Lab Report
Wednesday 2:00 P.M.
1. Table Control Epinephrine
Righting response (s) 0.66 s 0.25 s
Running speed (cm/s) 11 cm/s 18 cm/s
2. Graphs Figure 1. Figure 1 displays the average amount of time the righting response took in seconds for a control group of cockroaches and a group that had been treated with an injection of epinephrine.
Figure 2. Figure 2 displays the average running speeds in centimeters per second of a control group of cockroaches and a group that had been treated with an injection of epinephrine.
3. Discussion In this experiment, we tested two different groups of cockroaches, a control group and a group that had been treated with an injection of epinephrine, to see how this would affect the righting responses and running speeds of each. In humans, epinephrine is the hormone that is secreted during stress to produce a “fight or flight” response by increasing metabolic rate and cardiovascular function. Adipokinetic hormone produces a similar response in cockroaches since they do not produce epinephrine naturally. This experiment was designed to determine whether epinephrine would produce the same response as adipokinetic hormone does in cockroaches. As you …show more content…
Testosterone is a type of Androgen that is the primary hormone in males.1 It is a type of steroid hormone that stimulates the development of sexual characteristics.2 Testosterone is produced in the male testes by the Leydig cells as well as in the adrenal glands.1,3 Production of this hormone is stimulated by LH, or Luteinizing hormone, which is a type of gonadotropin secreted by the pituitary gland involved in the reproductive system.4 This is what causes testosterone production by the testes.4 When there are high testosterone levels in the bloodstream, a message is sent to the pituitary gland to stop the production of luteinizing hormone which stimulates testosterone production, therefor inhibiting the amounts of testosterone that can be