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160 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 themes of geographic science?

Location, region, human-earth relationships, movement and place.

From the 5 themes, communication and diffusion refer to __________


From the 5 themes, latitude and longitude refer to ____________


From the 5 themes, resource exploitation and hazard perception refer to ____________________

Human-earth relationships

From the 5 themes of geography, your home address us best described as a ______________


The development of hypotheses for testing and prediction

Scientific method

Understand the nature and creation of scientific theories (3)

1) Based on several hypotheses

2) Broad in scope because they unify several known facts about the world

3) Based on natural laws (gravity, atomic theory, etc.)

Understand the Earth in terms of open and closed systems (3)

Earth represents a vast integrated system

Open system in terms of energy (rays from sun incoming and rays coming from the earth going out)

Closed system in terms of matter

Define system equilibrium

Balance of inputs and outputs

Define steady state equilibrium

Small fluctuations about an average condition

Define dynamic equilibrium

Small fluctuations about an average condition that changes gradually over time.

The carbon dioxide that is being added to the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels is an example of an _______ variable to the atmosphere and an ________ variable from the lithosphere.

Input; output

Define biotic & abiotic

Living systems, nonliving systems (3)

Earth's circumference is greatest around the ________


Science that specifically attempts to determine Earth's shape and size by surveys and mathematics.


How can the position of the sun and stars assist navigation?

Determining latitude

An angular distance measured east or west of a prime meridian from the center of Earth is termed:


How far north you live from the equator is measured as your _______ whereas an imaginary line marking all those places at the same distance north of the equator is called a _______

Latitude, parallel

The basis for defining the length of a day is the fact that Earth ______

Rotates once on its axis in 24 hours or 15 degrees of longitude per hour

The Meridian opposite of Earth's prime meridian (zero degrees longitude) is called the ________

International Date Line

Define latitude

The angular distance measured north or south of the Equator

The most extreme northern and southern parallels to experience perpendicular rays of the Sun at local noon are located at

23.5 ° north and south otherwise known as the tropics of Cancer (N) and Capricorn (S) = 47° total = tropics.

Define longitude

Longitude is an angular distance measured east or west of a prime meridian

What is the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer?

23.5 ° North

What is the latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn?

23.5° South

What are the three characteristics of meridian's

1 all meridians are the same length

2 they are used to measure east to west angular distances

3 they comprise half circles

The practice of setting time ahead or behind during the year out of coordination with the sun is called

Daylight saving time

Define cartography

Cartography is the science of making Maps

Define a great circle

A great circle is a circle of circumference whose Center coincides with the center of the Earth

Understand great and Small circles

Following great circles represents the shortest flight path because of the Coriolis effect and the Arc of the Earth

small circles only occur on the latitude parallels and diminish and length in the center as they travel north or south from the equator

The larger the scale of a map the _______ the area covered by the map and the _______ detail it provides

Smaller, more

Define equivalence

The property of equal area in relation to reality on a map

Define conformality

The property of true shape in relation to reality on a map

On the Mercator Projection, areas at high latitudes appear _______

Larger than areas of the same size located nearer to the equator

In plotting true magnetic compass readings or rhumb lines between two points which map projection is generally used?

Mercator Projection

The change in the proportional size of features at high latitudes on a Mercator map occurs because

Meridian lines are stretched apart at high latitudes compared to reality where they meet at the poles

Name the three fundamental classes of map projections

Cylindrical, planar, conical

What is an example of a well-known cylindrical map projection

Mercator Projection

On a topographic map _______ denotes all points at the same elevation

Contour line

Cite several uses of global positioning system or GPS units

1 recently found the correct height of Mount Everest to be 8850 meters or 29035 feet

2 show your location accurate to 100 meters

3 used in Precision agriculture

4 used by surveyors in the military

Define remote sensing

Remote sensing is the monitoring of a distant object without physical contact

What is a common example of an active remote sensing device


Understand capabilities of a geographic information system 4

1 production of specialized Maps suited to the needs of specific users 2 rapid production of maps based on continuously updated information

3 analysis of spatial information

4 creation of data overlay showing the spatial relationships between variables

True or false latitude is easily determined using celestial objects whereas longitude is not easily calculated in such a manner and requires time-keeping devices


Coordinated universal time is the present name for World Standard Time true or false


The Prime Meridian and the 180th Meridian are opposite halves of the same great circle true or false


In order for shape to be preserved on a map the parallels and meridians must intersect at right angles true or false


Maps that are intended to show special distributions should be based on projections that minimize area Distortion rather than shape Distortion true or false


A circular surface area when drawn on a map designed to preserve area might appear as an oval true or false


A landsat or weather satellite image is an example of passive remote sensing true or false


Define system

Any ordered interrelated set of objects and attributes as distinct from their surrounding environment

Define model

Represents an idealized apart of the real world greatly simplified

Name Earth's four systems

Atmosphere hydrosphere lithosphere ecosphere

What are the three methods of expressing scale on maps

Written graphic representative fraction

Geography is a _______ science and the part of geography that involves mapmaking is _______

Spatial cartography

How does the sun produce energy

Through Fusion processes

4 things about the Milky Way galaxy

Spiral-shaped Galaxy, it is one of millions of galaxies in the universe, it contains approximately 300 billion stars, our solar system is on a trailing edge of the Milky Way galaxy

How did the Sun and Earth form

From a nebula of dust and gases

What is the speed of light in kilometers per second and in miles per second

300000 kilometers per second or 186,000 miles per second

The plane of Earth's orbit about the sun is called _______

The plane of the ecliptic

What is the process by which energy is produced inside of stars

Hydrogen is fused together to form helium

What is not a consequence of the solar wind

The creation of Earth's magnetosphere

What creates the Aurora Borealis

The solar wind

Define insolation

Intercepted solar radiation

Where is the solar constant measured at

Thermopause, the edge of the Earth's atmosphere

What causes the uneven distribution of insolation by latitude

Earth's sphericity, which presents varied angles to parallel solar rays

Define subsolar point

The name of the location on the surface of Earth that receives insolation when the sun's rays are perpendicular to the surface

On the Northern hemisphere's summer solstice the North Pole region receives _______ daily insolation than areas near the equator because _______

More, the sun does not set

The sun's declination migrates through _______ degrees

47 degrees around the equator

The people living at 40 degrees north or south latitude experience _______ hours difference in day length from winter to summer


At all times during the year the circle of Illumination divides Earth between equal _______

Equal halves of lightness and darkness

Define Sun's altitude

The angular height of the sun above the horizon

What does Earth's revolution determine

The timing of seasons and length of the year

Which way does the Earth rotate

From west to east

What parallel designates the farthest Northern subsolar point during the year

Tropic of Cancer

What day has equal day and nights everywhere on Earth

March 21st

The longest days of the year in the northern hemisphere are experienced during the _______

Time that the sun is directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer

Where is the Tropic of Capricorn located

23.5 degrees south latitude

How many hours of day and night are on an equinox


The longest days of the year in the southern hemisphere are experienced during the northern hemisphere's _______

Winter solstice

Explain the relationship of latitude to Dawn and Twilight

The duration of both increases with increasing latitude

What is the air in the troposphere made of

A mixture of gases that behaves as if it were a single gas

Based on composition the atmosphere is divided into _______

2 Broad classifications homosphere and heterosphere

Define homosphere

The region of the atmosphere that is so evenly mixed that it behaves as if it were a single gas

Define heterosphere

The layer of the atmosphere in which the gases are poorly mixed because of the influence of gravity which causes gases of different weight to separate into layers

What are the gases in the atmosphere

Nitrogen and oxygen

Which of these gases listed below has accumulated in the atmosphere as a result of biological processes argon oxygen nitrogen or water vapor


Understand the key points about carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 4

One it is critically important in regulating the temperature of the Planet 2 it is a natural product of life processes 3 it occurs in small amounts in the atmosphere compared to the important role it plays in the life processes and in regulating the temperature of the planet for the amount of carbon dioxide has increased as a result of human activities

Where does the atmospheric portion of the biosphere occur in

The troposphere

Define refraction

When light passes from one medium to another refraction occurs a process that is important to the formation of rainbows and separating light into its different colors or Spectrum

Because of the process known as _______ the Sun appears above the Horizon _______ it has actually risen

Refraction before

Define Albedo

The reflective quality of a surface

If the surface of the Earth were to suddenly turn white the temperature of the planet would _______ because _______ insolation would be absorbed

Decrease less

An increase in the earth's Albedo would _______

Cool the planet

Why is the sky blue

The sky is blue because the atmosphere scatters blue light more than any other visible wavelength

Define conduction

Conduction refers to the molecule to molecule transfer of heat energy that diffuses through material

Define convection

A vertical air current that is generated by temperature induced density differences is an example of heat transfer by convection

The relationship between the insulation curve and the air temperature curve on a graph of daily surface energy exhibits what

A lag of several hours between the plotted lines

As the kinetic energy of the air increases what happens to its temperature

The temperature increases

When and where was the lowest temperature recorded on earth to date

Antarctica in July

What is the significance of the minus 273 degrees Celsius or minus 459.4 degrees Fahrenheit

zero degrees absolute temperature

When water evaporates the energy that was used to evaporate the water is stored as _______

As latent heat in the evaporated water

Official temperatures are measured using thermometers placed in shelters that are blank


Based on information discussed earlier in the course you know that seasonal variation in day length _______ with increasing distance from the equator because _______

Increases, Earth's axis is tilted relative to the plane of the ecliptic

Name a fact regarding clouds

They act like insulation and that they have a moderating influence on temperatures

The temperature on a cloudy night is likely to be _______ than those on a clear night all other factors being equal

warmer than

What is the link between evaporation and temperature land vs ocean

Evaporation tends to lower temperatures more over water bodies than Overland

As a result of the characteristics of water cities located near a coast should experience a temperature rain that is _______ than those of cities located in the interior at the same latitude

Smaller than

During summer cities located near the coast are _______ than those in the interior at the same latitude while in the winter they are _______

Cooler, warmer

Understand the link between the Gulf Stream and temperatures in Western Europe

The gulf stream moves north and east

Which of the following would experience the least continentality Central Nevada North Central Asia a tropical island 200 kilometres Inland from the Gulf of Mexico

A tropical island

Identify the regions of the earth that experience the greatest continentality

Large inland areas furthest away from large bodies of water

The highest maximum temperatures on earth occur in interior deserts during July because

Insulation is greater than the other latitudes the skies are cloudless little evaporation occurs just Supply moisture to the atmosphere

The reflective quality of a surface is Squall called Albedo and is expressed as a percentage true-false


High latitudes have a higher Albedo in Winter than do low latitudes true false


The coldest time of year of the Year occurs in December at the time of the winter solstice true false


The energy received in just 35 minutes at the surface of the u.s. exceeds the amount of energy derived from burning fossil fuels in a year true-false


There is as yet no scientific consensus concerning the idea that Earth is warming as a result of human activities true-false


The average annual temperature of a location is controlled primarily by latitude true-false


Clouds moderate temperatures producing lower daily maximums and higher nightly minimums true false


You would expect a tropical island have a high degree of Continental ality true false


The southern hemisphere is dominated by Maritime influences whereas the northern hemisphere is dominated by continentality true false


Heat energy can be transferred through what four ways

Conduction convection advection radiation

Airflow is initiated by the _______

Pressure gradient Force

As air temperature increases the speed of the molecules in a mass of air _______ and the air pressure _______

Increases increases

What basically happens to air due to the pressure gradient Force

It drives air from areas of higher to lower barometric pressure

On a weather map of air pressure what can you infer from a closer spacing of isobars

A steep pressure gradient creating a faster flow of air

The deflection produced by the Coriolis a force is caused by

The fact that Earth's rotation decreases in speed toward the poles

The effect of the Coriolis force is _______ in the upper atmosphere because _______

Enhanced there is less friction

The wind belts used by Mariners to travel from Europe to North America during the days of sailing ships were the

Northeast trades

During the day along the coast the wind tends to blow toward the _______ because _______

Land land Heats more rapidly than water

Which of the following is a benefit of wind power as opposed to other more traditional power sources it does not produce radioactive waste it is renewable it does not produce pollution or acid rain does not require mining

All of the above

Torricelli invented a device used for the measurement of air pressure true-false


Wind speed is measured with a barometer true-false


Winds are named for the direction in which they are blowing not from where they originated true-false


The pressure gradient Force drives air from areas of higher pressure to of lower pressure true-false


The Coriolis force is responsible for the direction water rotates when flowing into a drain true or false


Friction creates a deflection in Wind movements that is always to the right in the northern hemisphere true-false


The forces that control the wind include the pressure gradient Force coriolis force and friction Force true-false


A line connecting points of equal pressure on a weather map is called an isobar true-false


The effect of surface friction extends to a height of about 500 meters or 1640 feet although it may vary with wind speed season time of day and pressure patterns true-false


A primary low pressure area occurs from 20 degrees to 35 degrees north latitude and south latitude true-false


The dynamic secondary pressure areas located around 60 degrees north latitude are subpolar low pressure centers true false


The intertropical Convergence Zone itcz shifts as far north as the Persian Gulf region in July even though it is associated with equatorial circulation true-false


Subtropical high-pressure systems generate both the trade winds and the westerlies true-false


The doldrums are associated with the subtropical pressure belt and the horse latitudes are associated with the equatorial belt true false


In India Monsoon rains come in the winter season true-false


Ocean currents play a relatively small role in regulating climate true-false


Areas in which Gravity Drainage of error occurs would make potentially good sides for wind turbines true-false


In Minnesota a single wind turbine can generate $20,000 of electricity each year true false


The two countries with the most wind power capacity in Europe are Germany and Spain true-false


The global potential for wind energy is enough to meet a little less than half the planet's energy


Wind power is more expensive than nucular or cold energy true false


The El Nino Southern oscillation involves a pool of warm water shifting North and South across the Pacific Ocean true-false


The horizontal motion of air across Earth's surface is called


Wind speed is measured with an


Wind direction is measured with

Wind vane

A descriptive scale useful in visually estimating wins is the traditional

Beaufort wind scale

Name the four forces that shape the speed and direction of winds

Gravity pressure gradient Force coriolis Force friction


The greater range between max & min tempt on both a daily & yearly basis in areas inland or distant from other large water bodies