• Filtration – This process happens in the entire nephron system. When blood goes through and into the capillary at the beginning of the nephron, small molecules, such as glucose, urea, ions and water are cleaned out and passed through the nephron tubule. The larger molecules such as blood proteins, cannot fit through the capillary wall as they are too big, therefore they stay in the bloodstream.
• Reabsorption – When the small molecules are cleaned out from the blood, the kidney has to reabsorb the molecules that are important and those molecules that are not important are passed out as urine. As a result, the kidneys selectively reabsorb the molecules that are important to the body, back into the …show more content…
Bases are electrolytes that mix with hydrogen ions.
Hydrogen ions are in the body because of respiration. They can also be made because of oxidation of fatty acids, amino acids that contain sulphur and nucleic acids. The amount of hydrogen ions that in the body can be regulated in many different ways:
Acid base buffer systems are located in body fluids and are chemicals such as the buffer phosphate system and the protein buffer system.
The function of the respiratory system is to regulate the rate and depth of breathing and helps to regulate hydrogen ion concentration.
It is very essential that the body regulates body fluids. An acid is a substance that has certain chemical features such as neutralizing and dissolving metals and an acid is also a substance that gives out hydrogen ions in a solution. Body fluids are maintained within a small range, the usual pH of blood is 7.35 and 7.45. During metabolism acids are repeatedly being created. Many of the systems in the body are work together to the maintain the small pH range in order for the normal function. The systems include buffer, respiratory and renal. Buffer systems work to maintain acid base balance as they neutralise unwanted acids and bases. The kidney and lungs help keep a normal pH by either eliminating or retaining acids or