because it was a catholic nation helped to ease American concerns about Catholicism.


Thomas Jefferson substituted the word_______________ for the word property in the Declaration of Independence.


In the winter of 1776-1777 Washington scored two small but very significant victories at ____________ and _______________.

Trenton, and Princeton, NJ

Most Historians contend the real significance of the Declaration of Independence was its shift from focusing on rights as Englishmen to rights as _______________.

Human Beings

The Battle of _______________ is significant for two reasons, first it was a much needed victory and second it convinced the______________ to enter the war on the American side.

Saratoga ; French

T/F: _____ John Peter Zenger was convicted of libel for comments he published about the colonial governor.


T/F: _____ The British seriously underestimated the support for independence among the American people.


As a symbol of his family’s wealth the 1710 portrait of young Henry Darnall shows him standing next to_______________________.

A young slave

Approximately _______________ percent of American remained loyal to the British during the Revolutionary War.


John Adams was adamant that ________________ was vital to a democratic society.

land ownership

John Locke rationalized his support for_____________ by contending that freedom was the natural right of propertied white men.


________________ plantations in Virginia and the Chesapeake were models of mercantilism.


Organized opposition to the ____________ Act produced the first great drama of the Revolutionary era.

Stamp Act

1. In 1783, the state of ______________ emancipated slaves who had fought on the American side during the Revolutionary War.


1. Thomas Jefferson listed ____________________,_______________________, and ______________________ as the contributions he would most want to be remembered for.

The Declaration of Independence, The University of Virginia, and the Bill establishing Religious Freedom

1. The colonists believed that acquiescence to the_______________ Act would be an acknowledgement that the British Parliament had the right to tax the colonists s they saw fit.

Tea act

1. T/F: _____ The term “Triangle Trade” referred tothe practice of adding an arbitrator to the seller/buyer arrangement.


1. Following the conclusion of the ______________War Britain saw the need to increase colonial taxes to help pay for its worldwideempire.

Seven Years/ French and Indian

1. Cultivation of ______________ was the commodity that encouraged slavery in the Chesapeake region.


1. A series of unexplained _______________ in 1741 created a panic in New York City.


1. New state constitutions created during the Revolutionary War expanded ______________________ in almost every state.

The right to vote

1. The basic philosophy of _______________ was based on the premise that governments derived their powers from the consent of the governed, in other words it was a contract between the people and the government.

Government as described by John Locke

1. While there wasn’t a codified national policy towards native Americans the acceptable premise was to ___________________ and force them ever westward.

Take their lands

1. The _____________ of south Louisiana are descendants of the French who emigrated from Nova Scotia.


1. Adam Smith’s 1776, publication__________________ contributed to the success of free trade advocates during the Revolutionary War.

The Wealth of Nations

1. The Daughters of Liberty group advocated for__________________ to protest the Townshend Acts.

A boycott of all British goods

1. Until 1807, the state of ______________ allowed property owning women to vote.

New Jersey

1. T/F: ______John Adam’s argued for a bicameral legislature for each state.


1. The ____________ Act granted religious freedom for Catholics in Canada.


1. _________________ is arguably recognized as the most famous of all of the Great Awakening ministers.

George Whitefield

1. The idea that every minister of the British Parliament could realistically represent the interests of every colonist is called ______________________.

Virtual Representation??

1. T/F: _____ During the Revolutionary War women; fought in the war; raised money for the army; served as spies and informants;and contributed homespun goods for the army.


1. After experimenting with a variety of crops___________ and ____________ had the greatest success with rice.

S. Carolina & Georgia

1. The Stamp Act Congress established the principle that ______________ of the people was required of any tax proposal.


1. While Tobacco, Cotton, and Rice were the most important crops for America it can be argued that ___________ was the most important crop to the British, French, and Portuguese empires.


1. In the beginning the ______________ Society was simple called the Junto.

American Philosophical Society

1. The 1778, American victory at _______________convinced the French that with French assistance this war was winnable.


1. Lack of either a land or water escape route sealed the fate of British General _______________ at Yorktown, Virginia forcing his October 19, 1781 surrender.


1. Published in 1789, the autobiography of _________________ is recognized as the most widely read account by a slave of his own experiences.

Olaudah Equiano

1. During the Revolutionary War the British attempted to exploit the tensions between ________________ and ________________.

Backcountry farmers, Wealthy planters

1. The 1766, _______________ Act, while not an actual tax, stated that Parliament's authority was the same in America as in Britain and asserted Parliament's authority to pass laws that were binding on the American colonies.


1. The colony of ________________ established by James Oglethorpe in 1732, not only provided for improved conditions for imprisoned debtors but also outlawed slavery.


1. _________________ qualifications for holding office ensured that the landed gentry wielded an inordinate amount of power in colonial legislatures.


1. Incursion by France into areas claimed by the Ohio Company would lead directly to the __________________ War.

Seven Years War

1. T/F: _____ Since slaves were viewed as property and ownership of property was a cornerstone of colonial belief little effort was put forth during the Revolution towards putting an end to the practice.


1. Schoolbooks of the 1700’s emphasized both learning and ______________________.

Virtuous behavior

1. T/F: _____ Thomas Jefferson was opposed slavery but was more than willing to continue its use in order to maintain his lifestyle.


1. The series of Parliamentary Acts such as the Boston Port Act, The Massachusetts Government Act The Administration of Justice Act, and The Quartering Act all enacted in response to the Boston Tea Party became known collectively as the ________________ Acts.

Intolerable Acts

1. According to Noah Webster ____________ was the soul of the republic.


Although voting requirements varied from colony to colony ________ was the one constant.


Colonial response to the British seizure of the ship ______, owned by John Hancock, would lead the British to station troops in Boston, which would lead eventually to the events known as the Boston Massacre.


T/F: ____ The style of preaching presented during the Great Awakening was much more subdued and restrained than the old style.


In 1777, _____ became the first state to eliminate all property and tax qualifications for voting.


For service to the colonies during the Revolution _________ promised each white male soldier a slave as a reward.

South Carolina

Thomas Paine's reference to an "asylum for mankind" he was referring to ________.


The ________ occurred when British soldiers fired into a threatening mob killing five.

Boston Massacre

Following the revolution the concept of ______ rights greatly influenced the writings of Thomas Jefferson.

Natural rights

_________ not only defeated the British army at Yorktown he also defeated the British support for the war.

George Washington

T/F: _____ In contrast to the patriotic principles justifying the war for independence most new state constitutions did not address the issue of religious freedom.


Slavery was less prevalent in the northern colonies because ________.

The economy did not need them

One unintended consequence of the ______ created the revolution that was that upstart churches began challenging the well established churches that had once enjoyed more support from the government.

Religious freedoms

John Adams not only recommended George Washington as commander of the Continental Army because of his military experience but also because he was from __________.


The process in which the British government encouraged a limited amount of self government by the colonies is known as __________.

Salutary Neglect

________ and _________ ignored John Adams' suggestion that all states should adopt a bicameral legislature.

Pennsylvania, Vermont

The lack of freedom in the two practices called _______ and ________ saw them decline in popularity after the revolution.

Apprenticeships, Indentured servitude

___________ a Mohawk chief attempted to create an Indian confederacy on lands between Canada and the U.S.

Joseph Brant ( Thayendanegea )

Those women who embraced the concept called "republican motherhood" encouraged all to campaign for ____________ opportunities for women.


__________ was the author of the influential economic treatise entitled "the wealth of nations" which championed the idea of a free unregulated economy.

Adam Smith

T/F: ______ One method in which slaves gave voice to their ideas of freedom was to sue their masters in court, charging they were being "illegally detained in slavery".


The term "the shot heard round the world" refers to the opening shots in the ________ war.

Revolutionary ( American War of Independence )

Following the end of the Revolutionary war Catholics saw a dramatic increase/decrease in America. ( Circle on choice )


Slaves in the _________ colonies constituted a small percentage of the population which meant they face much less harsh laws than slaves in other areas.

Northern colonies

T/F: _____ In support of her husbands efforts during the Revolution Abigail Adams ran the family farm.


The primary purpose of the British in issuing the Proclamation of ___________ was to bring stability to the frontier.


After the Revolution if the free black population in some states met the tax and property requirements they would be allowed to __________.


In the rice growing region the _________ system assigned slaves daily jobs and allowed them free time when completed.


In the 18th century but before the Revolution colonial assemblies became more _______ and _________.

Assertive, Dominating

________ is credited to having drafted the Albany plan of union which due to colonial jealousies was never adopted.

Benjamin Franklin

The development of _________ plantations in South Carolina produced the wealthiest slave owning class on the North American mainland.


T/F: _____ Native Americans fought exclusively for the British during the Revolution.


_______ was one of the founding fathers who did not own any slaves.

John Adams

Rice planters in South Carolina initially attempted to use ________ slaves.

Native American

_________ was the wartime political leader of Britain in the Seven Years War, especially noted for his single-minded devotion to victory over France.

William Pitt

After the Revolution most northern states dealt with the slavery issue by _____________.

Passing legislation for the gradual ending of slavery

One factor which separated the colonists from the English citizenry was the colonists rejection of a society based on ____________ aristocracy.


The _____________ Act rejected the colonial claim that only elected representatives could levy taxes.


The Paxton Boys demanded that all __________ be removed from Pennsylvania.

Native Americans

The cost of the _______ convinced Britain that the colonies should help pay for their administration.

Seven Years War

T/F:____ Thomas Jefferson was a dedicated member Presbyterian church.


Thomas Jefferson expressed a wish to be remember for ___________, ____________, and ____________.

Declaration of Independence, The University of Virginia, The Bill that established Religious Freedom

Thomas Jefferson substituted the word _________ for __________ as contained in earlier writings of John Locke.

Happiness, Property

The concept that every member of Parliament could accurately represent the wishes of every colonist was known as _________ representation.


Deists, such as Thomas Jefferson believed the study of ________ was the best form of religion.


The state of _________ was claimed from the New York territory by Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys.


T/F: _____ Religious requirements in some states essentially barred Jews from holding public office and in some cases voting.


If taken literally the statement " ________________" had the potential to radically alter society.

All men are created equal

T/F: ____ One of the cornerstones of the Revolution was the rejection of the concept of an hereditary aristocracy.


The _________ qualification for voting was a hotly debated topic.


Freedom and the right to _________ had become interchangeable by the end of the Revolution.
