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17 Cards in this Set

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List the 3 main requirements for a successful underwater detection system

1. Good penetration (active) or sensitivity (passive)

2. High Resolution

3. High data rate

List the 2 primary modes of Sonobuoy operation



List the 4 characteristics of a Lofargram

1. Time

2. Frequency

3. Intensity

4. Direction

Define the Doppler effect

The apparent change in frequency due to relative motion between a source and a receiver

What is DSCPA?

Doppler Shift Closest Point of Approach

What are the 6 pieces of information that can be gained from CPA?

1. Depth

2. Range

3. Bearing

4. F0

5. Track

6. Speed

How to calculate Submarine speed using CPA

List the 2 types of diesel engines

2 stroke

4 stroke

Define Crankshaft Rate (CSR)

The number of times the crankshaft rotates in 1 second (Hz)

Define Cylinder Firing Rate (CFR)

The number of times an individual cylinder fires in 1 second (Hz)

Define Engine Firing Rate (EFR)

The number of times the engine fires in 1 second (CFR x No. Of Cylinders) (Hz)

Define Engine RPM (ERPM)

The number of times the Crankshaft rotates in 1 minute (CSR x 60)

Useful Equations

List Characteristics of DIFAR Sonobuoy

List the Characteristics of DICASS Sonobuoys

List the Characteristics of Bathy Sonobuoys

Explain the Sonobuoy deployment pattern