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30 Cards in this Set

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Sexual contact or activity that occurs without consent

sexual assault

the unwanted sexual penetration of the vagina, mouth, or anus by use of force or threat


Commonly held beliefs about rape that are false and which deny and justify male sexual aggression against women

rape myths

The tendency for people to rationalize and excuse inexplicable injustices so as to maintain the idea that the world is fair

"Just world" hypothesis

Forced sexual contact by someone unknown to the victim

stranger rape

Forced sexual contact by someone known to the victim

acquaintance rape

Forced sexual contact that occurs on a date or social engagement

date rape

forced sexual contact by one's spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, or partner

partner rape

The rape of a single victim by a group of assailants

gang rape

A social psychological phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to respond to another person's distress when others are present

Bystander effect

Sexual intercourse with someone who is not a child, but who is below the age of consent

Statutory rape

A drug, such as Rohypnol and GHB, that can be used to assist in the commission of sexual assault

Date rape drug

A device used to give magnified and illuminated view of the vagina and cervix


A genre of hip-hop music characterized by violent and often degrading lyrics

gangsta rap

Inappropriate sexual behavior between a child and an adult

Childhood sex abuse (CSA)

Sexual contact between people who are related by blood or adoption, or stepparents and stepchildren


The incidence of a person repeating a crime or other antisocial behavior patterns after he or she has been punished for or treated to stop the behavior

Recidivism rate

The informational name for the laws in the U.S. regarding registration and public notification about sex offenders

Megan's law

A pattern of abusive behaviors by one or more partners in an intimate relationship

Intimate partner violence (IPV)

Includes slapping, beating, kicking, threats with an object or weapon, and murder

Physical abuse

Sexual actions or words that are unwanted by and/or harmful to another person

Sexual violence

Includes behavior that is intended to humiliate or intimidate one's partner, and may take the form of verbal aggression or humiliation, threats of abandonment or abuse, isolation or confinement to the home, and destruction of objects

Psychological abuse

Includes such acts as denial of funds, food, or access to health care or employment

Economic abuse

The murder of a (usually female) member of the family where the murderers (usually male member of the family) believe the victim to have brought dishonor upon the family.

Honor killing

Unwanted sexual attention that interferes with an individual's basic right to employment or education

Sexual harassment

When compliance with unwanted sexual advances is required as a condition of employment or advancement

Quid pro quo

When persistent and inappropriate behaviors make the workplace offensive or unbearable

Hostile environment

A form of sexual harassment in education that involves sexually degrading or sexist remarks and behaviors

Gender harassment

Inappropriate and offensive sexual comments, behaviors, and advances

Unwanted sexual attention

The promise of reward in return for sex or the treat of punishment for withholding sex, and forceful physical attempts at sexaul contact

Sexual bribery and imposition