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111 Cards in this Set

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thrombolytic therapy (contra)
contra: active, uncontrolled bleeding (pt is at risk for bleeding during therapy)
myocardial infarction (nursing action)
assess cardiac enzymes
multiple myeloma (tx)
plasmapheresis (form of hemodialysis, need when pt shows signs of increased serum viscosity), pt must keep well hydrated

multiple myeloma (contra)
CA supplements (excess CA may be an issue)
antineoplastic drugs (se)
diarrhea (low bulk foods like banana are tx for diarrhea) & pt is at risk for hypokalemia w/ diarrhea
pt will have 2 tubes.one in the lower thorax to drain blood & one higher up on the thorax to drain air
nursing priority: promote optimal ventilation including positioning, breathing exercises, & removal of excess secretions b/c respiratory complications are more likely to occur w/ a section of the lung removed. monitor for sob & restlessness which can suggest development of internal bleeding
drug combo: antibiotics & chemo (se)
constipation & leukopenia is common se w/ this drug combo
excessive bleeding is an emergency

fatigue is normal. persistent h/a is not an emergency but should be investigated
acute leukemia
s/s: fatigue, anemia, enlarged spleen & enlarged liver
lymphedema (complication prevention in pts who had modified radical mastectomy
caused by accumulation of lymph in the tissues & may be a result of obstructedlymph vessels

skin breaks is a primary cause of lymphedema, avoid things like trimming cuticles especially on affected side
metastatic osteogenic sarcoma
generally begins in distal femur, proximal tibia or humerus
purpose is to shrink tumor mass

no spicy foods, at risk for infection, dental floss may irritate gums & contribute to stomatitis or introduce infection, avoid action that may cause irritation or trauma & lead to bleeding. admin antiemetics prior to chemo if experiencing nausea r/t chemo. adequate fluids before, during & after are important to dilute drug levels that stimulate vomiting

se: constipation

pt w/ severe stomatitis should rinse mouth w/ baking soda in water to promote healing w/o posing any other problems & is soothing (pt should not be using a toothbrush at all & no dentures or alcohol–based mouthwash)

increased risk of dehydration. myelosuppression (depressed bone marrow function) is common leading to risk for infection (indicated by elevated temp & bleeding). watch for signs of heart failure which can indicate toxicity

males will experience either temp or permanent sterility following chemo
colorectal CA
middle aged adults. hx of ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis & polyps have been implicated in malignant changes

reduce risk: fruits & vegetables (especially cruciferious vegetables) are recommended to decrease risk of colorectal CA. (steaming preserves nutrients & does not introduce carcinogens). foods containing animal fat & red meat should be avoided. grilling or broiling could introduce carcinogens

dx: guaiac stool tests, digital rectal exam & sigmoidoscopy. CEA antigen (unreliable, can also be elevated in inflammation & other diseases), CEA titer less than 5ng is norm, > 10 must be investigated

tx: sx, radiation & chemo. 3 out of 4 could be saved by early dx
brain tumors
localized intracranial lesion that occupies space in skull. secondary brain tumors develop from metastasized structures outside the brain & occur in 20%–40% of all CA pts. higher w/ age & slightly higher in men

gliomas: common neoplasm. very likely to cause seizures
pituitary adenomas: symptoms caused as result of pressure on adjacent structures
angiomas: mass of abnormal bold vessels
acoustic neuromas: tumor of 8th cranial nerve
meningiomas: common benign encapsulated tumor on meninges. slow growing, more often in middle age women
colostomy (teaching)
buttermilk, yogurt, spinach, & parsley can decrease odors from the ostomy pouch.

cucumbers cause formation of gas & associated odors from the ostomy pouch
CA pts experiencing anorexia
instruct pt to rinse mouth to redue unpleasant taste sensation & stimulate appetite
sigmoid colostomy, large intestines
solid feces, teach ways to minimize odor w/ drainage, regularity may be achieved through irrigation or allowing natural evacuation
colostomy, small intestines
drainage contains significant digestive enzymes
external radiation therapy
skin irritation can be a problem, rinsing w/ weak saltwater is a good precaution against infection, pt is at risk for bruising & bleeding
ca cells traveling in the bloodstream is one of the primary mechanisms of metastasis
stimulate production of T–lymphocytes as part of CA tx

it is a therapy w/ biologic response markers (BRMs) that is based on restoration of body's natural defenses (immune response)

herbal preps not recommended for those on BRMs
monoclonal anitobdies
a specific type of biologic response modifier (BRM) that protects the normal cells
bone marrow transplant
replaces damaged cells
malignant melanoma
genetic factors are most associated w/ malignant melanoma
actinic keratosis
some actinic keratosis lesions do eventually transform into squamous cell carcinoma. does not have a genetic component
platelet count (norm)
reddness at entry site of central venous catheter
may indicate beginning of an infection
cervical ca TXed w/ applicator containing radioactive elements
provide low–residue diet to limit bowel movements which decreases risk of dislodgment. pt on internal radiation will be put on total bed rest w/ a urinary cath
wt gain is a temporary se, should be given early in the day, mod salt restriction is good, K intake should be increased for a child taking prednisone
distance, time, shielding
key principle to protect again radiation exposure

the greater the distance from radiation source, the less exposure to ionizing rays
the less time spent providing care, the less radiation exposure
source of radiation determines if lead shield is necessary to provide care
CA of the bladder
more common in men. occur after 50

hematuria w/o dysuria is most common symptoms/s: intermittent hematuria, clots in urine, pain after voiding, bladder irritability, nocturia, dribbling & urinary fx

dx: cystoscopy & biopsy

tx: cystoscope resection if tumor is well localized, radical cystectomy & urethrectomy w/ permanent ill conduit (male impotence & permanent sterility)
steroid hormones
pt should decrease intake of NA b/c fluid retention is often a problem
vincristine (oncovin)
chemo drug

neuropathy (numbness & decreased reflexes), & alopecia are expected se
se of CA
hypercalcemia, constipation, & fluid retention
alkylating agents
busulfan, carboplatin, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, etc.

chemo drug that prevents DNA replication.react w/ DNA to inhibit cell division/growth

se: n&v, hemorrhagic cystitis & renal toxicity
pt w/ lung ca who develops superior vena cava syndrome
monitor neurological status which can be compromised by increased intracranial pressure & lack of o2 as a result of superior vena cava syndrome
super vena cava syndrome (nursing care)
monitor for dysphagia which is a clinical manifestation of edema associated. position pt based on facilitating breathing to improve comfort & decrease anxiety
stage IV adenocarcinoma
indicates tumor has metastasized, gas exchange b/c impaired as cancerous tissues increase
tumor lysis syndrome
arises when contents of cells destroyed by chemo or radiation are released into the body causing electrolyte imbalances.

increasing fluids assists kidneys in flushing the material
pt needs best nutritional content possible. small, frequent meals often work best to maintain wt
lost chord club
support group of those who have had laryngectomies (removal of larynx including vocal chords)
abdominal–perineal resection for rectal CA
sidelying position in bed is resting position that is least likely to be uncomfortable or irritating while surgical wound is healing
wilm's tumor
palpation of abd may cause CA cells to migrate into nearby or even distant sites
radical prostatectomy
impotence is expected
a penile prosthesis can enable pt to achieve erection
multiple myeloma
dx test: serum electrophoresis reveals excessive bence jones proteins

hypercalcemia is a common complication b/c breakdown of bone releases calcium into bloodstream. maintaining hydration is important to help prevent hypercalcemia
nitrites & nitrates (cause risk of...)
associated w/ increased risk of CA
ileal conduit
appliance most typically last 3–7 days w/ leakage, should be changed before it leaks. to modify opening in skin barrier, open to a max of 1.6mm or 1/8inch larger than stoma

skin barrier between pts skin & appliance protects against infection & excoriation around stoma. tape is used around skin barrier but never directly on pouch
colostomy sx
return of norm fecal output may take several days following sx. in 3–6 days colostomy will begin to function
dark red or black coloring of stoma may indicate infection
edema at stoma site & small amount of drainage from stoma is norm postSX finding
leg pain resulting from obstruction of blood vessels

intermittent claudication: pain in legs, edema & hair loss

ABI <1.0 indicates possible claudication of peripheral arteries. used to assess degree of stenosis of peripheral arteries
causes person to be more susceptible to CA
pts w/ genetic abnormalities are several times more susceptible
radiation therapy (diet)
high protein, high carb & low residue

it affects gi tract, diet should be highly nutritious but not irritating
distant metastasis of a neuroblastoma
indicated by periorbital edema & exophthalmus
low absolute neutrophil count

greatest risk is infection
wash area w/ mild soap & PAT dry to prevent skin breakdown

pouch opening should be trimmed 0.3cm (1/8 inch) larger than stoma

drainage bag should be emptied when 1/3 – 1/4 full. drainage pouch may not be needed if pt is able to learn an irrigation routine for emptying colon
unilateral modified radical mastectomy
elevation of arm on affected side relieves pain after mastectomy
risk for infection (entry sites)
oral cavity, IV sites & perineum
combo chemo
uses drugs that target diff phases of cell cycle or have diff chemical action to increase the # of cells destroyed
internal radiation therapy (visitors)
no pregnant women! visitors must remain 6 feet from source of radiation
lung CA
most puts have advanced stage before they b/c symptomatic

tumor marker commonly present is carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
cuffed endotracheal tube
inflated cuff prevents aspiration of gastric contents
excess tidal volume
causes too much CO2 to be blown off causing respiratory alkalosis
color of mucous membranes
great indicator of pt's oxygenation status
process for antibiotic therapy for serious infection
culture infected site
while waiting, admin antibiotic known to tx common organisms
susceptibility testing done when causative organism is IDed
admin narrow spectrum antibiotic
sigh mechanism
delivers a RXed # of sighs per hour to mimic normal respirations to prevent atelectasis
4 major types of CA
carcinoma: from epithelial tissue
sarcoma: from connective tissue
lymphoma: from lymphoid tissue
leukemia: blood–forming cells in bone marrow
gardasil vaccine
HPV prevention
sealed radiation source implant
pt emits radiation but body fluids are not radioactive
hodgkin's lymphoma
more prevalent in men in early 20's and after age 50

coughing, dysphagia, dyspnea, enlargement fo cervical lymph node, fatigue, generalized pruritis, night sweats, pain in cervical lymph nodes when drinking, unexplained fever & wt loss

confirmed by biopsy w/ presence of reed–sternberg cells
stage 1: single node or single site
stage 2: more than 1 node, localized to single organ on same side of diaphragm
stage 3: involves lymph nodes on both sides of diaphragm
stage 4: diffuse involvement w/ disease disseminated in organs & tissues

prognosis is good if detected early

tx: stage 1 or 2 high does radiation above diaphragm. stage 3 & 4 chemo & radiation below diaphragm and possibly sx to remove spleen
platiniol (cisplatin)
chemo med. can cause renal damage, admin bolus of fluid before & after to ensure meds is flushed through renal system
bone CA & calcium
hypercalcemia is common in those w/ bone CA
when bag is empty & waiting for another admin D10W to prevent complications from sudden lack of glucose

place pt in L lateral decubitus position to displace air emboli away from R ventricle
doxorubicin (adriamycin)
antineoplastic/antibiotic. can cause cardiotoxicity shown through changes in ECG & congestive heart failure.
bone marrow aspiration
usually done by physician w/ specimens obtained from sternum or iliac crest
dryness of mouth from variety of causes
CA w/ familial tendencies
breast, colon, lung, ovarian & prostate
CA (risk factors)
hormonal risks: birth control or hormone replacement therapy, early menarche, late menopause, 1st pregnancy after 30 yrs

non hormonal risks: family fx, lack of regular exercise, postmenopausal obesity, increased use of alcohol, working night shift, older than 65, no full –term pregnancies, never breastfed, higher socioeconomic status, jewish heritage & 2 or more 1st degree relatives w/ breast CA at early age
bone marrow depression r/t chemo. w/in 7–10 days after tx, pt is extremely susceptible to infection
breast self–exam

perform monthly bse from age 20–39 & women older than 40 should have annual breast exam by healthcare provider & annual mammogram
7 warning signs of CA
change in bowel or bladder habits (unintentional wt loss), sore that does not heal, unusual bleeding or discharge, thickening or lump, indigestion or difficulty in swallowing, obvious change in wart or mole & nagging cough or hoarseness
CA & angeogenesis
new vessels supply tumor w/ nutrients & o2
breast CA
commonly metastasizes to lung, liver, bone (pt may suffer pathological fractures), kidneys, brain & adrenal glands

s/s: lump or mass, change in breast size or symmetry, thickening, dimpling of skin, unusual nipple discharge

tx: depending on stage of disease. lumpectomy, modified radical mastectomy, radical mastectomy, chemo or radiation, hormone ablation (good for younger b/c they have more estrogen to feed it)

post–sx: bse should include examination of chest wall where breast was removed
implies worsened prognosis & increase mortality
external radiation therapy
tx is given 5 days a week for 5 mins each for several weeks

exact markings are critical to limit damage to healthy tissues during tx
bone marrow transplant prep for leukemia
pt will receive total body irradiation to ensure tx to all areas
brachytherapy/internal radiation therapy
utilizes sealed radioactive sources through internal implant. this direct therapy allows relatively high does of radiation to be admin over short period of time directed at tumor and surrounding tissues receive minimal radiation

limit amount of time in contact w/ pt. assess skin for signs of reaction (redness, erythema & desquamation especially in skin folds like axilla & groin
decrease of wbc in blood. pt is at risk for infection. WASH HAND!!
bone marrow harvesting
occurs in OR under general anesthesia
consequences of graft rejection follow bone marrow transplant
pt will die w/o another transplant
early signs of leukemia
pallor, joint pain & fever
deficiency of platelets in blood causing bleeding into tissues, bruising & slow blood clotting following injury
pt is likely to have burning in mouth, pain w/ swallowing & open lesions on the lips

tx: magic mouth wash, avoid citrus foods, nystatin, carafate, lidocaine, sometimes yeast will grow from tx
renal cell carcinoma
nurse must monitor for capillary leak syndrome r/t to interleukin therapy for CA. manifested by generalized edema, decreased urine output & hypotension
filgrastim (neupogen)
stimulates production of WBCs & decreases risk of infection. pt will experience skeletal pain so admin analgesics prn
may cause fatal or life–theatening neuropsychiatric disorder. pt must be monitored for depression & if present d/c drug
erythropoietin (procrit)
helps reduce anemia–associated symptoms of chemo by stimulating RBC production

erythropoietin: hormone produced by kidney necessary for erythropoiesis & glycoprotein produced by kidney that stimulates RBC production
cetuximab (erbitux)
monoclonal antibody that can be useful in tx of non–hodgkin's lymphoma, metastatic breast CA, leukemia & metastatic colorectal CA
naloxon (narcan)
opioid antagonist
pantazocine (talwin)
opioid agonist–antagonist

decreases opioid abuse & alleviates mod pain
RXed to assist in detox & mntr those w/ drug addiction
morphine sulfate
common se: constipation & pruritus
ae: respiratory depression
nalbuphine (nubain)
may cause hypotension w/ position changes
respiratory depression
morphine sulfate

respiratory rate may decrease, causing hypoventilation allowing build up of CO2 which causes cerebral vasodilation & increasing intracranial pressure
opioid agents
morphine, hydromorphone (dilaudid), hydrocodone, codeine, oxycodone, etc.

respiratory depression, urinary retention
most common SE: nausea & gastric irritation. take w/ meals
CA pts (mortality rate)
Native AM have lowest mortality rate
African Am have highest mortality rate
autologous bone marrow transplant
use of pets own bone marrow from disease– free tissue & frozen
allogenic bone marrow transplant
harvested from healthy donor (histocompatible donor)
ability for cells to grow new capillaries to supply nutritional needs
antitumor antibioitics
adriamycin, bleomycin, dactinomycin, daunorubicin, mithromycin, mitomycin, mitoxantrone

interferes w/ DNA dependent RNA synthesis & bind with DNA to block cell growth

se: cardiac toxicity
casal cell epithelioma
common in blond, fair skinned, caucasian males after 40 years old. prolonged sun exposure is largest risk factor. lesions usually in face (small, smooth, pink, translucent papillose that progress to firm raised bordered lesions w depressed centers)