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27 Cards in this Set

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The process by which sensory receptor neurons detect info and transmit it to the brain


The interpretation of sensory input; recognizing, understanding, and knowing


Learning to be bored with a stimulus


The length of time the infant spends looking at 2 stimuli

Preferential Looking

The focusing of perception and cognition on something in particular


Developmental disorder with problems focusing, impulsivity & hyperactivity


The process of adjusting to the demands of the environment


The process by which we interpret new experiences in terms of existing schemes


The process of modifying existing schemes to better fit new experiences


Use of symbols such as words, images, or actions to represent or stand for objects and experiences; representational thought

Symbolic Capacity

The recognition that certain properties of an object r substance do not change when its appearance is altered in some superficial way


The tendency to focus on only one aspect of a problem


The tendency to view the world from the person's own perspective and fail to recognize that others may have different points of view


The gap between what a learner can accomplish independently and what she can accomplish with the guidance and encouragement of a more skilled partner

Zone of proximal development

The more skilled person gives structured help to a less skilled learner but gradually reduces the help as the less skilled learner becomes more competent


Non-declarative memory that occurs unintentionally and w/o consciousness or awareness

Implicit Memory

Type of memory that includes procedural and autobiographical memories

Implicit Memory

Memory that involves consciously recollecting the past

Explicit Memory

Type of memory that includes episodic and _?_ memories

Explicit Memory

Organized clusters of knowledge and information about particular topics


The inability to remember events and experiences that occurred during the first 2 or 3 years of life

childhood amnesia

Test designed for infants and toddlers ages 1 month to 42 months, includes motor scale, mental scale, behavior rating scale, etc.

Bayley Scales of Infant Development

Theory that says intelligence is divided into three categories: Analytic, Creative, and Practical

Triarchic Theory of Intelligence (Sternberg)

Who created the Theory of Multiple Intelligences?

Howard Gardner

Ingredients of Creativity

Originality, Fluency, Flexibility

The notion that impoverished environments inhibit intellectual growth and these effects accumulate over time

Cumulative-Deficit Hypothesis

The rise in average IQ scores in the 21st Century

Flynn Effect