It would also be part of my responsibilities to make employees aware of any employee assistance programs they may need, what safety procedures they must adhere to while on the job. This awareness can be raised through various avenues like seminars, presentations, or distribution of written leaflets. Health and safety issues should be among the top priorities of any personnel manager as as Dresang says these issues are a matter of “public policy adns of agency productivity.” (2009, p. 251) Employers that recognize the benefits and the valuable nature of providing programs and policies to safeguard their workers makes tends to make them attractive for potential employees and able to retain their already established talent.…
These ensure the safety of Adults and children alike. They state that all employees have the responsibility to maintain health and safety by, †̃taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of any person who might be affected by their acts or omissions at…
1.1 Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are practiced in the setting. Primary legislation: Health and safety at work act: Everyone in the organisation is required to: 1. Report any Hazards 2. Follow the school's Safety Policy 3. Make sure their actions do not harm themselves or others 4.…
Employees must work with the employer along with their other colleagues to assist everyone meet the necessary legal requirements. You must also “not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.” (Your health, your safety A brief guide for workers, 2013). As an employee, if you have enquiries or concerns which are related to your health and safety in your workplace you can talk to your employer or a health and safety.…
Introduction The case, Comcast Corporation v. Federal Communication Commission and Steinbach v. Village of Forest Park discusses important aspects of utilizing the Internet for business and potential technology and privacy concerns. The Internet is growing rapidly. A growing concern to manage the growth and reliability of the Internet is net neutrality. It is important to understand how it can be regulated by the Federal Communication Commission and what authority Internet service providers maintain. As electronic communications are now becoming a staple in individuals and businesses daily operation, it is vital to understand the potential privacy concern of utilizing email.…
Post 9/11 Privacy Prior the terrorist events that took place on September 11 (9/11), privacy was of minimal concern to most people. Of course they were concerned about identity theft and credit scores, but that paled in comparison to the fear that was generated by events on 9/11, which opened the gateway for new levels of privacy encroachments and examination that many are not comfortable with in their day-to-day lives. Ultimately, the argument comes down to whether people are for or against privacy loss in the wake of an ever-increasing terror threat. As Solove (2008) describes it in his article many individuals have chosen to accept an infringement on their privacy rights in order to be secure in the threat to terrorist activities.…
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) exists to bring about fair wages for employees in the private sector and government construction positions (SHRM, 2016). The 1930’s were hard times when the government had to hire people to work on construction projects due to the lack of jobs. The government, with President Franklin Roosevelt, instituted a number of “statutes” for the New Deal programs (Legal Dictionary, 2016). Before 1938 however, employees did not have the protection as employees do today.…
“Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn't be the price we accept for just getting on the Internet,” stated Gary Kovacs the president of several software companies (Kovacs). However, since the implementation of the Patriot Act in 2001, the loss of American privacy is one of the many results of the new set of revised laws that have been rewritten to give the government more freedom in observing our electronic fingerprint (“Surveillance Under the Patriot Act”). In their hurry to act on the tragedy of 9/11, Congress passed the Act a mere 45 days of the event, with little to no debate. The result of it’s ratification, was a drastic change in the surveillance laws and restrictions of the federal government (“End Mass Surveillance Under the Patriot…
OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and was created to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing the employers training, outreach, education, and assistance (UNITED). OSHA is an agency of the United States Department of Labor and it was created by Congress under the Occupational Safety and Health Act and President Richard M. Nixon signed it on December 29, 1970. The priority for making sure occupational safety and health concerns were not like they used to be when these laws first started. These standards and safety protocols are taken much more serious now and OSHA makes sure it is a big priority in companies today. On, January 17, 1972,…
It is up to employers to determine whether to classify an employee as exempt or nonexempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The key considerations of this classification are exempt workers are not eligible for overtime pay rather they are paid for the job they do, not the hours they worked. Nonexempt employees are covered by the FLSA’s minimum wage and overtime pay laws. An employee who is paid on an hourly basis is usually considered to be nonexempt, regardless of the hourly rate paid. Employees commonly classified as nonexempt include clerical, maintenance, construction, mechanics, and semiskilled workers, as well as technicians and laborers.…
Throughout time laws have come and gone. Many different generations have seen acts that were once considered criminal turn legal, and vice versa. One law that has fluctuated in consistency and rule since 1938 is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA is in place to protect workers and is regulated by the United States Department of Labor (DOL). The FLSA encompasses several aspects of the work force that require regulation, including child labor, minimum wage, and overtime pay (Cheeseman, 454).…
FACTS: David Nosal was a self-employed entrepreneur who opened a business mimicking his former employer Korn/Ferry’s business strategy. Korn/ Ferry operated an executive search firm, which employed several workers, who were given access to the company computer systems with the use of log in credentials. This granted employees access to critical business information, such as names and contact information for clients and others. Nosal, now a direct competitor of Korn/Ferry, asked some of Korn/Ferry employees to use their computer privileges, to access and obtain pertinent information, then supply the information to him in order to gain a competitive edge. Further, Korn/Ferry had a previously established policy in place, which prevented employees…
Ethics paper: Privacy in the workplace Technological advancements in the way we communicate have opened the door to new privacy issues and concerns in the workplace for both employers and employees. Most employees are not aware that their computers terminals, telephone conversations, voice and emails, and their movements are being recorded and viewed without their consent. The ability for employers to monitor employees through these electronic surveillance methods without their knowledge is morally wrong and unethical. Unfortunately, there is not much employees can do because federal regulations protecting employee privacy rights are lax. This loophole has empowered employers to take full advantage of this unregulated law.…
Employees should have the right to a reasonable amount of privacy “A co-worker who was changing light bulbs, one day in October, 1995, stumbled on the camera, lying on a newly installed shelf near the ceiling. He pulled the tape from it and watched the video with Nelson, who was shocked to see herself changing clothes” (Lewis 20). Gail Nelson was a secretary at Salem State College in the Small Business Development Center. She choked, when she saw a videotape in which she was changing her clothes. Not even she, nobody will tolerate these type of violation of privacy.…