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14 Cards in this Set

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Social Definition?

Ability to communicate with others and maintain relationships with family and friends

Communication and relationships

Physical Definition?

Ability to maintain a body to perform daily activities without fatigue, and to recognize that our behaviors have an impact on our habits and wellness

Maintaining our body and behaviors

Emotional Definition?

Ability to understand, ourselves and cope with challenges life brings us also to acknowledge and share feelings in-an productive manner

Understanding ourselves to cope and sharing feelings

Career Definition?

Ability to get personal fulfillment from your job or career, and to contribute to society in a positive manner

Personal fulfillment and to contribute to society

Intellectual definition?

Ability to open your mind to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to personal decisions, group interactions, and personal well-being

personal decisions, group interactions, and personal well-being

Environmental definition?

Ability to make our home communities and school environment better


Spiritual definition?

Discovering the purpose in life


Social example

Social etiquette: chewing with your mouth open

Physical example

Proper nutrition

Emotional example

Feeling empathy

Career example

Balancing work and play

Intellectual example

Learning new things

Environmental example


Spiritual example

Taking time to enjoy life