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Pectoral Girdle- Consists of two bones: Anterior clavicle and posterior scapula. Attaches upper limbs to axial skeleton and serves as a point for muscle attachment.

Clavicle- Collarbone; Lies horizontally, slender doubly curved bone. Medially it attaches with manubrium of the sternum. Laterally it attaches with the acromial, point of the shoulder. There is also a groove on the posteroinferior surface called the conoid tubercle.

Acromion of the Clavicle

Acromion of the Clavicle

Scapula- Shoulder blades; flat, triangular shaped bone.

Spine of Scapula- ridge that connects the acromion to scapula

Acromion of Scapula- point of shoulder attaching to scapula; enlarged rough end of the spine of scapula. Connects with the Clavicle

Coracoid Process of scapula- attachment site for muscles of the neck. Found on the lateral edge of the superior anterior portion of scapula.

Glenoid Cavity of Scapula- a shallow socket that receives the head, proximal epiphysis, of the humerus.



Humerus- Long bone of the upper arm.



Head of Humerus- The rounded proximal epiphysis of the humerus. Articulates with the glenoid cavity of Scapula.

Greater Tubercle of Humerus- The larger lateral prominence on proximal epiphysis; connects with the inferior coracoid process

Lesser Tubercle of Humerus- The medial prominence on proximal epiphysis

Capitulum- The lateral condyle, spool-like knuckle, on the distal end of humerus; articulates with the radius of the forearm.

Trochlea- The larger medial condyle on the distal end of humerus; articulates with the ulna.

Radial Fossa- Depression lateral to the coronoid fossa on the distal epiphysis of the humerus; receives the head of the radius when the elbow is flexed.

Coronoid Fossa- Depression medial to the radial fossa on the distal epiphysis of the humerus; Receives the coronoid process of the ulna at flexion.

Olecranon Fossa- Depression on the posterior surface of the distal epiphysis of the humerus; articulates with the olecranon process of the ulna

Radius- is the lateral bone in the forearm; runs parallel to ulna.

Radial Tuberosity- Medial aspect of the shaft, Site of attachment for the tendons of the bicep muscles

Radial Head- Disc-shaped proximal epiphysis; articulates with the capitulum of the the humerus.

Styloid Process of Radius- a projection of bone on the lateral surface of the distal epiphysis; serves as a point for muscle attachment.

Ulna- The medial bone of the forearm.

Olecranon Process of Ulna- The point of the elbow on proximal side.

Coronoid Process- Triangular protrusion of the anterior portion proximal epiphysis.

Trochlear Notch- Semilunar notch; large depression in the proximal epiphysis of the ulna; articulates with the Trochlea of the Humerus.

Radial Notch- Small notch on lateral side of coronoid process; articulates with the head of the radius.

Styloid Process of the Ulna- A projection of bone on the distal epiphysis, attachment point for ligaments of the wrist.

Carpals- wrist bones; 8 bones- 2 rows of 4 bones. Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate.

She looks too pretty try to catch her.

Scaphoid- Distal row; 1st from thumb; articulates with the distal end of radius

Lunate- Distal row; 2nd from thumb; articulates with the distal end of radius.

Triquetrum- Triangular bone; Distal row; 3rd from thumb

Pisiform- Distal row; 4th from thumb.

Trapezium- Proximal row; 1st from thumb

Trapezoid- Proximal row; 2nd from thumb

Capitate- proximal row; 3rd from thumb

Hamate- Proximal row; 4th from thumb

Metacarpals- Bones of the palm; Numbered I-V from the thumb to the pinky; Form the knuckles and the palm.

Phalanges- Bones of the fingers; composed of 14 bones; Numbered I-V starting from the thumb.

Proximal Phalanges- Base phalange region; Numbered I-V;

Middle Phalanges- Middle region; Numbered II-V; nonexistent on thumb

Distal Phalanges- Bones of the fingertips; Numbered I-V

Pelvic Girdle- Forms joints between two coxal (hip) bones and the sacrum.

Ilium- Large flared bone; forms the major portion of the coxal bone; hipbone; Between ilia and sacrum.

Iliac Crest- Superior margin of Ilium; where you rest your hands on your hips.

Ischium- Inferior and posterior aspect of sacrum; the sit down bone;

Ischial Spine- Superior to the ischial tuberosity; ridge between the Greater Sciatic notch and lesser Sciatic notch.

Greater Sciatic Notch- Allows nerves and vessels to pass through to the thigh; sciatic nerve passes through this notch; larger margin superior to ischial spine.



Lesser Schiatic Notch- Allows nerves and vessels to pass through to the thigh; smaller notch inferior to the ischial spine.

Pubis Bone- Female: shallow and wide; Male: Upright and long

Pubis Bone- Female: shallow and wide; Male: Upright and long


Pubic Symphysis- Anterior cartilaginous joint where hip bones join;

Acetabulum- Where the ilium, ischium, and pubis fuse at the deep hemispherical socket; articulates with the head of the femur.

Obturator Foramen- Hole that allows for blood vessels and nerves to pass through the pubis.


Femur- Thigh bone; the only bone in the upper thigh.


Fovea Capitis- pit of the head; small ligament runs to acetabulum


Neck- Inferior to the Neck; a flattened process of bone connecting the femoral head and the femoral shaft.


Greater Trochanter- Larger junction of the shaft and neck; directly lateral and slightly posterior.


Lesser Trochanter- Smaller junction; Inferior and posterior base of the neck of the femur.




Patellar Surface- Distal epiphysis pit; forms the patella anteriorly


Medial Condyle of Femur- Larger more medial protrusion on the distal epiphysis on the femur.


Lateral Condyle of Femur- Smaller lateral protrusion on distal epiphysis.


Patella- Triangular sesamoid bone enclosed in the quadriceps tendon that secures the anterior thigh muscles to the tibia.


Tibia- Shin Bone; larger more medial bone.


Medial condyle of the Tibia- proximal epiphysis; articulates with the patella


Lateral Condyle of the Tibia- Proximal epiphysis; articulates with the patella.


Tibial Tuberosity- Roughened protrusion on the anterior tibial surface; inferior to condyle; attachment of patellar ligament


Anterior Border- Shin; anterior surface of the tibia; sharpened ridge unprotected by muscles.


Medial Malleolus- Anklebone; distal epiphysis of the tibia's process- bulge of the ankle.


Fibula- parallel to tibia; no part in forming the knee


Tarsals- 7 tarsal bones; bones of the foot


Calcaneous- Heal of the foot; posterior bone of the foot.


Talus- Articulates with tibia; proximal to calcaneous


Navicular- anterior and inferior to talus; Same side as the big toe- medial bone.


Cuboid- Bone 4th from the Big Toe; closest to the pinky toe side.


Lateral Cuneiform- 3rd from the Big Toe; distal to metatarsals


Intermediate Cuneiform- 2nd from Big Toe; Distal to metatarsals


Medial Cuneiform- Lines up with the Big Toe; distal to metatarsal


Metatarsals- Bones of the feet; numbered I-V; from hallux to pinky toes


Phalanges- Toe bones; Proximal Phalanges- closest to the feet number I-V; Middle phalanges- numbered II-V; distal phalanges- numbered I-V