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21 Cards in this Set

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Self employed duties


Where reasonably practicable are not to be exposed to risks to the health


Where breach of legislation is due to the act of another person, they shall be guilty and may be charged accordingly

Offences committed by others


Where breach of legislation can be found and can be proved to have consent of any director, manager, supervisor, they can be charged

Offences committed by the body corporate


It is the accused to prove they met the requirements

Onus if proof

Employers duties to employees


It shall be the duty of every employee to ensure, SFRP, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees


The provision and maintenance of plant and safe systems of work that are, SFRP, safe and without risk to health


Arrangement for ensuring, SFRP, safety and absence of risk to health in conjunction with the use, handling, transporting, storing articles and substances


The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure SFRP the health and safety at work of their employees


SFRP as regards any place of work under the employers control, that maintenance of it in its condition that is safe and without risk to health and the provision and maintenance of access to and egress from places of work without such risks


The provision and maintenance of a working environment for the employees, that is reasonably practicable, safe, without risks to health and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work


Prepare and keep an up to date after policy by including information on the organisation and arrangements for carrying out the policy


Recognised trade unions have the right to appoint safety representatives from amongst the employees to represent them in consultations with the employee as in 2.6.


Employers must consult with safety representatives with a view of making and maintaining arrangements which enable them and their employees to cooperate effectively in promoting and developing measures


It shall be the duty of every employee to establish, if requested by the safety committee mentioned in 2.4, a safety committee to keep under review measures for health and safety


duties of employers and self employed to people other than their employees

A. Not to expose them to risk

B. To give information about risks which may affect them

Employers duties( to persons not his employee)


Duties of persons concerned with premises other than their employees

Premises used by people but not employees. Must provide safe premises, plant and substances

Control of premises


General Duties of persons in control of premises in relation to harmful emissions into the atmosphere


Manufacturers, designers, suppliers, imports, installers

Ensure that articles and substances are as safe and without risk as it is reasonably practicable.

Manufacturers, designers, suppliers, importers, installers


Duties of employees at work

Employees duties

A. To take reasonable care for themselves and others that may be affected by their actions

B. To cooperate with the employer or others to enable them to carry out their duties

Employees duties


. Do not misuse or interfere with provisions provided in regards to health and safety.

Other duties

No persons to interfere with or misuse anything provided to secure health and safety

Other duties


Duty not to charge employees for things done or provisions

Employees cannot be charged for anything done or provided to comply with legal obligations. Eg PPE cost