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72 Cards in this Set

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-two small glands that secret testosterone and produce sperm
-located outside the body in scrotum
-an external skin sac, which holds the testes
-regulates the temperature of the testes (3-5 degrees below body temperature)
-the muscle contracts, bringing the sac close to the body for warmth
-if temp. rises, the muscle relaxes, moving the testes away from the heat of body
How are testes formed?
formed just below the kidney in the abdomen of the fetus
-they move into the scrotum before birth
Undescended testicle
condition in which the testicle (testes) doesn't fall into the scrotum
-if left abdomen, they degenerate and may become cancerous
Testicular cancer
nodules on the testes
is the removal of testes
Iguinal Hernia
condition in which a piece of small intestines gets pushed through the opening of scrotum
-thin, long coiled tube attached to the upper surface of each testes that store sperm
Vas Deferens
-tube that carries sperm from testes
-lead from the epididymus to the seminal vesicle
What is vas deferens the site of?
-cutting and tying of vas deferens
Seminal Vesicle
add a sugary fluid to semen (increases sperm's mobility)
-located near the base of urinary bladder
Prostrate Gland
-gland that surround the neck of urethra
-produce a chemical fluid to semen that further aids in sperm mobility
Common site of cancer for men/women
Women: cervix

Men: Prostrate
Cowper's gland
-tiny pea-shaped gland located below the prostrate gland
-secretes the pre-ejaculatory fluid
-cause pregnancy because it sometimes contains sperm cells
-located outside of body in front of scrotum
-consists of urethra, surrounded by muscle and erectile tissue causing blood vessels
-Foreskin covers the tip of penis
-structures used for sexual intercourse
removal of the foreskin (male)
What four fluids make up semen?
-sugary fluid
-chemical fluid
-pre-ejaculatory fluid
when the semen leaves the penis
First Signs of Puberty for Males/ Females
Females: Menstruation

Males: Nocturnal Emission
-folds of skin covered with hair which protect the area
-also protect the opening of the vagina and clitoria
Nocturnal Emission
"Wet Dream"
-uncontrolled ejaculation during sleep
-tubes that carries the semen from body (males)
What are the external organs called?
-a chemical that regulated growth
What point does a fertilized egg become an embryo?
after 12 weeks
-when the penis becomes engorged with blood and hard`
What's another word for pregnancy?
fluid ejaculated from the penis
-produce milk during lactation to nourish infant
-usually smaller than other (not balanced)
-sites of cysts and tumors (problems)
-primary female reproductive organs located just below the pelvis
-produce egg cells
-produce female sex hormones: Estrogen & Progesterone
-discharges only 400 to 500 ova in a lifetime
mature egg
-the release of egg cell
-occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle which is the 14th day
-This is when a woman's most fertile
Fallopian tubes
-site of fertilization
-connect ovaries with uterus
-passageway for ovum from ovary to uterus
Ectopic pregnancy
when the fertilized egg stays in the fallopian tube and doesn't implant itself itself in the uterus
sperm egg joins egg cell
a girl's first period
How many days does actual menstruation take place?
-5 days
-size of pear
-houses the fetus
-lining that protects the fetus
-a condition in which the lining grows outside the uterus
-neck of uterus
-common site of cancer*
-site of pap smear
-must be able to dilate to 10 cm for vaginal delivery
Pap Smear
a test to detect cervical cancer
-secondary sex characteristics
-period when one develops their reproductive system
-starts at about age 12 of 13
-the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium)
-females begin between ages of 10 and 15
-may be irregular first
-*another word: Birth Canal
-external opening called hymen
-Child Bearing Years: menstruation --> menopause
-contracts during sexual excitement
-Vaginal discharge is normal. It will vary.
-part of vagina
-a thin membrane covering all but central portion of vaginal opening; allow for discharge
-does not remain intact
-can easily and painlessly be stretched by tampons or by participating in sports
Secondary Sex Characteristics
traits or changes that occur that are not directly related to reproduction
Premenstrual Syndrome
a disorder caused by hormonal changes
-Symptoms: anxiety, irritability, bloating, weight gain, depression, mood swings, and fatigue
Toxic Shock Syndrome
-is a rare but serious bacterial infection that affects the immune system and the liver
-can be fatal
-use tampons with the lowest absorbency & change them often
-symptoms: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, red eyes, etc
-see doctor
-most likely to occur in women less than 35
How long is the menstruation cycle?
28 days
Reasons why one would miss their period
-low body fat
-excessive exercise
Symptoms of PMS
-PMS- uncomfortable symptoms that occur prior to menstruation
-menstrual cramps
-breast tenderness
-crying spells
-irritable moods
-craving for sweets or salt
Prenatal Care
care given to a pregnant woman throughout her pregnancy
a cluster of cells that develops between third and eighth week of pregnancy
group of developing cells after about the eighth week of pregnancy
an organ that provides nourishment for the embryo
Umbilical cord
attaches the baby and mom
Amniotic Sac
a sac that protects the fetus from jump or joints
take a sample of amniotic fluid and test for problems the fetus may have specifically mental retardation (ex. down syndrome)
the inability to reproduce for women
What are the 3 ways to test for pregnancy?
1.) Urine test- to detect the presence of HCG, a hormone that is produced when a woman is pregnant
2.) Pelvic Exam- to check the size of the uterus
3.) Blood Test- rarely used because urine tests are simpler to use and just as accurate
Birth and Labor Stages
1.) Fertilization (gestation period has begun)
2.) The fertilized egg implants itself to the endometrium
3.) Cells multiply to form the placenta
4.) In the first 12 weeks, the fertilized egg is an embryo-after 12 weeks, it's a fetus
6.) Pregnancy is in full term (gestation)
7.) Labor: Cervix dilates to 10 cm
8.) The baby is pushed out- then comes the placenta and umbilical cord
Signs of Pregnancy
1.) missed or late period; lighter period than usual
2.) nausea/vomiting
3.) breast tenderness
5.) fatigue
6.) Change in appetite
7.) frequent urination
doctor that delivers babie
doctor who specializes in the female reproductive system
What are the two ways to deliver babies?
vaginally and C-section
Sex of baby
identical twins- one fertilied egg that split in half
fraternal twins- 2 eggs and 2 sperm
pushing the placenta out
Premature Birth
before 38 weeks
Breach birth
butt and feet first; not head
Still Birth
when fetus dies after 20 weeks of pregnancy
-spontaneous abortion
-egg aborts itself