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62 Cards in this Set

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Potentially hazardous foods provide conditions favorable for bacterial growth (TF)


Shellfish tags must be kept with the product and then filed away for how long?

90 days

The acronym FIFO means

First in, first out ... first step dates

To show that it is wholesome, meat inspected by the US department of Arg will have the

USDA inspection stamp

The temperature danger zone for food is between... at this temp range harmful bac...

40 and 140 F ... reproduce

In refridgerator, raw food products should be stored

below cooked food ... this prevent cross contamination

List three defects which will cause canned food to be rejected

1. large dents

2. bloating

3. holes (rusted)

What kind of thermometer should be used?

Digital or metal

Fresh shell eggs should be stored in a refrigerator at or below

45 degrees

All food items must be stored at least

6 inch from floor

Cold temps slow down the growth of bacteria (T/F)


People, both food workers and customers, pose the greatest risk to food safety (T/F)


Under favorable growth conditions, bacteria will double every

20-30 minutes

List three situations when hands mushed me washed

1. raw meats

2. bathroom

3. garbage

All food service establishments must have hand-wash sinks within each

food prep station, kitchen, and must provide running hot and cold water, soap, and towels/dryer

Bacteria commonly found on the surface of raw chicken


Piece of metal in food is an

Physical hazard

Clostridium Perfringens is associated with

foods in deep pots

We can control Clostridium Perfringens by

active cooling and reheating meat dishes

Home canned foods cannot be used in because of


Smoked fish must be stored at

38 degrees

control growths of Microorganism called

clostriudium botulinum

The disease ____ is commonly associated with under cooked pork


Pork should be cooked at a min temp of

155 F

When using raw shell eggs in a food that will not be cooked or will only be cooked lightly, we should use ______ eggs instead.


Foods contaiminated by harmful microorganisms always have a change apperance (T/F)


The proper safe holding temps for potentially hazardous food is

41 below for colds food

140 or above hot foods

When cooling hot foods in a refrigerator they must be:

covered after being cooled

Refrigerated foods that will be served hot must be rapidly reheated to 165 F using

a stove or oven

when Bacteria from a raw food get into a cooked or ready-to-eat food, this is called

cross contamination

The correct cooking temp for poultry stuffed meat and stuffing is

165 F

Thick foods cool faster in

small amount and small containers

It is good practice to make cold salads with ingredients that were prev. chilled (T/F)


On a buffet table, maintaining proper food temp is a equally as imp. as having a proper sneeze graud (T/F)


An air break is necessary in the waste line of the:

potwash and culinary sinks

It is good practice to thaw frozen foods by leaving them out on the kitchen counter (T/F)


When handling food that have already been cooked and are ready to be eaten we must use

gloves, tongs, wax paper

To ensure that any food contact surface is safe to use, it must be washed rinsed, and

air dried

Three common injuries are

slip/fall, burn, cut

What causes muscle strains and sprains

over stretching, awkward reaching

Who should be give access to facility food areas:

cooks, contractors

Store knives in ____ to prevent cuts

knife rack. designated draw or rack

Is it acceptable to use pesticides in food est. by food workers as long as label directions are followed (t/f)


The three key strategies of integrated pest management are to starve them, build them out, and destory them (T/F)


Trans fat in foods raises HDL, increasing the risk of heart disease (T/F)


List four foods that contain trans fat

fried, cookies, pre mixed ing, salad dressing

Danger Zone



Bacteria Doubles

1 oz/ 1 gal

buck/spray bottle

50 ppm

ratio for sanitizing dishes

165 degrees


140 degrees

maintain food

90 days

shellfish tags

4 inches

depth of defrosting pan

more than 19 seats needs

a bathroom

6 lbs

cut large meats to that size to cool

4 hours

to cool from 70-41


smoked fish

0 degrees

to store frozen food

155 degrees



cook all other foods

158 degrees

ground meat