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100 Cards in this Set

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T/F:__________ Material wealth mattered much less to Native Americans than to Europeans, but inherited social status was paramount.


Indians lacked genuine religion: False

William Penn professed a belief in the __________ religion.

Quaker Religion

The Native American civilization that lived in the Mississippi Valley over 3,500 years ago was known as the_______________.

Mound Builders??

In Colonial America life in the New England area was said to be more ____________ oriented.

Family oriented

The ____________ colony sided with King Charles I during the English Civil War.


Henry Hudson’s quest was to find ________________________.

a Northwest passage to Asia

T/F:_____ Intermarriage between English colonists and Native Americans was eventually outlawed by the Virginia legislature in 1691.


___________________ was the wealthiest group of mainland colonists.

South Carolina Plantation Owners

T/F: ______ In order to acquire lands the English resorted to displacing Native Americans without compensation.


________________ is the name given to the first written frame of government in what is now the U.S.

The Mayflower Compact

Of the early colonies, ______________ was unique in that it had no official church.

Rhode Island

______________ and _______________ was the scene of colonial uprisings as a result of the Glorious Revolution in England.

Massachusetts and New York

T/F: _____ At the time of the Spanish arrival both the Aztec and Inca empires were declining both in wealth and population.


They were large, wealthy, and sophisticated

A vast system of ___________ trading existed long before Columbus’ arrival in the New World.

Inter-tribal trading

Native American religious ceremonies were related to the belief that _____________ could be found in living and inanimate things.

Sacred Spirits

In Great Britain in the 17th century freedom of speech was limited to members of _______________________.

Members of commons? during parliamentary sessions

The English decision to establish _______________ made conflict with Native Americans inevitable.

Permanent Settlements

Of the three major European powers competing in the New World ___________established limited but enduring alliances with Native Americans.


The ___________ believed that the Anglican church retained too many residual elements of Catholicism.


Adam Smith believed ________________ and the discovery of a sea route around Africa to Asia were the “two greatest and most important” events in the history of mankind.

the discovery of America

The autocratic rule of _______________ alienated many of the Jamestown settlers.

John Smith

____________ was known as “Virginia Gold.”


At her trial Anne Hutchinson sealed her fate when she claimed _________________________.

God had spoken directly to her

The ______________ came to the New World to trade.


The _________________ charter was granted in an attempt to settle a debt owed by the King.

Pennsylvania Charter

T/F: ______ Unlike other religious groups decisions in Puritan households were decided in democratic fashion.



The ______________ returned a Protestant to the English throne.

Glorious Revolution

According to the theory known as ________________ the government should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power.


One major stabilizing event for the Jamestown settlers was the marriage of Pocahontas, daughter of the Powhatan chief, and _______________________.

John Rolfe

In the _________________ colony married women were allowed to retain a separate legal identity.

The New Netherlands Colony

The Pilgrims, whose charter permitted them to settle in the ____________ area were mistakenly delivered to the area known to us today as Massachusetts.

the Virginia area

___________________ was the name given by Columbus to the Island that would serve as the first center of the Spanish empire in the New World.


The government of the ______________ colony was considered to be the most liberal of the colonial era.

Pennsylvania colony

Regarding the 1692, Salem, Massachusetts witchcraft scare the requirement that the accused must _____________ and ____________ as the only means of avoiding prosecution resulted in a multitude of accusations.

Confess and Name Others

In Massachusetts, free man status was only granted to those adult males who were __________ and ___________________.

Land Owners and Church Members

The ritual human sacrifices as practiced by the __________ disgusted Europeans despite their practices of publicly executing criminals and burning witches at the stake.


The marriage between ____________ and ______________ symbolized Anglo-Indian harmony and missionary success.

John Rolfe and Pocahontas

Those colonials blessed with _____________ and ____________ believed their status also meant the right to rule.

wealth and prominence

The Pennsylvania requirement of ________________ virtually eliminated Jews from serving in any governmental capacity.

a belief in Jesus Christ

By instituting the _____________ system in which each colonist who paid their own or another's passage and was given 50 acres of land helped shape the development of the Virginia colony.

Headright system

For the most part English settlers believed __________ was the basis of liberty.


In the 17th century it was believed that ____________ v. ______________ was the main lines of division within humanity.

Christianity v. Heathenism

_____________ was banished from Massachusetts because he differed with the Puritans on the issue of Church-state relations.

Roger Williams

T/F:______ Within some Native American groups individual families might use a specific plot of land for a single season but had no claim to that plot beyond that single season.


The _____________ of 1680, is recognized as the most complete victory for Native Americans over Europeans until the 1876 Battle of the Little Big Horn.

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680

____________ production in Virginia enriched an emerging class of planters and certain members of the colonial government.


A central element in the definition of ____________ liberty was then right to a trial by jury.

English liberty

T/F: ______ The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina insisted upon the elimination of a feudal society and hereditary nobility.


T/F: ______ Christians were never enslaved in the New World.


Most New Englanders viewed most ________________ as savages.

Native Americans

The underlying purpose of the 1651 _____________ Act was to control the colonial mercantilist system.

1651 Navigation Act

The trans-Atlantic flow of goods is called the _____________ Exchange.

Colombian Exchange

As a symbol of Anglo-Indian harmony and missionary success _______________ became a sensation in the court of James I.


Columbus’ major navigational error was his grossly underestimate of ___________________.

the circumference of the earth

At the time of the Spanish arrival the _________ capital of Tenochtitlan already had a complex system of canals, bridges, and dams.

Aztec capital

The _________________ of 1688, occurred when English aristocrats feared the birth of James II’s son would lead to a Catholic succession.

Glorious Revoluion

In his 1645, speech to the Massachusetts General Court _____________ identified two kinds of liberties, natural and civil.

John Winthrop

In the 17th century in the Chesapeake region social distinctions were between one group, __________________ and everybody else.

White Planters

T/F:_____One major distinction between the treatment of Indentured Servants and slaves was Indentured Servants could not be bought and sold.


England’s first attempt at colonization in ______________ would influence its later attempts in the New World.


The “_______________ Purchase” of 1737 was an orchestrated attempt to defraud the Lenni Lanape Indians.

"Walking Purchase"

_______________was the common economic bond between Maryland and Virginia.


To entice settlers to Virginia, the Virginia Company established the ____________ system of awarding lands to those who paid for their own passage.

Headright system

The _________________ is the name given to the successful efforts of the Spanish to evict the Moors from the Iberian Peninsula.

The Reconquista

In early colonial times _________________ was most often described as the “capital of the New World.”


________________ made up about two-thirds of English settlers in the New World in the 17th century.

Indentured Servants

In 1649, ____________ adopted the Act Concerning Religion, which institutionalized the principle of religious toleration.


T/F:______ Europeans thought Native Americans were “too free” for their own good, lacking rules to live by.


The belief that the surrounding culture was ____________________ convinced the Pilgrims to flee the Netherlands.

Corrupting their Children

____________________ was one of the first settlers to argue that church and state must be totally separated.

Roger Williams

When the House Of Burgesses decreed that religious conversion did not release a slave from bondage it essentially legalized the concept of _________________________.

One christian owning another

The colony of _______________ was founded to thwart further Spanish expansion.


The inland site selected for Jamestown was selected to prevent _____________________.

Attacks by Spanish Ships

T/F:______ When the British assumed control of the New Netherlands Colony it decided to retain the Dutch practice of allowing freedom for married women.


In response to the Glorious Revolution in England, _________________, who captured and controlled the government in the southern section of New York from 1689-1691, was himself overthrown and unlike King James II, was killed in a most grisly manner.

Jacob Leisler

Giovanni Caboto also known as John Cabot is believed to have landed on the coast of _________________ in 1497, claiming that country and all of North America for England.


It can be said that __________________ is the one element that unified the far-flung elements of the British Empire.


To the Quakers, ______________ was a universal entitlement.


For the most part European settlers, particularly English settlers, believed that in comparison to the Native Americans that they, the Europeans, had a higher and better use for ______________.


Carolina grew slowly until _______________ was discovered as a staple crop.


The 1675-1676 conflict known as ________________ saw 112 Massachusetts towns destroyed.

King Phillip's War

___________ was the commodity driving the African slave trade in Brazil and the West Indies.


English ________________ believed the Anglican church still closely resembled the Catholic church in its rituals.


The belief that spiritual intercessors were unnecessary separated the ____________ from the Catholics.


T/F: ______ Property registers in the 1640’s in which blacks were being shown with no terms of service is evidence of slavery in that period.


In the absence of a legal Charter the __________________ established the framework for a civil government for the Pilgrims.

Mayflower Compact

T/F:_____ Rhode Island remained a renegade colony throughout Roger Williams’ life.


New England’s economy was based on ______________.


The 1215 documents known as the _______________ established many liberties but mostly for the nobility.

Magna Carta

T/F:_____ Slavery existed in Africa long before the first Europeans arrived.


T/F:_____ The “Walking Purchase” refers to the right of Massachusetts settlers to venture beyond the Appalachian Mountains.


Nearly ____________ of early English settlers came as Indentured Servants.


Slavery in ___________ was much more repressive than that found in the Spanish empire.


Columbus first landed in ____________________.

The Caribbean

T/F:_____ King James I believed Tobacco was harmful to one’s health.


T/F:_____ The original Jamestown settlers were all men.


The first Portuguese sailed to Africa in search of ____________.


T/F: _____ Following the Glorious revolution Massachusetts was declared exempt from the Toleration Act.


T/F: _____ Increased connections with Europeans increased the incidents of warfare between Europeans and Native Americans.


_______________ was the single most contributing factor to the decline in Native populations in Spanish America.

Lack of immunity to European diseases