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62 Cards in this Set

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The removal of metabolic waste from the body

Metabolic waste

This consists of waste substances that may be toxic or are produced in excess by the reactions inside cells


The removal of undigested food by the process of defecation

These substances have never been in cells and so cannot be excreted


The removal of the amine group from an amino acid to produce ammonia

What are the two main substances that need to be excreted?

Carbon dioxide from respiration

Nitrogen-containing compounds such as urea (this is produced in the liver from excess amino acids)

Where is carbon dioxide excreted?

Carbon dioxide is passed from the cells of respiring tissues into the bloodstream

It is transported in the blood to the lungs

In the lungs the carbon dioxide diffuses into the alveoli to be excreted as we breathe out

Where is urea excreted?

Urea is produced by breaking down excess amino acids in the liver (deamination)

The urea is then passed into the bloodstream to be transported (in a solution dissolved in the plasma) to the kidneys

In the kidneys the urea is removed from the blood to become a part of urine

This is stored in the bladder before being excreted via the urethra

Why must carbon dioxide be removed?

Excess carbon dioxide is toxic

1. Most carbon dioxide is carried in the blood as hydrogencarbonate ions, this also produces hydrogen ions - these compete with oxygen to combine with haemoglobin so too much carbon dioxide can reduce oxygen transport

2. Carbon dioxide also combines directly with haemoglobin to form carbaminohaemoglobin - this molecule has a lower affinity for oxygen than normal haemoglobin

3.Excess carbon dioxide can also cause respiratory acidosis

Respiratory acidosis

A condition that occurs when the lungs cannot remove all the carbon dioxide the body produces

What causes respiratory acidosis?

It's the result of high carbon dioxide levels in the blood

Carbon dioxide dissolves in the watery plasma and reacts to form the acid carbonic acid

The carbonic acid dissociates to release hydrogen ions, which make the blood acidic

Why must nitrogenous compounds be removed?

The body cannot store proteins or amino acids, however amino acids contain almost as much energy as carbohydrates

They're transported to the liver and the potentially toxic amino group is removed - this initially forms ammonia

This is converted into urea which can then be transported to the kidneys for excretion

Hepatic portal vein
An unusual blood vessel that has capillaries at both ends - it carries blood from the digestive system to the liver
Liver cells (hepatocytes)

Appear to be relatively unspecialised

They have a cuboidal shape with many microvilli

They have many metabolic functions - protein synthesis, transformation, storage of carbohydrates, synthesis of cholesterol and bile salts, and detoxification

This means that their cytoplasm must be very dense and is specialised in the amounts of certain organelles it contains

Kupffer cells

Specialised macrophages

They move about within the sinusoids and are involved in the breakdown and recycling of old RBCs

One of the waste products from the breakdown of haemoglobin
What are the different veins, arteries and ducts connected to the liver?

Hepatic artery - supplies liver with oxygenated blood from the heart

Hepatic vein - takes deoxygenated blood away from the liver

Hepatic portal vein - brings blood from the duodenum and ileum (parts of the small intestine)

Bile duct - takes bile to the gall bladder to be stored

Liver lobules

Cylindrical structures made of cells called hepatoctyes

Each lobule has a central vein in the middle that connects to the hepatic vein


A excretory product formed from the breakdown of excess amino acids

A toxic substance that can damage cells

It's broken down by the liver into ethanal, which is then broken down into a less harmful substance called acetic acid

Excess alcohol over a long period of time can lead to cirrhosis of the liver - this is when the cells of the liver die and scar tissue blocks blood flow


A common painkiller that's broken down by the liver

Excess paracetamol in the blood can lead to liver and kidney failure


A hormone that controls blood glucose concentration

Insulin is also broken down by the liver as excess insulin can cause problems with blood sugar levels

The ornithine cycle

The process in which ammonia is converted to urea

It occurs partly in the cytosol and partly in mitochondria, as ATP is used

The conversion of toxic molecules to less toxic or non-toxic molecules

How do the kidneys excrete waste products?

(an overview)

Blood enters the kidney through the renal artery and then passes through the capillaries in the cortex of the kidneys

As blood passes through the capillaries, substances are filtered out of the blood and into long tubules that surround the capillaries (ultrafiltration)

Useful substances are reabsorbed back into the blood from the tubules in the medulla (selective reabsorption)

The remaining unwanted substances pass along the tubules, then along the ureter to the bladder, where they're expelled as urine

The filtered blood passes out of the kidneys through the renal vein


The functional unit of the kidney

It is a microscopic tubule that receives fluid from the blood capillaries in the cortex and converts this to urine, which drains into the ureter


A fine network of capillaries that increases the local blood pressure to squeeze fluid out of the blood

It is surrounded by a cup- or funnel-shaped capsule (Bowman's capsule) which collects the fluid and leads into the nephron

Selective reabsorption
Useful substances are reabsorbed from the nephron into the bloodstream while other excretory substances remain in the nephron
What four parts is the nephron divided into?

Proximal convoluted tubule

Distal convoluted tubule

Loop of Henle

Collecting duct

Why are nephrons convoluted?
To increase the length for greater surface area for absorption
Why are there many capillaries around each nephron?
So that materials reabsorbed from the fluid in the tubule can re-enter the blood
Afferent vessels
Bring blood into the organ
Efferent vessels
Carry blood away from the organ

The filtration at a molecular level - as in the glomerulus where large molecules and cells are left in the blood and smaller molecules pass into the Bowman's capsule

Specialised cells that make up the inner lining of the Bowman's capsule
Microscopic folds of the plasma membrane that increase the surface area of the cell
Co-transporter proteins
Proteins in the plasma membrane that allow the facilitated diffusion of simple ions to be accompanied by transport of a larger molecule such as glucose
How does reabsorption occur?

The sodium-potassium pumps remove sodium ions from the cells lining the proximal convoluted tubule - this reduces the concentration of sodium ions in the cell cytoplasm

Sodium ions are transported into the cell along with glucose or amino acid molecules by facilitated diffusion

As the glucose and amino acid concentrations rise inside the cell, these substances are able to diffuse out of the opposite side of the cell into the tissue fluid - this process may be enhanced by active removal of glucose and amino acids from the cells

From the tissue fluid these substances diffuse into the blood and are carried away

Reabsorption of salts, glucose and amino acids reduces the water potential in the cells and increases the water potential in the tubule fluid

This means the water will enter the cells and then be reabsorbed into the blood by osmosis

Larger molecules will be reabsorbed by endocytosis

What is the arrangement of the loop of Henle?

Hairpin countercurrent multiplier

Hairpin countercurrent multiplier

The arrangement of a tubule in a sharp hairpin so that one part of the tubule passes close to another part of the tubule with the fluid flowing in opposite directions

This allows exchange between the contents and can be used to create a very high concentration of solutes


The control and regulation of the water potential of the blood and body fluids

In humans the kidney controls the water potential of the blood

Distal convoluted tubule

The coiled portion of the nephron between the loop of Henle and the collecting duct

Why does the water potential become higher as the fluid descends deeper into the medulla?

At the base of the tubule, sodium and chloride ions diffuse out of the tubule into the tissue fluid

Higher up the tubule, sodium and chloride ions are actively transported out into the tissue fluid

The wall of the ascending limb is impermeable to water, so water cannot leave the tubule

The fluid loses salts but not water as it moves up the ascending limb

Why is it important for terrestrial mammals to reabsorb as much water as possible?

Terrestrial mammals gain water by eating and drinking

They lose water through sweat, exhaling, excretion and egestion

It is important not to lose more water than necessary, as it may not be readily available

Suggest why beavers have short loops of Henle

Beavers live beside or in water

Water is readily available and they do not need to conserve it so much

Antidiuretic hormone

This is released from the pituitary gland and acts on the collecting ducts in the kidneys to increase their reabsorption of water


The receptor cells that monitor the water potential of blood

If the blood has a low water potential then water is moved out of the osmoreceptor cells by osmosis, causing them to shrink

This causes stimulation of the neurosecretory cells


Part of the brain which contains neurosecretory cells and various receptors that monitor the blood

Neurosecretory cells

These are specialised cells that act like nerve cells but release a hormone into the blood

ADH is manufactured in the cell body and passes down the axon to be stored in the terminal bulb

If an action potential passes down the axon then ADH is released from the terminal bulb

Posterior pituitary gland

The hind part of the pituitary gland, which releases ADH

How is the concentration of ADH in the blood adjusted?

The water potential of the blood is monitored by osmoreceptorsin the hypothalamus of the brain

These cells probably respond to the effects of osmosis

When the water potential of the blood is low the osmoreceptor cells lose water by osmosis

This causes them to shrink and stimulate neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus

ADH is produced and flows down the axon to the terminal bulb in the posterior pituitary gland - it's stored there until needed

When the neurosecretory cells are stimulated they send action potentials down the axons and cause the release of ADH

ADH enters the blood capillaries running through the posterior pituitary gland

It is transported arounded the body and acts on the cells of the collecting ducts

Once the water potential of the blood ruses again, less ADH is released

ADH is slowly broken down - it has a half life of about 20 minutes


The use of a partially permeable membrane to filter the blood

Dialysis membrane

A partially permeable membrane that separates the dialysis fluid from the patient's blood in a dialysis machine

Dialysis fluid

A complex solution that matches the composition of body fluids


Blood is taken from a vein and passed through a dialysis machine so that exchange can occur across an artificial partially permeable membrane

Peritoneal dialysis

Dialysis fluid is pumped into the body cavity so that exchange can occur across the peritoneal membrane

Human chronic gonadotrophin

A hormone released by human embryos - its presence in the mother's urine confirms pregnancy

Monoclonal antibodies

They are identical because they have been produced by cells that are clones of one original cell

Anabolic steroids

These are drugs that mimic the action of steroid hormones that increase muscle growth

Gas chromatography

A technique used to separate substance in a gaseous state


A chart produced when substances are separated by movement of a solvent along a permeable material such as paper or gel

Advantages of kidney transplants

Freedom from time-consuming dialysis

Diet is less limited

Feeling better physically

A better quality life

No longer seeing oneself as chronically ill

Disadvantages of kidney transplants

Need immunosuppressants for the life of the kidney

Need major surgery under a general anaesthetic

Risks of surgery include infection, bleeding and damage to surrounding organs

Frequent checks for signs of organ rejection

Side effects