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7 Cards in this Set

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The process of a society, an institution, a system, etc. being gradually destroyed

Economic/moral/urban decay.

The decay of the old industrie


Making it easy, possible or likely for something to happen

The soft lights and music were conducive to a relaxed atmosphere.

That kind of jealous behaviour isn't conducive to having a healthy, strong relationship.


Very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and organized

To explain or describe something in a more detailed way

An elaborate computer system.

She had prepared a very elaborate meal.

She went on to elaborate her argument.

He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons.

Be better off doing s.th

Students are far better off having studied in a different country

He’d be better off starting with something simpler.


Very much,great degree

Far better,far easier

The new system is far better than the old one.

There are a far greater number of women working in Tv than twenty years ago.

Their personality is snubbed

He was not invited to the party, and felt snubbed.

I tried to be friendly, but she snubbed me completely.

Withdraw into someone shell

To become shy and stop talking to people

If anyone speak to her,she would withdraw into her shell